clowermom Member


  • I just did my first run this morning. I downloaded the RunDouble C25K app and loved it! You can sync it online and then later view your route. It logs and keeps track of all your stats. I'm not sure how accurate the calorie burn is. It's probably like all others -- not quite accurate. We all know an HRM is the best measure…
  • Is Brazil Butt Lift heavy on the cardio? 'Cause I only do cardio because I have to. :smile: Plus, I like to keep my workouts under an hour. That's about all the time I can squeeze out for myself, and that's first thing in the morning. If it doesn't get done in the morning, it ain't gettin' done. I'd love another lifting…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom June 2012
  • Today was my final lift in the Lean Phase! I have now completed CLX Burn, Push, and Lean Phases! I'm so stinking proud of myself for sticking with it! I did the Lean Phase on a modified schedule, completing it in 3 weeks this month instead of 4 because of my vacation. (Leaving in 2 days!) I think I'll probably take my 90…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom June 2012
  • Perfect timing on this post! I've been experiencing some of the same feelings and I was pretty sure it was because I'm trying to complete the Lean Phase of CLX in 3 weeks instead of 4. The good news is I'm leaving on a 2 week vacation in 4 days so I'll get that recovery time. Thanks for confirming what I suspected!
  • I actually print out my own calendar with all the Circuits on it -- I usually lift on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Then, I "fill in" the blank days with whatever cardio exercise I did or if it was a rest day. Somedays I rest on Tuesday, some days it's Saturday. I try to listen to my body. If I'm feeling overly tired -- I…
  • I don't generally follow her cool downs. I do my own thing. It always seems like she stays in a runner's lunge way too long. It doesn't seem to me that she does enough cool down on the arms, which is always my most fatigued part, especially in this Lean phase. I do a few leg stretches/cool downs and then move on to arm and…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom June 2012
  • That's very similar to what I do. I use arrows -- up or down. If nothing is there, then the weight was good. I write "K" & "T" for the pushups. And use "L" & "R" when doing left and right side moves. Today I did Lean 3 for the first time. It is my least favorite at this point. Too many dang push ups. But I do love the…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom May 2012
  • I ended up starting the Lean phase on Sunday and have now done Lean 1 & 2. For Lean 1, I tried to use the same weight I had been using during the end of the Push phase. On some exercises, that was barely OK, on others, I needed to step down a couple of pounds -- almost back to what I was using at the end of the Burn phase.…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom May 2012
  • Today, I feel like a rock star! I finished up the Push phase today. And you know what? I used 25 lb weights for the Sumo Squat. That's 50 lbs, people! That's nearly half my body weight! I was so thrilled with myself, it spurred me even harder for the rest of the workout! I used more than 10 pounds on every single exercise.…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom May 2012
  • You guys are scaring me! I have my last workout in the Push phase tomorrow and will be starting Lean on Monday. What are these plank rows that you speak of? I guess I should pop in that DVD and take a look around, maybe psych myself up for it? Got any advice for me? I'll be taking my 60 day measurements on Sunday, and if…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom May 2012
  • I just completed my first Push Circuit 3 today. I will take bowler lunges over single leg sumo squats any day. I just couldn't get the hang of it and I felt completely awkward the entire time. I even paused the DVD to try and get a better "feel" for how I was supposed to stand. Bleck. The bright side is I still have 3 more…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom May 2012
  • My coffee addiction is so bad that I have a pot of coffee chilled in the fridge at all times. My family does NOT want me to run out of coffee! I drink a pot of coffee every day. All day long -- first thing in the morning, last thing at night. Iced coffee with a dash of stevia and a splash of sugar-free chocolate syrup.…
    in Coffee Comment by clowermom May 2012
  • I didn't tell anyone what my goal weight was or how much I wanted to lose. When asked, I would generally reply, "I'm not really sure. I'm focused on healthy eating and exercising right now. I'm not watching the scale." What more could they say? And if they are going to be so rude and push the issue, I would then go into…
  • Today marks the last day in my Burn phase. This last week has been very frustrating for me. I didn't get in as much cardio as I would have liked (only 1 day versus 2 or 3). I look at my log sheet and think I should be going up in weights more. But when I do, my form is terrible. I could go ahead and do 10 reps at a higher…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom April 2012
  • Yes! I felt exactly the same way when I did 30DS. But Jillian and I have broke up. I think because she hates me. But I got the last laugh! I lost quite a few inches and pounds and gained strength that helped when I started lifting weights. For that, I will hold a fond spot for her workouts. She does get results!
