2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh, is it goal time again already?

    Mine are:
    1. Run 3x a week (per training schedule)
    2. 1 day of total body strength/calisthenics. (I'll be a little lax on my strength training over the next 3 months. Probably more calithenics than heavy lifting.)
    3. Eat good foods; watch macros. Calories 1300 a day. One cheat day.
    4. Don't get hammered on Saturday so we can go to church Sunday
    5. Don't get hammered next Friday so my 4 mile race isn't run hungover

    That's all.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    My goals are:

    1) To have an overall (for the week) average daily calorie intake of less than 1500
    2) 3 days of C25K, 2 spin classes and 2 yoga classes ( starting next week it will be 3 yoga classes because they are starting a Sunday morning class)
    3) Limit drinking and snacking on the weekends in order to achieve goal #1
    4) Stop talking bad to myself and start seeing my body the way my husband does. (I am always looking in the mirror thinking how fat I look and he is telling me how sexy I am....I need to feel that way about myself)

    Ashley- one of our NY resolutions was to start going to church again. And we have been successful with that so far. I really find I just feel better about the world when I go, especially with all the tragedies that keep happening.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--It's so much harder to stick to your routine when family comes in town! But it sounds like you've figured out your system, so hopefully they didn't derail you too much. Sounds like great goals!

    Chloe--Your Superbowl plans sound fun! Though hurricanes and jambalaya aren't exactly light in calories. At least you know what you're getting into on Sunday so you can be good this week. And gerat goals! I particularly like #4, it's one we all should do.

    ShmoozyQ--What are your calories set to now? If you've been hitting your targets for a month with no results, it might be time to change something up, adjust either your intake or your exercise. And I know what you mean about it being tough to estimate portions on MFP. I generally eat pretty simple stuff during the week and eat the same things over and over again so it's not that bad to log, but the weekends are tough. There is no way I have time to enter every ingredient I use when I'm cooking.

    Ashley--sounds like a fun weekend! And it sounds like you have a good plan for drinking going forward. Maybe just keeping track of how many drinks you have each night will help, just forcing yourself to keep track might make you more aware of it. And I'm sorry to hear that your daughter has to have surgery! I'm sure it'll be fine but I'm guessing it's still a little scary.

    My weekend was pretty good. I was over my calories on Friday and I skipped out on logging Saturday and Sunday, but I only drank on Saturday (which I was planning on doing since we had friends over) even though my husband had some drinks on Friday and Sunday so I was pretty tempted. I think I'm going to continue to cut back on the booze going forward but probably not as strictly. I also got in a good run on Saturday and some lifting on Sunday. My weight is still steady so I'm happy with it overall.

    Here are my goals:

    1. Continue to get in at least a quick workout every day
    2. Log everything Monday-Friday, and eat in moderation on Saturday and Sunday
    3. Do at least 3 strength workouts a week.
    4. Limit drinking to "special occasions" (i.e., no more drinking just because I'm bored/my husband is drinking/I don't have work the next morning)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Best part of my weekend- On Sat I felt like trying on clothes that I haven't been able to wear in years. Guess what? The scale doesn't know *kitten* and I look good in clothes I use to wear 10 pounds ago. YES!!!! It motiated me to workout both Sat and Sun. The shorts were a litttle short though, so I need to trim te thighs. I bought JM killer buns and thighs for $7 at Costco.
    Bad news- I decided to get nachos to share with my husband Sat night after I got off of work. Well, he had order a pizza (an expensive pizza and we got into a fight because we are not suppose to be spending money (I don't want to work 2 jobs forever!) So I ate all the nachos myself. Oh well.

    Ris- sounds like you had a good weekend with solid 2 week goals!
    Chloe- I agree with you on church. The girls and I started going again a few months ago and I really enjoy it. Now my friend is going too and we might join a woman's group - if we can find one with woman around our age.
    Beeps- Glad you enjoyed family time. Good luck with your goals.
    Ashley- Sounds like a fun weekend. You have been doing so well lately, a day of food/drinking shouldn't throw you off.
    Schmoozy- I wish I had some advice - still trying to figure that out myself!

    2 week Challenge
    1. Keep carbs under 40 and protein over 30
    2. 2 days lower/ 2 days upper
    3. Try my Cathe YOGA DVD - I've had it for 3 or 4 weeks now!
    4. Avoid the scale -yes, I want to avoid it for 2 weeks. It's stupid.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning all. I'm glad to see that everyone had a good weekend. Mine was not too productive, but had a good time. We had belated Christmas at my grandmother's. Got in a good long cardio session before going, kept my fast on until the set time of 12pm and then ate 80/20 during. Calories were good, macros off but I think it ended up well. Same with yesterday. Nice long cardio session and decent eats. Nothing major to report. Except the drop in calories and decrease in carbs (up in fat & protein) for the LP plan. I am having a rough time getting the carbs that low. I can get them to 100 but lower is difficult. Simple stuff that you don't think about having noteable carbs (ie cottage cheese) keeps me above where her macros want me. I am going to stay as close to the carb ratio as I can but I'm not going out shopping when I have good healthy eats at home just to get 15-25g of carbs off the top. Hopefully, it won't be a huge dealbreaker!!

