2 week challenge



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    I am really trying to recommit to the gym/working out. Beeps, that is the "habit" I would like to start working on. I just sometimes feel like I don't have enough time and with the weather being gross and the sun setting at like 5pm, it's really hard to motivate myself to go. I only made it twice last week (goal was three).

    I am also going to try and start logging again today and am also seriously considering starting weight watchers again. It was much easier for me to track with weight watchers and I felt like I had more success there... we'll see.

    Chloe - so good to hear from you! And really your story is a testament to having a good workout regimen/healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy.

    Jen - I hear you on the being partied out. I feel like as college football starts to wind down (and with that the tailgating) I get partied out too. Im looking forward to a bit of a break.

    Blcgrace - welcome! Your stats (height, weight/goal weight) sound a lot like mine!

    That's all I can see for now! Have a good Monday you guys!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    ramalem - yes, welcome back & glad the honeymoon went well, good luck with your goals and getting back into logging. I have barely been able to log anything for weeks. I get really busy & then forget all about it, not good

    blc - welcome to the group, it's a great one!

    better - I also overdid it on the weekend, I was doing great all day Saturday & Sunday right up until Sunday dinner & then, bam! a bottle of wine, a big plate of Hungarian goulash followed by brownie sundaes, yikes! Anyways, glad you got in some walking & lifting

    Jen - glad to hear the celebrating is winding down for you & you can settle back into a healthy routine, of course then you have the holidays to look forward to :)

    I am focusing on eating healthy & keeping up with my Tapout XT DVD's - they are pretty hard & quite time consuming. It takes almost an hour out of my day six days/week so getting them all in is tricky. Sometimes I just substitute my dance class if I can't get in both.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hi bloc grace!

    Jen - happy birthday!

    Better - systems worked very well this weekend. No binges. And TOM arrived, so I think that's a "win"!

    Hi ramalem and Abigail!
  • blcgrace
    blcgrace Posts: 14 Member
    Hi folks! Thanks for the welcome :) Happy to be here.

    Seems like a supportive bunch.

    Do you guys keep your food diaries open? Mine is. Feel free to friend me.

    What strategies or things have you found that work?

    This journaling/friending/accountability is a BIG help for me already.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Monday = 2.8 mile run at lunch. Good eats all day. I calculated my net calories in my head while trying to fall asleep (lights out around 10:15) and reckon I was around 1200 before exercise calories. I could tell this morning as I was hungry for breakfast, which never happens.

    I've got my class tonight and off work tomorrow. Still sore from Sunday. Good start to the week!

    Hi Beeps! Glad you didn't have any binges!

    Ram, I say do what works. If it's Weight Watchers, do it! I did it during college and then again maybe 5 years ago. I always felt like I was getting dirty looks because I've never been a "huge" person, but I think it's a great program; the points really simplify everything.

    Abigail, I am impressed you can get an hour in 6 days a week! I am doing good to get 30 minutes in.

    Blcgrace, welcome! This is a great group. I've been responding for probably 2 years here. My diary is open to friends but I quit logging nearly 2 months ago. I have found the greatest success in transforming my body has been heavy lifting and listening to my body in regards to food. The later being a more recent revelation. And also not being so hard on myself. I love food and wine. And I partake in them and try to balance it all out. I take photos and measurements too, but not that often. I had about a year between my last photos a few weeks back and some taken last year and they really inspired me to keep going strong. I agree having a circle of "friends" on here keeps me accoutable too. Even though I've never met any of these ladies in real life, I actually think about them in everyday life. :smile:

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    blgrace - I'm an intermittent feeder, so nope, my diary is closed (can't take the comments from mfp'ers who feel they HAVE to comment on my "fasting" days....). All sorts of strategies have "worked" for me, but not all strategies work for me all the time. For now, I have moved to a "systems" mentality (i.e. focusing on the "inputs") and am leaving the "goals/outputs" piece alone. What that REALLY means is that I'm trying to build better habits - so, doing the SAME things, everyday, to end up with a result, down the line, that I want.

    My achilles heels seems to be night-time snacking. So, I am cutting it out, completely....mostly that means I don't get to watch t.v. (because it somehow "cues" some binge-pantry-raid thinking in my head) and I go to my bedroom, surf the web, visit with my kids, whatever!

