abigail1977 Member


  • Beeps - great looking pics as always Amy - you will be better off not having leftovers laying around the house, good luck with the self-control at the party. I am facing a tough weekend as far as eating and logging. I have a Chinese Pot Luck dinner at my kids' school tonight - their Mandarin class is celebrating Chinese…
  • Ashley those are great pics - what great progress you have made, not just your butt, your belly is looking awesome too! Thank you for sharing.
  • I am back to logging so I am in for the challenge. I have realized that my calories are set a little high since I am not as active as I used to be so I have dropped them a bit. I am in for 11,550/week. Good luck everyone!
  • Amy - the winter detox food actually sounds pretty good, I hope it works well for you Beeps - hope your goals will help you break your plateau Velcro & Monique - welcome to the group & good luck with your goals So, I had my first strength workout on Friday since my wrist sprain. After only 4 push-ups my wrist was hurting…
  • Beeps - can't wait to see the dress. I wish I had a reason to get dressed up in a formal gown. Nobody around here dresses up for anything & it is so annoying. I tend to overdress anyways just because I want to. I also tend to avoid trendy things & go for a classic look, stuff lasts way longer. Better - yay on the pound…
  • I also was a VC Andrews fan when I was younger & in fact I still have all the books - debating keeping them to let my girls read as they were pretty racy, we'll see. Amy, I could not go without coffee, but the rest of that cleanse sounds good. I tried giving it up one year for Lent & it was awful. I was miserable & felt…
  • Jen - that is a good idea gradually adding one thing at a time, each time you have success it will motivate you to move on to the next thing Beeps - that's not good news about the cleanse making you feel bad, hopefully it is not a long one kc - fasting in the morning has been working great for me, hopefully you will find…
  • Yes January b-days stink. I can't believe I have to plan my daughter's party for the 25th after just getting coming out of the holiday season, plus she just got a ton of presents so I have no idea what to get her. So I had a nasty fall in a parking lot on Tuesday night. Nothing is broken, but I sprained my wrist & two…
  • Sorry, I am a little behind with the introduction thing, but here it is. My name is Abigail, I am 36, married with two kids both girls. I have an accounting job and I love to dance. I take pretty much any adult class I can get into, it is always changing. I have done tap, jazz, modern, hip hop & ballet. I am 5' 8.5" and my…
  • Welcome to the group tm - I also have a slouching problem & am working on my posture 2 week challenge: Food goals - no wheat or sugar (after the 1st of course) Exercise plan is Sunday - Cardio, Monday - Strength & Jazz, Tuesday - Ballet, Wednesday - Cardio, Thursday - Ballet, Friday - Strength & Saturday - yoga. Good luck…
  • Beeps - I just love your arms! I had to bake cookies yesterday & we will not discuss how many I ate. :( I am not enjoying any healthy food today because my body is saying hey I want sugar! I have a very long today tomorrow with dress rehearsal followed by Nutcracker performance & then I am done, yay! I have to work Monday…
  • Beeps - I hope you are able to find what you are looking for in 2014. I feel like I get the best of both worlds as I like my job, but since it is part time and I set my own schedule I also get to pursue other activities which I find fulfilling - fitness, music & dance Kc - welcome back, that's good news that you were able…
  • Beeps - I am in the process of doing that as well. I need to get my schedule under control in a big way. I am kicking it old school and bought a day planner for 2014. It has a whole thing about goal setting and planning. It shows the calendar by a whole month as well as 1 week per two page spread with a block for each day.…
  • I am so far behind, but just checking in real quick. So sorry for the bad news Rogie & Jen Congrats on the engagement Shander Beeps - rockin abs, I hope to see mine again someday. BTW I am a straight banana, no curves for me, but I am not going to complain because I am tall & thin good goals Better, hope it goes well for…
  • I hope everyone (in America) had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. I ran a 5K with my sister and some friends in the morning. It was wicked cold and I have not run in over a year, but I managed to finish the race in just over 30 minutes. Although it was not my best time I actually came in ahead of the other four so I was…
