When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • TheWretchedFat
    TheWretchedFat Posts: 52 Member
    A guy was trying to get fresh with me and my friend told me everyone knows he only goes after fat chicks :frown: I think I was 15 years old at the time :/
  • When I went through my clothes and ended up packing two boxes full (over half my wardrobe) because they no longer fit:/
  • Tebroda
    Tebroda Posts: 5 Member
    I could feel the fat rolls on my back move when I walked...eewwwwww! Gaining 15 pounds in the first 3 weeks of Dec will do that to ya :D
  • When my wife showed me one of my old military pictures and I realized I hadn't seen that guy in a looong time. So I decided to take a journey and see if I could find his older self. I'm starting to feel like he's still there I just need to work a little harder to bring him back out.

    The wife can't wait to see him again either ♥
  • seattle_hd
    seattle_hd Posts: 23 Member
    I started feeling worse and worse, no energy. I look frumpy in my clothes. My husband made comments about my eating habits (although, truthfully I didn't eat that badly) and looks (stares) at other women who are much thinner.

    Diagnosed with hypothyroid, and finally feeling back to normal after a year of searching what was going wrong with me. (docs kept saying oh, its just perimenopause) then scale started dropping and I have more energy to do my workouts and normal every day things. Came here to keep myself motivated and hopefully moving forward.

