2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    kclynch - I NEVER used to have any problems with TOM, but since turning 42 or 43, I've noticed that I seem to be on a 3-month "cycle". 2 months are fine, but that 3rd month, I'm crampy, headache-y, the works. Gawd, I'm SO glad I didn't have these sorts of symptoms life-long!! I figure it's peri-menopause and will be over soon enough, but who knows?

    Today is my little gym club at the office. On tuesdays, thru Feb, I'll lead a "ugifit" class - 30 minutes of cardio/strength mixed - I'm only doing it because of my February "streak" challenge.....it will keep me on track!

    Had to buy all new gym bottoms.....mine don't fit anymore. So, capris aren't in stock - I bought full length, which never are long enough for my legs, anyway, and my nanny is going to shorten them to capris! Problem solved. Also, thank you "Costco" because <$20 is about what I want to pay for my pants!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Beeps- Yea for needing new workout pants~! :drinker: :drinker:

    kc- For me fasting is day by day. I can 98% of the time do my 8pm to 12pm set window. Some days I could go a little longer. Sometimes not. Once I hit the 14 hour mark that we've discussed as being supposedly 'optimal' for women, I go with how I'm feeling. At least I try to! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well! TOM sucks. Mine has been very irregular as of late. It keeps getting pushed back by a week so I never quite know when to expect it! Our bodies are so unpredictable!

    Amy- Check my last post- My weekend was WAY off course. :blushing:

    Schmoozy- Glad the food scale is working out for you. My measured foods await my in T-minus 60 minutes. :wink:

    Kate- Great job on the deficit. And yea for increased NEAT! I will be SOO pleased (and so will the dogs) when this cold weather breaks enough to take them out at 6a after my main workout. There's something therapeutic about a quiet walk with a dog that I miss!!

    Back on track yesterday, everything was as it should be. I shouldn't beat myself up so much about the weekend since I have been doing a lot better job of staying on track over the weekends. But I know how much I struggled with this in the past and I hate to regress. So onward and upward AND no repeat offenses!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Last weekend I overindulged for dinner Sat & Sun night, but was really good the rest of the time so not feeling too bad. I was not able to log anything over the weekend, but I am back on track as of Monday. I am on target for calories, but not getting quite enough protein even with adding in protein shakes. I don't really like to do more than one because it starts to add up calorie-wise, but I don't get the satisfaction of "eating" them.

    Mama - onward & upward is right!

    Beeps & KC - headaches are the new thing for me with TOM recently, yet the cramps are gone, weird.

    Shmoozy - I have also noticed a correlation between drinking and excess snacking so good job avoiding both. I think a food scale would be eye-opening for me as well. I may need to look into getting one. :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm feeling terrible about myself, so I don't want to bring you all down :cry: I just did horrible on Sunday with snacking and I felt like a big puffy mess yesterday and still feeling like I am carrying tons of water today. I did go to spinning and pilates last night which helped my mood tremendously. Tonight I will run on the treadmill. I have my menu planned through Friday. No big plans next weekend so I am really going to try to keep it together this weekend. I know I say that every week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Chloe, it's ok, you are back on track, don't feel bad! I am trying to keep it together before DR and there's my birthday this week, V-day next, and I just have to keep at it. Planning is the best way to do it, though, I already entered my diary today and it's pretty good!

    Beeps, I hate spending money on clothes to workout in! I would rather spend money elsewhere. and sports bras! I need more but they are so expensive and you really can't get good ones cheap...

    Kelly, no, I didn't get my haircut, just an old picture! I was tired of looking at the belly I used to have:ohwell:

    It TOM for me too, started Sat so maybe there will be some woosh after that. I have an IUD so I am never sure what I am going to get, but I haven't had cramps too bad for awhile. Lots of chocolate cravings, though...

    as far as fasting, I did try a dinner to dinner fast two weeks ago, and that is very manageable on a Sunday for me. I don't think I could exercise, though, or even work-or I would be way too hungry. I think I can do another dinner-to-dinner fast on Saturday-Sunday this week, to make up for the birthday excess!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--I try to fast for 24 hours once a year during Lent, and it's hard! I've never tried a true fast for health reasons, but a while back I tried to do a fruit and veggie only fast once a week, and it definitely helped me lose a bit of weight and helped me become more disciplined. Maybe you just need a different approach?

    Beeps--awesome job on needing new gym pants!

    Reese--great job getting back on track! I think that most (if not all) of us let things slide a little bit on the weekends at least some of the time; if we all could be good 100% of the time we probably wouldn't need this thread.

    Abigail--I hear you on trying to get in enough protein, it's really hard! Fat-free dairy and beans were my go-to foods when I was focused on upping my intake.

    Chloe--Don't beat yourself up! One day is not going to move the scale in the long run, and I'm guessing that the water weight will be flushed out by tomorrow if you're good about drinking water today and get your treadmill run in tonight. Just use it as motivation to get in a good workout tonight.