  • That's right Better. I had a very similar experience. I used to think I had to eat within a half hour of waking up and have six meals throughout the day. The thing is I'm not that hungry in the morning and once I start eating it is hard for me to stop, it just makes me want to eat more, plus I tend to work out later in the…
  • Okay Beeps, I think I will stop complaining about the cold now. Yikes! Enjoy the jacuzzi. Jen - so sorry to hear that, I hope you get some relief soon - you too rogie Better & ramalem - good luck with the baby making thing :) Welcome back Kate, good to hear from you! I fell behind on logging again. I need it to stay on…
  • Amy - I just read about your dad & I am so very sorry to hear that, but I am glad that he can be at peace and you are right, you still have wonderful memories to cherish. I have not heard about the DVD program that you have mentioned, but 4 days/wk seems pretty reasonable. I am seriously struggling to get 6 in with my…
  • ramalem - yes, welcome back & glad the honeymoon went well, good luck with your goals and getting back into logging. I have barely been able to log anything for weeks. I get really busy & then forget all about it, not good blc - welcome to the group, it's a great one! better - I also overdid it on the weekend, I was doing…
  • Beeps & Better - you are right, sleep is super important for many things, not just weight, you definitely want to make sure you get plenty. I always get at least 8, but I am way happier with 9. Rogie - that is terrible about your ankle, I hope everything heals properly for you. I have been considering trail running, but so…
  • Beeps - good luck with your "systems" approach and don't sweat the BF thing, you are doing all the right things & you look awesome kc - I hear you with the busy schedule, this school year has been insane with our schedules, we have stuff every night of the week and weekends are getting busy as well. It's Nutcracker time…
  • Wow, I miss a few days and find out our group has two new little ones. Congrats to Ris & Chloe. That is wonderful news! I only had to time to take a quick scan at work. Will check back in & post later.
  • Beeps - that's a bummer about the cramps, I don't usually get them. I used to get wicked lower back pains, but not anymore. I just get irritable & have a headache for a day or two. Anyways, have a blast at the concert. Jen - glad you decided to go ahead and celebrate with your friends, sounds like fun Better - you're…
  • Beeps - that meal sounds absolutely divine - enjoy! Ashley - yoga & strength, interesting - let us know how it goes Jen - I have worked out on empty before and felt the same way, scary. Your dinner also sounds awesome. Ris - glad to hear your sweet tooth is starting to get under control. I crazed sugar like crazy with my…
  • Ashley you rock, love those pics - your back is fantastic! Amy - so sorry things are not good for your dad, but I am glad you are able to get to spend time with him Jen - super impressed with your lifting, you go girl Beeps - have a wonderful Thanksgiving Bad news - I have not been super great about my eating & other than…
  • Better - glad you had a good time & also got some good perspective Amy - so sorry about your week, hope your dad is doing ok, enjoy your time in San Fran Beeps - hope your lifting went well I did pretty well this past week with eating, feeling a lot better after my binge last weekend. I was below on calories almost every…
  • bikini - welcome, this is a great group shander - congrats on the baby niece, that must have been really scary, glad she is doing well ramalem - good luck with South Beach beeps - great 2-week plan, sticking with the basics & keeping it simple always a good idea amy - I am also sad about Breaking Bad being over, but I am…
  • Jen - very exciting news about all your new opportunities, way to go! Amy - hope your weekend was fun & that your dad is doing ok Beeps - thanks for the reminder about weight training, with my schedule being what it is I need to prioritize & it has been weights over cardio & as always looking awesome - both your body &…
  • ramalem - I forgot mine one night going to a cardio class! I am small chested and my workout top was spandex with a liner anyway so I decided to risk it, not cool! I'm not sure others noticed, but I was totally self-conscious watching myself in the mirror the whole time & at one point we were running in place with our arms…
  • Good job on the star challenge for those ladies that have checked in. Better - bummer about the hand foot mouth - been there. Current challenge: log all food everyday, get in some form of exercise every day & drink lots of water - keeping it simple for now!