2 week challenge



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    You get to relax a little... go into maintenance mode and enjoy the fruits of your labor :)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hi ladies...well, the status quo didn't last long. I am on the injured list and don't even have a cool story to tell how it happened except I believe it was stress induced :grumble: I have limited range of motion in my neck and my right arm. I haven't slept well since last Thursday and the pain is aggravated when I lie down or when I sit! So only relief is when I'm standing. But I'm so tired from lack of sleep, I just want to lie down :sad: I went to the chiro yesterday and he seemed to think 2 adjustments will work. I go back tomorrow. I tried to get a sub for my class today, called 7 different people and not one could do it, so I taught only using 1 arm. I felt like Nemo :huh:

    Beeps - I'm with you. No mo babies in my future!

    Ramalem - Ugh, yes, I know that puffy feeling.Hope your improved food choices help with that!

    That's all I can see.

    Have a good rest of the week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    jenomaha - the "injured" list is the WORST list to be on! Sorry.


    Today, I lift and I think, since it is -27 degrees outside, I'm going to sneak in a visit with the jacuzzi afterward. I'm staying late at work tonight, anyway....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Okay Beeps, I think I will stop complaining about the cold now. Yikes! Enjoy the jacuzzi.

    Jen - so sorry to hear that, I hope you get some relief soon - you too rogie

    Better & ramalem - good luck with the baby making thing :)

    Welcome back Kate, good to hear from you!

    I fell behind on logging again. I need it to stay on track so I will have to work on that. I am also skipping workouts due to my nutsy schedule, so I need to get back on track with that. I am doing well with my eating during the week. I do need to tone it down on the weekends though & limit it to one cheat meal not a whole cheat weekend.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Did the 2nd chiro help, Jen? Sorry about your pain and sleeplessness that is a drag! What do you mean about NEmo though? I did not get the reference:huh:

    First workout for D2S was good, my weights are a little light for rows so I added a resistance band but mostly I am feeling it in my legs. Yikes, so much squatting. I know it probably doesn't really matter, but I like being sore, like I am doing something good. But like I said, I am not sure being sore is equated with any real benefits.

    My diet has been pretty good. I had a beer last night and was still pretty close to my goal but I wish I had not had the beer, kinda... I just wanted to have two night of drinking this week.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Didn't Nemo have a little fin or no fin? I don't remember, it's been too long since I've seen that movie :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone! Just a few quick catch ups...

    I LOL'ed at the Nemo statement Jen! Yes Ram, he had one regular fin and one tiny fin.

    Amy, glad to hear you're chugging along.

    Abigail, don't sweat the logging too much. Just do what you can. You're busy. I know I've said it before, but I love not logging. Sometimes I do a tally in my head at the end of the day, but really I'm just trying to not overeat. I've had some bad weeks since quitting about 2 months ago, but I think I've had more good weeks. Not sure of how its affected my weight since I quit that too (I'm such a quitter) but I feel fine.

    Beeps, those temps sounds terrible. It's getting down in the teens overnight in KY this week, but it's getting up to 60 today. Gotta love the Ohio valley..... How old were you with baby #1? It took me about 4 months to get the weight off. I was eating a lot (and nursing) but I was running about 10 miles a week and walking so working pretty hard.

    That's all I can see....

    I've been doing pretty good this week. I ran Monday, did my class Tuesday and lifted yesterday (and walked) and did some different stuff and am nice and sore today. I had a super busy day yesterday trying to play catch up from doing nothing productive last weekend and I have decided I need to do less on my day off. I feel in order to rationalize taking a day off a week, I have to be super Mom/wife/housekeeper. LIterally....I ran 3 errands, grocery shopped, did 3 loads of laundry, made a meat loaf, and did about 4 or 5 other little things around the house in addition to my workouts. I was beat last night and even got snippy with Eric. I find I am starting to keep house more than enjoy time with my kiddo. So that's going to stop. From here on out, I am going to do one at home chore and run 1-2 errands, only if they are in close proximity to one another. I don't have to be super all the time. :wink:

    We have a pretty mellow weekend and I am glad. We leave for Chapel Hill Wednesday morning and then onto Wilmington Thursday after our 5 miler. Won't be home till Monday afternoon. I'm looking forward to time with family. My sister and I will get some running in surely. Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I was about 5 with baby #1

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    And since he is now 26, that makes me, whaaaaaaa - only 31!!!!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Had a good weigh-in yesterday....although the "partner" with whom I am holding myself accountable (for 2 things: 1 is to only weigh one time per week and 2 is to weigh on Wednesdays only....) wants to switch weighing day to "Friday".