    By doing this, I did not eat after supper even ONE time last week! THAT IS A HUGE WIN! I have made it to be by 10:00 pm every single evening - that means I am getting more sleep - THAT IS A HUGE WIN!

    I am only weighing myself 1 x per week (Wednesdays), so i do not know if it is making a difference on the scale, but I am hopeful that I can shave 1 lb per month, which is 12 lbs by my Nov/14 birthday. THAT WOULD BE A HUGE WIN!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    My 2-week challenge (it'll be boring....and repetitive, sorry!):

    1. eat ONLY calories alotted per day.
    2. lift x 3 per week.
    3. brush teeth right after supper.
    4. go to bedroom if any "hunger" seems to be triggered in belly post-supper.
    5. weigh only 1 x per week (Wednesdays).

  • blcgrace
    blcgrace Posts: 14 Member
    Love that goal/challenge of stopping after dinner. I, too, find my weakest time to be after dinner. Well done!

    What time are you eating your last meal? What time do you go to bed?

    I'd like to employ a similar tactic; I think it'd really help.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    If we're talking about our shortcomings, I'll confess. I. Love. Wine. If there were no negative affects, I would drink it every night. I try to keep it to just a few drinks maybe once during the week, maybe one or two another night. But bring on the weekends. Luckily I am not a snacky drunk. But I'm sure not wanting to eat protein and green vegetables the next day.

    My Goals:
    1. Lift 2x
    2. Run 2x
    3. Tuesday Pilates-strength class
    4. Lights out by 10:30; to bedroom by 10.
    5. Listen to my body! (Don't eat too much)
    6. Try to behave this weekend while our next round of out of town guests are in.

    My 51 year old running partner told me yesterday that drinking green tea helps burn belly fat. Anyone heard this? It's making me consider adding decaf green tea in the afternoon (my snacky time). I'm skeptical of this, but may be a good habit anyways.....
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi gals!

    I will definitely confess to loving wine. I can't get enough of it - seriously Better I totally agree, I would drink it every night. I am also not a snacky drunk which helps in keeping cals down over the weekend for sure. Sometimes there is nothing better than a glass of vino and my couch :) I usually allow myself to have a glass if I go out for dinner and then once at home during the week. All bets are off during the weekends however.

    Beeps - sounds like you are finding some good habits! I don't have the snacking issue after dinner, not entirely sure why. I usually end my day with a cup of mint tea and that probably keeps me from eating/snacking.

    Better - when I've done Weight Watchers, I do it entirely online so no "why are you in here" looks at meetings. Not sure at this point it's really worth the cost for me. I know what I need to do, I just need to do it. Also, great start to your week and good goals! Keep it up. I have heard similar things about green tea,

    BLC - The time I eat my last meal depends entirely on how complicated what I make is and what time I get home. I try not to finish eating any later than 8pm, its usually around 7:30. I am usually in my room by 9:45/10 and asleep by 10:15/10:30.

    I have decided to go back to NROL4W for now. I did workout A1 last night and realized that I do actually enjoy that program. Here's to hoping I make it to Stage 2 this time :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    blcgrace - I eat my last meal around 6:30 pm. I go to bed at 10:00 pm.

    Better - I don't think there's anything about anything "burning belly fat" that rings with ANY truth to me! (I just don't believe in "spot reduction" of bodyfat....calorie-deficit will burn bodyfat, but generally all-over-where-your-body-stores-fat - not just BELLY!). I do like green tea because I feel like my appetite is settled down when I drink it (in the afternoons).

    ramalem - mint is a GREAT way to end a meal!! That's why I'm brushing my teeth after my evening meal from now on! It really does send a "DONE" signal to my body!

