


  • prettytothinkso
    I just finished up my last day of Push w/ TJ's Fat Blaster - 315 calories.

    Lean phase starts tomorrow! I'm actually kind of happy to put those 35lb kettle bells away for a while. Hopefully next round I'll do better with them. Still can't do push ups on my toes :grumble: Still not giving up :bigsmile:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I'm loving the Lean phase! Did Lean 2 today. 200 calories burned.

    Are you able to do the plank moves. I thought I was going to die doing a plank tricep extension and we have to do a plank row in lean 2. I have to admit that this phase intimidates me a little. How are you doing with it?
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Tonight was Week 2/Push 3. I got my 15 lb weights and used them on all the chest exercises and the sumo squat. My hands and my arms were jelly by the end. Followed up with a 15 minute swim to cool down. Everyone's doing a great job!!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    Are you able to do the plank moves. I thought I was going to die doing a plank tricep extension and we have to do a plank row in lean 2. I have to admit that this phase intimidates me a little. How are you doing with it?

    This one was hard for me, also. I normally had to do it on my knees and take mini breaks. I don't think I ever ever got to 8 or 12 in a row.

    Also looks like I never went up in weight on those.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Lean circuit 2 and I had to stop and start many times during the plank/ row and the one where you lift your opposite leg and arm. WOW I am a sweaty, shaky mess right now.
  • prettytothinkso
    Just finished Lean Circuit 1. 437 calories. Craaaaazy.

    Shaking. Sweating. Panting. :frown:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    Shaking. Sweating. Panting.

    you forgot to add "sexy!"
  • prettytothinkso

    Shaking. Sweating. Panting.

    you forgot to add "sexy!"

    You made me laugh so loud just now! :laugh:
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Oh crap.... and I was thinking that getting out of the Push Phase and heading into the Lean Phase would be "easier"! Apparently it's been too long since I've done this program or I was so traumatized the first time around that I've blocked it from memory.:tongue:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Oh crap.... and I was thinking that getting out of the Push Phase and heading into the Lean Phase would be "easier"! Apparently it's been too long since I've done this program or I was so traumatized the first time around that I've blocked it from memory.:tongue:

    Hahaha!! Must be the later one because I swear I am not even sure how I am getting through this phase at all.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    Shaking. Sweating. Panting.

    you forgot to add "sexy!"

    You made me laugh so loud just now! :laugh:

    only because you know it's true!! ;)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    OMG, I have not worked out for 2 weeks and was in Mexico for 8 days, so getting back to CLX was ROUGH yesterday! My heart rate was higher than normal, I was sweating when I don't sweat much during strength(did Burn 1) workouts. I must have really did a number on my body with all the eating and drinking on vacation. Hope I can make it through a workout today!
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    You guys are scaring me! I have my last workout in the Push phase tomorrow and will be starting Lean on Monday.

    What are these plank rows that you speak of? I guess I should pop in that DVD and take a look around, maybe psych myself up for it?

    Got any advice for me?

    I'll be taking my 60 day measurements on Sunday, and if they're any good, I'll post them. :tongue:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    You guys are scaring me! I have my last workout in the Push phase tomorrow and will be starting Lean on Monday.

    What are these plank rows that you speak of? I guess I should pop in that DVD and take a look around, maybe psych myself up for it?

    Got any advice for me?

    I'll be taking my 60 day measurements on Sunday, and if they're any good, I'll post them. :tongue:

    The only advice I have is push through. It depends on whether watching them will psych you up or psych you out. I really had to make myself do the work out yesterday after watching the video the night before but doing lean 1 with out watching made me completely unprepared. In lean 1 and 2 you get into plank position holding it with one arm and then with the other using weights you either do a row or you do a tricep extension. They suck but rock at the same time. :laugh: :indifferent:
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Finished Round 4 of BC3. Goodbye to all that! BC3 was my least favorite of the Burn Circuits. Tomorrow I may or may not do Burn It Off (lately I've been switching Friday and Sunday as my 2nd off-day). On Saturday I'll take measurements and start Push! I wonder if I should pick up a pair of 20lb dumbbells in anticipation.
  • prettytothinkso
    Finished Round 4 of BC3. Goodbye to all that! BC3 was my least favorite of the Burn Circuits. Tomorrow I may or may not do Burn It Off (lately I've been switching Friday and Sunday as my 2nd off-day). On Saturday I'll take measurements and start Push! I wonder if I should pick up a pair of 20lb dumbbells in anticipation.

    You should :wink:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Lean is the best, but it's the toughest as far as exercises. There are so many combo moves but it really works your core.

    Burn Interval day always made me hungry! lol :)

    and yes, you're probably going to want those bigger weights for push.

    Lean phase EVERY exercise has a breakdown, but not always the same exercise listed.

    Only Lean 1 uses the chair.
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Just finished burn it off and recharge of week 2 push! Can't believe I am half way through the program! I have lost 9 lbs. in the first half. I won't measure until the end of push. I lost over 10 inches during burn. I don't think I am losing as many inches this month. Hoping that when I hit lean, it does exactly that, makes me lean!!! :smile:
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Today, I feel like a rock star!

    I finished up the Push phase today. And you know what? I used 25 lb weights for the Sumo Squat. That's 50 lbs, people! That's nearly half my body weight!

    I was so thrilled with myself, it spurred me even harder for the rest of the workout! I used more than 10 pounds on every single exercise.

    I am very excited about starting Lean on Monday! I watched a bit of Lean 1 so I'm a little prepared for it. Because these are compound moves and you need to fail between 10 - 12 reps, it seem like I will want to go a bit lighter than I did in Push. Right?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Today, I feel like a rock star!

    I finished up the Push phase today. And you know what? I used 25 lb weights for the Sumo Squat. That's 50 lbs, people! That's nearly half my body weight!

    I was so thrilled with myself, it spurred me even harder for the rest of the workout! I used more than 10 pounds on every single exercise.

    I am very excited about starting Lean on Monday! I watched a bit of Lean 1 so I'm a little prepared for it. Because these are compound moves and you need to fail between 10 - 12 reps, it seem like I will want to go a bit lighter than I did in Push. Right?

    I used some of the weights from the END of Push just b/c I felt if I had come that far I didn't want to go back down. However, for MOST of the exercises I did not increase the weight nearly as much. Some not any, some around 2.5lbs (my weights are 2.5 increments).

    And I think i mentioned it but in day 2 of lean you do 2 sets of flys. do the second set with a bit lighter weights so you don't injure yourself trying to rush - she tells you AFTER you're already on your back "oh, and i'm going lighter on this set." dARN it ChaLEnE!!

    prepare for ABS!!