    So, this week, I will ALSO weigh on Friday, but I do not believe that *I* have to change my streak since it really isn't my fault. From this point forward, weigh-in day will be Friday and I will ONLY hop on the scale on Fridays!

    I think I can dump 2 more lbs by end of 2013. And then, I'll aim to drop 1 lb per month in 2014 (which means 12 more). AFTER THAT, if my bodyfat percentage comes back >25%, I'll f*cking faint.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I like the Wednesday weigh-in, Beeps, if you want to weigh in with me:happy: I used to weigh Monday and Friday but I think Wed is a good compromise.
    The day 2 strength workout was ok but it calls for pullups or, alternatively, pull-downs and there isn't any way for me to do that at home. So either, back to a gym or get some sort of pull up bar and rings.
    I had totally forgot about Nemo's disability!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Just thought I'd share one of my friend's (Steve Troutman) status:

    "I have an online client right now who tells me time and time again that she really does want to commit to a plan of attack. Yet, biweekly report after biweekly report she's noncompliant to very meaningful degrees. She also claims that she has weeded out the meal frequency that works for her the best. However, when I'm taking a step back and looking at the patterns, it's always that she's overeating in the PM hours after work. Not only that, but she's overeating in the PM hours with sugary/starchy foods. Why not tailor the feeding pattern to when she tends to have cravings? Maybe this would help minimize some of the guilty feelings if I could structure things for her so that she's SUPPOSED to be eating more during the times she tends to be most hungry. So I pretty much put her on a protein sparing modified fast until after her workday. She isn't hungry eating lots of protein and fibrous veggies at the office all day. Then after work literally all of her carb consumptions comes into play. By consolidating her carb consumption into a smaller feeding window, it allows her to really get into some good food, appease her cravings rather than fight them, and still hit her macro/calorie targets with no struggle. Like I always say, this is about experimentation and finding the best fit for YOU."

    Amen to that. I tried for a time to do the 6 or whatever mini meals a day and that does not work for me. I typically don't get really hungry till 11 or so. I like having a substanital dinner. And I only want an afternoon snack about half the time. So what if 50-75% of my calories are consumed after 6pm.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I missed that, so thanks for sharing it, I wonder if he's still on my friends list? I'll have to check.
    I was just going to ask the group here-what do you think really matters when it comes to eating-hitting a calorie-goal, hitting your macros? I mean, if you have 1500 cals per day and you have wine and chocolate every night, would anything change if you quit the wine and chocolate and still got 1500 cals?
    I am not sure. See, I think a cheat meal is only a cheat if you go over cals. But, if I was struggling with being hungry I might be less hungry eating higher protein and ditching the wine and chocolate.

    I went overboard last night and had 7 bud lights. I don't know why. Dinner was pretty light-chicken tortilla soup but I had a quesadilla on the side. I logged it all but I am beginning to wonder if I want to, since I said I wasn't going to get strict on the diet and seeing the red just makes me feel bad, I don't know...
    There's more plans tonight-happy hour and dinner at oceanaire. mexican and margs tomorrow.
    Have a great weekend, lushes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Yep, Better - I 100% agree!!

