Please don't ever walk out of a class. It's extremely disrespectful to the instructor as well as a distraction to the students. If you can't keep up take the resistance off and keep pedaling until you can rejoin the resistance of the class. Yes we are a little psycho! >:) :)
We don't lift to get sore, we lift to get strong. ;)
Protein Synthesis (aka rebuilding of muscle) is usually a 48 hour process after you lift, so basically, you CAN train the same muscle group/s every other day. For that reason, I hate splits. Working a muscle group once a week is not optimal. I've always been a fan of Upper/Lower workouts - Upper/Lower/REST/repeat.
Nothing exciting-continue to improve the big lifts and stay healthy/injury free.
My BMI is @ 20. That said, BMI is a horrible indicator of body composition as it does not take into account lean mass (muscle). Using calipers (yes, not the most accurate) my body fat is around 18-19%. Would love to drop it another 2% but is very hard for me to get that lean without losing muscle.
I lift 4-5x/week. I do cardio and/or Abs on my “off days” so yes, I pretty much workout everyday. I don’t know anyone who lifts everyday if that is what the OP is asking. There are programs out there like PPL where you lift x6/week that many have had success with. That said, training and recovery is an individual thing.…
I'd add some adjustable dumbbells.
Farmer's Walks Hang Cleans/Cleans
A couple things I would have done differently if I knew back then what I know now: -Don’t need to do cardio a zillion times a week. -Don’t neglect legs & rely solely on cardio to “work” my legs. -Diet is as important as what you do in the gym, meaning-track your calories AND macros religiously.
I have a Trek X0-1 Cyclocross bike
Trying going overhand with your left hand/underhand with the right and see if that helps. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my original post.
43 and like all you other rockstar women :) I'm the strongest I've ever been. Been lifting now for about 10 years.
Barbell Reverse Lunges are one of the few exercises that I always feel the next day. If you can control your balance, I'd suggest adding some weight.
Have you tried switching which hand is over/under in the mixed grip? Sounds like maybe the weakness in your left hand could be causing the bar to rotate towards the right leg? Anything at about 70% of 1RM and up I'll switch to mixed grip. Not a huge of fan of straps for Deadlifts but just because I don't like them doesn't…
If you want to get good at a movement you need to practice that movement. I would personally work on Chin Ups (supine grip) as opposed to Pull Ups (prone grip). You recruit more muscles by doing a Chin Up so it's "easier" to do. As already mentioned, resistance band Chin Ups and Jumping Chin Ups with a slow negative are a…
I have a gym @ home so I workout first thing when I get home then eat dinner. Works perfectly for me. Weekends when I'm less busy I just workout whenever.
I do an Upper/Legs & Arms, rest, repeat, so I'm able to hit a muscle group x2-3 a week. Personally never been a fan of Split Routines. I do all my own programming.
Are you tracking your daily calorie intake? If so, what is it?
^This and stop making cardio the priority-make weightlifting the priority.
45% Carbs/30% Protein/25% Fat
Well said! I love my wedding ring too, and wearing a ring in general, but I would never wear my wedding ring to the gym as lifting would scratch the crapola out of it. So I bought a black tungsten ring which I wear to the gym instead.
I'm not a fan of pre-exhausting yourself with cardio prior to lifting. Do some rolling and stretching and warm up sets before you lift and do the rowing last. I've been lifting for years and I have never once done cardio prior to lifting. Agree 100% with this.
I usually spend about 10 minutes rolling and stretching. My lifting workouts usually take 60-75 minutes.
I haven't taken a week off in 4 years, and it was only because I was on vacation. I will however take a deload week every couple of months or whenever I feel I need it. I'll use this week to lift lighter, work on form, mobility, etc.
I get most of mine from If they have good sales I'll go to the Vitamin Shoppe. GNC is overpriced and pretty much sucks. :/
A little late to the party but these are great if you're needing to get the bar to the correct deadlift height:
I usually do a dedicated ab workout 2-3 times a week. Takes me no more than 15 minutes to do. My ab workouts usually consist of: Ab rollouts Some variation of a weighted crunch Knees to Elbows or Toes to Bar Some kind of Oblique exercise - Landmine Twists, Decline Bench Oblique Crunches or Weighted Russian Twists
Who are these crappy Personal Trainers who make all of us trainers look bad? I'd suggest hitting the weights and dumping the trainer.