gurganuss Member


  • I am a fan of the zero calorie vitamin water and the MIO because i dont really like to drink just plain water
  • The first time I started weight watchers I was 196. I got all the way to 114 and then boomeranged back to 147. Now I joined MFP in January with a goal of 120 but once I start losing it seems to just keep going and now I am 112.
  • It is a beautiful change you look like a completely different person :)
  • I wear a pedometer and plug in my height and weight and it tells me for 10,000 steps i burn about 275 calories. I bought it at KMART for $9.99
  • A lot of my friends at work drink shakes, the herbalife ones, but I find that they are high in calories. If I eat fruits and veggies for snack and usually yogurt for breakfast and a salad for lunch I consume less calories than they do with one shake. I am sure they work for some people but have to agree, its like weight…
  • OMG I say this all the time to people who tell me I am too skinny. You dont see me naked and until I am happy with my body I will do what I want to do. I am not unhealthy. I have energy. I just dont eat like I used to. And I am 5'6" but I weigh 112.
  • I have to agree with you. It does get very annoying when people bug you about your weight. I had a woman go so far as to say that she thought I had an eating disorder. REALLY people just be supportive.
  • PB and J fiber one bars taste like peanut butter. I try to substitute and still get the amazing flavor of peanut butter
  • On saturday morning, I clean my house from top to bottom and yes you better believe I count that because it takes me usually an hour if not more and I sweat my butt off.
  • I feel bad when I eat something that is higher in calories. I usually try to do extra exercise to make up the difference. I don't like the feeling of knowing that I am cheating me. No one else cares what I eat or what I weigh. But on the other hand of that, my fiance does make me eat a normal (as he calls it) dinner, where…
  • Midol might help. I bloat really bad too. Usually a 2 pound gain. But drinking a lot of water and salt make it much worse.
  • Everyone has days like that where they overdo it just enough. But I once had a weight watcher meeting leader say everyday is a new day and every plate is a new plate. So pick up today as if yesterday never happened and move on :)
  • I dont eat much during the day, but that is out of the knowing that i like my snacks in the evening. I like to eat fewer calories such as yogurt, fruit, veggies, and salads until dinner and snacks so I can budget room for my ice cream craving.
  • I try to stay at 1200 to 1200 now because I am 5'6" and weigh 120 pounds so I am trying to maintain. I have lost 27 pounds since the beginning of the year doing MFP and eating just under 1200 calories. Every once and a while I would go over my 1200 calories and yes I did find that after one day a jump of calories and then…
  • Be truthful to yourself and dont worry about anyone else. Exercise and eat healthy. Make sure you are eating what MFP says.
  • I spend $500 per month for 3 people. Yes the healthy food costs more money!
  • Try to get as close as you can. Do not eat until your sick, but maybe find some higher calorie alternatives to make sure you are fueling your body. I learned the hard way that eating too few calories can have the opposite effect than you want.
  • Thank you everyone. I ate light. Chicken chili with no beans and a hotdog and stayed within my calories for the day, but blew my sodium clear out of the water. Always good to know there are people willing to help and give advice. The support system here can be a wonderful thing:smile:
  • I tried the let's eat somewhere else. Yes this is the one in Toledo. He has never been there, it is date night and we are going to a ball game across the street. His friends keep telling him that he will love it. I might just have to eat light or just blow it and make up for it tomorrow. I just wish that these restaurants…
  • Ok so I thought this was about it you look at your 7 day net. My problem is that the first of the seven always seems to be in the negative does this mean I am not eating enough, because I feel like I am always eating.
  • I have the same problem. 5'6" and just under 125. But MFP says to eat 1600 calories a day. I am deathly afraid that I will start to gain but know that if I keep the smaller amount of calories that I will continue to lose. I also have been walking usually 30 min a day, and I go work out at least 3 times a week. Every day I…
  • We live on a pretty strict budget as well, I use a lot of coupons and we buy a lot of chicken. We have also started to try to buy where it is cheaper which can be difficult trying to run between numerous stores but we have to keep our grocery budget in check. I also have been known to buy a bag of chicken at Kroger and…
  • I had a bad day yesterday but I logged it and found it wasnt near as bad as I thought it would be.
  • Sometimes scales need to be recaliberated too depending on what kind you are using. My scale was high this morning but only because I overdid the sodium yesterday.
  • I weigh every morning and only log once a week and only if it is a loss, otherwise I discourage myself.
  • coffee and blackberries I dont eat breakfast so it kinda is a snack because I am going to the gym soon and need something to fuel my workout.
  • I have recommended it to a lot of people. In fact it was a recommendation that got me on here. LOL. But my friend said it was too time consuming and her way was working fine for her. But she, like a lot of others i see on here, are not eating enough and will throw her body into starvation mode. Well you can lead a horse to…
  • I plan to log a cheat day, the occassion has not really come up for one yet, but my boyfriends birthday is this week and we are going to a sports bar and I plan on not being concerned and just enjoying dinner. My question is how often people have a cheat day? When I did weight watchers, they gave extra calories and most…
  • It is not rude to be in control of your health. I think it is rude not to have a healthy option, what if someone has heart problems and is not allowed all that grease. Plus ham is very salty. They should order a very large salad for those people who may not be able to eat what everyone else is eating. Eat what you want,…
  • I clean my house on saturday morning. I spend anywhere from 45 minutes to well over an hour straight making sure my whole house is clean, and yes I log it as light house cleaning. BUT I totally agree there is no where to log the calories you burn with SEX!!!! :) Love that one.