    on another forum (not mfp....), there's all this discussion about how WW programs are failing because they introduced the 'free fruit' thing and, whadda-ya-know, fruit has PLENTY O' CALORIES, so nobody is losing weight on the 'all-you-can-eat-fruit' plan!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hey, girls, I am back! I couldn't catch up on everything, I am feeling overwhelmed as it is!
    Sadly, my dad lost his battle with cancer on Oct. 30. I am heart-broken:brokenheart:
    The last few months were especially hard, so there was some relief knowing he is at peace. He was a great dad so I have nothing but great memories to comfort me. And my friends and family, and wine...
    But I want to get back to my fitness which has been neglected entirely during the last 6 weeks. I realized that next week is 12 weeks from Costa Rica, so I need a 12 week program, except the last 21 days I was going to try the 21-day clutch diet and workout plan...
    I saw an ad for "drop 2 sizes" and it's a Rachel Cosgrove program. It's DVDs and supposedly you can do it at home. Has anyone heard anything about it? I am tempted because I think she is a knowledgeable professional and it is 4 workouts per week, which seems totally do-able. I don't plan on seriously dialing back the diet until 21-day clutch, but I will log and try to limit drinking.
    Beeps, I did read this page and I mis-read "pantry raid" as "panty raid":noway: but it made me laugh!
    Better, as far as burning belly fat, I did read about a controlled study where lower carb diets lost more belly fat eating the same number of calories as a higher-carb group. The carbs weren't super-low either, lemme see if I can find the study...
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I've been slacking!

    Amy - I'm so sorry to hear about your father, my thoughts are with you and your family <3 I hope you get back on track to where you want to be soon!

    Beeps - Don't focus on the numbers (yes, a while back I know, but still wanted to address that!) You look AMAZING and that's what counts! And I love your new goals on focusing on the positive and just trying to better yourself all around

    Ram - I'm glad you had a great honeymoon and everything! Good luck getting back into your routine!!

    Ashley - Totally agree with the wine!! I try not to drink during the week, but of course there are exceptions... such as tomorrow there is a "Grand Wine Tasting" at a local liquor store with 18 tables of different wines!! Of course I have to go! I have heard that green tea does help speed up your metabolism, not sure about reducing belly fat!

    BLC - welcome!! Goals look great :)

    Abigail - I'm so jealous you still dance!! I wish I had the courage to get back into it, I used to love it, especially ballet <3

    Jen - Happy Birthday!! I'm glad you had a blast and enjoyed your concert!! You look great in that dress of course!! I remember I almost bought the same one a while ago!! I think I told you that when I first joined :)

    Chloe & Ris - Congratulations on your beautiful babies!!! They are both adorable and I can't wait to see more pictures of them :)

    As for me I'm at a stand still for weight :grumble: I feel like I haven't changed anything in months!!! I really want to get into lifting but I never know what to do. What moves to you ladies do when you lift? I want to put together a routine but I don'e know what to do once I get to the gym! If you could just let me know what you usually do it might help!! I want to get more in shape for my sister's wedding (Feb 1) and just need to get out of this rut to do it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Wow, asjerven, that is very sad news about your Dad. My condolences....

    I think Rachel's program would be very good - are you wanting more 'cardio' focus, or more 'weights' focus for the next 12 weeks??

    shander - of course, I recommend NROL4Women as a great starting point for weights. So is NROL4Abs!! Strong Curves - the (relatively) new one out by Bret C. ("the Glute Guy") is also very popular - I have incorporated SOME of his moves into my routine, but I don't strictly do his work-outs.

    Today, I do get to lift! Last night, even with my supper out, I stayed under calories - now, because it was a restaurant meal, that salt might propel the scale in the WRONG direction, but I'm settled about doing my "systems approach".

    Which means, of course, today I do step on the scale for "weigh-in Wednesday!".....my only once-per-week permission to step on it!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Amy - I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I can't even begin to imagine how tough that is. Hugs to you, and I hope that you get yourself back on track soon.

    Beeps - I definitely watch my fruit intake on Weight Watchers. I think the reason that WW seems to work for me is because it's just points and not calories that I see. I have this issue where if I have extra calories left over at the end of the day, I feel like I need to eat (or drink them). Having points disguise the calorie count seems to work for me - I also like the extra 49 that they give you per week. Helps me control my weekends and makes me motivated to bank my points as well. For some reason seeing the calories is tough. Way to go on eating out and staying under cals! I only weigh in once a week too.