  • The Nerd Fitness link above is a fantastic start. You can also do ChaLEAN Extreme. Don't let the name scare you. It's heavy lifting 3 days a week and cardio on 2 days a week. All you need are a set of dumbbell weights or resistance bands. And "heavy lifting" is whatever "heavy" means to you. When I started, 8 pounds was…
  • I really, really, really think you should eat back your calories! It's amazing how many calories you burn lifting weights. Do you have an HRM? If so, log those calories. If not, I used a formula from the New Rules of Lifting for Women to determine how many calories I should eat to lose or maintain (I'm in maintenance) and…
  • Sabra brand Roasted Red Pepper is also good by the spoonful! heehee I spread it on a tortilla and roll it up. It's a great snack. My family thinks I need a hummus intervention. :)
  • Today is my 100th day on MFP. Yay for me!! It was also Week 3, BC2. I increased my weight from 8 lb to 10 lbs on a couple of moves, like BICEP CURLS. I'm so thrilled with myself right now that no one around me can stand me! heehee I actually have visible baby muscles in my arms now! And....the big news....I was FINALLY…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom April 2012
  • I'm 5 foot even (if I stand up really straight!), 43 years old and weigh 103. I'm not trying to lose weight, just maintain or even gain a bit through the development of muscle. I eat 1500 calories a day base. On lifting days (M, W, F) I eat an additional 225 calories. This is based on the formula for NROLFW. On cardio…
  • Today was Week 3 BC1. And while I can look at my log sheet and see that I have increased my weight on almost all exercises, I cannot seem to increase it on anything with a posterior fly! It's so frustrating! I'm still at 5 lbs. (Please don't laugh.) I tried 8 lbs. today, but could only get 4 in before my form got sloppy,…
    in Workouts Comment by clowermom April 2012
  • I wasn't able to do the tricep push ups either. It was SOOO frustrating! It was the only exercise I wasn't able to do. I just completed Week 2, BC2 yesterday and was expressing my frustration to my husband about not being able to do these particular push ups. I asked him if he could do them (knowing full well he could!).…
  • I know Jillian is a hard *kitten* and insists there aren't "modified" versions of certain exercises, but there are! I did the 30DS and had great results, even though I modified many of the exercises to be lower impact. My knees couldn't take the abuse. If you can't take the jumping and butt kicks, do a lower impact…
  • You know what else is really good (although it probably takes the "lo-cal" out) is the spice cake mix with the pumpkin + mini-morsels. Mmmmm! I made these for the holidays. I spent an entire weekend baking and baked over 150 mini-cupcakes for my son's school party. Now I have a craving for these. I think I'll make some for…
  • So I've now completed BC 2 of Week 1 and I have to say -- today went MUCH better than my first day! My weights were more appropriate and I felt like I had worked out. In fact, my arms are burning just a bit as I type this. But this leads me to another question. (Remember, I'm new at this...) I only have dumbbells in 5 lb…
  • I know that it's supposed to be hard, but with it being my first day I really had no idea what weight to start with. Now that I have Day 1 under my belt I feel like I have a better idea of what weight to use on the next workout. It wasn't until the 5 or 6 rep on each exercise that I thought I should have gone heavier. I'm…
  • I did the Shred back in February. I'm slightly embarrassed to tell you that when I started, I couldn't even get through the whole set of jumping jacks without taking a breather. I was SO out of shape. But I stuck with it. I did it every other day, 10 days on each level. It's tough. And I'm sure she was trying to kill me,…
  • I'm in! I started today, Monday 4-2-12. I just finished the first workout about an hour ago. I'm a total newbie at this. :) But....I'm disappointed in my workout. I think maybe I underestimated my weights, so the workout seemed very easy for me. I'll have to use heavier weights on Wednesday. I also think some of my "That's…
  • Oh WOW! I think you've just become a saint in my eyes. You are definitely my favorite person today. I will be cooking these up this weekend for sure! Thank. You!
  • Fruit punch is my favorite. And I'm thrilled that I found the Walmart brand which is $1 cheaper. Drinking the fruit punch makes me feel like a kid again. I keep expecting the giant Kool-Aid dude to burst through my wall.