2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, it's interesting you posted this. I just picked the Have Your Skinny Jeans and Cupcake Too book (or whatever its official title it....) last night again. I haven't read it since before South Beach. She, so far, is delving into why diets DON'T tend to work and it's a lot the same stuff: setting specific goals, failing, then beating ourselves up over them, etc. I think we (or me at least) can get so caught up in calories in, macros, calories out, that it almost becomes counterproductive. I can't tell you how many nights I'd eat two popsicles instead of one just because I knew I had the extra calories. I quit listening to my body and started obsessing over numbers. Weight is the same. I am on the high end of my weight now, but I think I look better than I have in a long time. I am liking a more "systems" approach. Like focusing on the whole pictures, not just the bits and pieces. So good luck with YOUR system!

    Just got back from my lunch run. I almost thought about bailing, but my co-worker was all like, "well I'm going" so I'm glad I went. My congestion feels better than it has all day. I'm going to wrap up the work day, get my class in, and go home and have leftover chili and spend a nice relaxing night at home and then off tomorrow! Then Halloween. I bought $22 worth of candy yesterday..... :noway: We better get tons of trick or treaters......

    Jen, I love your shirt. My daughter would say, "Mo-Mo" so naturally that was my first thought. :smile: Sounds like you're kicking @ss and also sounds like you're using more of a "systems" approach too. When do you leave?

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I am starting out "my" system with some DATA....I called to book a DEXA (whole body composition) because i PROMISED myself I'd do it for my birthday (which is this weekend).

    And, I thought they'd be booking into end-of-November or December. Nope, I'm in TOMORROW morning at 8:20!

    Guess my 3-day fasting (800 cals Sunday, 1,000 cals Monday, 900 cals today) was ALL FOR SOMETHING.

    Anyways, I'm totally, totally AFRAID. And, I'm going to feel the fear and do it anyway!

    I totally don't want it to say 30% bodyfat! I totally know it isn't going to say 20% bodyfat (which is what I am aiming for...)....so, am trying to brace myself that "it's just data" that can be (positively) used in setting up my system!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    How exciting! And maybe a little scary. :ohwell: Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow, I miss a few days and find out our group has two new little ones. Congrats to Ris & Chloe. That is wonderful news!

    I only had to time to take a quick scan at work. Will check back in & post later.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps – How did the DEXA thing go?!?! Also, YES!!! The systems thing!! This is what I’m talking about!! I was tired of the micromanaging of everything. The macros, the calories, the measurements. I wanted to feel normal and not feel like it was laborious!! I feel so much better now the way things are going because it is a lifestyle. Again…my results could have been progressed had I logged, but for me, I’m just not there anymore. And having logged for so long, I am aware of eyeballing portions, listening to my body, knowing it needs protein or clean carbs or knowing I can have a muffin, but then it’s back to the foods I know work. Will I slip, yes, will I get back on and continue, hell yes!! I know you will keep us posted as to how your system will work for you!

    Ashley – I’m glad to hear and see you are also benefitting from the systems approach. You haven’t been logging either, right?! It just seems to take the pressure off and just lets you keep doing what you know works. Judging more on how you feel and look rather than what the stupid scale says! Fantastic!! And I leave Sat at 6 a.m., come home Mon at 11:30 p.m. I can’t wait!!

    Hi Abigail!!

    Hope everyone is well this Hump Day!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I AM 32.7% BODYFAT!


    5' 8 3/4" this morning and 146.6 lbs on the DEXA scale stuff.

    And, yep, I am 32.7% BODYFAT - even my *lean* torso is not that f*cking lean - 28.6%. Each leg is 40%.

    Sooooooooooo, I was HOPING I wasn't "30%" - for 2 YEARS I've been aiming for 20%. And, in fact, I am 32.7% BODYFAT.

    I am feeling AWFUL about myself right now - will perk up tomorrow (I also had my flu shot, today), but I've been fasting for 3 solid days and today I'm going to have something to eat.

    Unbelievable how DELUSIONAL I have been.