    Amy--I think that was your profile pic when I first joined the thread, it's a good one! What day is your birthday?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. Sorry to not respond to each of you individually, but I am reading about you all! :flowerforyou:

    It's been a pretty busy week so far. Eric woke up with the flu Sunday and is still home from work. He is a tough patient.....he's been really grumpy. I guess he really feels like crap so I should cut him some slack. He did send me a really sweet text thanking me for being such a good wife and mommy :heart: , so I should just get over his lingering funk. Thankfully Daphne and I are still healthy. I hope we stay that way.

    So far this this week I have had 2 unplanned lunches "out". I baked chicken and sauteed greens for lunch this week but have yet to eat them. I took lunch to Eric yesterday (so got myself some takeout) and had time to kill during lunch between meetings today. I did alright, just not the lunches I had planned. BUT, I did get up and run my 3 miles this morning and felt great. I had PT after my my PT fussed at me for running on the treadmill. It's hard on the body. If I'm being realistic, I will most likely be running on it once a week. I don't love it, but I also don't love running in the rain and extreme cold. Plus there's something nice about being in my basement in the morning while everyone else sleeps watching local news, MTV, whatever.....

    I have a 4 mile lunch run planned for Thursday. The City is opening this pedestrian bridge over the Ohio River between Indiana and Kentucky at 11, so thought I'd go check it out.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My birthday is Thursday! My husband is taking me out Thursday and my friends are taking me out Friday.
    Ashley, glad you and the little one did not get sick. I think your treadmill routine sounds peaceful, what's so bad about the treadmill? I sort of thought it was ok, less impact than outdoor surfaces?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member

    Ris - what is your racing schedule, again, for 2013?

    Better - is running on a treadmill *really* "hard on the body"?? I've never heard that before!

    Amy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I think I remember, from last year, your birthday being right around V-Day.

    I did my little ugi-fit work-out, for the ladies, at lunch. Crap, my cardio endurance is TRES SUCKY!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--I know running in general can be kind of hard on your body, but everything I hear says that running on the treadmill is generally easier on your body than running outside. Less impact like Amy said. I guess the key is just to listen to your body and make sure you're not pushing it the wrong way.

    Amy--Happy early birthday! Sounds like fun plans.

    Beeps--I have a very busy spring.... Here is my racing schedule:

    -Half marathon on February 24 (in Disney World!)
    -5k on March 2 (local)
    -10 miler on April 7 (local)
    -10 miler on April 21 (local)
    -Full marathon on May 12 (Providence, RI, I've never been!)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy early birthday, Amy! My youngest turns 3 tomorrow!!!!

    Ris- Busy spring. I think I am doing the Warrior Dash at the end of April and the Color Run in Sept. so excited! I plan on doing my first run in months on Thurs, if DH gets home in time. If not this weekend. But it's suppose to be windy this weekend and I HATE teh wind.

    Beeps -I just did 100 jumping jacks. one of my friends just posted that she did that so I thought I'd copy. Yeah for office workouts -well, classroom, in my case.

    Ashley- I always thought the treadmill was better too. I just hate it. I don't knwo why because I love the elliptical and I love to run outside (when the weather is just right of course)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Ris - you haz your workz cut out for you this year!

    kclynch - I'm bored at the office so there was some thread, here at mfp, talking about the "underwear challenge", so I peeked in - turns out, given the colour of my underwear, and the time of day I read the thread, I would have to do 55 push-ups to complete the challenge! Um, no. Just, no.

    So, that's it! Glad you got in your 100 jumping jacks. That's AWESOME!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Happy birhday Amy!

    It probably depends a lot on the treadmill. Mine is decent although not top of the line. My sister has a springboard kind of treadmill that is fabulous. The thing about treadmills is that it can have a tendency to "pull" you along. Honestly I hadn't been running much till last week and I actually was a little more sore after the mill run than a longer, more hilly outdoor run. I have heard the treadmill being hard on the body from more than just my PT. But that doesn't mean I'm necessarily gonig to listen to him. :smile: I do prefer running outdoors, but the treadmill is necessary sometimes, i.e. during bad weather, when my kid is napping, etc.

    Here's my race schedule for this year:

    2/9: 4 mile Snowman Shuffle

    Louisville Triple Crown of Running:
    3/9: 5k
    3/23: 10k
    4/6: 10 miler

    4/27: KY Derby Mini Marathon

    Good eats for me today and hopefully a "total body workout" tonight. My husband is STILL sick (day 4), so I may be on day care duty in which case, there will be no workout. I have a new level of respect for single parents.....I'm beat.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I just get so ticked off when I do good all week and then have a slip up on the weekend (which honestly wasn't THAT bad) and I end up carrying an extra 5 lbs for days. I just don't understand my body sometimes. Had a good day yesterday, but still feel puffy and the scale is still up. Tonight I have yoga and barre ride.

