Is a Cheat meal better than a Cheat day?

OK. So, I tried to put into my diary all the food I splurged on at a chinese/japanese buffet I went to for lunch today. I haven't eaten out like this for about a month. I do try to make smarter decisions, despite a buffet not overall being a smart choice.

So, my any of you have cheat days or cheat meals? Do you believe in having them a once and a while? Does it help or hinder your overall weight loss journey?

Well, for me I could've thrown my whole day away and started this morning by making not the best decisions in the world for breakfast.

Went to my son and daughters two hour day camp today and walked some outside. No morning snack :(

Planning on getting in some Kenpo and other exercise today and then a protein shake this afternoon and a light dinner tonight.

I know probably the worst thing about what I ate, could be the sodium. The other bad thing is not finding a couple of things I ate on the nutrition guide, since I didn't know what they were. LOL!

I'm not terribly guilty over this, because I don't feel like I totally over ate. To me, over eating is much worse than what I did. I had a few bites of this and a few of that... maybe a more peel shrimp than anything. :)

Just wondered all your experiences and if you allow yourselves a cheat now and then.

The positive, is that I allowed mine early on in my, hopefully it won't affect my numbers.



  • DMZH78
    DMZH78 Posts: 42
    For me I have a cheat day (only if needed). When I do this it never gets me off track and I have never gained weight back from it. I have actually done better at losing weight after a cheat day (almost like a reboot to the system). But I don't do this every week, I do it ONLY when needed (such as if I know I have an event coming up that is going to be hard for me to resist, etc.) For me I don't think a cheat meal would help me because it would be giving me the excuse to eat that everyday and I could see myself saying "ahh it's not going to hurt if I do more than just this one meal". So for me, it's the cheat day.

    Best of luck!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    When I started, I tended to do a cheat weekend once a month, usually if I was going out of town. Then I changed to a cheat day. After a while, that became harder to recover from and now I do cheat meals instead. It will usually involve an appetizer, entree, and a dessert. Mmmmm......I try to do it only twice a month, but it just depends on my schedule. I traveled for work last week and was able to eat at Cheesecake Factory. Just did half an entree and a dessert there. YUMMY.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    If you're counting calories, which one gives you more calories to add to your week? I started doing cheat meals only and started losing weight again after doing the cheat days since this past May. I started losing weight shortly after this. I think if on your cheat days, you go all out to "cheat" and stuff your face with candy and cookies and cakes and all the bad stuff then it'll be detrimental to your weight loss. If you take that day to go slightly over then you should be ok. With my cheat meal I have never gotten remotely close to going over with it and still feel satisfied that I ate what I wanted but not too much of it.
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    If I have a cheat meal it just ends up being the whole day. I can't help it...I'm just weak like that...LOL

    I've decided the best thing to do is if I want to have a cheat meal it should be the last meal of the day and that way I won't have ruined my whole day. Bad thing is, it doesn't seem to matter because I can have 1 cheat meal and I end up putting on 2+ lbs and it takes me 3 days to get it off. So frustrating :ohwell:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I was just discussing this the other day. I'm like one of the above posters. A long time ago, it was just a free-for-all on the weekends (that didn't work for me at all). Then I'd do a cheat day every week (that still seemed like too much and I would eat so much food I wouldn't feel like working out the next day, and it threw me off track). Now I'm doing a cheat meal every 1-2 weeks that I plan, but it's not as much fun as it used to be. The rich, delicious foods that I love make me feel bloated and sick now :sad: I think I'll continue to do a cheat meal once a week, but I'll probably have to start cutting the portion size down to about 1/2 what I've been eating--either that or feel horrible for the rest of the day.

    Some people feel like a failure when they have a cheat meal, but I don't. I plan it, I own it, and I enjoy it 100% guilt-free. For me, the only way this is going to work long-term is if I don't feel deprived.
  • katerams
    katerams Posts: 50 Member
    For my entire weightloss journey, I haven't restricted what I eat.
    If I want cake, I have it. If I want fried chicken, I have it. If i want a bowl of creamy pasta (my FAVOURITE!) I have it!.
    I just have it in MODERATION.
    Small servings, and healthy choices for the rest of the day.

    I've lost 15kgs so far, and havent denied myself of anything.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Some people feel like a failure when they have a cheat meal, but I don't. I plan it, I own it, and I enjoy it 100% guilt-free. For me, the only way this is going to work long-term is if I don't feel deprived.


    And I do usually gain immediately following a cheat meal, but it's usually related to the sodium content and water weight,not actual weight. Even though I can go way over my daily goal. At Cheesecake Factory, I was over about 1100 for the day. Not horrible considering the cheesecake alone was 900 calories LOL.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I never "cheat". I watch my calorie intake at all times.

    I weigh the pro's and con's of eating a little extra in a day here and there and see if it is worth it. It won't obliterate my weight loss goals, but slow them down a tiny bit.

