Giniac Member


  • Yeah, from experience people are always either in one camp of the other with the effect a diet drink has on appetite :smile: It's pretty similar for breakfast smoothies too. Some find them filling, others don't feel it touch the sides. I'm the latter for smoothies, I try not to drink my calories, because it's just not as…
  • You could try to explain your point of view from a place of love and care, as this may help him become aware of your point of view. You could focus on making changes yourself through day to day actions, which might peak his interest to change overtime after seeing how you've changed. But, from experience, if someone…
  • One question to ask yourself is - Do you eat when you're bored? If you feel like you do, then using a method called Delay, Distract, Decide might be useful to try out. If you've already had something to eat, and you're feeling like you want something, you're more than likely not hungry, your mind is just not being…
  • It might be worth tracking some other measurements alongside your weight, especially with the exercise classes you're attending. This will also help reduce the sole focus being on just the scales. Measurements you can take: Hips, Waist, Legs, Arms Also, it might be useful to record the weights you're using in the…
  • I agree. If you do go over there'll be people on your friends list that will support you and get you back on track tomorrow.
  • Sent you request :smile:
  • Bumps it the top of the board. It's one of them internet terms :laugh: And when someone posts in a topic it shows up on their profile so by commenting it keeps a tab on this thread so they can come back to it later on (I assume that's what people are doing) :smile:
  • Can't edit the post, and didn't spot that in the text. As stated at the beginning - this is from another webpage and not my work. No offence was intended, as I didn't see this before posting it.
  • No-one fancy taking on the challenge of making this?
  • I've just done some more research into nuts and their benefits. I was wrong. :blushing: Nuts are good are a good source of healthy fats, so if you like nuts, go for them and follow what's been said. Also for the fish, try to get oily ones. They'll also be high in the omega's. :smile:
  • I wouldn't got for nuts personally. They're a waste of calories, because of the high fats so after you've had a handful you've waste something like 200 calories (depending on type) and they've done nothing to help the hunger.
  • Seems fine to me. Just make sure that the meats are lean and if possible grill them instead of frying.
  • Are you eating lean meats (chicken, tuna, beef)? For price, tuna and chicken are best for high protein low fats. When making meals for it, I usually have them in a wrap (tuna/chicken) with just lettuce or with potatoes and mixed veg (chicken). Best to grill the meats as well.
  • Tank top/Vest, which ever is a bit less poncy to me :)
  • As most have said, just watch the amount of fat you're having when eating peanut butter. It's used more for putting on weight, rather than loosing it, so I'd have it sparingly.
  • You'd be surprised how many of these 'super fit' people you see, it's less than you think. And when you're in the gym everyone is too focused on their workout to look at who's in. It'll also be fairly empty in the mornings.
  • Best thing is to keep on increasing the weights. Are you working out other body parts as well (legs, stomach etc)?
  • I would imagine so, but if someone knows more information about this I'm sure they will enlighten me :-)
  • I am :-) shame about this weather (at my area anyway). Anyone can add me :-)
  • Name: Lee Age: 19 1. If I don't know the words to a song, I can make some up on the spot and they fit in and rhyme 2. Have a cat that loves boxes. It would rather sleep in a box in a cold room than in front of a warm fire 3. I'm at University 4. Spent over 20 minutes in a supermarket looking at all the cooking utensils and…
  • Can't beat those compound lifts! Are you doing bent-over rows as well?
  • Lean meat and some complex carbs e.g chicken and sweet potatoes. I normally have 200g plain chicken on some wholemeal bread, does the trick, because the chicken is medium digesting food so it should last you through your workout. Don't forget water as well.
  • Indecisiveness. Don't ummm and arrr. Just go with your gut instinct!
  • @mommy2ar 32 - Smile
  • "There's a tiger in the bathroom!" The Hangover (do I even need to put the film title? Everyone must know it!) One of the best films I've ever watched for quotes.
  • It's because you're fitness levels are low at the minute. Keep with the exercise you're doing and as your level of fitness increases, the feelings will subside.
  • It's fine to have a cheat day every once in a while :)
  • Going food shopping when hungry. I just buy rubbish
  • Up the intensity of the cardio if you can, get even more of a sweat going on. Like above said, switch to wholegrain foods. You don't have to necessarily change the amount of carbs you're getting, concentrate more on lowering the amount of fats you're getting, this should help with those few stubborn lbs.