alex6971 Member


  • What do you have MFP set at?
  • Its not healthy to eat that little. From your stats using fitneessfrog your TDEE is 1936 (based on you doing no exercise). This is the amount your body burns just day to day. To lose 1lb per week you need to eat 500 cals a day less so roughly 1436 plus any exercise calories. 1200 is way too low. You body will soon go into…
  • Ive just hit my 50lb target anf thought i's share my experience. I like you tried may diets before and failed until i found MFP. I found that i could eat what i wanted just in moderation and that worked for me. I am not one that likes to be told what I can and cant do. It f there are foods that are forbidden then it just…
  • My advice is dont think about it and just do it. Once a week isnt going to harm anybody, I wouldnt really save your exercise calories as if you are not eating enough in the day your body may go into starvation mode which isnt good. I was alway well over my calories on a Sunday but that was my "treat" day and I ate what i…
  • Thanks for getting back to me. Thought it was a bit much! will give runkeeper a go,
  • Thanks for your reply. What woulkd you type in though circuit training?
  • Exactly!!
  • Me too. I am roughly 173 and wear a 18 although people say I dnt look a 18!!
    in size 18 Comment by alex6971 March 2012
  • What kind of exercise do you log for doing the 30 day shred I have just purchased it and will be doing level 1.
  • I agree with this. Went off the rails last weekend (take a look at my diary) and i was absolutely disgusted when i seen the figures. More focused now.
  • I feel exactly the same as you. Had a rough few days and have overeaten by 1000+ calories for the past 2 days. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
  • Wow me and your wife sound very similar. I too have a severe B12 deficiency which i have B12 injections for every 3 months. I too eat quite alot of foods with B12 but my body just doesnt absorb it in the normal way hence the reason for the injections. Glad you got some answers and you wife starts to feel better soon.
  • I think it works both ways. I am quite new here and posted a topic about something i didnt understand. The way someone responded was as if i was an idiot for asking.
  • Ahhh now i see where MFP has got the figures from. My BMR at sedentary is 1940.76 minus the 500 defecit gives you 1440 that MFP is now giving me. So does this mean i can also eat my exercise cals back on top of the 1440? I am sorry to be a pain but i have suffered an eating disorder in the past and i want to make sure i am…
  • Not sure what this is sorry? Its all a bit scientific for me.
  • 1617.30 is my BMR before i x it by anything. I would say i am lightly active so 1617.30 x 1.375= 2223.7875. So MFP now has given me 1460 to eat as i changed from -2lb a week to -1lb. I am eating too much or not enough?
  • Ive been quit smoking now for nearly 8 month. I gained over 2 stone but i did not have the healthiest of diets. I dont know medically whether it speeds ur metabolism but from experience i always needed the toilet after a *kitten* (if u get what i mean) especially in the morning. My advice to you if you are really serious…
  • Thanks for all the replies guys.
  • I'm slowing trying to cut out the rubbish but feel if i have to give it up totally and will crave it even more.
  • I thought that. Just i have set MFP to lose 1lb a week and now gives me 1440 cals to eat per day. Hopefully i will lose weight with this.
  • This really confuses me too!!!!!! I am same with jacket potatos to. Obviously before cooked it is alot heavier than when cooked. Hope we get an answer!!!!
    in pasta! Comment by alex6971 February 2012
  • Thought it was too good to be true...haha. Never weight it after it was cooked!!!
  • Thanks for all the replies. I could easily drink two 500ml bottles a day but have started limiting myself to one bottle. I do drink alot of water also but enjoy a mouthful of coke every now and again.
  • I can totally sympathise with your wife. I had all the symptoms that you say your wife is experiencing. Hope she gets sorted soon.
  • My doctors treated me for depression first before they dug deeper and realised I had this disorder. I didnt really show alot of symptoms apart from being tired all the time so not sure why they thought o test me. Good luck for tomorrow. Hope your wife gets some answers.
  • I feel you pain. I was diagnosed end of 2008 and since then have gained well over 3 stone (although some of this came with stopping smoking too). I agree with all the other comments that once you get the dosage of medication right then you should be fine. I set off on 50mg of Levothyroxine and am now on 125mg. This seems…
  • I lost 11lbs in the first week but to be honest I originally weighed myself the day after the New Year and also think alot of it was water. I have steadily lost 1-2 pounds per week since then. I am happy with the weight loss but after suffering for an eating disorded before I want to make sure I am eating enough for my…
  • My TDEE is 2216 but to be honest I have no idea what this means!!!!! I have been losing weight but sometimes I feel really hungry.
  • I just dont understand these "cheat days". I am new to MFP so bear with me. My goal is 1200 cals a day so if i reach this goal and dont go over everyday am i allowed a "cheat day"?
  • Worst weeks of my life and still not back to myself 100%. In my opinion it is best to do things naturally as once you stop taking the pills, which you will have to at some point, you will just put the weight back on twice as fast.