Midnight Shift

I would like to hear suggestions on how other night workers manage meal schedules. I seem to eat 24 hours...being up all night and napping during the day leaves me wanting to snack continually. I think I am starving when I get home (but we know that is not true). Lunch time at work is 4am or is that breakfast? Do others spread out meals throughout the day or stick to a regular meal time? I have been doing this for many years is this where my constant grazing habits have come from? I am a night owl on the weekends also, just want to snack, snack, snack all day & night. Any suggestions are appreciated .. Thank you!


  • GypsyQueen
    GypsyQueen Posts: 19 Member
    I would like to hear suggestions on how other night workers manage meal schedules. I seem to eat 24 hours...being up all night and napping during the day leaves me wanting to snack continually. I think I am starving when I get home (but we know that is not true). Lunch time at work is 4am or is that breakfast? Do others spread out meals throughout the day or stick to a regular meal time? I have been doing this for many years is this where my constant grazing habits have come from? I am a night owl on the weekends also, just want to snack, snack, snack all day & night. Any suggestions are appreciated .. Thank you!
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I worked midnights for many years and was at my skinniest then, probably due to the lack of restaurants being open and I was forced to pack my lunch. I ate when I got up to go to work, again usually around 3 or 4 in the morning and then again at 9 or so in the morning before going to bed. I liked to snack a lot while at work because it was boring at times but I made myself limit my portions and I did okay. It was harder when I got off of work because the food was unlimited in my house.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
  • dolce33
    dolce33 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey fellow night owl! I had to first adjust my sleeping schedule. In order to lose weight your body must have sufficient rest. Therefore I make sure I get 6 to 8 hours of consecutive sleep. This in turn allowed my eating schedule to fall into place. The following is my schedule.
    12:30 Cardio
    1:00 shower
    1:15 dress
    2:00 arrive @ work / eat breakfast
    4:00 snack
    6:00 lunch
    8:00 snack
    10:00 dinner
    Noon pre workout snack
    12:30 gym
    2:30 home
    3:00 post workout snack

    Make dinner for kids, pack my lunch for the next day, shower.

    4pm - 6pm go to bed!

    I still struggle with this schedule. I hate working midnights. But this schedule works best for me. Now, I do alter it for my boys football games or dinner date. But I feel so much better when my sleep is not interrupted.
  • GypsyQueen
    GypsyQueen Posts: 19 Member
    I will take your suggestions & work into my schedule as best I can.. I see you do eat your meals at work where I have something like a yogurt or popcorn during lunch, must be why I come home feeling so hungry. I like that you pack your lunch, thinking ahead instead of grabbing something at the last minute as I do. My problem will be getting enough sleep I have just never been able to sleep longer than three hours then up and later back down for a short nap before starting out to work again. But I will try, I know it would help me feel better and not driving to work blurry eyed will be great to! Thank you for your help.