2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I don't have time to respond to everything, just a quick check in. I was under my calories by about 800 calories last week, so I'm giving myself a silver star (my goal is to get as close to my goal as possible, not to go under). I've had lots of time to workout (mostly walking) due to the shutdown. Hope you are all doing well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    6th week STAR CHALLENGE results:


    Only 2 weeks left, ladies, in this challenge! Let's get 'er done!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Quick check in!!! Our event went fantastic!! Raised almost $3000!!! Still eating clean but only got in 2 lifts last week due to my schedule. But, I am only 5 lbs from my goal now, so husband actually bought our plane tickets to Vegas today!!! So I have until Nov 2 to hit my goal!! Eek!! Mind is still focused and have lifts planned for Wed, Fri, Sun.

    Keep up the great work ladies!!

    P.s. Amy, hope your dad is doing well and that San Fran was fun!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...I wanna be 5 lbs from goal....

  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps, you're almost there!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hi! Quick update on me..... Hope you are all doing well!

    I weighed in yesterday for the first time in about 4 weeks. I was down 1/2 pound. But my waist was down about 0.3" and my chest down about 3/4", and my legs were up each about 1/4" each from last measurements about 2 months ago. Not that I'm trying to "bulk up", but this may be an indication that I am actually gaining some muscle, thus why the scale has been consistently in the 130's the last few months. I know it is VERY hard for women to put on muscle, but I am seeing changes in my body too. Like back muscles! I was getting into my suit to get in the hot tub last night and was checking myself out in the mirror...not gonna lie, and I have real actual definition in my back! I have never seen that before! So I'm going to keep up with the stronglifts inspired lifting (I've been modifying quite a bit, but trying to stick with the 5x5 patterns) and not logging and check in about once a month on the scale and with measurements. I'm about 0.5" from my summer loss on my waist, but my belly (biggest problem area) hasn't budged. THAT is the result of diet I'm sure. So, I'll keep trucking along.....

    I'm still good and sore from lifting Tuesday morning. I got a nice run in and tons of walking on my day off yesterday. I plan to get up and lift in the morning and hopefully get a lift and run in over the weekend. Have a great day!

    Oh, and I tried a new recipe last night. Chicken (I used cut up thighs), apples, onions, and fresh cranberries cooked with apple juice and thyme. I'm going to add a little cashew in next time. Great fall dish.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    jen - I've been "almost there" for 10 months, now....it's more like I'm "mastering maintenance" than "leaning out". I want to LEAN OUT!

    Better - I think your plan is very sensible....why weigh?? Scale number, on it's own, is totally meaningless! And, if your measurements are kicking around the same, again, why measure?? You, too, are likely "mastering maintenance" and if that's your goal, do it the right way by FOCUSING ONLY ON THE "INPUTS" (i.e. what you eat and getting your lifting in)....which is EXACTLY what you ARE DOING!

  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I haven't been on the computer much since I've been out of work (gov't shutdown) so I've been bad about checking in. I'm still logging, but it's easier to do on my phone or iPad. With all of this free time I've been good about getting in exercise, but I've been noticing that a lot of those extra exercise calories are going to desserts.... I've started making these homemade butterfinger bars that are gluten free so my husband can eat them, and they're not as bad as the real thing but they're still mostly sugar and very addictive. And then I've rediscovered how much I like chocolate pudding. I need to work on getting back to my one-dessert-a-day rule, but for now I'm going to at least limit it to one a meal.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I hadn't really planned on doing this, but decided to take some pregoress pics this morning while I was lifting. I intended to just blog them, but I couldn't get the pics to work, so decided to put it out there for all of MFP to see. :ohwell: I guess I hadn't taken progress pics in over a year! I really need to do this more. It is so rewarding to compare. I think a picture really is worth a thousand words.....


    Have a great weekend ladies! Thank you all for being part of my circle of internet friends. You all are inspirations to me in your own way. :heart:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    LOVE THE PICTURES, Better! You look GREAT! Such a testament to LIFTING - good for you!

    (i know you also love your cardio).

    Ris - hope this govt shutdown is short-lived....frankly, the whole WORLD is watching and not very excited about what is going on in the good ol US of A.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, the shutdown has allowed me to spend time with my dad who has been in the hospital now 16 days. The latest scan results are discouraging. :ohwell:
    I managed one run and it felt good. I need to find some better balance, getting exercise, eating well, working and being there for my dad, oh, and sleeping! Also important.
    I have the Halloween 5k next weekend I think, but we run that with costumes and dogs so I should be ok.
    Off to check that thread, Ashley!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ris - 1 sweet a meal is a good rule ;) I am the same way...it's just better for me not to even have them :grumble: Hope this darn gov't figures things out soon!

    Better - I just commented on your thread!! YES!!! Pics, pics, pics!! I take them all the time and they help so much with the psychological game the damn scale plays with our heads! Fantastic work, girl, you are beautifully buff!:bigsmile: I feel the same way about all of you girls! Such a wonderful support group!

    Beeps - you will get there my dear! the transformation you have made is phenomenal!

    Amy - I'm sorry about the news for your dad :( Glad the run helped, but don't beat yourself up. This is a tough time for you right now! Just find a balance that is good for you. Hugs :flowerforyou:

    I've gotten in 2 lifting sessions this week, next one is Sunday. Food is going well, still not logging and loving it. Feeling leaner and meaner. I squatted and deadlifted 135# during both sessions this week...that means those big 45# plates on each side of the bar, yeah buddy!! That is a PR for me. I think I will be able to go up next time too! I will be 40 exactly one month from today and I have the lazer beam focus in full effect!! Whether I hit my weight goal or not, I will be happy to rock the blue dress I wore in Florida 2 years ago! That is all!!

