Anyone calorie cycling ? Need advice 1200 cals

is there anyone calorie cycling (or zig zagging) when their mfp allowance is 1200? I am trying it this week and have thrown a few days of 1400 in, but not sure what mix to do and if I should thrown in a 1600 day to shock system. Also I'm not counting any exercise cals, should I ?


  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    This website will give you what calories to have each day and i would go with just the fat lost one not the fast weight lost cause the calories are way to low... Hope this helps
  • sippy01
    I am also on a 1200 cal. and I find it hard, where others think it is very easy! I struggle everyday. Weekends are my worst. I have done the shock value thing and I still gain weight when I try that!!I have only lost 6 pounds, and have 15 more to go. If you find what works for you let me know!! Good luck!!
  • AmyJopp
    AmyJopp Posts: 57 Member
    I'm on a 1200 cal as well....I have been on for a little over two months and have lost 26 pounds. I make sure I have a bad day once a week usually on saturdays cause thats when i'm off and eating with the family. I usually go over by 800 calories. depending on what i'm eating even if i dont feel like it I make suer I have that one bad day so your body goes through shock and it makes it easier to lose weight. During the week though, I don't eat my exercise calories.
  • malija81
    I am at 1240... It is tough, I have found cottage cheese and pretzels are filling for me, and low cal high protein.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Not everybody on here will be able to follow such a low calorie diet-it really is borderline starving your body, depending on how much you weigh. You should never dip below this if you can help it. Having 1 or 2 cheat days a week works for some ppl, while others cannot deviate from their calorie goals. You're going to have to play around & see what works best for you!

    Personally, I've found that as long as I keep my calories under 2,000 I will continue to loose weight since that's still a 500 calorie deficit for the day (but that's just right now, that may change once I loose more).
  • Debx12345
    I'm only 5' 2" and 130 pounds so mfp has me down as 1200, but not losing weight, so trying the zig zag/calorie cycling diet just wanted to know if anyone else doing it and what cals they give themselves each day, plus if they still use their exercise cals. Trying to do some days at 1200, some at 1400, and then one 1600 at the weekend.
  • faceman3
    I have been at 1200 calories for about 3 months. I started zig zagging about 1 month and a half ago when I started to plateau. I allow for about 1400-1500 on Thursday and 1600-1700 on Sunday. I starting losing weight again, around 1.5 - 2 lbs a week once I starting doing this. Also I do not include exercise on this site, just staying diligent with my calorie counting. I am 5' 7" started and 203 and am down to 177. Good Luck!
  • Debx12345
    Faceman3 - do you just do the two days of higher cals, then the rest of the week at 1200 ?
  • faceman3
    Yes, exactly