GypsyQueen Member


  • Thank you! I am trying to get into the routine of keeping my food journal up to date & checking my mail. Sometimes changes are hard to make but it helps to feel welcomed.
  • I am a little late.. hope to still catch you checking your posts. I also have a lot to lose so understand where you are coming from and going thru. I have also lost and regained as you have. We both know we have to hang in and be strong. Try not to look at the long haul ahead but just as you said take it a few pounds at a…
  • I searched Vitamin B5 but did not find a reference to weight loss..... Seems it is in some of our foods we already eat (see below). Always good to keep informed, this is the first I have heard of B5/weight loss thank you for bringing it up! Whole grains are another good source of the vitamin B5, but milling often removes…
  • WOW I have to say I am touched by your inspiring advice.. Making changes and not being my hubby's eating partner has effected him more than I ever thought. I just cannot go on with the unhealthy eating habits that are keeping me sooo unhappy. Some of you face the same challenge with your family members but have not let it…
  • Maybe someone has the same problem with a family member or friend who seem to be sabotaging your effort to lose weight. My hubby came home today with two huge bags of Carmel Corn (popcorn) which I LOVE, it will be a constant battle to stay out of it. My intentions are not have one bite, one bite in my case leads to…
  • Never ever thougth I would look forward to having a PAIN IN THE BEHIND but I do now! :bigsmile:
  • I also am fighting late night snacking. I work night shift hrs during the week and have a hard time sleeping on the weekends. I challenge myself to keep away from food by the hour, so far it has helped. I also find a hobby to keep my hands busy. Filling out MFP daily food diary is very helpful, at one glance you can decide…
  • Yes, check out your label... If you are a tomato soup lover like me it really helps! T.J. has way less calories than the soup. Also very filling.
  • At one point I could find it at Vons in a container but lately they do not carry it, ask the clerk at the store you shop in.. but beware much easier to over do a 25 calorie serving than in the individual packet.
  • I agree a good way to stop the sweet craving. Great for taking to work as a pick me up...but hard to keep coworkers out of my Swiss Miss stash even those not watching the waistline like it! I also like to heat up a cup of Tomato Juice (with a little water added) very filling..way less calories than Tomato Soup and just as…
  • Oceangirl, We have a lot in common I also lost a large amount of weight (three years ago) and sadly have put back on half of it. Those old habits are a bear to break but as we know it can be done you are smart to get started back on the right track now before it becomes to far out of hand. Getting back into the right frame…
  • I will take your suggestions & work into my schedule as best I can.. I see you do eat your meals at work where I have something like a yogurt or popcorn during lunch, must be why I come home feeling so hungry. I like that you pack your lunch, thinking ahead instead of grabbing something at the last minute as I do. My…
  • Allenhm .. Sassekel .. plantlady99 ..Sunflower8926 .. Lauramg ...Thank you all for your Welcome. I am looking forward to checking in on you and becoming one of the losers :wink:
  • I would like to hear suggestions on how other night workers manage meal schedules. I seem to eat 24 hours...being up all night and napping during the day leaves me wanting to snack continually. I think I am starving when I get home (but we know that is not true). Lunch time at work is 4am or is that breakfast? Do others…
  • I am looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know you. I am very motivated to lose these pounds I managed to gain. Sure was easy packing them on .. taking off is another story. I look forward to feeling better which is my main goal "A Healthier Body Mind & Soul." :heart: (Looking better will be an extra…