thefuzz1290 Member


  • I believe it was mid points of exercise. If you were trying to stay around 160bpm, it could read 140-180...if the 20 point swing was both ways.
  • You're right, they're not as accurate as chest monitors, but no one is going to wear a chest strap at all times. My Garmin is pretty close. I've used chest straps in the past and I know what my body feels like at 180-190bpm and when I start feeling that way I'm in the 180s.
  • That's why you don't use the scale as your only measurement of success. You could weigh the same as you did the month before, but lose an inch off your waist.
  • The science, in its simplest form, is calories in versus calories out. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn, meaning you can actually eat a little more while losing weight. Then there's the body composition aspect. If you strength train, you gain muscle. Muscle burns more calories while you do nothing than…
  • Can you get to a point where you don't have to count calories? Sure, but you have to work really hard to get there and you need to not over indulge when you get to that point. However, starting off it is smarter to count calories (which I've gone back to) to get your eating back on track. We're creatures of habit and we…
  • I watched the early seasons, when it wasn't an hour long commercial for Planet Fitness, Subway, or whatever other product they're pushing these days. You also notice that the early seasons didn't have the extreme amounts of weight being lost every week either. I thought things were changing when they brought in Dolvett and…
  • Just throw in light cardio and you should get there in a few weeks.
  • A cycle of Smolov squats....I walked like I was in prison for weeks.
  • I hired a trainer back when I was 18 and had no clue what to do in the gym. I was humbled enough with being fat and weak that I hired a 110lb female trainer (she was competing to get her pro card it the fitness category). I only had enough money for 5 sessions, but she taught me a lot. That being said, I'd look for a…
  • Let me rephrase, the elliptical is the least efficient piece of cardio equipment. You essentially have to stay on it longer to get the same workout as a treadmill. You can get a good workout on the elliptical, but you have to push yourself. The motion of the elliptical also fails to mimic any real life movement (well, I…
  • Look at one with a HR monitor to help more accurately track your calories.
  • ^^^^^ What he said. Also don't be afraid to ask someone how to do something. My old gym had a power lifter that would train there (600 squat, 500 bench, 700 deadlift) and he was always helpful when I had form questions. Just don't bother anyone with headphones in or while they're in the middle of a set.
  • If you're not married to the Fitbit, look at Garmin's new Vivoactive HR. The biggest plus about the Garmin is that its waterproof and you don't have to worry about removing it if you go to the pool, or freaking out if you drop it in the sink.
  • Ditch the elliptical and walk on the treadmill at an incline to get your stamina up. The elliptical is a machine that makes you think you're working hard when you're really not.
  • "Toning" just just a lower bodyfat percentage, combined with muscle building. You also can't spot "tone." Ideally, you'd want to squat, deadlift, and press, but if you're a member of a gym you can start out doing the machine circuit that every gym seems to have.
  • I used Hydroxycut, back when it actually worked, and I felt like I was going to die every time I took it. Since taking that, caffeine doesn't affect me. Now, I'll take supplements with green tea and other non-stimulant appetite suppressants in the morning.
  • Many of the contestants kept the weight off, but many more fell back into their unhealthy habits. Its easy to lose weight while being secluded from real life duties and get to exercise 6-8 hours a day, but things get difficult when you're thrown back into real life. As for ruining their metabolism? The guy said he has to…
  • I have a Vivofit HR. Its waterproof, so you don't have to worry about it if you want to go to the pool. I've charged for about 10 minutes every few days and I haven't lost a charge yet.
  • Another vote for doing what you enjoy. If you like swimming, swim. If you like cycling, go ride a bike. If you like Zumba, dance. Whatever keeps you active is what you should focus on.
  • A high protein diet helps lean people out, in most cases, but I'd slowly up your protein to carb ratio until you get used to it.
  • Then I mistyped: "and you could gain fat." And you're going to the extremes with anorexics and legitimate starvation, not someone on an extreme caloric deficit. Someone eating 900 calories isn't anorexic or starving, but they're eat much less than they should.
  • If you do basic movements, you're covered: Squat, Deadlift, Bench, Overhead Press, and Pullups.
  • Never said gain, but you retain it longer.
  • Don't listen to this, its an outlier study of everything else known about exercise and fitness.
  • If you've been sedentary for a long period of time (or your whole life) doing virtually anything will gain muscle (though running will have you gain the least amount of muscle). Don't drop your calories too low, or you won't lose fat. The buzzword is "starvation mode," but essentially your body wants to keep hold of your…
  • Don't worry about the scale, worry about how your clothes fit. Remember, a woman 5'1" 110lbs at 30% bf won't look as good as a person 5'1" 120lbs at 15%bf. Also, don't get in the habit of looking too much at weekly progress, but judge success at the end of each month.
  • Best thing I did when I was 18 and wanted to get in shape was hire a trainer for 2 weeks to show me what to do. I could barely afford it ($250 for 5 sessions), but it was well worth the money. Now granted, the internet isn't what it is today back in 2000 and you can find most stuff on youtube.
  • I wouldn't have touched Crossfit 5 years ago and many of the negatives you hear about Crossfit is from how it was run 5 years ago. 1. When Crossfit started becoming popular, Greg Glassman (founder) said that someone who did Crossfit could both win marathons and powerlifting meets without changing their training. This was…
  • 1 slice of pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars (where the PF near me gets their pizza): 280 calories 31 Carbs 13 Protein 11 Fat 1 14oz Muscle Milk protein shake: 230 calories 11 Carbs 25 Protein 9 Fat That's the difference, especially since most people can't have just 1 slice of pizza...especially people with weight…
  • But if their metabolism is high enough, they have to force feed themselves when they're not hungry to achieve a caloric excess. Genetics matter a great deal.