2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--you should definitely do the Warrior Dash and the Color Run! I've done two Warrior Dashes (#2 is my profile pic) and they've both been a lot of fun. I've never done a Color Run, but I hear that it's a fun one too, and fun for the kiddos as well.

    Ashley--sounds like you have a busy spring as well! Good luck with your Snowman Shuffle on Saturday! And I hope Eric gets better soon, sounds like you could use a break from doctor duty!

    Chloe--the good news is that the Super Bowl only comes once a year! Your body will get back to normal soon, and I'm guessing that you'll have lots more motivation to stay on track this coming weekend!

    Beeps--LOL, good for you for getting in your lunchtime workouts! That's interesting that the free weights area isn't too crowded during lunch. I assumed it would be, and that's the biggest thing keeping me from going to my office gym at lunch. I guess I need to at least check it out sometime. And I guess bruising could be from anemia, but I would think it's unlikely given that there is probably plenty of iron in your multi-vitamin. Maybe you just bruise easily? Sounds like a good idea to bring it up at your physical.

    Spicy--your see thru wedding dress sounds scandalous!

    Ashley--I generally have more motivation to workout in the morning than any other time of day, assuming I can get myself out of bed. If you have the option of going to work a little later to fit in a workout first thing, that's probably a good option. I like the idea of working out at lunch too, I'll need to see if I can make myself do that. And I'm with you on missing warmer weather. We're supposed to have a warm March, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Amy--I'm jealous of your wine and pizza tonight! Two of my favorite things. For supplements, I take daily multi-vitamins, fish oil, glucosamine (for my knees). and magnesium (for my RLS). Probably way more than necessary, but my doctors seem to be happy that I'm taking the multi and the fish oil.

    Well I went out to dinner last night so I'm sure I was way over my calories (I didn't try to log it, but I'm sure it was over the 675 calories I had left for the day). It was delicious, but I definitely need to do a lot better the rest of the week. I got a good run in this morning, and I'm going to try to lift weights tonight while my husband plays basketball.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    For supplements I only take a prenatal mutlivitamin. I took them while TTC, then while pregnant, then while nursing, and now I am just finishing them off. I may just stick with them as it's possible/probable that we may be trying for #2 within the next 6 months (probably later in that summer pending some vacations unless we decide we're not ready....right now I can't imagine sharing attention with Daphne and another baby.....), and I think I've heard that one should take prenatals 6 months before conceiving?
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ashley- Yes, you should take them before you get pregnant because the extra folic build up in your body can help prevent a billions things. Since Malia was a surprise, I didn't take any prenatals. She was 8 lbs 3 oz. In fact, I got drunk more then once before I knew I was pregnant. I was taking them before Addison, ate healthy, gave up alcohol and caffine prior, and Addi was 3 months early 2 lbs 1 oz. Go figure.

    Ris- Your double workout today should make up for yesterday.

    Beeps- I would check with a Dr. It may be normal to bruise more but you should make sure.

    Amy- I have heard too many Dr.'s say you're just buying expensive pee.... but I don't know. I've only taken them when I was pregnant/nursing.

    So I somehow just agreed to a jumprope contest in front of the entire shcool!!! What? I don't even own a jumprope. Last years winner went for 20 minutes!!!! I guess I know how I am staying in shape for the next 2 weeks.Oh, and 10 days until VEGAS, baby!!!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I am taking a prenatal, fish oil, B-6 and biotin. I will probably stop taking the B-6 once I run out, they seem pointless.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Only 2 more work-outs in Phase 1 of Venus Index. I would like to purchase the "immersion" program that VI offers, but I am on a "spending freeze" right now - exercising 'discipline', in all aspects of my life, really helps me exercise 'discipline' on the eating front! So, I'm thinking I'll start NROL4Life next week and then, when complete, I can go FULL IMMERSION with Venus Index. Thoughts??
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Have fun in Vegas, Kelly! and goodluck in the jumprope contest. My workout calls for 10 mins of jump roping every 4 days, and I can only get a minute, then rest 30 secs, etc. It's a great workout. Will they have someone to turn the rope for you? That would be fun, like old times on the playground.c inderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss a fellow, made a mistake, kissed a snake, how many dr's did it take? 1, 2, 3.....
    And beeps, the bruising could be the fish oil, it's a blood thinner.
    Venus sounds pricey, Beeps, I cannot believe it is worth it?!
    I saw Zuzana, formerly of bodyrock has a dvd series and it's only $15 so I might do that later. Also, I think I am getting this adjustable kettlebell for my birthday and I want to do some home workouts around that.
    Chloe, I hear B-6 (or B-complex) is good for warding off a hangover!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Yes, I think Venus Index is pricey. And, in the middle of a "spending freeze", it just doesn't seem like something I want to do. I have 3 textbooks:

    1. New Rules of Lifting for Women (completed in 2012);
    2. New Rules of Lifting for Abs (2/3 completed in 2012); and
    3. New Rules of Lifting for LIfe (a freebie I won in a competition last year!) - never started this one!

    So, for free, I can just do NROL4Life for the next 8 weeks, or so, and then see if hubby and I have "lifted" our spending freeze, lol.

    I'm not interested in stronglifts. I haven't investigated Starting Strength.

    I guess the "easiest" solution is just to slog through NROL4Life - my ONLY hesitancy is that you have to 'design-your-own' work-out with this text. I'm lazy....let's face it, I do better when somebody else says, "Beeps, go do X and then Y and then Z and then X again, etc."

    Then, mindlessly, I just go do it....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Starting Strength might be a good formula for you, Beeps, check it out. There's one main workout, alternate A and B and then there is enhanements you can pick, based on your goals.
    Also, you might look at Body Building.com, they have so many free programs. I am like you and want to be told exactly what to do, how many times, etc.

    I am going to be looking for something after DR. I am looking forward to doing some research and getting excited about something!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I do look at the rippetoe videos at youtube....very helpful. But, I'm not gonna purchase Starting Strength during my "spending freeze".

    Alas, I worked through NROL4Life, last night. I got my spreadsheets all set up - at least for the first 4 weeks. So, will see how it goes.

    I also subscribe to "Oxygen" magazine - and I've ripped pages out of those mags of "work-outs" I want to try. So, who knows, I might throw in some of those, too!

    I think I'll just mix-it-up during my spending freeze. I really have lots to "play" with and, so long as I'm recording my progress, I'll feel like I'm doing okay!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    All this talk about programs makes me want to start thinking about my next one....says Exercise ADD Girl who is only 1.5 weeks into her 13 week mini training..... Ugh. No, I am excited about doing the running. I'm excited about my lunchtime run today!

    I have been doing ok with food this week, not necessarily macros. I woke up feeling really puffy today, despite not having a real dinner (cheese, wine, fruit, crackers, hummus) and was up 0.5 pound. That makes 2 pounds in 2 weeks. :noway: Which means I WILL have a loss next week. I've been on a slow up and down trend over the last 3 months: from 127.5 to 132.5 at the holidays to 127.5 and now back to 129. I would prefer to settle more towards the mid 120's. I feel like I'm always "trying to lose weight" and never at a "maintenance state". I think if I could do well for several weeks, get to a little lower and then maintain, I would stress a lot less. Anyways, I'm still adjusting calories and workouts so I am hesitant to do anything "major" at this time.

    Today is my Friday! My friends are coming in tomorrow. I plan on a total body strength workout tomorrow during morning nap and then my race is Saturday! It's my friend's first race and she is a little slower than me, so I probably won't be breaking any records. :wink: Enjoy your weekends friends! Let's stay on track!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Haha, stay on track? during the weekend?? crazy talk:tongue::drinker:
    I am going to workout before my dinner at the Keg, I already entered it with wine and bread and filet and it will work!
    Not sure about tomorrow, but I got Saturday worked out and plan to fast Sunday til dinner.

    Beeps, why are you on a spending freeze? are you saving up for something? what's the status of your job? I can't remember if you said.
    I should have a spending freeze. I have a serious shopping problem. It's the "groupons"! I can avoid spending money on big purchases, but if I see a really good deal I have to have it. You should see all the money I spend saving money:huh:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Haha, stay on track? during the weekend?? crazy talk:tongue::drinker:

    Well....within reason, right? :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Better - I didn't know whether or not a strength-session, right before a race (i.e. one day before) is something that was common practice or not? Your muscles aren't "tight" when heading into your race?? (Usually, the day after my strength-work-out, I'm sore. somewhere. Maybe all over. But, somewhere I'm SORE!)

