2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I managed to get in a workout last night but the running was a struggle, not sure why. It was the dreadmill, though, maybe I should have taken it outside...
    I had everything as logged but then I caved and had fudge and red wine. I figured I could make up for it somewhere along the way this week but we'll see.
    I need to weigh every week so I can see how the stars coincide with weight loss, at least I will have some way of judging whether the calories are too low, and if I still lost on the week with no star maybe I wouldn't get discouraged.
    Going to a concert tonight and I prelogged 4 beers. Going to see The National at Red Rocks. I am excited, it should be a good show!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps - NOOOOO! Sucks about TOM, but totally get the binge. I did that on Saturday, almost 3k calories. EEP.

    Amy - So jealous! Love the National, have so much fun.

    Getting started on my workouts late this week - had a massive headache yesterday, and there was no way in hell I was going to go lift and run. Getting back at it tonight, and hope to still make 5 cardio/gym days this week, but it will likely end up being 4. Weekend is packed.

    Have a good one ladies!!!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok guys, what to do...

    I left my sports bra at home - so I have two options for working out:

    1. Go lift without a sports bra (think anyone will notice)
    2. Drive home first, which will take an extra 20 minutes....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Ugh - that is NO choice, at all!


    What did you end up doing??

    I think I'd go home, first - and I have ZERO boobs!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I haven't gone yet - the reality is I can strap em in REAL tight... I'm only doing squats, deadlifts and overhead presses today.... I just don't want to risk not going. My tshirt is pretty baggy too so I won't be falling out :)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    ramalem - I forgot mine one night going to a cardio class! I am small chested and my workout top was spandex with a liner anyway so I decided to risk it, not cool! I'm not sure others noticed, but I was totally self-conscious watching myself in the mirror the whole time & at one point we were running in place with our arms out to the side and the teacher went to fix her headset & said "everyone just watch Abby, she knows what she's doing" I was a regular in that class. I could not freakin' believe it. I was so embarrassed!

    Hope things go better with your workout. Good luck!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ramalem - I'm so glad to read you can strap 'em in, tight, and you're gonna go do the work-out. YOU ARE MY HERO!

    Abigail - that is *the* funniest story I have read in quite some time!! I have tears streaming down my face - thank you for the (much-needed) gut-laugh, today!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    oh god! That sucks. Luckily, no cardio for me tonight. I think I'm going to brave it. I'll let ya know how it goes ;)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok - did it in a regular bra, no one was the wiser :)
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    I hope all of your weeks are flying by!

    Ram - I hope you made out okay at the gym last night! I've done that before at Jazzercize... ouch! Too much jumping for no sports bra!!

    Beeps - Good job logging your binge!! Great goals too!

    Abi - I feel your pain!! Nice goals :)

    Amy - Hope you had fun at the concert! Fudge and red wine sounds amazing.. wish I could have some now! (is that a bad thought to have at 10:40am?? haha)

    Ashley - Nice Goals! I get the same way when it gets cooler.. I just want to sit with a glass of wine under a blanket and lounge.. and for that reason I have to go to the gym before I get home! haha

    Kelly - Nice job staying under!! There are many days I think the same thing about *insert body area here*!!

    Ris - Good job still working out!! I hope you got lots of cute stuff at the baby shower!

    So far I've been pretty good this week! I've been under on calories saving up for tomorrow's wine night!! The menu will be: Greek Salad, Spanikopita, Moussaka (for meat eaters.. I'll prob have eggplant parm), & Baklava, and each course had a wine paired with it! I've worked out the past 3 days as well: running Sunday, jazz Monday, Y class Tuesday and tonight I'm going to attempt to run a full 4 miles! For me this is a really big deal since I just started running and have only gone out 3 times! I'll report in tomorrow if I was successful or not :)

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Oof.. I just prelogged my dinner for tomorrow and that alone is almost 1500 calories!!

    I guess I need to have very low cals for the first part of the day!! should I just eat moderately (still have breakfast smoothie [180-280 cals depending how how bf makes it] and a salad for lunch) or should I try to IF and just have my breakfast smoothie for lunch and hope that I'll make it through work?

    What would you guys do?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    You're friggin' awesome, ramalem. The end.

    Hi shander - in order to "afford" your dinner for tomorrow, I would have your smoothie half-way between breakfast and lunch and skip the lunch tomorrow, PLUS, I would do that again, on Friday. That way, you can be SURE that you have budgeted for the 1,500 calorie splurge!

    have LOTS of water, coffee/tea on hand and guzzle, guzzle, guzzle if the "munchies" come for you!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Haha, Ram, I think it's ok to lift in a regular bra but not jog:blushing:

    I had a great time at the concert, they are so good live and Red Rocks is a great venue for them and it was a beautiful night.
    I drank too much, though, so the calories were not great and today is a little rough.
    I need to guzzle some water, Beeps, reminds me I left my water bottle at someone else's desk yesterday, better go fetch it!

