Fancy_Nancy2 Member


  • I am sorry I ever posted hear and if I offended anyone on wanting some information on this I am sorry. I can't figure out how to remove my post. I just know when my kids get sugar from candy vs fruit they act differently.
  • This is what I am going for. I love sweets so much! I had really bad pregnancy diabetes I have been advised to cut my sugar way back. It's why I throw out our candy box as I would grab and eat it to much.
  • I order The 21 day Sugar detox cookbook: over 100 recipes for any program level. To use as my guide
  • Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.
  • I am wanting to detox from all add sugar. Natural sugar found in fruit and veg is fine but the box of candys I throw away and things like salda dressing that are high I would like to get rid of. I eat way over what I should. I am wanting to do the fed up 10 day sugar detox.
  • I really love this. My problem is I snack from the time my family goes to bed till the time my baby finally settles down and goes to sleep. I'm a breast-feeding mom so if I'm really really really hungry and it's true hunger I feel I should eat but I never stop to drink water to figure out which one it is. So I might do you…
  • We have tried dietary change it really didn't help much and for what she would eat it was very expensive. Next week meals are much healthier. So that is a step in the right direction!
  • Hi just had a baby girl about 2 weeks ago. I also want to loss weight while I am breastfeeding. I am down weight already but I know a lot of that is baby.
  • You can pick out more then one! I can only order one at a time but I know I need more. I have tried the power 90 but don't like them. My hubby dose but there not for me.
  • I am with you on the chocolate every day I have 1 to 2 pieces of dove dark chocolate. A life style change without chocolate is not one I want to have anything to do with.
  • This is my 3rd go round the 2nd time I was only half heart into it. 1 st started during my 1st pregnancy when i got diagnosed with gestational diabetes . After having the baby I was going to loss the weight I weight 265 and I lost 70 lb. Then life went to hell in the hand bag. My mom got diagnosed with stage four cancer…
  • My children are gluten, dairy free my little girl has autism and after taking her off of gluten and dairy every thing just got better. Me and my husband mostly eat gluten free but it is very $$$$ so we will get our self regular buns and bread a small 1lb loaf for my children is 5.00. There nana has taken very close eye on…
  • I sine up one week late for the green smoothie challenge I am planing on doing them after the 30 days hopping to make it part of a healthy lifestyle. Along with other changes. So far there been 2 I really did not like lava guava and spinach papaya the kiwi mango was okay. I am starting on week two tomorrow. I was wondering…
  • Thanks every one I think I will go with 300 and see how that goes. Last couple of days all he wants to do is nurse. He must be growing. I want this weight to go bye bye. Before I was not even trying to loss weight and then I saw a picture of me at the beach in my swim suit.
  • I think a cheat day is not the best ideal! Now if my husband takes me out on date (they are rare) will I be stressing over the calories or enjoying time alone with him? I will enjoy the time alone with him. If my husband make me a Romantic meal that he plans I also will enjoy the meal. But I have not 100% given up anything…
  • Looking for friends to help encourage me along the way.
  • Me to. Ready to she'd the baby weight
  • One good thing is I nursed my son 2 extra times today and the way he is going down I am sure I will be up in the middle of the night nursing him.
  • I don't add garden but I do add when I mow since it only happen once a week or once every other week but garden happens almost every day and just like cleaning is daily.
  • How long have you been working out in the AM? When I started doing AM workout the frist 2weeks are very hard the next bait better and after that you start to wake up before your alarm gose off and you get that crazy get up and go. Also ostensibly to your body if it wants to go to bed early go to bed. I have gone to bed as…
  • I love this but this week my plan is just to get feeling better I have a bad cold and can't hardly sleep and a pinch nerver in my neck. So I am in a recover week. I can't wait to workout agine it's my only me time. I hope to join next week.
  • Thursday, April 7, 2011 REMINDER: Please be sure you get everybody's name copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! YPortia - 6 Mollie - 6 Lana - 6 Jill - 6 sundinsgurl - 5 Mia- 4 Dori-2 NOLACHICK - 5 McHeather -1 Wocawa - 6 shreddin_mama-4 FitJ1210 - 5 Fancy_Nancy2 - 5 partcho…
  • I am a mom of 1 child she is 21 m old. It will be such a sad day when she turns 2 for me I think. But our rule is once it been touch by Caia we don't eat it. I just think kids have to many germs to share why help them to share them.
  • Wednesday, April 6, 2011 REMINDER: Please be sure you get everybody's name copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! YPortia - 5 Mollie - 5 Lana - 5 Jill - 4 sundinsgurl - 4 Mia- 4 Dori-1 NOLACHICK - 5 McHeather -1 Wocawa - 5 shreddin_mama-4 FitJ1210 - 4 Fancy_Nancy2 - 4 partcho…
  • My mom just had a sugary like gastric bypass (bariatric) she has gastric cancer and the dr had to remove her whole tummy she can still eat but she has to drink a protein drink and her dr suggest herblife. I have also hear really good stuff about them to for weight loss.
  • Saturday, April 2, 2011 REMINDER: Please be sure you get everybody's name copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! YPortia - 1 Mollie - 0 Lana - 1 Jill - 1 sundinsgurl - 1 Mia- 1 Dori-0 *NOLACHICK - 1 McHeather -1 Wocawa - 1 shreddin_mama-1 FitJ1210 - 1 Fancy_Nancy2 - 1
  • I miss it by 1 day got 21 days in instead of 22 days shoot. Hope to make it next month.
  • Thursday, March 31 REMINDER: Please be sure you get everybody's name copied when you're updating the list. Please keep this reminder on as well. Thank you! Deborah - 1 Nam - 12 Mollie - 23 YPortia - 27 Dounia - 19 Jill (PJilly) - 25 sundinsgurl - 25 Diana (hessond) - 5 Nancy (Fancy_Nancy2) - 21 Lana - 21 Lindsay- 3 Amie…