AMPie73 Member


  • I have been reading that the glycinate is the best as far as absorption too. Guess I will take myself down to the natural food store and see if they have any. Thanks!
  • Mine is PCOS related too, so hearing these comments makes me very hopeful. Did my first 16:8 fast today and it is going well so far. Thanks for the replies!
  • Love this! I will definitely be trying some combination of this.
  • Pull and Peel cherry twizzlers. They have always been my go-to road trip food and I can eat myself sick on them. I used to think "oh, they're low fat, what a great candy choice!" Then started doing low carb and realized one piece has 26g of carbs. Holy crap! Guess I'll be looking for a new road trip snack, lol.
  • Supposedly magnesium glycinate is less likely to have a laxative effect than the citrate but causes sleepiness. I think my husband will kill me if I fall asleep on the couch any earlier than I already do, so I think I may take my chances with the "laxative effect" of the citrate, lol.
    in Magnesium Comment by AMPie73 June 2015
  • Hi! I'm 42, 5'0" (and feeling really short compared to all you tall ladies on here, lol.) Highest weight:140 Current weight: 134 Goal weight: 120 On week 5 of XTFMax 90 day workout program and doing CICO plus low carb. Not seeing a lot of weight loss yet, but am seeing some body changes with the workout. Hopefully, the…
  • I am using XTFMax, which I call the poor girl's version of P90. I am in week 6 and love it. I haven't been temped to skip at all. In all of her videos she has 4 levels of the exercise so you can pick where you need to be and push yourself up a level if you're feeling up to a challenge. I got it on Amazon for about $40.
  • Love this! I feel the same way about my workouts now. I used to think of excuses not to workout, and now I am planning other things around it to make sure I get it done. 5 weeks in and I haven't skipped one yet, even if some days I am not at 100%, I do it anyway.
  • I totally agree with this. I hope to eventually get to the point that I can keep my calories and carbs where they need to be without having to track everything because the thought of tracking for the rest of my life isn't a pleasant one. That being said, if that's what it takes to keep the weight off and stay healthy then…
  • I've noticed that too the last few times I've had it. I think next time I go to movies I will skip the popcorn and smuggle in some nuts instead.
  • Yes indeed! Back on track.
  • I've made pancakes with Bob's Red Mill low carb baking mix and they turned out pretty good. Not sure how it would do for waffles though.
  • Hi, just joined the group recently. I'm 42, 5'0" and 134lbs. I have insulin resistance and heart disease. Had 3 stents put in my arteries in December 2012. Lost some weight after that with CICO, low fat, high fiber. Then went through a phase where I was just tired of watching everything I ate and gained it all back and…
  • Thanks for the support! Working at trying to keep net carbs below 50 but still haven't quite got it down yet. One day started time.
  • Hi Carol, I am 42, 5'0" and 134lbs and have had 3 stents in 2 different arteries and still have one they were unable to stent due to its small size. I am also insulin resistant. It's funny how none of the doctors ever mentioned low carb to me, either, even though the only real risk factor I have for heart disease is bad…
    in Greetings! Comment by AMPie73 June 2015
  • I am only 5'0" tall, so tend to try to stay around 1200 or under on calories anyway. I have some heart issues so my cardiologist recommends at least 30 grams of fiber a day, which is nearly impossible if trying to do super low carbs. I also have to watch saturated fat, which is why I thought the MD Factor Diet might be a…
  • Has anyone tried The MD Factor Diet? It is alleged to be specifically designed for insulin resistance. I am just starting out with it and am curious about anyone else's results.
  • Don't look at it as failing. There is no rule that says you can't splurge one day a week as long as you are on track the other days. In fact, I plan one day a week that I let myself eat whatever I want and that helps keep me going the other days because I know if I just wait I can eat that thing I''m craving on that day.…