    I listened to an awesome Leigh Peele podcast last night, too.....about how to NOT PANIC when a plateau appears!! About not dumping down calories to some unspeakable low (FOREVERMORE!). Whether I lose in 3 months or 6 months, who CARES....I'm totally going to dump this fat (even my current scale #'s say so!) and I'm going to do it without driving myself (and everyone around me) C-R-A-Z-Y.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    That's right Better. I had a very similar experience. I used to think I had to eat within a half hour of waking up and have six meals throughout the day. The thing is I'm not that hungry in the morning and once I start eating it is hard for me to stop, it just makes me want to eat more, plus I tend to work out later in the afternoon or evening so I'm hungrier at night when I am all out of calories. Now I wait as long as I can before eating and this leaves me some extra calories to be used later when I really need them. I like to have a decent size dinner & I also need to eat something at night when I get home from my dance classes.

    Thank you for sharing that!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. My weekend was so so. I had a pretty tame Friday, several glasses of wine and some thin crust pizza (but not crazy amounts) and was in bed by 10:30. Saturday we ran errands, and I made a rub for ribs, got them prepped and took a run to the salon for a trim (couple miles). Relaxed a little in the afternoon and had a couple over for dinner. I drank a little too much and was up till 2....way too late. Yesterday I was pretty lazy, and then went to a friend's pre-Thanksgiving party and had a couple beers. I was so tired I went to bed at 9! That's the earliest I've slept in....maybe years. I'm still tired today.

    I packed my bag for running at lunch even though my partner is out of town and it's in the 20's here today. I need to wake myself up and get my blood flowing! Tomorrow is my class and then we head out Wednesday morning. I have my 5 mile race Thanksgiving morning and I'll probably take some walks and runs while at my parents with my sister. My main goal is to not drink like a lush over the holiday and try to get some exercise in. Have a great Monday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I tried another fast, yesterday - made it through, but it (again!) f*cked with my sleep. I have to just quit it and stick with the 16/8. And, continuously manage my food.

    Pictures/measurements are at the end of this week!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    RIDERS? Beeps?

    My weekend was a lot of drinking, and eating, too really. I had surf n turf Friday and Sunday! and I didn't workout Thurs-Sat, but I did yesterday and plan to stick with the D2S this week, I have a workout planned everyday except Thursday this week, and I might even run on Thursday to allow some extra calories. Even though we don't have a Thanksgiving plan, I think we will end up going out with friends.
    I didn't do much logging, I am going back and forth on it. I would like to try and eat more intuitively...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Saskatchewan Roughriders won the Grey Cup yesterday (our premier trophy for Canadian football!)


    ^^^ I put my necklace back on JUST FOR THIS SHOT!! It's a post-workout "GLAM-BOOM!" shot, lol.

    Yesterday marked the end of a "Global Operation Lean-Out" challenge I organized (online) - "GOLO" for short. I did lose a little bit of bodyfat, the scale went down a little bit, my tape measurements came down.

    That is *it* for challenges for me, for awhile. I'm really focusing on "inputs" and just following a systems-approach....so, the "outputs" just have to be left alone. That's how I want to enter 2014.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Beeps - You look SO amazing!!! Great job!! Loving the Glam Boom!

    Ashley - Nice goals :) I agree with the trying not to drink too much over the holidays!

    Amy - Sounds like a good plan!

    Abi - I agree with liking to eat my big meal at night too! I have to eat in the morning most days though or else I'll feel sick. For some reason I get a pretty low blood sugar sometimes in the mornings and I am useless once I get that feeling! haha

    This weekend was a mess... or last Thurs-Sun!! I had work Thanksgiving, then wine night Thursday... ouch! Then not much on Friday, then Saturday had a girls night and WAY too much wine and cheese and chips, etc... felt like crud on Sunday and then didn't eat well then while trying to nurse away my hangover (realizing they last way longer the further into my 20's I get!) The scale wasn't very happy on Monday morning! I know a lot of it was water weight, it's already down over 2lbs from yesterday haha. This week I am trying to work out Mon, Tues & Wed in preparation for Thanksgiving! Friday I will be one of those crazy people shopping (not starting til 7 though, not at midnight like a lot of people!) and Saturday is another Thanksgiving... insane! I'm trying not to go overboard at Thanksgiving.. hopefully will load up on veggies and then just take a taste (2 spoonfuls or so) of all the unhealthy stuff! That's the plan at least...

    Anyways, happy Tuesday!!