2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Amy, I love Catfish! My husband even secretly likes it I think. I also love Intervention. Can you believe that 19 year old heroine addict from this week? Sheesh. Poor thing. I am the queen of trash TV: Toddlers and Tiaras, Jersey Shore, Snooki and JWow, Honey Boo Boo.....it's bad.

    So this week I have focused on my diet pvery well and my workouts have mostly just been PT. I did a little heavier calisthenics last night, but have mostly been walking backwards on the treadmill and doing my exercises. Most days I've hit about 1300 calories but my macros have been good (40/30/30). I skipped breakfast most mornings (except yesterday; I was hungry), and today......2.5 pounds gone! So I'm hoping to keep my momentum going, have a healthy weekend, and start my training next week and see how I need to adjust calories. I think limiting carbs is key for me, and even "mini fasts" or as I like to call it skipping breakfast. I've always heard how breakfast is the most important meal of the day blah blah, but half the time, I'm eating just to eat and not really hungry. Many of you ladies have calmed my fears of the dreaded slowed metabolism due to not eating within 60-90 minutes of waking so thanks.

    Today is my Friday so I hope you all have happy healthy weekends!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Well, my trash show love is "The Joe Schmo show"....which, was only on for 2 years about 2004-2005. Alas, I was flipping channels 2 nights ago and landed on "The Joe Schmo show - The Full Bounty" - my GOODNESS, the show is BACK!

    My husband can't STAND "intervention" - so I rarely watch it....and am CONSISTENTLY amazed these addicts NEVER think they are on this particular show, given how much media-attention the show, itself gets??!!?? Weird. To. Me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I might have to try "Catfish" - that actually seems like a good-themed-show.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    My reality TV is Real Housewives, The Bachelor, used to be Jersey Shore....I think that's it. I want to watch that Catfish show, I have heard alot about it. My husband used to work late on Fridays so I used to What not to Wear, Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings, but now he gets off when I do, so we usually do a movie or one of our Netflix shows. BTW I am LOVING Sons of Anarchy! and Mad Men!

    I had another good day yesterday. Went to Yoga and made some progress on my Crow pose. Has anyone heard of or tried TRX training? They have it at my gym. There are bands hanging from the ceiling and you use your core alot for the moves. Looks interesting, may have to try it out soon.

    I'm cooking some Barbacoa pork recipe from Skinnytaste for dinner tonight (and will probably eat leftovers tomorrow) with a salad. I have week 2 of C25K that I will do tonight and tomorrow. And then Spinning and Hot Yoga again Saturday morning.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Still no computer - aaH! - so I am checking in briefly while at work. My boss let me take home one of the old computers at home and it worked for 5 minutes and crashed. It looks like some kind of power supply overload, so I brought it back and she is going to give me another one as well as a new surge protector - so nice. I hope it works this time since my husband's laptop has been at a computer repair place for weeks and I still have not heard back from them, not good news.

    Anyways, I have not been logging so I have no idea where I am at with food and my belly is getting awfully squish. As fun as my DVD's are I feel they may not be working me hard enough. I am going to give it some more time and work on my diet a little and then re-evaluate. I will try to check back later.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member

    I *have* heard of TRX training - my gym has had it for about a year, maybe 2? I have only tried it once - and that was at a separate gym when a friend of mine gave me 2 free personal training sessions with her trainer at her gym.

    I think you SHOULD check it out! It's TOUGH STUFF and a good 'mix-up' for your muscle groups. In fact, because I still have 2 personal training sessions left, with my YMCA trainer, the next time I'm on a weight-lifting break (say, beginning of march....), I'm going to book a time with him and we'll just do TRX stuff!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I don't think i watch enough TV because I have no idea what any of these shows are - except what not to wear. The living room TV only shows sports and Disney channel. LOL. We only have an antena in the bedroom so I watch regular TV or read.