    My only plan for reversing this "over on cals" everyday is to get some running in Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun...
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Oh yeah! also, when you all count your calories for the Star challenge do you subtract your exercise calories from your food total? or do you count the calories eaten?? I want to do this right and I'm just wondering what is the "correct" way to do this!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

    shander - lol @ doing the *star* challenge "right"....it is the MOST loosey-goosey challenge that has ever been designed. Ever.

    I don't think anybody has any firm stance on whether or not to "subtract your exercise calories". My bet is that some of us do (I don't) and some of us don't (I don't).

    Do what feels right, for you, at this time in your nutrition/fitness journey.

    For me, when I write 9,800 calories, that means I cannot ingest 1 single calorie more than that - regardless of HOW MUCH exercise I do or do not do. So, for me, I'm going by GROSS calories, not net.

    If some of the other ladies are doing NET calories - yay for them....whatever suits the challenge-r.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Shander, it really is up to you. I go for "net cals" so I do eat back exercise cals, but I was only logging cardio and not strength. It really depends on how you calculate your calorie totals to begin with. If you were going to say, eat 1500 cals a day and workout three times per week maybe that accounts for the exercise already in your deficit goal, you know?

    As to whether to eat breakfast/lunch tomorrow I find it easiest to skip breakfast. Even easier if I can sleep through it but that probably won't happen on a Thursday:tongue:
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I did the 4 mile run! Woo!! It wasn't the fastest.. 40 minutes to complete it, but I didn't stop the whole time :)

    As for today I've decided to fast until as late as possible and then have my smoothie. I will end up being 337 calories over my daily allowance, but so far I've made up for it this week, so I'll be pretty even :)

    Thanks for your advice!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Nicely done, shander!

    I am fasting today - but likely will break my fast mid-afternoon. I have an after-work function that I don't want to eat at....so, I think I'll run out, about 3, and grab a salad with some chicken on it.

    Tomorrow I am back at the gym. Tomorrow I'll be stepping on the scale for the first time in, oh, 6- weeks?? So, yep, I'm going to fast for as long as I can to push fat away!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I am a bad, bad girl!! :frown: I'm sorry. I've been MIA. I did manage to lift weights while on vacation though and I really didn't eat bad.

    We finally got Estes last Thursday afternoon/night after a 4 hour detour due to the floods. We did make it out Friday morning to head to Breckenridge. Amy, were you affected at all...I couldn't remember where you are in Colorado? I hope all is well!

    So I took this week off of weights after going strong for 6 weeks. I will start again Monday. I'm extremely busy and things have been happening so fast. I got asked to warm up 1500 runners (and 4,000) spectators this Saturday at the Dirty Girl Run, here in town and it's a paid gig!!!. Then last night I was referred to write about fitness and cooking for a local online magazine and this morning I was asked to help set up and start an aqua fitness program and teach at a place called Diventures. In 2 weeks we have our annual Unite to Fight Breast Cancer Zumba event and we are busily working on that. I barely have time to breathe.

    I miss you ladies but it's all I can do to stay sane :tongue: Logging at the moment just has to wait. You all keep doing your thang and hopefully, I will be back soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. Ha ha Ram! I've totally worked out in a regular bra before. I think I even did cardio. I have a big C, so no going braless for me!

    Good luck with the scale Beeps. You've done amazing during your "recovery" but I bet you're ready to get back to banging out the hard stuff.

    Amy, that show sounds amazing. The National was at Roo, but I had left earlier that day. Eric saw and loved them. I would LOVE to go to Red Rock.

    Shannon, if you just started running, 4 10-minute miles is impressive! That is about my pace (sometimes a tad faster sans stroller of course) and I've been running pretty consistently for almost 17 years. I've never been fast and finally this year realized, I probably never will be.

    Funny story Abi! BTW, Daphne has mostly recovered from hand foot mouth. Her poor little butt rash is still there. I guess it's from the hand foot mouth?

    Hi to everyone else!

    Well, I was having a pretty decent week. I'm still sore from split squats Monday. I ran almost 3 stroller miles yesterday and did some walking. Then Eric came home early from work, we went for sushi (and wine) stopped for more wine, and I ended up making 2 strong cocktails to enjoy around the fire bowl with our neighbor. I am JUST now recovering from my hangover. No booze for us till Saturday, when we have people in town and have plans for dinner at a swanky French place. I've got to get up and lift tomorrow. I'll probably walk with Daphne after work to get my blood flowing and wake up.

    So good news: I think they're going to start a group fitness class at work. I'm hoping it's yoga and I'm going to start practicing again. It's like $5.50 a class; can't beat it. And I could be home by 6:30, probably only about 45 minutes after my family.