    What I can't believe is that it's been 8-9 years that I have been heavy. I wish I would have taken notice much earlier and appreciated myself when I was thin. I have no memory of what that felt like and truthfully I really felt like I was thin… even saw a thin person in the mirror. It wasn't until I saw myself in photos with friends I realized I'm the fat girl in the group.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    When I saw the scale hit 178 pounds. I knew if I didn't get ahold of it then, I would hit 180 and keep going. At 5'3" it had to stop. So I woke up one morning and decided to change. And so I did. I've never looked back!
  • sandrac148
    sandrac148 Posts: 18 Member
    Walking by a mirror in a store and thinking it was another woman - I didn't recognize myself.
    Turning sideways and seeing that my belly was now even with my boobs.
    Feeling uncomfortable in jeans with "muffin top" and wearing "fat stretchy pants" instead
    Realizing that I weigh more now than I did at 9 months pregnant with my daughter.
    Not wanting to take meds for my high blood pressure.
  • kkows
    kkows Posts: 19
    Sleeping became too painful. Acid reflux, aching back and joints and trouble breathing. I got to the point where I dreaded sleeping. It's still bad, but I'm beginning to notice a difference.
  • jennifer_255
    jennifer_255 Posts: 86 Member
    lost my pperiods :( to being such a fat lump
  • I saw a video of myself recently. I'm always the one taking photos and videos of people so I rarely ever see myself. I saw that I was the same size and even larger than some people that I thought were REALLY big. I never compare myself to other people, but this was shocking ... I kept re-playing it over and over, in shock that the person I was looking at was really me. :embarassed: :frown:
  • tracinae
    tracinae Posts: 2 Member
    My kids asked me if I was ok? and I said yes, why? They said well you keep breathing really hard. So I jumped on the scale and found that I was about 7 pounds shy of 300. How did this happen? why couldn't I see it? That explains why my seat belt is so tight and my shoes don't fit right. The same reason my husband says I have been snoring so much at night the last 2 years. Guess that also explains my loss of energy and clothes that fit. My husband has bought me 5 new pairs of pants in the last 2 months because I have worn the ones I currently have out between the legs. I immediately have started MyFitnesspal:smile: and FOCUS T-25. I pray that I can get healthy and breath easier and not embarrass my kids.
  • lozeliz
    lozeliz Posts: 17 Member
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    i told myself after i got in the 140's i would never see a 150 again... and then 153- so here i am.
  • I looked terrible. I didn't like how moving around seemed to be way to hard for a 21 year old. I didnt want to end up like most of my family old, fat, with loads of diseases. I wanted to be strong, healthy and able to enjoy my life properly. Also felt so sekf conscious when ever I went out or to the grocery store. I felt like eeveryone was staring at me and judging me. I was am still am tired of being fat and just want to get back to how inwas when I was 16.
  • 1320GO
    1320GO Posts: 150 Member
    Unexpected health crisis that led to 33 days in the hospital. HELLO - wake up and smell the coffee. 110 days of logging since that date and down 38lbs with another 65 to go. Bad kidney damage so I must make sure I don't develop high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • lanciepancie
    lanciepancie Posts: 4 Member
    The clincher for me was hiking (really just walking!) in the mountains on our yearly family trip. I kept tripping because i couldn't lift my legs (too heavy), i couldn't breath and i really thought i would just have to stay in the woods because i couldn't go any farther. Then at my peak of misery my whole family was sitting on a ledge waiting for me and watching. My brother decided to "help" me and gave me a push. My feet went out from under me and i fell face first and couldn't get up without help. Mind you my 62 year old father and 4 year old nephew were practically doing laps around me. It was humiliating but definitely a turning point. I cant wait for this years trip!! Being down 120 pounds has got to make quite a difference!!!
  • inc0nceivable
    inc0nceivable Posts: 3 Member
    Every day I woke up with a massive sugar hangover and then I would cancel plans because I felt so sick all of the time. Finally, after missing an appointment that cost me some bucks, I said ENOUGH and decided to do this. This isn't my first go either, but it's my first serious go in a long time. This time I'm going to view this as a journey, not a destination. My goal isn't to lose XXX amount of weight or get down to a size society deems appropriate, but to feel healthy and good about myself. In the past if I've slipped up I have used it as an excuse to go insane with eating whatever I want and it's not the way to go about things. Wish all of us luck! We can do it :)
  • inc0nceivable
    inc0nceivable Posts: 3 Member
    I did the same thing about a month ago. FOUR BAGS!! Some of the stuff should never be worn again anyhow, but there were things in there I really liked that I gave up. Shopping for a new wardrobe will be fun!
  • After my youngest son was born (he's 4 now) I had lost over 80 pounds and did a fairly good job of keeping most of it off until the last couple years...just kept slowly gaining it back. I started to realize my clothes, even the ones that used to be very big on me, were now either extremely tight or didn't fit at all...very depressing moment for me. I have gained 30 pounds back. So I decided that the day after Christmas I would start fixing it. I know people say if you're going to do it then DO IT..start today, but allowing myself to have the goodies thru the holiday season helped me i think..personally i believe that even beginning to try at the time of year when all that temptation is around would have just led me to feel incredibly deprived and fail. Plus it was kind of like how ppl say to set a date to quit smoking or any other addiction..it gave me time to mentally prepare or something. When I did start I was READY :)
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    This is my 3rd go round the 2nd time I was only half heart into it. 1 st started during my 1st pregnancy when i got diagnosed with gestational diabetes . After having the baby I was going to loss the weight I weight 265 and I lost 70 lb. Then life went to hell in the hand bag. My mom got diagnosed with stage four cancer and I got pregnant when I was 20 week my mom passed away and my daughter got diagnosed with severe autism. needless to say i turn to food to comfort me. This time I got sick and had to go to the dr and I got weight and saw I was 5 lb away from where I was 4 1/2 years ago and said oh wow I need to loss this weight. I am sick of not being able to keep up with my kids. So I back and ready to win this battle over my weight for good.
  • was diagnosed with PCOS and was told if I didn't lose the weight, I wouldn't be able to have children. I was fourteen at the time and over 400lbs its 10 years later and I'm 192. Still a way to go, but I'm getting there :) xx
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    I was here before about 3 years ago. I lost about 20 lbs and gained it all back. But I'm back on the saddle again. I have so many last straws but some of the final are:

    1) I've been planning for the last 4 years to go back to my home country on a visit and reunite with old friends but I realize that part of why it hasn't happened is that I have gained almost 100 lbs!!! I absolutely don't feel comfortable wearing a swimsuit, I don't feel comfortable going back like this and what is worse is that all my friends are fit, gorgeous, wearing barely anything (which makes sense for the climate) and even the ones who used to be fat or fatter than I was all lost weight! I'm tired of being home sick but avoid going home because of my weight

    2) Elevated blood sugar reading. It's one thing to want to look good but I also want to be healthy.

    3) I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been and I hate how my clothing fits, even my "fat clothes" are getting too tight and even the aspects of my body that I like are slowly becoming problem parts. My legs and calves have always been shapely and toned and as I have gotten fatter they're getting that way too and I started noticing stretch marks behind my knees where there weren't any before!

    4) Getting knee pain when doing certain activities and also having to roll myself out of bed - NO!

    5)I never used to snore a lot but as I gained weight my snoring has gotten out of control and I absolutely don't want that

    6) Having to buy new jeans like 2 months after I just bought a pair because my thighs rub and rubs out the inner thighs of the pants.

    Okay...that was a lot. But particularly the first and my health concerns are the last straw. I also have a trip scheduled home in July and really don't want to back down because of this.
  • Finally done reading through everyone's stories! Very inspirational.