    I got really sick to my stomach last night and was asleep by 8!!! I didn't feel like setting my alarm for 4:15 so maybe I'll work out tonight. It doesn't matter if you cook healthy if you stuff your face anyway. That's what I did on Tues night. My husband made a pizza on tues night and I had a left over slice yesterday before I got sick. Oh well. guess there will be no big loss for me again.

    Ashley - I think it is great that you're sticking to your good eats and losing wieght.
    Jen- I feel you with the kids. Yesterday my husband had to take my daughter to dance (yippee) since i was sick, but that's only the second time all year. He use to do soccer before I became the asst. coach. It's hard.
    Abigail-I'm sorry about your computer. Ours went out too and we haven't replaced it.
    Chloe- You're doing awesome. I love the recipes on skinnytaste. I also like Skinny Ms.
    Beeps- Keep up the good work! :-) I should work out during my lunch!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have wanted to try TRX, I never have, I bet it is tough! I don't think they have them at 24-hr fitness where I have a membership, and usually I am working out at the fitness center here at work. They have some straps you can hang from the pull up bars but I wouldn't know what I was doing!
    I saw Intervention with the poor 19 year old heroine addict last week, but at least it had a happy ending! I like it when they are still sober and all. With the girls on that show you are always waiting to find out when they were abused or molested! and beeps, I know some of them have seen the show so I don't know how they don't catch on, but in some cases they aren't the sort of folks tuning into A&E regularly, they are living pretty marginal lives without cable!
    I weighed this morning and I was down 1.5 lbs from Monday, I know it's not fat loss but it would be discouraging to see the scale move the other way so I'll take it.
    I remain hungry a good deal of the time and last night I logged exercise cals so I wouldn't be over, but I think it was a reasonable burn. I jogged 30 minutes on the treadmill and yes, I am so slow (4.5 mph) that MFP calls it a brisk walk! haha.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I hadn't heard of Catfish before, I'll definitely have to check it out! I'm always in the market for a new trashy TV show :-)

    Jen--great job eating well and fitting in the weights with all of that craziness!

    Ashely--great loss! And have a great weekend!

    Chloe--the Crow pose is tough! I was trying to be able to do that for a while and then gave up. Every once in a while I give it a shot but I don't make much progress, probably because I don't stick with it. Maybe that should be one of my next two-week goals….

    Kelly--I hope you're feeling better!

    Amy--they say you can't lose weight without feeling a little uncomfortable, so hopefully that helps with your hunger! And I think that anytime you're jogging you get a good burn, even if MFP calls it a walk :-)

    We had snow today! I didn't get up early enough to do a real workout this morning but I got a walk in at lunchtime despite the weather. Hopefully I'll get up early enough to workout tomorrow morning, I'm taking my hubby out to dinner for his birthday so I may need a little wiggle room in my calories for the day (I log my exercise calories).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yesterday I stuck to my plan and the 8 oz of wine and was under on cals without counting exercise, which was really just 10 minutes of jumping rope and some strength training. I have earned my rest day and brew fest.
    Going home at lunch to put a pork tenderloin in the crockpot.
    Ris, happy bday to your hubby, how was dinner?
    Kelly, hope you feel all better.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Feeling better today, but yesterday I kept eating to calm my stomach. I don't know, it felt better when I ate so I ate like 2,000 calories! But the scale was only up .1 today. Can't help but wonder what i would have saw if I ate better. I think I need to raise my calories a little because even when I feel better, I can't eat this low. But, think Ris made a good point to Amy, sometimes we need to be uncomfortable to lose the weight. I did a short workout this morning and plan on getting in a second workout later.

    Amy, I think that's great that you fit the wine into your calories. Great job on the wieght loss.
    Ris- how was the dinner?
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    We ended up getting Chinese delivery last night for dinner. The hubby just got back from his trip and wasn't up for going out, but we're going to go out to dinner tonight. I'm looking forward to it, the restaurant is in our neighborhood but I've never been.