    Also, totally UNBELIEVABLE what the "naked eye" sees, compared to a DEXA. Just sayin'....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yeah Beeps....but again it's all just numbers. Look at your photos chick! They're amazing. You have made incredible progress. Don't let any number tell you otherwise. Sorry you didn't get close to the number you wanted, but again....just numbers. You look incredible and your motivation and will are inspiring.

    Yep Jen. I quit logging. My sister (on MFP too) quit and suggested that book to me and it's kind of changed my mentality. Shortly after, I took measurements and photos after not for almost a year and saw the progress I've made in my physique even though I weight 4-5 pounds (a lot on 5'2") more than last year. I will never have perfect abs because I will never give up wine and foods I love in moderation. I also store fat in my midsection...always have. But my legs are nice. And my shoulders are nice. And I'm working on my butt. And I feel like I look better than I have maybe ever. I'll never be perfect in my eyes I'm sure. Anyways, that's just what I've been doing through the last few months. And I think I'm happier too. Have a blast in Vegas!!!!

    Hi Abi!

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Where is ramalen (sp?)? I know she had her honeymoon but thought she'd be back by now. Amy, hope you are doing okay too. And hi to the new moms!

    Well, it's my day off so I better get some stuff done. I got an iPad from work so I wanted to play with my new toy and figured I'd check in. Have a great day ladies!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hello, hello! I have missed so much! I saw the Chloe's baby post and to go searching for Ris.

    Beeps- sorry the BF isn't what you had wanted, but you look AMAZING!

    Ashley- I am glad no logging is working for you. You are looking good!
    Love the before/after pics.

    Abigail- good luck with your new program. I have so many and I never finish any!

    Jen- enjoy your trip.

    My life is crazy. This school year has been like no other. It is very stressful. My girls have some activity EVERY single day after school. On the weekends, I work my second job AND coach soccer. This weekend we will have 4 games! I am working out 1 or 2 days a week. ZERO motivation. My weight is maintaining - 4 pounds higher then I was six months ago. My chubby tummy makes my pants tight. My butt is no longer big and sexy.it is simply big. I need to make changes, I just don't know how. That is my sad story. The end.

    Anyway, HAPPY HALLOWEEN. today, my girls get to dress up as story book characters and tonight they have different costumes for trickier treating, it should be FUN!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hi Kelly! Thanks for checking in. Sorry you're so busy.

    I ate 2 mini bags of peanut M&M's last night. And a Baby Ruth. I'll be glad the Halloween candy is gone. My kiddo will be DJ Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba tonight. Should be cute. Today she wore Halloween jammies to school. I am simply wearing a skull and crossbones scarf, which is atypical for me. I've won 3 or 4 contests at work and I've been here 7 years. Oh well......

    Happy Halloween!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Thanks! someone reminded me that, if a MAN had gotten those DEXA results, he'd have thought "callibration is obviously OFF", tossed them away, and gotten on with his day....

    So, yes, there's something WRONG with me INTERNALIZING what really is "static data". (Just like the scale right? Is 150 lbs "overweight"?? Well, I guess that depends on if you are 6' tall or you are 5' tall, right?)

    Anyway, thanks for the support - I remain happy with my progress. I acknowledge there's more 'work' to do (I've never said otherwise!). And I'm happy to carry on with:

    1. eating at a calorie-deficit to lose bodyfat; and
    2. lifting heavy things to change bodyshape.

    The end.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Thanks, Better_Balance and kclynch - I appreciate the support - I really do!

    kclynch - when there is SO MUCH GOING ON (in life), it becomes very difficult to focus on a "lost 10 lbs" task....I GET THAT! I hope you are succeeding in the things you ARE focusing on!!

    Better_Balance - I ate Halloween candy last night, myself! And, while dressing up at work is a BIG HALLOWEEN DEAL around this company, I actually have professional meetings to attend (I usually get to wear jeans to work....but today, I am in business suit!). When I told my team I was coming 'dressed as a lawyer', they didn't think that was a very good costume, lol!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    H ladies! Things have been busy with the new addition, but I've been thinking about you all! I'll try to post a few more pics of our little guy if I can remember how. If not I'll at least add some to my profile.