    Amy - my spending freeze is self-induced. I still have my job, but am unsure how much longer. Husband and I have just spent like CRAZY-town through Xmas and then on vacation. And, right now, my paycheques are lower because I have to make CPP contributions, up to the maximum - which is about April. I'm not saving up for anything! I just, really, do NOT need to spend right now! So, hubby and I have decided to enforce a "spending freeze" between ourselves. We still buy for the kids - and our VISA bill is STILL sky-high this month! Yes, i need new clothes - I have 2 pairs of jeans that fit! But, I might as well lose ALL the fat and see where that gets me! Yes, I WANT to buy make-up. But, I've got some stock-piled (thank you 'free gift' time!).

    I just find that, if I stay "disciplined" in NOT spending, somehow that discipline bleeds to my diet, my fitness, everywhere. Exercising those "discipline" muscles, for me, kind of builds on itself.

    It also doesn't hurt that we are trying to "model", to our children, the difference between a "need" and a "want". Gosh, our household makes a LOT of "want" purchases! Even if we just cut back on THAT, for a few months, I think bills would normalize and I WOULD feel comfortable going into a lay-off.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    so as not to seem all "mary martyr", I *am* still spending, in ways-and-means that I'd prefer not to!

    1. We have V-Day supper scheduled for Feb. 13th. It is at a higher-end resto, so that's $$ out the door....
    2. We have to travel to OLD city next weekend - that's 2 nights in a hotel. I did purchase them early, through priceline.com, so got a good "deal", but still - MORE $$ OUT THE DOOR.
    3. glasses/contacts - sheesh, I'm going BLIND! So, for the 2nd time in a YEAR, I was at the optometrist. NEW prescription. Went online and bought contacts and cheap-o glasses (I'm talking the $19.99's at zennioptical.com). Delivered LAST NIGHT. Guess what?? PRESCRIPTION IS WRONG! The doctor, loser that she is, gave me LAST year's prescription - not this years....so, I have to RE-PURCHASE ALL OF THIS.

  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--good luck with your race and have fun with your friends!

    Amy--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And nice job pre-logging your birthday dinner!

    Beeps--We're sort of doing the same thing with the self-induced spending freeze. We definitely save a lot of money cutting down on the "want" purchases. And you are definitely right about exercising your "discipline" muscles--being disciplined about one part of your life definitely conditions you to be disciplined about other areas!

    Well I did not get in my evening workout last night, I was way too tired. By I stayed within my calories and I was at my maintenance weight this morning, so I'm happy with that. I'm going to go for a booze-free weekend since I had a little more than I planned on this week between dinner on Tuesday and a work happy hour last night. Between that and my running date on Saturday or Sunday, I'm hoping it won't be too hard to stay within my calories.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    Right - HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY! Have a GREAT one!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Better - I didn't know whether or not a strength-session, right before a race (i.e. one day before) is something that was common practice or not? Your muscles aren't "tight" when heading into your race?? (Usually, the day after my strength-work-out, I'm sore. somewhere. Maybe all over. But, somewhere I'm SORE!)

    I didn't mean "strength" more like "total body workout" as in some kettlebell swings, walking lunges, pushups, plank series and other light to moderate calisthenics. I am not doing any strength training during my mini training, so I am just trying to do one day of these types of things.

    My lunch run was great. I'm all red faced and sweaty now, but I feel great! Should have brought my makeup base.....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I have been all about the weight lifting for strength for the past couple years. But, yesterday I did a barre pilates class and OMG talk about strength training! It worked muscles I didn't even know I had. And we started the class out with 30 minutes of cycling and I was looking at my arms in the mirror during class and I have to say yoga has done some good things for my arms this past month.

    We just got an unexpected dinner invitation to a friends house for tonight. So I am probably going to have a little wine and whatever they are making, she mentioned lasagna, which I am not crazy about, so I should be able to keep that to a small piece. I will get my treadmill run in before we go though. And I will have my nice salmon dinner I had planned for tonight tomorrow.

    Happy Birthday Amy! Hope you have a fabulous night out!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,991 Member
    I survived my dentist appointment, today.

    The end.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    I survived my dentist appointment, today.

    The end.

    LOL. Commendable, for sure!

    Happy birthday, Amy!