Feeling like Im all alone in this!!!

Hello my name is Mia. I'm 34 and I am well over 300lbs but I am trying to adapt to a new lifestyle, a new way of eating which is healthy. My goals are to lose weight but it's kinda hard and I need some extra support. Now, I think I may need to chat with people who understand my situation. Now my family was supporting me by giving me some tips and suggestions but that's about it. I guess after a while people just get caught up into their own lives. I have lost some weight but I have a lot more to go. So, I'm basically alone in this at least that's how I feel. HELP!!!


  • yychen01
    yychen01 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey! You can do it! If you are ready to make the change, there will be good days and bad days, but as long as you have more good days than bad, you're in the right direction. I joined a "get fit don't quit" group on facebook and it is extremely helpful to be working toward your goals with a group of ladies. We all start somewhere. :)
  • First of all congratulations toward taking the step towards a new life, this is a great place to meet people and gain support! I've added you as a friend and i hope i can support and inspire you anyway possible.

    Good luck!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Hi Mia. You are definitely not alone in this. Make lots of mfp friends...like me. I log in every day. Cheer you on and look at your diary and comment.
    Send a message any time you need extra support or even a virtual hug.

  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello my name is Mia. I'm 34 and I am well over 300lbs but I am trying to adapt to a new lifestyle, a new way of eating which is healthy. My goals are to lose weight but it's kinda hard and I need some extra support. Now, I think I may need to chat with people who understand my situation. Now my family was supporting me by giving me some tips and suggestions but that's about it. I guess after a while people just get caught up into their own lives. I have lost some weight but I have a lot more to go. So, I'm basically alone in this at least that's how I feel. HELP!!!

    You are not alone I am here .it is not going to be easy but much easier that your fears telling u
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Mia. You are definitely not alone in this. Make lots of mfp friends...like me. I log in every day. Cheer you on and look at your diary and comment.
    Send a message any time you need extra support or even a virtual hug.


    May I have this offer too ?
  • secwife47
    secwife47 Posts: 29 Member
    You are never alone on here. I was also over 300 pounds, im down 40 now. kinda stalled but that is my own doing. Tons of people on here. Some need to drop a lot and some just want to get that last 10 pounds off. Its a hard thing losing weight. It takes will power. And you have got to want it bad. You will find your own "thing" that works for you. Lots of advice on here to help. But I found my own way using a little bit of this and that. Add me as a friend if you like. Im probably old enough to be your mom. But we both have the same goal in mind. I have 3 more months till my daughters wedding and I need to get some more pounds off. Just remember you are worth this. And good luck.
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    One thing I really like to do is look through the Success Stories board once in a while. The stories are amazing and inspiring. Good luck on your journey! You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • JennyJiggle
    JennyJiggle Posts: 46 Member
    You're definitely not alone Mia - posting here is a good place to start as many of us are in the same boat. I too started at well over 300 and have been on the right path for just over 4 months. Please add me if you'd like to chat a bit - always happy to talk to new people :D
  • alexadevyn
    alexadevyn Posts: 26
    You can do this! There is so much support out here ... just do what you did - reach out and get it! Take action and with that you will take control of your weight loss and your life. I don't think it ever gets easier, but the excuses become white noise that you have the power to disregard. Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • dogluvr_2014
    dogluvr_2014 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Mia, My name is Ann. I am also well over 300lbs right now... 324 as of this morning to be exact. I started this program almost 4 weeks ago and so far have lost about 16lbs. I know I have a long journey ahead of me just as you do but I assure you that we can do this. This may be the first time in my life that I have made that statement and truly believed it because this site has made tiny little miracles in my life in just these past few weeks. I come from a family of unhealthy and very overweight people so getting real support from them was never really an option or a reality so I can understand how you feel but I assure you that you are not alone. This site is great for support and encouragement and just a place to vent anytime you feel the need. I doubt there is anything you are feeling or going through that someone or probably most of us can't relate to. I was a junk food junkie and a sugar addict before I started here and don't ask me how or why but the sugar cravings have just disappeared since I started here. Now that I log my food every day and can see the calories and nutrients it has truly changed not only what I eat but how I look at it. In the past I would have just eaten what I wanted and not even cared but now I have hope for the victory I have waited a lifetime to achieve, mainly because I see so many others on here who have done it and are encouraging me in my journey. My goal is to be at or at least pretty close to my goal weight by Christmas of 2015. In the past that would have crushed me to think of having it take that long but now I have a peace about it that I've never had before. You see the truth is Christmas 2015 is going to come one way or the other, I just have to choose do I want to celebrate it as the same fat lady I've been for way too long now or as a thinner, healthier and happier person who can do all the things she's dreamed of doing. I hope this has helped you in some way and please know that you are not alone in this journey. You have lots of friends here, even if you may not have met them all yet. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like or contact me anytime you feel the need or if you just need some inspiration or encouragement. You are a beautiful young woman and I believe in you. God Bless!!! :smile:
  • shadowsofyou
    shadowsofyou Posts: 12 Member
    now I have hope for the victory I have waited a lifetime to achieve, mainly because I see so many others on here who have done it and are encouraging me in my journey. My goal is to be at or at least pretty close to my goal weight by Christmas of 2015. In the past that would have crushed me to think of having it take that long but now I have a peace about it that I've never had before. You see the truth is Christmas 2015 is going to come one way or the other, I just have to choose do I want to celebrate it as the same fat lady I've been for way too long now or as a thinner, healthier and happier person who can do all the things she's dreamed of doing. I hope this has helped you in some way and please know that you are not alone in this journey. You have lots of friends here, even if you may not have met them all yet.

    I don't think I could say it better!!
  • Hi Mia

    i am 16 and i had to use this because i have put loads of weight on in the last 5 to 6 months i was always active but now im not , i kinda know what you are going through , every day i wake up feeling the same with no help , if you try find a sport or activity you like you can loose weight or do baby steps , start off with 5-10 min walks then add more time , after few weeks of walking you could try small jogs to points like every lamp post or street light and then walk , ( run 3 mins walk 2 mins or your own time ) i am trying to use this techneque becuase of what my choosen carrer is and i wont know if this help unless i do it myself and you could try it if you want , but i will be by your side in your mind p.s. just keep trying to say to your self im not giving up i can do it , nothing can stop me , so i can do what i want with your body ,

  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Mia. You are definitely not alone in this. Make lots of mfp friends...like me. I log in every day. Cheer you on and look at your diary and comment.
    Send a message any time you need extra support or even a virtual hug.