    As of this morning I'm back to about 6 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight, so I'm happy with that! I still have quite a bit of a pooch but I'm guessing that will take a while. If ding time to eat is a challenge itself so for the next few weeks I'm going to skip the logging and just focus on eating healthy food, limiting the empty calorie stuff, only eating as much as I'm hungry for, and getting in at least a little exercise each day (just walking for now). I'm also going to continue to weigh myself in the mornings just to make sure that my weight doesn't start going back up, but I'm to going to sweat the day-to-day fluctuations. I'm looking forward to getting back into tougher exercises in the coming weeks!

    I'm way too behind to comment on everything, but I hope you all have a very happy Halloween, and good luck on staying away from the candy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Enjoy the baby....your nutrition plan is solid!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good to hear from you Ris! 6 pounds away is amazing! The pooch will take a bit I suspect. Mine did anyways. You are on the right track and undoubtedly will be back to pre-preg in no time! Enjoy your little guy!

    This week has been so-so for me. My greatest success? Getting lots of good sleep. The latest I've been in bed was 11 Tuesday night, but I get to stay in bed Wednesdays since it's my day off, so not bad. Every other night I've been lights out by 10:30 or earlier and I have slept like a rock. Last night we had bad storms, lot of wind, etc. and I didn't wake at all. I think I've almost kicked my funk. Still a little congested, but better each day. That was my main goal this week, so that's good. I ran twice and did my class, but that's it. I need to lift at some point this week and get back to morning lifts next week. My eating has been pretty bad. Yesterday all I had was candy until I had two slices of pizza and some wine for dinner. And more candy. I'll fast till lunch and try to have a sensible lunch. Of course we've got plans all weekend that involve food and booze. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I love reading the 'good sleep' report, Better_Balance. One of the "systems" I am going to put in place, FOR SURE, is around assurance that I am getting good and sufficient sleep.

    My husband and I are going to tackle "systems" this weekend - both for my nutrition/fitness goals, and also for household finance goals. With the right systems in place, we can focus on "following the systems" (i.e. focus on the INPUTS) and leave the outputs alone (because, they SHOULD be what we want with the consistent application of the 'system').

    What the DEXA did clearly show is that I do NOT have Lean-body-mass of an average woman of my height. So, that really means ALL the "calorie counters" are "off" for me. (Meaning: if they say maintenance = 1,900 calories - not for me - that's too much!)

    I think my maintenance will be about 1,600 calories per day. Maybe 1,650. I don't want to go too low in calories because I just end up binge-ing somewhere. And, since this is about a "slight" calorie deficit, I am going to give 1,450 calories, per day, a whirl.

    The next "system" I need to work on is how to eliminate late-night snacking....well, actually ANY snacking after supper-hour. Believe me, this is not "junk food" related - we have nearly zero junk food in the house and I'll pick ANYTHING to "snack" on. Yogurt. Apples. Bananas. Bread. Believe me, it just ADDS UP and if I truly figured out a "system" to help me avoid late-night-snacking, those eliminated calories, right there, would be my poundage lost. I KNOW IT.

    I am aiming to lose 1 lb per month. In 1 year's time, that eliminates 12 lbs of bodyfat which, frankly, would put me much closer to a 24% bodyfat # overall.

    There....my "marathon" plan is in place. If you see me typing ANYTHING that sounds like a "sprint", please CALL ME ON IT. I need some accountability.

    Oh, and I'll have to leave "challenges" alone, for awhile - they result in too much of a "sprint" mentality, for me, and I'm really trying to focus on the "marathon" training style just now.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, I think this sounds like a good plan. I think 1400 a day is a better plan than 1200 range. I find if I restrict a lot, I binge. You should check out that book I'm reading. Parts are boring, but many parts eye opening in regards to the mental game of dieting. It looks like you also know your weaknesses (late night snacking) so can focus on that. Maybe you late night snack because you restrict too much through the day? Anyways, sounds like you have a solid plan and that's a great start! 1 pound a month is a very realistic goal. Good for you! I'm sure you'll succeed!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I late-night-snack because, for me, that late-night period, traditionally, is the ONLY time I have taken for "me".

