Attack of the Newbies



  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    wow. what a way to welcome newbies. I was one to question whether or not to eat my exercise cals....sorry to annoy all of you.....
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    i'm an expert.

    CHECK MY STATS 4lbs lost!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I agree with you to a point. Just because someone just found & joined MFP doesn't mean that they are new to fitness or nutrition. They may expertise and advice that is way beyong being a member of a forum for over a year.

    This and That
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I would get over it.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Most of the newbie issues come down to this:


    There will always be people with bigger mouths than brains. This is independent of newb status also, unfortunately.
    LOL, I love you Liz.
  • mdh1127
    I'm sorry, I've never felt that way. A forum is a place to share ideas, whether you agree with definitions or tips is really up to you. If someone has an incorrect piece of information, chances are the discrepancy will be pointed out and a debate about the topic will be had until some kind of agreement can be found. I don't believe it is new people that are to blame as much as it is uninformed people.... a group that I believe you just made yourself apart of.

    Agreed! I also do not think that someone should be looked down upon for asking a "stupid" question. We are all here for very similar goals.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I agree with you to a point. Just because someone just found & joined MFP doesn't mean that they are new to fitness or nutrition. They may have expertise and advice that is way beyond just being a member of a forum for over a year.

    Quite, but I'll add this: Some "new" people have just made another account, even. I've seen enough "veteran" members giving out stupid advice time and time again, also. One's newness to the site determines nothing other than their unfamiliarity to MFP and its' workings. Some people are serially awful at maintaining their figure/fitness/whatever it is they're trying to do, no matter their time spent doing it, here or elsewhere.

    Fact is, a lot of the fitness/diet thing is a very personal thing. What reacts terribly for one will be just the thing for another and all advice is just speculation to some extent anyway, informed or not.

    The stupid know-it-all attitude and bad advice thing goes hand-in-hand not with newbies, with MFP, but with the internet. Sad, but trueness.

    I agree with both of these statements.
  • alex6971
    alex6971 Posts: 51 Member
    I think it works both ways.

    I am quite new here and posted a topic about something i didnt understand. The way someone responded was as if i was an idiot for asking.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How is this topic related to General Diet and Weight Loss? ....
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    i totally love how this turned out.....
    just saying....
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I completely disagree as this forum topic is based on assumptions. We know the oft-repeated saying about assumptions which I need not repeat.

    First, this forum unfairly targets "newbies" as being misinformed. Who is to say that someone who is new to MFP is automatically new to fitness, nutrition and/or a healthy lifestyle or striving for the same? Many folks come to this site with great experience in these areas. The only thing I would say is that newbies as well as others make better use of the search function as topics come up over and over which have been addressed and answered ad nauseum.

    Second, everyone on this site was once a newbie. Instead of singling out newcomers to the site, it seems more prudent to welcome everyone and make them feel part of this journey we are all supposedly striving on.

    Third, I've noticed a tendency for some regardless of time on the site to "preach" to others that you must do things a certain way or your soul may as well be damned for eternity. I've said it over and over that everyone is not cut from the same sleeve nor does one size fit all. There are so many variables and factors which make everyone's journey different. While some things are common sense and likely apply to all, not everything. Bottom line to this response is respect and inclusion for all.
  • lemonjune
    lemonjune Posts: 37 Member
    I think newbies who have less than 3 months on their account can still know about starvation mode, eating back exercise calories, and knowing the definitions to weight loss terms. :/ What makes them a know it all just because they know these basic things? MFP is designed to be laid out so that people can learn these things quickly. It's not like it takes months to figure this stuff out. Chances are, anyone who's tried to lose weight before has learned a lot about this on their own. It seems like you're jumping to conclusions and just giving all "newbies" who try and give advice a bad name. If they're posting these definitions and bits of advice for other users, doesn't it matter more that they're trying to help other people?
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Even when I was a newbie, I did what I do now: Stick to sarcasm. Always works.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    All I know is I'm good I have....

  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
  • solodancer
    solodancer Posts: 56 Member
    i rarely add to these long threads but this has annoyed me a little, im a well educated person and no quite a lot about nutrition, afterall I have studied many different aspects of the human body for about 5/6 years....i just havent put my knowledge into practice myself, however i do like to pass on what i do no to other people and let them use it as they wish. There are always different things that are recommended, one minute they say this is bad for you then they say its actually quite good for you then they say you need to have it with something else, and not 1 person on this site, myself included, read every single nutritional research article and therefore none of us are experts, even nutrutional 'experts' dont know everything, so anything that is posted on here is personal opinion or what has or hasnt worked for u, or misinformed information, or old information that is no longer considered true as new research has voided it. in my opinion people who have been on mfp for years and years tend to give misguided information as they seem to think that what has worked for them is the only right way to it. as another person has said everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. i think slating newbies like this is a bit out of order whether you were generalising or not, we are all here for one reason and we should all try to help each other rather than makin certain people feel unwelcome or make them think they shouldnt put their opinions across
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    That is a good point that I hadn't really thought of, I just crack up when people say, "Well I joined two weeks ago and I'm doing X diet and I've already lost 7 lbs!" I'm like really? Cause that was probably mostly water weight, not proof your diet works.
    They are just happy to lose any weight! Let them have that! Everyone starts out as a "newbie" but most people here have tried all kinds of things to lose weight. Some people have lost weight before they joined, some have lost weight before and gained and joined, and some are just losing weight for the first time. I look at it this way: if I am asking for advice I want to know any and every piece of advice I can get. You don't know the full story until you know that person. However I do not agree with the people who come on here and attack people that is just plain stupid! But I will say I don't think you should have put this in the newbie section! This just makes it even harder for those new people to get out there and find friends on the site or even to ask a question. I just don't think you should judge anyone. I am not trying to be mean... I just don't agree.
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm just excited that after a year, MFP is going to make me an expert on health and fitness. Do I get some sort of certificate, sucker, a sticker? bwahahahaha!!! :laugh: You really shouldn't let the small things bother you, life is way to short.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Human nature. I don't loose sleep over it.

    Nor do I lose sleep over it.