    Have a great weekend!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you all for the kind words.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Amy - I am really glad you got some time to spend with your Dad....it's just sooooooo sucky that the circumstances aren't that great. I hope you can keep it altogether!

    jen....were you BESIDE me in the gym, today?? Because, a little (of asian descent) lady was there and she was BANGING around those heavy weights like NUTHIN'. My hip thrusts are back up-to-snuff, but everything else I'm moving along S-L-O-W-L-Y.

    My lifting was good and I came back to the "free" thanksgiving lunch put on by my company. So, I chose only turkey, steamed veggies and GRAVY! Yum. I. Am. Full. (I skipped the potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie with whip cream.)

    Tonight we are celebrating "International Day of the Girl" with our 11-year-old-daughter....don't know "how", yet, but it will NOT include "food".

    Have a great weekend! Especially to fellow Canadians celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Ashley you rock, love those pics - your back is fantastic!

    Amy - so sorry things are not good for your dad, but I am glad you are able to get to spend time with him

    Jen - super impressed with your lifting, you go girl

    Beeps - have a wonderful Thanksgiving

    Bad news - I have not been super great about my eating & other than my dance classes I am not getting any exercise in right now due to my crazy schedule. Good news - one of my co-workers quit & I will have way more hours at my regular job & I can quit my temp job and only work in one place - yay! Plus this job pays $6 more per hour - yay again. I may even be able to squeeze some workout time into my life again - triple yay.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps – I am only making strides with my leg and back lifts…not so much with anything else. Great choices for your Thanksgiving lunch!! What did you end up doing to celebrate International Day of the Girl?! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!!

    Abigail – Hope the change in your schedule allows you to get to the gym more now!! I’m sure it will be nice to to just be working at one place!

    Got in my 3 lifts this week. Ate out once everyday this weekend but managed to make good choices. Fri was salmon and a sweet potato with a skinny margarita, Saturday was Kung Pao chicken with broccoli instead of rice and today I had garlic tilapia with broccoli instead of refried beans and rice (and just a handful of tortilla chips, which is the only processed carb I’ve had in 2 weeks!) Now my hubby is firing up the grill for some steaks and the week starts all over again tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what progress can be made this week!! Let’s have a great week ladies!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Abigail, I think once you're only doing one job, you'll be in such a much better place. Yay!!!

    Jeno - we took my daughter to the movies....and pigged out on popcorn, lol.

    My eating has been a disaster this weekend. I've undone 6 WEEKS of hard-line deficits. So sad about myself.

    The end.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Good morning ladies! I was 212 under my goal for the week, so that's a gold star for me. Still hanging in there with this baby. I did better yesterday on the desserts (just one), so hopefully my sweet tooth is subsiding a bit. I had a pretty good weekend for exercise. I got in a long swim on Friday (and I was pretty proud of myself--even 9 months pregnant I was passing most of the guys in my lane), did some weights at the gym on Saturday, and got in a long walk on Sunday now that the rain is finally starting to go away.

    Beeps--don't beat yourself up! I'm sure you didn't undo all of your hard work in one weekend. You just need to brush yourself off and get back on track today!

    Jen--great job on getting in your lifting and making good choices when eating out! Your meals sound delicious!

    Abigail--sounds like your busy schedule will be getting a little more manageable, that's great news!

    Ashley--you look awesome! I love seeing what a difference lifting makes.

    Amy--so sorry to hear things aren't going better with your dad. I'll be thinking about you! Glad to hear you got a run in. Obviously you have enough going on that there's no need to worry too much about your food and exercise, but hopefully getting in a few runs here and there will help you destress a bit.

    That's all I can see/remember, hope you all had wonderful weekends!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Thanks for the kind words.

    I'm not feeling so svelt this morning. I just ate and drank more than I should have over the weekend and didn't do anything but walk, which I did quite a bit of. Oh well. We had a socailly packed weekend as usual. I set my alarm to lift this morning but went back to sleep. Mondays are so hard. I always get less sleep than needed on weekends and am beat on Sundays into Monday morning. At least I have a good time doing it. :drinker: This Wednesday is Eric's birthday and our anniversary, so we'll go to a low key dinner out. Our real celebration is on Friday: helicoptor ride and dinner out without baby. I've got dinner plans with my friend Thursday as well. So another busy week. I start my yoga class tomorrow, so I'm excited about that. I may blow off the grocery and go running after work instead today. I'm shooting for very healthy food days today and tomorrow (and no booze) to offset my meals out Wednesday - Friday. I love this time of year, but gosh we have so much going on! We had an out of town guest Friday (made pizzas), went to a festival Saturday night, and went to another festival yesterday. Of course all of that includes food and drinking. Tis the season! I'm ready to have a good week and get my workouts in and eat and drink a little more mindfully than I did over the weekend.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Ris - I will put you down for GOLD star - I haven't even added mine up, but am sure I'm not a GOLD nor a PLAT star, for sure. This week is TOM....I think I'm done with the "star" challenge for the immediate future.

    5 weekends have passed that out-of-town-company has come to stay. 2 more. That will make 7-in a row.

    I think, already, I hate people. I hate all people. And even though our guests are good guests and I love them - I totally hate them all.

    I am exhausted. Work all week. Entertain all weekend (oh, and drive kidlets to various sporting activities). I'm 100% BURNT OUT.
