2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    DR is Dominican Republic, we go there Feb 16-23 and I am trying 4 weeks of well, not exactly Vacation Body Blue Print, but I am doing Sexy Female for the workout, and cutting cals to 1200. Trying lower carb and alcohol only on cheat days, which are basically every 4 days, when I have a rest day.
    I did the day 3 workout on Saturday, it was jump rope and lunges and lateral raises, and incline pushups. I am still sore. Yesterday I fast til dinner, it was ok, I made a turkey chili recipe I got from Shape magazine, it was good. but I had about 2.5 servings, still not bad on cals, but then hubby made popcorn and we watched Sons of Anarchy. So, not so low carb, but I was still way under on cals.
    Today I had the day off, I jogged around the lake, and I still have DOMS from Saturday!
    Maybe tomorrow it will be safe to get on the scale. Or maybe Wed. if I drink 2 litres of detox tea!
    And speaking of Jen's recipes, Jen, where do you keep most of your recipes? you should create a thread in this group!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Better - If I'm learning ANYTHING good, here at mfp, it's that "beating up one's self" is really even MORE self-defeating than whatever the behaviour was that you are "beating" on! Just keep on keeping on....it was simply a "blip" and it's in the past - what is ahead of you is where your focus needs to be!

    Thanks for reminding me of this. Yesterday was a good day so I feel better about everything. I ate well. I didn't drink. I had a good PT session. Today I hope to get some sort of workout in even if its just walking backwards on the treadmill, which is pretty boring, but apparently good for the muscles I am trying to strengthen to make me better. I'm supposed to weigh on Thursday and I'm not really sure how that will go. I think if I have a good food week, I may see a small loss. Hopefully.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Yes, Jen, create a recipe thread! Great idea, Amy!

    Amy, your plan sounds perfect - your body is already AWESOME (I see you in that avatar!) and it'll be just "tweaks" at this point - you'll look AWESOME for your holiday!

    Better - glad to read that it's a "better" day!

    For me - since I'm seriously into "cut" mode, I've decided to do UGIfit on my Tues/Th lunch hour. Usually, these have been "rest" days for the past 4 months, but, since I bought the UGI system (about 18 months ago), for the SOLE purpose of getting in 30-minutes, at work, right in my office, I might as well start putting it to good use! I haven't done UGIfit for about 14 months....it's basically a 10 lb squishy medicine ball, and then 30 exercises, each done for 1-minute in a row. So, I'll close my office door, strip down, do my UGIfit, get dressed, and get on with my work-day!

    I'm kind of determined to see how long of a "daily-work-out" streak I can get going. Today, is day 5.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Better- I am with you on beating myself up. I really wish I could stop that though.

    Amy- we started Sons of Anarchy Friday, only 3 episodes in, but I liked it so far

    Mama- good luck with your low week on LP! I should be doing the same thing next week.

    I had an ok weekend. Stuck with my plan on Friday night. Saturday got in my cycle class, hot yoga and took a 3 mile walk with my mom and the pups. Ended up drinking more than I planned though. Sunday I did ok, it was a rest day and way too cold to walk outside. I went way over cals, but I logged everything. Yesterday I was off work and did a lot of running around, but I did get in my cycle class in the evening. So overall last week I averaged about 1600 cals a day. So with not figuring in my workouts I don't think I did that bad overall. But, definitely could be better.

    I have the rest of this week planned out until the event on Saturday night. I plan to keep it pretty low cal until then. And I offered to be DD so I will be able to keep that night under control as well. Plus my boss will be there and I do not feel like have post-drinking anxiety about if I said anything stupid.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! My three-day weekend was pretty good--much better than my "usual" weekend although I did slip a little Saturday. We had another couple over to play cards and I made a bunch of appetizers, and I just snacked on the apps all afternoon an evening instead of having dinner so I didn't even try to log it. But I ate at TON of veggies and not too much of the cheese or spinach artichoke dip, so I think I was okay on the calories. I also had two glasses of wine, not because I really wanted to but my husband isn't drinking right now either and I didn't wany my friends to feel uncomfortable being the only ones drinking. It's kind of a silly reason but I just didn't want to have to explain why I wasn't. No intense workouts over the weekend, but I did something every day and I logged everything on Friday, Sunday, and Monday and was probably within my calories when you look at the whole weekend together.