    I think for me it was around mid-December of 2013--but we'll get to that. I've always been at least somewhat overweight since I was about 10 years old or so (Before that I was actually TOO skinny according to the doctor, but that was because I ended up choking on a piece of candy and was afraid to eat for a month and a half, so I lost a lot of weight and was almost diagnosed anorexic, but that was forever ago! Let's talk about now!). So, yeah. I was probably around 170 or so in high school, then ballooned up after that and made it to 200 lbs when I was about 19...That was a number I always told myself I'd NEVER get to! I always told myself "I'm fine just as long as I never get over 200 lbs!" Well, after a while, I DID get over 200 lbs, and then I suppose I just fell into a depression after that and stopped caring (to a point, I always felt bad about myself for being so over weight but I never had the motivation to lose it).

    :/ I eventually weighed myself at some point last year and was a disgusting 273 lbs at 5'4". That was pretty much it for me. I went on a strict diet and only ate around 1000 calories a day (I know, not healthy! This was before I did any real studying about how much I should eat), and I dropped around 36 lbs in 3 months in early 2011...I believe. Then I sort of just sat at around 237-240 lbs for the rest of the year (give or take a few pounds).

    Then, mid-December of 2013, I ended up having very bad asthma attacks every night for about a week straight. Asthma was something I've always had, but these were probably the worst attacks I've had, ever. All I could do was sit in bed trying to relax while my boyfriend sat beside me, trying to rub my shoulders to calm me down. I was wheezing and gasping for air and none of my asthma medications I had was working for me (Inhaler, Round Advair disc and a nebulizer). I had probably been taking an absurd amount of puffs from my inhaler a day, to the point I was in danger of overdosing on the stuff since it was affecting my heart rate/beat. I didn't want to go to the hospital because I already had such high bills already that I couldn't pay off due to other years I went in for my asthma.

    That was pretty much it for me. I knew that with how bad my asthma already was, the extra weight pushing up/down on my lungs was making it even worse. I was tired of having to sit up almost completely in bed to actually breathe somewhat normally, and I was tired of all the extra fat doing this to me, so I decided to get in shape once and for all. (Okay, the lack of fitting clothes also helped motivate!)

    :D It's mid-January now and although the weight loss is slow, I'm down to 226 lbs, and I'm still showing no signs of stopping my weight loss. Hopefully when I get down to a healthy weight I won't need so many medications to get my asthma under control.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    My last Gout attack sent me to the E.R for the very first time with the worst shooting pain that made me literally cry like a baby. At that point, I said NO MORE.
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    For me it was our family trip to Florida/Disney. I was at my absolute heaviest at 228 pounds. I didn't want to wear a bathing suit, be in any pictures etc. I was ashamed. We spent all this money on a fun/family vacation and I was miserable. Now I'm at 144. I still want to lose a little more and tone up. But I'm getting there :drinker:

    Anyone who wants to add me for more motivation feel free.
    I'm a SAHM of 4. I'm 29. So if you think we'd be good MFP friends add me :smile:
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I was tired of being exhausted and moody at only 27 years old. And tired of being embarrassed to eat in public.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    My biggest clothes were getting almost too tight to wear, and I absolutely detest being photographed.
    My babies just turned 1, and there are very few pictures of me with them. I want to change that, and be happy to play at the park or beach with them once they are more mobile.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    We had a company health fair and I got a report with my weight and body fat %. It put me in the "obese" category and listed all the associated health problems. I didn't believe it at first and began researching and reading. As it turned out, my results were accurate. I found a book called, "The Body Fat Guide" and it really resonated with me. I know that the book has lots of critics and is considered controversial by many but it made sense to me, given my background in biology.

    I resolved to change my eating habits, not to go on a diet. I now eat smaller, healthier meals and I started running again using C25K. I lost around 40 lbs and have mostly kept it off by continuing to eat healthy and exercise. I would really like to lose another 30 lbs which is why I'm back here.
  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    I was refusing social invitations or be in any pictures at family events as none of my 'good' outfits fit and I only have casual clothes in bigger sizes. Not good to turn into a recluse because of your weight:/
  • stotinki
    stotinki Posts: 2 Member
    I have 'started' numerous diets in the last six months. Last week I walked passed the full length mirror at work and was horrified at what i saw! It was an awakening and I am now on day 7 of my diet. I weighed in for the beginning but am afraid to weigh in again for fear of not losing much and losing my motivation. It helps to read other people's posts.