    My 2 week goals:
    1) Keep workouts lighter as per LP guidelines. She says 'no workouts, just recovery' so I'm leaning towards yoga & stretching. Possibly some low key treadmill incline walks. Just to keep me on a schedule.
    2) Keep water intake up. I'm coming down with something and I always forget to drink water when my body needs it most!

    Ris-Glad things are steady for you. And glad you had a good run Saturday! Looks like you are finding some nice balance!

    Beeps- Glad the visit went well. What a busy schedule! I hope you had some time in there to enjoy your company! It can be so hard to do when the kids schedules have you running every which way!!

    Ashley- Your weekends sound so fun. I'm a little jealous! :wink: Hope everything goes ok with the surgery!!

    Chloe- Your weekends too! The Superbowl party sounds fun!! And I'm with Ris, I love your #4. Excellent point/goal.

    Shmoozy-I think we've set this board up as a 2 week challenge because (correct me if I'm wrong, ladies) but we felt like you needed to give things at least 14 days worth to see a change. I know for me with calorie levels...I have to give it a tad longer because consistency isn't my strong suit. The food scale is a great tool (total PIA!! but good tool) often times, I'd underestimate things like egg whites for cooking/baking but overestimate an ounce of almonds. And of course there's always the MFP input error, where things might not be entered correctly on the database (or even manufacturer error when 'reporting' nutritional information for labels) So depending on how consistent you feel you are being, I'd take a look at what that number is for you. Going down, as Beeps mentioned earlier last week, to account for these errors might help. But we don't want to advocate for dipping too low! An accurate,moderate deficit is the way to go- if we can ever account for all of these factors we'd be golden right?!:tongue:
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Morning! Thanks for the feedback on calorie levels, ladies. I currently have mine set at 1500 - with a moderately active lifestyle. That *should* set me at around a .5 lb loss per week. I've been hitting the goal pretty much right on (I think I was over by 20 cals average one week, and under by about that much for the past two weeks). I'm trying really hard to maintain muscle mass this time so I want to keep my losses slow. It's funny, I KNOW all this and try to remind myself, but sometimes I get impatient. I did step on the scale this morning and my weight was just a hair lower. I think priority for me is getting a food scale for accurate logging. I only make it to the "big town" (not a big town at all, ha!) once every ten days or so, since it's 40 miles away! :laugh: I'll pick one up next time I'm shopping.

    2 week goals:

    1) Bodyweight workouts four times a week.
    2) Keep calorie average at or below 1500 (be reasonable at super bowl party, because logging that will be near impossible, ha)
    3) At least 85 grams of protein, daily.
    4) Keep off the scale! I think it will be easier for me to see if I'm making any progress if I ignore the scale for a few weeks.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I finally have a working computer so I am going to start logging again & I can check in with everyone more often.

    2 week challenge time (starting yesterday) - 1. keep within calorie goals with one cheat meal - Saturday night employee appreciation dinner for husband's work, 2. at least 10 glasses of water per day, 3. complete all workouts DVD program (I skipped a few over the last couple of weeks, crazy busy!)

    Shmoozy - I am with you on the staying away from the scale for awhile - it is not always your friend

    Mama - carbs are tricky for me as well, good luck!

    Kc - that is awesome news about your clothes fitting, congrats

    Ris - looks like a good plan, glad you are happy with the weight holding steady

    Chloe - my husband is the same way - I need to start listening to him & stop discouraging myself

    Beeps - so glad the family visit went well

    Have a great week everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ris- I am with you on limiting booze, I feel so much better when I do, both mentally and physically

    KC- well now that is definitely proof that the scale doesn't mean everything! great job!

    Mama- I have a hard time to get carbs super low too, mainly because I like fruit too much

    Schmoozy- good idea on the food scale, I definitely think that make a huge difference

    Abi- welcome back...and we are always our own worst critic!

    Had an ok day yesterday. I had a great spin class yesterday though, my teacher even commented on how hard I was working. Next week I think I am going to go to the Pilates class that follows the spin class on Mondays. And I also want to start doing a barre class that is on Wednesdays after yoga. The class is already filled this week, but I am signed up for next week. I have my diary planned out for the week, except Sunday for the Superbowl party, I figure that will be my cheat. But, I still don't want to get too out of control that day either.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    All the "goals" look really GREAT! 2013 is in full swing.