    This week will be a little tough because it's my husband's birthday on Thursday, we're going to go out to dinner on Friday, and we're having another couple over for dinner on Saturday. So I'm not going to drink until a least Friday, although I'll probably have a glass or two of wine on Saturday again because I want our friends to feel like they can have some drinks and have a good time.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend. I ate pretty low Fri, Sat and then officially lowered my calories yesterday. I also changed my macros because I've been hitting them spot on for the week for the past few weeks and haven't seen any change. I was a cooking fool yesterday and am pretty excited about my food for the week.

    Mama- I'm curious to see how your drop goes next week. Kate sent me the info and I might try it after my trip.

    Ris- I hear you on drinking to make others feel more comfortable. LOL. 2 glasses isn't that bad though. Good job on limiting the spinach dip - that's my favorite!

    Chloe- Good plan being the DD. That always helps to keep me in check.

    Beeps- that sounds like an interesting way to spend your lunch...stripping down and all :wink:

    Ashley- I feel you, hun. Glad yesterday was better for you. Hope the rest of your week goes just as well.

    Amy - are you working out at the end of your fast? I did a fast - it start Fri at 3pm and went until Sat 9am - does that still count? Anyway, I attempted to do a HIIT at around 8am and only lasted10 minutes and the headache I got lasted 4 hours.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    And Jen- I'm a whole 5'0, so I would tower over you!!!:laugh: Just kidding but if you have any helpful hints.....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    And Jen- I'm a whole 5'0, so I would tower over you!!!:laugh: Just kidding but if you have any helpful hints.....

    It's like the munchkins and the giants on this thread! :smile:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Now that I have a little more time….

    Ashely--I hate that guilty feeling after drinking too much. But I'm glad to hear you're feeling better today! And my calories are 1610, but that's for maintenance not losing (and I'm 5'6).

    Reese--sounds like you have a good plan! It's always scary to change up your routine but I'm confident that you'll be able to do it :happy:

    Beeps--good luck with your cut! And I love that you have an in-office routine! Now you really have no excuses not to fit in at least a quick workout.

    Amy--sounds like a nice long weekend! I'm also jealous that you have the DR to motivate you. My next beach vacay isn't until August….

    Chloe--nice work planning everything out! That always makes it easier to get through the week. And being DD at an event with your boss sounds like a good plan.

    Kelly--your food for the week sounded yummy! It'll make eating well during the week so much easier.

    It's super cold out today (at least by DC standards, though I'm sure some of you have it much worse) so I skipped my lunchtime walk, but I'll be out there for at least a short run tonight and again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll still have all my fingers and toes at the end!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, in case you missed it, the avatar is my belly almost 2 years ago, so I want to get that back. I have a picture of my now squishy belly but I don't feel like posting that! maybe it would be more inspiring though:tongue:
    kelly, I just did a dinner-to-dinner fast to kick off my four weeks, I did not work out on that day. I think a "less than 24 hours" still counts as a fast. I have not really done fasted workouts. My jog yesterday was before breakfast and I only had coffee (with milk) for over two hours, so I guess that's something...
    Yesterday I did great on cals, but still working on carbs.
    Today I forgot about a work lunch at Olive Garden! I was so close to resisting the breadstick but I caved. I got a lower cal entree (portabello ravioli). I will workout but need to keep dinner at 300 cals, which I think is doable...
    I am neither munchkin nor giant at 5'4":bigsmile:
    I need to do some meal planning, I just feel so uninspired!
    I have to be good this week, I have a winter brew fest on Friday I plan to indulge, but trying to keep the indulgences to a minimum...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Okay, so we have giants on this forum (I guess I qualify - although one of my other forums has an 5'11" gal who weighs 10 lbs less than I do, with TONS of muscle on her body....so, I'm NOT a "giant" over there!

    And, we have shrimps on this forum....so when I read your calorie intakes, I'm always like "YIKES - NOT SURE I COULD SURVIVE ON THAT!" - I always forget that you are shorter than me.