    Amy--nice job sticking to your plan! You've definitely earned your rest day and brew fest :drinker:

    Kelly--glad to hear you're feeling better! Finding the right number for your calories is definitely more trial and error than an exact science. For me, I've had the best luck by eating a little under my maintenance calories, but not too much (i.e., I set my goal to lose half a pound a week). I'm definitely a little hungry before I eat, but not so hungry that I go overboard when I do finally eat.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Afternoon ladies. It's been a busy week (for all of us it seems) so I'm looking forward to a quiet dinner with the kids (DH is out of town for basketball). Luckily, I made soup this weekend and the kids are having soup (darn bug still in the house) so everything is all ready for us when we get home. Just get to eat and enjoy. I wasn't thinking 'carbs' when I cooked up our bulk food prep this week so I will be somewhat over the carb macro for the first couple days of week 4 of LP. Good food, just oats and soup that has a higher carb count that suggested. All will be fine with the world if that's my only 'hiccup' over the weekend. :laugh:

    Ris- Enjoy date night!

    Kc- Hope you are feeling 100%.

    Amy- Nice job sticking to plan. I'm with you on the slower pace for runs. I feel like slow and steady wins the race :wink: wheni t comes to me and treadmills. I'll keep my HIIT on a non-moving surface!!

    Beeps- What a streak you had this week! Nice job, especially after a little mini get away. Props to you.

    I have 2 cardio sessions planned over the weekend (only real time I can GO to the gym and not be pressured by work/school/schedules to get back home. So I am going to enjoy a run day one of those days and another mismatched cardio session Sunday. Have a great weekend all!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    Well, my "streak" broke yesterday. No exercise time for lolly.


    That's okay, I made it to the gym, today, and I lifted! Went up in some of my weights! And, I think the next week looks pretty good to get in a "daily work-out", so my NEW streak has begun!

    Plus, I lost another 0.6, since Wednesday. Whew - I guess all that "holiday bloat" was, truly, JUST THAT - BLOAT! I'm back a week and I weigh less then when I left. Good enough for me!

    I'd really like to be 2 lbs down for my Jan-end reports for my various challenges, but unsure if I can get there that fast. Am skipping breakfast, not eating until after lunch work-out, and trying, as best I can, to minimize any afternoon snacking. Normal-sized dinner, and I'm good.

    BUT, my parents arrive today! Gack, how can I 'covertly' eat NOTHING until noon or 1 pm?? Hmmmmm, tomorrow, I'll just head out to the gym, they'll play with grand-kids, so it'll be fine. And, Sunday, kids have swimming, so I guess I'll just toddle off to that without eating and cross-fingers they don't notice!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    love how the parents have to feed you! I just try to sleep through breakfast when I am there and then say, I don't wake up hungry:laugh:
    It seems to work ok, but family visits seemed to be focused around what we are eating, when and such, it's unavoidable!
    Have a great weekend!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I ended up having a glass of wine last night, it put me over my cals but I have been so low all week I don't think it should do much damage. I am going to my spin and hot yoga in a bit and then I will take the pup for a nice long walk this afternoon I love how active my Saturdays have become. Excited for all the yummy food at the event tonight and I am sure we will be doing some dancing which should burn some more cals.

    Haha isn't it crazy how many times we eat just to appease other people. I think I'm the same way with drinking, my friends will think its bizarre if they are all drinking and I am not. So I usually just do to make them more comfortable.

    Mama- Hope your kiddos feel better soon!

    Ris- I have been craving Chinese food so bad lately. I was thinking of making a beef and broccoli recipe I found on Pinterest tomorrow night to hopefully satisfy that craving.

    And unfortunately I think I have to agree with everyone that we will have to be a little uncomfortable to lose weight. Just remember its only temporary. Cuts can't last that long anyways. I just try to think of it day by day rather than long term.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    ACK! I just wrote up a big post where I said hello to everyone individually and it was all lost to the ether when I hit "post reply" - I hate that! Haha! I'll try again...