    PS - I am wearing my "thermometer jeans", today....officially these jeans, and my one pair of dark blue skinny jeans, are the ONLY jeans I own that still fit! I guess I did drop a size...

  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi friends! Been MIA again...between work, travel, the new puppy, and actually working out I've not been great on MFP! First, the bad news: I fell off the logging boat last week. It started with a quick midweek work trip and continued with a busy week and weekend. That said, the good news is that I did get all my crossfit in and have been really racking up the activity on my fitbit walking the puppy (Finn) three times a day. My activity level is good right now, I just need to be more attentive to eating.

    2 week goals:

    1. Maintain a solid caloric deficit with healthy food.
    2. Crossfit 5-6 times a week and walk 1-3 times a day.

    Also, my box has a nutrition challenge starting Saturday and I am signed up. We'll see if they can convince me to try paleo :) (not likely!)

    Hope the rest of you are great!

    PS Ashley and Chloe-One my resolutions was to go to mass more! Saturday evenings are usually my cheat meals (which means boozy nights) and then Sundays I get to be lazy. Thanks for reminding me I said I would that!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lots to catch up on, since I was out yesterday, my dad's second chemo treatment. He is tolerating really well, so I am glad of that. It gives him insomnia, which isn't great that he takes two ambien to sleep at night but he's not nauseated, or otherwise ill, and takes nothing for pain or anything else-just Ambien, so it'll have to be ok:) But I had to drive home 120 miles in a blizzard and that made me anxious and now I am anxious about everything! So I didn't sleep much last night, and I am trying to talk myself down today because one of the things I am anxious about is keeping cals low the next three weeks before DR and there's all these plans-superbowl, my b-day, v-day... So, I am just going to stick to my workouts and plan the best I can and just give myself a break because I don't need to stay up night worrying about these things, right?
    that said, I feel like I do need a strategy for these parties, not sure if I should drink red wine (I tend to drink it slower than beer or vodka-soda but I tend not to because it always costs more)
    Shmoozy, on your question about how long to give something, I think you probably need more than two weeks. I think the two week challenge had something to do with taking two weeks to make something a habit. Your deficit is likely pretty small, that is, the difference between maintaining and losing is not a lot so you would have to be very consistent for longer. I might suggest changing to sedentary and then logging exercise to get a better idea, but I know you don't have a sit around job...
    Ashley-Happy b-day to your daughter and I hope the surgery goes great!
    Kelly, good for you to stay off the scale, if you can wear the same clothes as 10 pounds ago you must be building some muscle.
    My goals for the week:
    1. workout every day with every fourth day a rest
    2. shoot for 1200 cals, 300 breakfast, 400 lunch, 500 dinner
    3. no drinking til Friday

    Kate, I think Paleo could be a good challenge, I have toyed with it!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I got my 2 mile run in Monday. I ran about 9.5 minute miles which is good for me. I also tried out my new form (come down on the ball of the foot rather than the heel) and it was tough to have to think about running, and I am still sore today! I am on the books for 3 miles tonight, 4 miles on Saturday. Eating has been pretty good. I was a littl over yesterday due to unplanned dinner out and friends over, but kept it not ridiculous. I'm off the next 2 days and through the weekend so keep it up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Great job, Better!

    Amy - glad to read that your Dad seems to be handling his treatments okay (so far)....sorry to read about your drive home! That would make me ANXIOUS, too! Hope you got some sleep....

    chui - if you don't need to track at mfp, then who cares if you're on here??!!?? I *need* to track! (It's become a compulsion, for sure....)

    I took my month-end measurements and photos, today, because I could feel my period coming on. January was NOT the "bust" I thought it would be (re: mid-month holiday). I went down in most of my measurements - not tons, but 0.25" here and 0.5" there. My thighs, mind you, went UP. Bummer. (Maybe it's water retention - I had a tough leg work-out on Monday.) My favourite is that my hips (widest around the bum) measurement went down 1.25". Good enough for me!

    I still have to weigh and will do that at the gym, today.

    Since I actually have until Monday evening to get my "stats" recorded for my challenges, if my period comes and goes, I can re-take photos and measurements on Sunday or Monday. Wait-and-see!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- Yea Saturdays are usually boozy nights and Sundays are usually lazy days, but I find if I know I have to go to church I drink less and it also forces me to get up and shower to go to church on Sunday. For some reason if I shower and get ready on Sunday morning the day seems to be more productive overall. Actually not this weekend, but next weekend my gym is starting to have a yoga class Sunday mornings (they are closed on Sundays now). So that will even be more motivation to be good on Saturday nights.

    Amy- Sorry about the anxiety. Glad to here your dad isn't doing too bad overall.