    So, in my 20's, I used to use that time to smoke cigarettes! (i.e. son was in bed, I only had basic cable, so nothing was on t.v....I would study my university courses and smoke cigatettes - I felt like a REAL REBEL doing that!)

    In my 30's, (I quit smoking by late 20's!) I used to use late-night time for a bath! My babies were in-bed, but likely to be up in an hour or two....and, I could squeeze in a bath, maybe a magazine, before I got back to night-time feedings and, of course, i was working all day.

    In my 40's, babies were old enough to sleep (mostly) through the night. I wasn't smoking. So, I think participating in pantry raids became my form of "self-soothing".

    I really think that sticking to calorie goals (spread out over a week, actually - I get 10,150 per WEEK to play with!!) isn't going to be that hard....I do think making sure that, if I start "grazing", that instead I CUE myself to go to bedroom, undress, brush teeth, etc., crawl into bed, read or go-to-sleep is just a LOGICAL progression in my lifestyle.

    I want to have a Venus-LIFESTYLE....no more diet. It just is exactly how I *live*. Part of that means keeping promises to myself - promises of good sleep, promises of good nutrition, promises of regular work-outs, etc.

    My babies are now 26, 12, and 11 - I really can make better decisions about ME, for ME.

    That's why "systems" will be KEY! Focus on the "systems" and leave the rest alone...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - good luck with your "systems" approach and don't sweat the BF thing, you are doing all the right things & you look awesome

    kc - I hear you with the busy schedule, this school year has been insane with our schedules, we have stuff every night of the week and weekends are getting busy as well. It's Nutcracker time again & this year my 10 year old daughter is joining me. I am a party parent in the opening Act & she is a soldier during the battle scene. Thankfully our rehearsals are on the same day right after each other, but still it's every Sunday and then two weekends of shows in December. I always have a blast though.

    Jen - I hope you are having a good time this weekend

    Ris - congrats again & only 6 pounds over is impressive, your stomach will bounce back over time

    Better - getting lots of sleep is super important, glad to hear you're feeling better

    I got off to a rocky start with my Tapout DVD program last week so I am starting over this week and just need to commit to it & make the time. I want to make sure I fit into my costume. :) I also need to detox from all the junk food I ate last week. I still have candy in my house, but can't seem to make myself throw it away. Maybe I'll do that obnoxious thing that co-workers do & leave it on the break room table at work for someone else to eat. :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Beeps, that's an interesting assessment of your "me" time. My favorite has always been drinking wine and watching terrible Lifetime movies. :smile: Abi, sounds like you have a busy couple months ahead of you but fun!

    My weekend was OK. We had friends in Friday night and I was up till 3. I loathe staying up that late anymore becuase I was up with Daphne at 7:30. It ruined most of my Saturday. We travelend an hour and a half to Lexington for the UK football game that afternoon. Met a bunch of friends and tailgated and weren't home till 12:30. Yesterday I had a great 4 mile run and then relaxed the rest of the day and made lechon asado in the crockpot. We have a pretty low key weekend this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. September was the month of traveleing and October was the month of house guests. Looks like November should be a mix: my parents are staying with us this Friday night and Eric's BFF and his new GF are coming next weekend. Then we travel to NC for Thanksviging.

    For November, I would like to reel in the diet a bit. I'm still not logging but haven't been as mindful with my eating. I'd really rather not start the holiday season out with extra cushioning.

    My goals this week:

    Run twice (Mon at lunch and Thurs after work)
    Tuesday class
    Lift Wednesday and sometime over the weekend
    Stroller walks
    Good sleep
    Don't eat till I'm overly full

    Have a great week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    My 2-week-challenge:

    1. 1,400 calories per day, with 1 eat up day per week (Saturday OR Sunday - but not BOTH) of 1,700 cals
    2. Lift M/W/F
    3. cardio on Saturday
    4. 7.5 hours sleep per night (MINIMUM!)
    5. when I start feeling "munchy" after supper - go to bedroom and break "visual cues" patterns.