

  • You look great, but I can't even see that you are still 192 pounds, You look tiny to stll be 192 pounds. that's crazy!! Keep it up! April
  • i am right at 150 and can't seem to lose anymore, very frustrating! My weight is supposed to be 125-150, well I am right on the top and want to be at least 135. Anyone have any suggestions???
  • It has to do with water retention and sodium(salt intake) IF you have to weigh yourself everyday, write it down every day and on the seventh day add them up and and divide it by 7 and it will give you how much you really lost or gained. I think I said that right!! LOL Our weight goes up and down everyday!!!
  • Sorry but I am in the same spot you are in!! Maybe someone can help us out!!! April
  • My thing is I like to feel full, so eating 3 good meals help me alot. I can't do the 5 small meals. As long as you stay within your daily calorie goal then you should be fine. It's whatever works for you!!:smile:
  • You could be retaining water, the foods you have eaten could have had a lot of sodium, or it could be your monthly cycle. If you are doing sit ups or anything like that for your abs you cold be doing them wrong. I know for along time I was doing my sit ups the wrong way, and can mess up how your muscles form in your…
  • Thanks for the post!! I struggle several times a day with sweets and it is to me one of the hardest things to say no too!! MFP is such an awesome site because you know if you eat that candy bar or whatever it is, you have to write it down and you see the numbers and what you have left for the day and it isn't alot!! Keep…
  • For some reason I can't see it when I am on my home computer but when I use my app on my phone it shows me EVERYTHING it is awesome! Don't know why we can't see it from our home computer!! April
  • My number is 155. I have finally hit 148 and it goes up and down 2 pounds every day. It has taken me since the middle of July, but it is better than nothing. It just takes some of our bodies to get to losing I guess. Just hang in there and keep doing what you are supposed to do and it will work!! Good Luck!! April
  • To me this is more restrictive than counting your calories, but try it and if it works for you than do it. I know for me that is not enough food. I would feel like I was dying on that little of food!! LOL Good luck!! April
  • I am also on a 1200 cal. and I find it hard, where others think it is very easy! I struggle everyday. Weekends are my worst. I have done the shock value thing and I still gain weight when I try that!!I have only lost 6 pounds, and have 15 more to go. If you find what works for you let me know!! Good luck!! April
  • I love the Little Debbie 100 calorie Nutty Bars, the Jello sugar free chocolate pudding, and the vanilla too!!
  • I love the Wild Strawberry, the Rasberry Lemonade. If you like green tea they make it with that in it too, but I don't like green tea! All of them are good though, depends on how picky you are!!!
  • Uhhhhggggg,! Eggs are starting to make me feel sick every time I eat them!! They are so low in carbs though. Now what???
  • All right, lets do this thing! So afraid of failing AGAIN!!!:sad:
  • WOW, it is nice to know that A LOT of people are having the same issue, not that is a good thing, but at least I don't feel like I am the only one!! Keep it up guys, we CAN do this!!
  • Yes, there is a big difference, you should be very proud of your self, I am trying to lose 20 pounds and seems like it will never happen!! Uhhhhh!! You are a beautiful mommy!
  • I love your Bible verse, it is perfect for what we are trying to do, losing weight is such a burden!! Thanks for the encouragement!
  • I have been wanting to buy these video's but didn't know if they work?? DO they?? I am wasting all my money on videos and they get real boring after awhile! Do you guys suggest anymore that are great?? Thank you