    When I go out to eat, I try to find the healthy things that I LIKE to eat. Chinese food buffet? NO PROBLEM... I love steamed broccoli and green beans, naturally want very lean meats, and other already healthier options.

    So long as I am at my daily calorie goal or a smidgen bellow, I am winning.
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    i was all about cheat days. but then i go above and beyond and stuff myself with all the bad stuff i could get my hands on to "make the cheating calories count" lol. it totally backfired. for me, i have to still be somewhat responsible when i cheat. so i just do a cheat meal + one day to drink as well. and with that, i try to go with "healthier" choices of booze like vodka sodas. y'know, just being a bit smarter about it. it's worked for me so far.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I was just discussing this the other day. I'm like one of the above posters. A long time ago, it was just a free-for-all on the weekends (that didn't work for me at all). Then I'd do a cheat day every week (that still seemed like too much and I would eat so much food I wouldn't feel like working out the next day, and it threw me off track). Now I'm doing a cheat meal every 1-2 weeks that I plan, but it's not as much fun as it used to be. The rich, delicious foods that I love make me feel bloated and sick now :sad: I think I'll continue to do a cheat meal once a week, but I'll probably have to start cutting the portion size down to about 1/2 what I've been eating--either that or feel horrible for the rest of the day.

    Some people feel like a failure when they have a cheat meal, but I don't. I plan it, I own it, and I enjoy it 100% guilt-free. For me, the only way this is going to work long-term is if I don't feel deprived.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I'm with you today. I don't feel totally guilty...just odd, cause its been a while. I know I'll possibly have some water weight gain, which normally happens to me anyways throughout my week. I just pick myself up and drink...drink...lots of water. Workout and keep trying to stay focused on my eating as best as I can.

    Thank you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Learn how to "cheat" everyday and you'll be shocked at how easy it is to live a lifestyle.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    At the end, it boils down to calories in - calories out. If your cheat meal or day is not greater than the deficit you've created the rest of the days, you will still lose weight. For me personally, I like having one (ok, maybe 2) days a week that are pretty much free days, where I don't care so much about calories or logging. Remember, a free a day doesn't necessarily mean stuffing your face till you're sick.
  • Montegue42
    Montegue42 Posts: 98
    For me I have a cheat day (only if needed). When I do this it never gets me off track and I have never gained weight back from it. I have actually done better at losing weight after a cheat day (almost like a reboot to the system). But I don't do this every week, I do it ONLY when needed (such as if I know I have an event coming up that is going to be hard for me to resist, etc.) For me I don't think a cheat meal would help me because it would be giving me the excuse to eat that everyday and I could see myself saying "ahh it's not going to hurt if I do more than just this one meal". So for me, it's the cheat day.

    Best of luck!

    This is how I am. Some days I just need it. Like is a day that I am ravenous. I spent the entire weekend outside in the sun and probably didn't drink enough. I am drinking probably double the amount I normally do, but I still feel hungry. I just figure...I'll get it tomorrow and the next day and the next and the I try not to worry about it.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I usually have a cheat day every week and it seems to help me stay with the program. I do gain anywhere from half a pound to a pound and a half but I usually drop it off very easily within a day or 2. I'm in the process of finding my maintenance level and every time I increase my calories I lose weight so when I go under 125 I will have a cheat day to gain back what I didn't want to lose lol and I love it. It hasn't been hard for me at all to get back on track. The cheat days just kind of give me the satisfaction I need to keep going lol. I love them and I will cheat from noon til bed time. I try not to start overeating until noon for some reason I try to behave at breakfast. Anyhow works great for me
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    I had a cheat meal yesterday. I got mexican and it was really really good. I was above my calories for the day but not too much. It was worth it and it will hold me over for another week.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Just use this and you'll be fine

  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I feel bad when I eat something that is higher in calories. I usually try to do extra exercise to make up the difference. I don't like the feeling of knowing that I am cheating me. No one else cares what I eat or what I weigh.

    But on the other hand of that, my fiance does make me eat a normal (as he calls it) dinner, where I may count the calories but I eat other than healthy.
  • leanneb205
    leanneb205 Posts: 76
    mine is usually just a cheat meal every so often, twice a month a most! I love it! I'd find it hard to justify a full day of junk to myself and may find it hard to bounce back from it so wont risk it xx
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Usually I give myself one cheat meal or snake every weekend. Especially in the summer we have birthday parties to go to, camping trips and generally going out having fun. I usually save the specific meal for when we are out with other people and everyone else is indulging. Whether it is having icecream with the kids, having some vodka shots with my gal pals or splurging on a pasta bowl when out for dinner with the SO. Lately (with exception of last weekend) I barely even want it, or even if I do I find myself still sticking to the plan and only having a few bites of the cheat instead of the whole portion.