    Ashley- Nice job on the run! I changed up my running step when I was training for the marathon a few years ago and it definitely helped. I used to get really bad shin splints after my long runs. It will become habit after awhile.

    Beeps- Nice job on the measurements!

    I had an OK day yesterday. Was really hungry last night after dinner, so I had some almonds and yogurt which weren't originally in my plan. I did my C25K Week 3 Day 1 run yesterday. Tonight I have yoga ad am on a wait-list for the barre ride class, but I think I am number 2 on the list, so I doubt I will get a spot.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I went to do my workout last night and it went really well, I was jumping rope longer than ever and my wall-sits were up to a minute, which seems crazy because I was so tired! But that made me happy.
    For dinner the grass-fed burgers I got were 370 cals each! yikes! I added mushrooms and a little blue cheese and used only half the bun and a pickle on the side and barely came in under cals.
    Was going to jog outside today but it looks so cold and windy, I have to rally or trade it for a gym workout tonight...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Help me out, Chloe - what's a "barrie ride" class?

    Amy - it's -36C here with the wind chill - and I *still* see the die-hard runners out there! BRRRRRRRRRR.

    Got to the gym. Lifted. Weighed. My weight wasn't down where I thought it would be, but it is down 1.2 lbs for the month. Fine, I'll take it, given the mid-month vacation lapse. MInd you, I'm also getting my period, so maybe I'm retaining some water weight and I'll get my "whoosh" next week. Good enough!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Crossfit today. Was a bit tired...if I am not careful to get my afternoon snack in I end up underfed and undercarbed for crossfit. 40 g of carbs are not enough for me to make it through an intense workout.

    Eating is going pretty darn well this week. I am getting ~100-125 g of carbs and ~140+ g of protein. I fit into some skirts correctly (for these I wanted to wear them at my hips, instead of high on my waist and haven't been able to all season) so I am hoping some inches come off for measurements next week!

    Amy - I am thinking of your family! Good job on the workout...probably just goes to show how much our minds get in the WAY of our workouts. Probably the fact that you were tired and distracted meant you didn't think about the length of your sit or number of jumps as much and so your body just did it :) I know I get that way with cardio sometimes. That burger sounds awesome. I've already planned burgers as my cheat meal this weekend!

    Ashley - interesting on the form-I will have to think of it. It would be very hard to change your running style!

    Beeps - I think I need to log to reach my goals. It pushes me not to eat that cookies, to go buy natural peanut butter, to forgo bread with my soup. I hope to someday maintain pretty well without logging but for now, it's important to keep me on track! congrats on the loss in weight and inches!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- I'm the same way with logging. I always feel like I don't need to to it anymore, but when I stop for a few weeks I end up putting on weight. I think it just keeps me accountable.

    Beeps- Barre Ride is an hour long class with the first half being intense cycling to get the heart rate up and then the second half is a barre class (kinda like pilates, but incorporating a ballet bar)

    Amy- your burger sounds delicious!

    Had another good day yesterday. Worked on my crow yesterday in yoga and I am still improving. Also did some back bends, which I was a little nervous about with all my back issues, but I took it slow and I feel good today. Plan on doing week 3 day 2 of C25K tonight. And making a green chile pork stew recipe from skinnytaste in the slow cooker for dinner tonight and probably leftovers tomorrow.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Chloe- You having an awesome week! I peaked at your diary because I need food-spiration! And nice job on the crow
    Kate- I'm right there with you on logging. In the past, I've cheated myself by not logging and I didn't realize how much I snack! On the flip side, sometimes I think I went way over and then realize I didn't, which makes me feel better and not have the one bad choice leads to another effect.
    Beeps- you are going to disappear! Haha, you are doing amazing with your weight loss.
    Amy- Hugs and Love. I thik that your wokouts will really help curve your anxiety. Nice job!

    So, I lovecardio. When I'm tired and dread working out, I can always step on the elliptical , even if it's just 20 minutes, and feel a million times better. Yet, I always feel guilty that I'm not get in enough strength. I don't know. I think something is better than nothing. Oh, as for food, I ate a slice of pizza in the afternoon at wokr the other day. I though I ruined my day, planned o just making grill cheese and tomato soup (it was cold) but realized I could still hti my macros if I ate chicken and veggies for dinner and I did. Yesterday, I was running late from work and had to get my daughter to dance, so I went to Mcdonalds. I only went over on carbs though. Even my sodium was ok. Plan on keeping the carbs low today though. It's all about balance, right?
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I am with you guys on the logging. Now that I have a computer again and am entering everything I eat I have already seen an improvement in my eating habits and am starting to feel better. I am also back on schedule with my workouts, but I am starting to get bored with them already - only one more month and then I will try something new, not sure what yet though.