    Beeps - You're doing so awesome since you've been back from vacation, go you!
    Amy - I love Catfish, I even have my hubby watching with me. :laugh: Good luck getting back to the shape you were in for your profile pic, you look amazing!
    Chloe - I always feel like I have to drink with friends too. Either I feel like a stick in the mud when I don't, or they speculate about pregnancy. *sigh*
    mamareese - Hope everyone is on the mend, have fun this weekend with your gym time!
    Jen - Good job still getting your weights in with as busy as you've been, hopefully you can settle back in to routine soon!
    Better_balance - 2.5 pounds down, awesome!!
    Abigail - My computer has been acting up too, keeping me from posting often. *grumble*
    Kc - Hope you're feeling better!

    So there was some discussion about calorie levels being trial and error. I think I'm on the error side of things lately. I've lost weight before being lower cal than I am now, but lost lean mass too I'm sure. I'm at the same scale weight as a few years ago, but jeans (thermometer jeans!) don't fit from then. I can get them on, but holy muffin top! My focus now is fat loss, muscle retention. I ran my numbers and came up with a modest deficit for that, taking in to account my activity level with strength training several days a week. I've been right on my calorie goal the whole month of January. I dropped a few holiday pounds right away (bloat/water I'm assuming) but nothing since then. How long would you all stick out a *trial* before you decide it's an *error*?

    I could go down another 150 I think and be OK with that, as long as I kept my protein up. I need to get a kitchen scale - I find all the database entries for foods to be overwhelming. I try to stick with the MFP standard entries since I cook 98% of what I eat myself, but then I find trying to estimate portions in ounces and grams to be kind of a pain. A food scale would clear up a lot of that confusion for me.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I had a busy weekend - dinner with friends Saturday night and my daughter's party yesterday. I drank WAY too much Saturday. After dinner 3 friends came back and we drank more wine in the hot tub. So I had to prep for the party hungover, which was not the best. But the party was fun and I even managed to have a couple champagne apertifs. :drinker: I honestly didn't eat much so I don't feel like a bloated piece of crap today despite no workouts (except a walk) this weekend. Hopefully this weekend will be better. I have dinner plans with friends and typically they'd come back to the house for hot tub and wine, but I think I'm going to not invite them. If I put myself into a situation to drink a lot, I will. So I just won't put myself into that situation! My Sober January only ended up last a little over 2 weeks, so I'm going to try to minimize drinking in February too. My main goal is to be more perceptive of my drinks. I have a bad tendency to just keep refilling my glass without evey knowing how many glasses of wine I've had and then all the sudden I'm drunk. Not good.....

    Well enough complaining. I didn't get to do any food prep for the week yesterday, but I'm going to do my best on my eats this week. I only work 3 days this week. My daughter has surgery Thursday morning to have a cyst removed. It's minor surgery but still has me a little worried. My leg is feeling good so I'm going to go for a couple mile run tonight to kick off my training. I only have PT once this week and if all goes well, it may be my last! So that is good news!

    Great job everyone. Looks like you all had nice weekends! Back to the grind for me.....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone! I had a good weekend, but not so good calorie wise. Did ok Friday night. Saturday I actually did good all day and evening, but then Mike wanted taco bell on the way home from the event (he was drunk), so of course I had to get something too. Yesterday just kinda bummed around and drank wine and ate. I did get in a decent walk with the pup yesterday morning though. I ended up averaging 1800 cals a day last week. Which is way over where I want to be. So I will make this week a better one. The only day I am a little concerned about is Sunday (superbowl). Our friends are having a NOLA themed party with hurricanes, jambalaya and all that good stuff.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I had a really good weekend - my parents came for a visit and that was great since we didn't get to see them over Xmas. But, it was *busy*.....basketball games, ice hockey games, swimming times. YIKES! I'm totally exhausted, actually! It will be a LONG week at work.

    That's okay....I'll get my lifting in today, and I'll feel better for it.

    My 2-week-challenge goals are:

    1. Drink 1.3 x the water I want to drink....and, I already drink a LOT of water, but I'm trying to up it even more.
    2. Try and create as much of a "daily-work-out-streak" as I can. Although I can already tell Thursday is gonna mess with that....but, I'll give it my best shot!
    3. Keep calories low. I've got photos/measurements at the end of this week!