    Ashley- I would also think the treadmill would be easier on the body, but then again what the heck do I know!

    Beeps- Good for you for working out at lunch, that is one thing I don' t know if I could do. Don't you feel sweaty? I would have to take a shower after for sure and that just seems like too much work.

    Amy- Happy Birthday!

    Ris- You are going to be a running machine this year! Great job at committing to all those races!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Wow, Better, you've got a lot of runs planned this year, too! You an Riz are KILLING it in that department!

    Chloe - Wednesday is always my best "weigh" day of the week....I guess because I've worked off any weekend sodium and keep my weekday work-outs consistent!

    Alas, I used to think lunch-hour work-outs wouldn't work (i.e. the sweat! the re-application of make-up! the hair touch-ups!) But, when in doubt, just SHOW UP! I admit, I only take the time for a *kitten*'s bath, and then it's right back to the office....my make-up is pretty smudgy (although using waterproof products makes it better than it used to be), and my hair sometimes looks BETTER after my work-out - who knew??

    For me, it's all about what I can do to make sure I get my work-outs in....I was finding evening work-outs were simply TOO EASY to skip. And, early mornings I prefer to spend with my family - my kids are much more enjoyable in the mornings, then they are around supper (and after), frankly. And, truth-be-told, I value my sleep more than ANYTHING else, so getting up at 5 am to get a work-out in will just NEVER be my style.

    My rule?? Doesn't matter when you work-out, so long as YOU DO IT. Whatever works FOR YOU is the BEST exercise program there is!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Soup, soup, soup. Salads, salads, salads. Water, water, water.

    I must! Three weeks and ten days until my tropical, bikini-wearing, beach frolicking, see thru wedding-dress-wearing nuptuals!

    I also need someone to force me to go to more classes during the week (I take adult ballet and there are other/more classes available).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Funny all the talk about when to work out. I have always been a right after work workerouter. Then I had a kid and I no longer had an extra hour and a half to do whatever. I have been squeezing in 30ish minutes on work days right after work at home, but I am starting to rethink. Typically I go into work around 8 and leave at 5, but I am thinking what if I go in later and do my workout in the morning? I love having it done. But like Beeps, I hate waking up super early. My sister does it most days - like wakes up at 5; she's a machine. I am actually planning on running at lunch tomorrow. I'll be taking a *kitten* bath too and ponytailing it for the day. My office is building a gym complete with locker rooms soon and I can't wait! I hope to switch almost all my workouts to lunch. After work gets really hectic.

    On another note....I miss warm weather.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    When I used to work downtown had to leave my house by 6 AM and didn't get home until 6:30 PM, I woke up at 4:15 to workout everyday. I was just way too exhausted after work and was always making excuses.

    Now that I work more local I started waking up at 6 to workout and leave my house by 7:45 and then I am home by 5 PM. But, I found I ended up eating more having all that time in the evening with nothing to do. So now I workout after work. I am sure once we have kids things will have to change, but right now this is working for me.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy bday to your youngest, kelly, and good work on those jumping jacks!
    Bummer about the sick husband, Ashley, hope he gets to feeling better.
    Beeps, good for you working out at lunch. I agree, whenever you will do it is the best time:)
    Spicymerma-you're getting married? congrats! see through dress?
    I admire all you running girls! I will have to do some 5ks, probably the firefly and maybe the color me rad, it sounds fun!

    I have logged everything already and I should be good for wine and pizza tonight.

    I have a question, does anyone take supplements? I just ran out of vitamins but that is the only thing I have taken. I haven't done protein for awhile, if that counts.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Yeah, Spicy, what's with the "see through" wedding dress? Are you a Gypsy from that program "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding"???????????????

    Better - your work gym sounds AWESOME! My goodness - what a great privilege! I really wish more and more employers would get on THAT bandwagon!

    And, yes, the gym isn't very crowded at lunch (at least in the free weights section) - and it IS crowded in the early a.m. (because all the office-bound dudes are there...) and it IS crowded in the evenings (because all the high-school wannabe's are there....)

    Chloe - working out, in the evenings, suited me TOTALLY FINE, in my 20's. My 30's, I had a much more flexible work schedule, so usually did my work-out at 8 am, and then went into the office a little later (and worked until 7-ish). Kids *does* change things, imho. Wait-and-see!

    Amy - I take a daily multi-vitamin. I also take a Vitamin D pill, daily, through the winter months and I also take fish oil caplets with supper every night.

    Someone said all the bruising that I'm getting from rumble-rolling might be "anemia"!!??

    Could this be true?? I don't think I have any of the symptoms of anemia.....anyway, I've got my annual physical with doctor on Monday, so I guess I'll ask her.

    I just figure, getting older, that I bruise a lot easier - for example, my shins are nearly one solid bruise from all the deadlifting I do. But, having just started rumble-rolling a couple weeks back, I have spots everywhere on my IT band from that - it look gross, but isn't too painful.