6 months of MFP, almost 1/3 way to goal...

I posted my progress here a month ago so I hope you're not bored by me, just thought 6 months was a pretty nice milestone :)

35 lbs down. 29 years old, 5'7" Married, libra, likes long walks on the beach...oh wait, you don't need that much :P

35 lbs...I wish I could say it was 60-10 per month would be seriously beastly. Or even 48, because that would be 2/week, which is my goal. But I'll take almost 1.5/week and keep plugging along!

Some facts:

--My main motivator to get myself going was actually my brother challenging me to a sprint triathlon this upcoming August. Lots to lose and practice before then! I did my first 2 5k's last September...man was I out of shape!

--My husband is my biggest supporter. He (at my request) is the holder of the key to the chocolate stash and my personal cheerleader. He could care less about jogging or the gym until I got into gear and it's great to see him lose some gut as well :)

--I have been the organizer of 2 Biggest Loser competitions so far with friends on FB. The first time, I got 2nd place :) We're half way through the 2nd challenge.

--For the FIRST time in my life, I actually feel like this is a lifestyle change. It was never right before...it was always a diet then, with impending self-talk of failure. I have never once in these 6 months thought about "quitting". I was sick for over a month, I had horrible plantar fasciitis, I've been depressed in cloudy, foggy, cold weather...and I enjoyed myself during the holidays :)

--I eat chocolate and candy almost every day. I think that is actually a huge part of my success...if I feel like I'm deprived then it won't last.

--I'm still learning to develop healthy eating habits-I eat a lot less fast food now and I've come to love things like spaghetti squash a lot more, but portion size, cravings, and emotional eating are stills beasts to subdue...just like the weight-habits don't go away over night!

--I don't log food or exercise on Sundays. In addition to being my spiritual day of rest, it's my physical and mental one too!

--I get annoyed when people talk as if the scale is an evil thing that means nothing and losing weight to look good is a bad thing...No, the scale isn't the only factor, but that is the easiest way (at least for me) to gauge progress on a regular basis. I think losing weight for your health is huge...I personally don't want diabetes like runs in my family, and I want to have kids. But gosh darnit, I want to fit in cute clothes and be a hot wife, and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! *Steps off soap box*

--I lost the 1st 30 pounds without a gym membership-anyone can do this!

--I have a wall of motivation-pictured below-including my awesome self portrait....I fill in a chunk of me every 2 pounds lost :) I write important milestones on the sides. I put up pictures, certificates, and running numbers from my 5ks, and I have a before/during picture.

--I'm constantly surprised by what my body can do. Somehow I thought that I couldn't plank because I can't do a pushup. WRONG. I went out jogging today and felt like Tigger-so much bounce to the step! I was easily jogging along and realized that just 6 months before, I wouldn't be able to jog half as long before walking and out of breath! I kept telling myself tonight "I can make it to that tree" and then as I got to the tree "I can make it to that mailbox" and then "I can make it to that driveway"...and I kept pushing myself...and I will continue to, and I hope you do too!!! You can make it through today, and when you get through today, you can get through tomorrow, and this week, etc!





Me holding 35 lbs of water...those are heavy puppies! I can't imagine carrying them with me all day!


  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member
    you doing great keep it up. And I know depriving yourself is bad, but candy everyday is not a good choice, just giving you my thoughts.

    Anyway congrax
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    great work and keep it up
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Congratulations Lady!!!! You are looking great!!! KUTGW!!!

    I LOVE your motivation wall with your run numbers!!! I should get mine from the drawers and under the bad and in the closet or whatever and put them in a nice place. LOL.

    YOU ROCK!!!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I am with you on the chocolate every day I have 1 to 2 pieces of dove dark chocolate. A life style change without chocolate is not one I want to have anything to do with.
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    Congrats you look great and congrats on finding what works for you! I think it is wonderful what you have accomplished and still be able to have some chocolate...lol...this journey is different for all of us and everyone needs to find the path that works for them and stick to it. I see a big difference and can really see the loss and you should really be proud of it! You go Girl!!! :drinker:
  • lynder64
    lynder64 Posts: 285 Member
    Such wonderful progress thus far!!! GOOD JOB!!! Inspiring... slow 'n steady and we WILL arrive at our destinations :flowerforyou:
  • nielsonfam
    nielsonfam Posts: 138 Member
    I love your perspective -- great job on the weight loss -- you got this!!
  • you doing great keep it up. And I know depriving yourself is bad, but candy everyday is not a good choice, just giving you my thoughts.

    Anyway congrax

    I disagree! Eating a bag of candy everyday would be bad. Eating a small piece or two is a smart way to make cravings manageable.
  • Great work! What a difference! Having a wall dedicated to motivational pictures and messages is a great idea. I need to do that.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Very nice!!! I think those that criticize your diet have good intentions, but may not understand what YOU as an individual need. Many people that eat clean think its the only way to do it, but don't get that most people would quit if they had to eat like that most of the time. I think it is healthier to find a weight management plan that gets you to a healthy weight than to just stay heavy because the diet is too difficult to follow, just my two cents. I think it's great that your seeing progress, and I like the board you made to motivate yourself! Great job!
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    Very nice!!! I think those that criticize your diet have good intentions, but may not understand what YOU as an individual need. Many people that eat clean think its the only way to do it, but don't get that most people would quit if they had to eat like that most of the time. I think it is healthier to find a weight management plan that gets you to a healthy weight than to just stay heavy because the diet is too difficult to follow, just my two cents. I think it's great that your seeing progress, and I like the board you made to motivate yourself! Great job!

    Thanks for your input about doing what you need to do as an individual. I almost listed that in my first post-listen to your own body! I have a friend that is a raw vegan...while some of her recipes look like fun, I think I would die on that kind of diet. I have a friend that has lost 3 lbs a week vs my 1.5 lbs a week, and while I'm jealous of that, I can't get myself to do her level of "clean eating". I guess I encompassed that when I said that habits, like weight, don't change overnight. I'm eating less "boxed" stuff, and instead of eating 2-3 candy bars a day and 1-2 sodas a day (I used to back in 2011/2012), I'm eating maybe a mini chocolate bar and 3 swedish fish ;) Continually working to better myself and habits :D
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