    Shander - hiya! That wine tasting event sounds awesome :) For weight lifting, I am getting into (for the second time) New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a pretty straight forward lifting routine. I stopped last time after skipping to the arms and back section and pulling something in my shoulder... Tried too much too soon. I am back at stage one and am really liking it again.

    That's about all I can see right now. Got some good HIIT in yesterday and stayed under my cals - here's to hoping for some self control at book club tonight!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    So sorry to hear this Amy. But am glad your Dad is in a better place. :flowerforyou:

    Ramalem, glad you chose a program and are happy with it! Looks like you've been getting your workouts in. Awesome!

    Beeps, I hope your weigh in went well and that your systems is working out for you. I am finding that so much of this is mental. It's not about changing tiny little things, but the overall ....well system! Don't know if you all are familiar with Steve Troutman; he posts a lot of good stuff. Anyways, a long time ago I asked a question about post workout meals. I know some people swear by eating within 30 minutes of their workout, and depending on when I work out, often times that didn't and still doesn't happen. His response in part was, "If you’re not consistent with the foundation stuff though, then it’s pretty pointless worrying about the nuances of PWO nutrition as far as I’m concerned. That’s be like worrying about filling up a flat tire on your car when the engine’s on fire...." SYSTEMS!

    Shander, It's good to hear from you. I agree find a program you like that your equipment/gym membership will support and something you like. I stand by the heavy lifting as I have seen it transform my body over the last year like nothing I have ever done has. And that's by spending less than 30 minutes 2-3x a week. Lately it's been 20-25 minutes 2x a week. I do 3 exercises; that's it.

    That's all I can see now. I've had a pretty good week. My eating has been good expect for a small pretzel binge I had last night. I've had a few glasses of wine over the course of the week and have gotten all my planned workouts done. I've been getting to bed near when I'm trying to but have been waking up hot a lot instead of sleeping all night. So I'm starting the almost weekend off tired, which makes it even more important to not stay up too late with my friends. I'd love to get a run in after work, but our guests are showing up and I need to hit the grocery and liquor store and do a little cleaning, so not sure if time will allow. Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Better - my "systems" are working, well....although I blew a 12-day "streak" last night regarding "eating after supper". So, today, I start building a NEW streak! (1-in-12 days of after-supper-snacking is STILL better than 12-in-12 days....)

    here are other 'streaks' I am building:

    1. brushing my teeth after supper....interesting that I did NOT do this, last night, and....I DID end up eating after my supper!

    2. only weighing once per week....I ended up at the dr's office, today, so weighed there (not my normal place), so this "streak" ends this week because my proper weigh-in day is Wednesday. Will begin, anew, next week!

    3. in bed by 10 pm....I am 13 days into this streak!! And, yes, I am feeling more rested.

    I haven't worked out since Sunday - unusual for me to miss as much as I have this week, but work is just koo-koo....will get back on that horse Friday and I teach on Saturday (so will miss my normal cardio time....) and then will make sure 3 x weights next week....and just get back at it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Thank goodness I am going to the gym today. The end.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I could use a good sweat to wake me up. I don't know what it is, but this has been the hardest year ever to adjust to daylight savings. I want to go to sleep at like 9 every night. But my social calendar does not allow. Last night we were up with our guests till probably midnight. Wine, hot tube, more wine, fire pit, more wine and then I decided I needed sleep. That will be my strategy this weekend: I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. The End. :smile:

    No running yesterday. I worked late and needed supplies (food and wine) for the weekend.

    We've had guests 4 of the last 5 weekends. Tonight we host a party for 10 and tomorrow have another couple joining our guest list for big (30 people) family dinner out and then 6 of us back to our place I reckon.

    Have a great weekend!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - I just read about your dad & I am so very sorry to hear that, but I am glad that he can be at peace and you are right, you still have wonderful memories to cherish. I have not heard about the DVD program that you have mentioned, but 4 days/wk seems pretty reasonable.

    I am seriously struggling to get 6 in with my current schedule. I have been out every single freakin' weeknight for the last few weeks & I am tired! I am volunteering at a school talent show that my daughter is singing in tonight so it will be another late night tonight. Okay rant over. Next week should be a little better & I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving & the four day weekend, yay!