    And, we have the "regulars" - who show off AWESOME belly pics!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    So far, I have been RIGHT ON TRACK this week. Have worked out 5 days in a row - today will be day 6 (lifting day). I have kept ALL of my calories to their alotted maximum - probably about 50 calories/day LESS than what I'm alotted, actually. Then again, my other forum ALWAYS says to reduce your alotted by 15%, to account for "errors" in measuring - and I NEVER do this! 15% less would be A LOT less. But, in fairness to me, I also DO NOT eat back my exercise calories.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am not going to count exercise cals, either, Beeps, it is too easy to overestimate that. I set my cals at 1300 but trying to come in under without getting the warning about starving and all.
    I did pulled it out last night, even with the Olive Garden lunch! Got in my workout, a 300 calorie dinner and a cup of herbal tea with honey for dessert. Not gonna lie, I was hungry. I am still hungry actually. Thought I would try to not eat until 10am...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    So far so good this week. My husband is out of town so I was tempted to have some wine pizza and watch some TV shows that he would never watch with me (my favorite ritual when I have the house to myself) but I resisted and had some tea with my (cauliflower) pizza instead. I got one run in last night and another this morning. Tomorrow and Friday will probably be shorter workouts in the morning.

    Amy--nice job on keeping your calories within your limits even with an Olive Garden lunch! And I'm with you, at 5'6 I'm pretty close to the average height for women.

    Beeps--nice work staying on track this week! And I think that 50 calories is a pretty good cushion, especially if you're not counting your exercise calories.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Amy- I am with you on being hungry! But, I seriously think this is the only way I can lose weight. I don't plan on staying this low for very long, so I need to stick it out!

    Beeps- Nice job on the workouts!

    Ris- Good for you for skipping the wine! I know it isn't "good" to just drink by yourself, but I have to say drinking wine and watching crap TV when Mike is gone is one of my favorite things to do!

    I had a good day yesterday. Stayed within my cals and got in my treadmill run. Tonight I will do yoga, which I am really excited for. I think getting back into yoga is really helping my back.

    Oh and I am 5'6" so pretty average.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Amy - WOOHOO on the nutrition plan, yesterday, that's AWESOME!!

    Wow, Ris, that's VERY impressive that you did NOT do the "all-I-want-to-eat-when-my-hubby-is-out-of-town" routine! I AM VERY IMPRESSED!

    Chloe - are you doing hot yoga?

    I lifted today! So, that's a 6-day streak!

    Oh, and I hopped on the scale....dunno why....and, not yet a WEEK back from my trip and - TA-DA! I'm at my lowest weight in about 3 or 4 YEARS!!! (boy, does intermittent FEEDING every work FOR ME!)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hot yoga is on Saturday mornings. Tonight is just regular.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Chloe--I'm glad I'm not the only one! My wine, pizza, and trashy TV nights are what made me gain the weight in the first place so I have to be careful, but they're such a fun guilty pleasure every once in a while.

    Beeps--congrats on the scale victory! Sounds like you probably didn't do as much damage on your trip as you thought. Maybe the break was just what your body needed to get the scale moving down again!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Your night without the husband sounds like mine, Ris! Mine is probably once a week at least though. I watch "what not to wear", "intervention" and now my new favorite, "Catfish". It's intrigueing! It has mystery and romance and suspense and crazy twists. If you haven't heard about it, this guy did a documentary about meeting his online love for the first time and discovering she wasn't who she said she was, used another girls picture and was married. Anyway, after the documentary he started hearing from all these people who said the same thing happened to them, so now he has a show on Mtv and they go with people to meet the online person for the first time. There's always a crazy twist! I think it's so bizarre, the brave new world of the internet. I don't know how people keep falling for this stuff! This one guy "fell in love" with a girl he never met and hadn't even talked to on the phone!
    It is hard to watch this trash without a glass of wine, but I am getting better!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am here but so busy I can't comment. I didn't get ANY food prep in so I'm lucky I am still logging, eating great and getting in weights 3 days a week (which I am ecstatic about!) But with both boys in two sports each and my evening classes and trying to cook healthy at home at not eat out, I'm a pooped taxi cab driver to trying to juggle it all! :yawn:

    You are all doing fantastic! I hope things settle down by this weekend!! Keep it up ladies!:flowerforyou: