2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I have NEVER heard about the "bikini bridge", Amy...omg. That's pretty RIDIK.

    For a myfitnesspal.com challenge that I'm in (it's a 10-week, 10 lb weight-loss challenge for me) here are the first 3 of my 10 weigh-ins....

    12/30: 149.0
    01/06: 147.0
    01/13: 145.4
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    My smiley-streak ended yesterday in my "no excuses" challenge. I went over-budget on my calories. My son (unexpectedly) didn't make his school team basketball squad. I consoled him. As a bad mother, that consolation included food. I am fasting, today, as a consequence of my unplanned binge.

    No excuses - new smiley streak starts today!

  • MindMelter
    MindMelter Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, all! I'm new here. I'm looking forward to reading your posts and staying motivated.

    My two week goal is to log consistently every day, and follow the training plan my running coach has given me. I'm hoping to stay active on my off-days from running, but I have a rotator cuff injury which pisses me off immensely, as I can no longer do chin ups or push ups. Gaah! What upper body/core exercises do you all like?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Mindmelter - I like the NROL series....and I totally love the Venus Factor work-outs - I've been doing them for about a year and a half.

    I earned my weekly smiley for NO EXCUSES challenge.

    So, plan stays the same for this week:

    1. eat only calories alotted
    2. brush my teeth after supper
    3. no evening snacks
    4. lift 3 x this week
    5. get all my sleep in

  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I've started going to the gym in the mornings instead of dealing with the craziness of it after work with all the "revolutioners". I'm LOVING it so far! It hasn't been hard waking up (surprisingly) so we get up at 4:45, get to the gym around 5:10/5:15 and are out by 6. I still have plenty of time to get ready when I get home. I love having no plans after work too, so I'm able to go home and make dinner and eat at a reasonable time! Hopefully I can keep this motivation up! My sister's wedding is in 3 weeks (woohoo!) and then I can get in to planning my own! I've been eating well lately too. I didn't drink too much this weekend, one reason being that I felt horrible on Saturday, but thankfully I'm feeling better now :) Last week I bought some hand weights (5lb & 10lb) for a home so I can at least do a little something on my days off from the gym. I know they aren't heavy, but every little bit helps!

    For the next 2 weeks my plan is to:
    Go to the gym 3x a week
    Do some home weights at home another 3-4 days
    Eat healthy & don't beat myself up for slipping up

    Beeps - Good job earning your smiley! Don't beat yourself up over consoling your son, I'm sure he appreciated it!

    MindMelter - I don't have any specific routine I do, but I love doing planks for core, all different varieties.

    Amy - I'm so jealous you're going to Costa Rica! You're going to look amazing of course :) And the "bikini bridge" is ridiculous!! That is not something girls should strive for! Some people have it naturally, but it's going to cause more eating disorders for so many girls..

    That's all I can see right now! Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    shander - i totally commend the very early morning work-outs....BOOM! for you!! Can't believe you've got a family wedding in a few weeks....and then, yes, it will be nice to have another poster on this board who is heading into (her own) wedding season!

    Today, I lift!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    My 2 week goals went pretty smoothly. I tracked daily, stayed on target, and I feel like my posture has improved a bit. It's a lot easier to sit up straight and I don't find myself slouching so much. I worked out 3 times the first week, but only once last week, as I got really sick. Starting to feel better now, though, so I should be back to it soon.

    Goals for the next 2 weeks:
    1. Track and stay on target every day
    2. Workout at least twice a week
    3. Weigh in no more than twice a week

    Sounds like everyone is doing great! I haven't been very active in the forums as I spent half of last week in bed, and the other half I was swamped at work. Hopefully this week isn't so hectic!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I actually had a Saturday and Sunday not drinking! can't remember the last time that happened...
    This is the last week before the 4 week countdown! Technically, Friday starts-4 weeks from Friday is my trip.

    I have already been planning, I am planning 3 cheats per week so I am already plotting them-P!nk concert, birthday, valentines day-well, we leave the day after Valentine's day.

    I found a cool website called pepper plate, you can upload your recipes and enter them into a meal planner and it will create shopping lists for you. Food.com recipes have the nutrition information so it easy to find recipes in a calorie-range too. I love technology. But I still put everything on paper, too, because I am just like that.

    This week, I plan to stick to the Drop 2, phase 2 week 4. I'd like 3 strength workouts, and it should be do-able!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies!

    This weeked was a complete fail for my challenge. I didn't log, I didn't exercise, and I ate way more dessert than I should have. It was a particularly difficult weekend to be good because it was really busy (my family was visiting) and we had cupcakes and angel food cake, two of my favorites. Going forward I think it will be a little easier to stick to my plan because I won't be so busy.

    tmrw--great job sticking to your goals!

    Beeps--great plan!

    Shannon--have you set a date for your wedding yet? I'm excited for you!


    That's all I can see, but I hope you all had great weekends!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    Goals for next two weeks:

    Week 1:

    Exercise 7x: That's probably 1x/day, but if I get behind or just want to double up, that's ok, too.

    Have no more than 3 inactivity alerts on my Polar Loop

    Week 2:

    Same as Week 1

    Also, increase weight on one lift, any of them!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I had another pretty good weekend. I drank moderately (not quite as moderately Saturday, but still an improvement from my norm.....). I also got a nice 3.5 mile stroller run in Saturday. Got grocery shopping done and stayed near my calories everyday except yesterday. We had a family birthday and I did not log it. I only had one plate of food and a small portion of dessert.

    I set my alarm to work out this morning, but my daughter was already fussing and restless and I feel bad leaving her alone with Eric like that, so after hitting snooze once, I brought her to bed and then thought about how snuggling with a 2 year old was so much more appealing than lifting weights. Sometimes I just need to do what I really want. She won't be a baby forever..... :sad: Anyways, I may try to suqeeze in some lifting right after work. Eric is trying to get his workouts in too, so not sure what will happen. We'll see..... Tomorrow my yoga-strength-pilates class starts back up, so that's one workout a week I won't be missing. Have a great week!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Beeps- That's awesome! Keep it up.

    Ris- It is hard to stay on track with family and sweets around. I no I can't say no when they are in font of me!

    Ashley- I know how that goes. Baby snuggles are the best. Although my ( year old likes to snuggle still. I HATE Mon am workouts, although they make me feel amazing.

    Shannon- Great job getting to the gym.

    Amy- great job on the NO drinking. You will look AMAZING when you go to Costa Rica.

    tmr0 sorry you got sick. Glad you are feeling better.

    My weekend was ok eating wise, but no workouts. :sad: I weighed in on Sun and saw a loss, but I expected more since last week was high from TOM. I did NOT get up this morning to work out. So I fasted until 11:30. I think that may be my new thing - fast on mornings that I don't work out. Nut I MUST workout because I know my body responds so well to workouts.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I started a "cleanse" today, but already am feeling wonky....I am wondering why I *mess* with stuff that is ALREADY working for me?!?!?!

    Anyway, my tummy isn't liking all this "herbs + potions" stuff.....and the "flush" comes later today.


    Anyway, thought I'd give it a whirl and will likely return to my normal day which (right now) looks like this:

    1. Morning - only water and coffee
    2. Lunch - chicken + salad (+ 1 x protein shake on lifting days)
    3. Afternoon - tons of green tea PLUS 2 x 100g Astro superfruits yogurt (35 cals each); and
    4. Supper - normal protein + veggies and smaller carb portion
    5. Evenings - zip

  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    There's really no reason to do a "cleanse". Your body is really good at keeping itself cleansed! The only benefit to weight loss might come from a large caloric deficit, haha. Anything that talks about "toxins" is probably full of crap. The fact that it's upsetting your tummy definitely isn't a good sign, in my opinion.
  • jemmadc
    jemmadc Posts: 3 Member
    Hi yall. I am super proud of myself for logging every single meal last week! Here's a short version of where I am right now: I got married in May 2013 and weighed 127 lbs. Since then, I fell of the diet and fitness bandwagon, in complete relief of the fact that I didn't have that dress to fit into! When I returned from my honeymoon in November, I was 138. I'm currently 133.

    Before the wedding, I was spinning 4x week but not logging anything I was eating. In retrospect, I should have been logging everything! After all, abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Now that I am back on the healthy bandwagon, I am trying a different tactic: focus on logging my macros (I am doing IIFYM) and just try overall to be more active throughout my day, rather than focusing singularly on the exercise. I live in DC and end up doing a lot of walking and lugging around a heavy day bag, walking up and down stairs and elevators and the like. By the time I get to work in the morning, I've already briskly walked for about 30 minutes, including climbing at least 6 flights of stairs. I'm also taking more breaks at work to walk around.

    My goal is to get to 120 lbs by my one year wedding anniversary in May. I think I need to add ONE healthy habit at a time, so I plan to get super comfortable counting macros and logging everything, then adding in pilates and workout routines in the coming weeks. I like Blogilates and Tone It Up. I am finding that taking on ONE major change in routine at a time (counting and logging macros) is less overwhelming for me and makes it a lot more likely that I can stay consistent. The second I decided to focus on just food, not exercise right now, I felt less overwhelmed and more able to take on the goal. I'm finding IIFYM really great so far! You should look into it. :) I don't feel hungry at all!

    My goal for the next 2 weeks is to log every meal, stick to only 3 alcoholic drinks a week, and lose 2 lbs!

    Thanks for reading, and please feel free to add me!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Jen - that is a good idea gradually adding one thing at a time, each time you have success it will motivate you to move on to the next thing

    Beeps - that's not good news about the cleanse making you feel bad, hopefully it is not a long one

    kc - fasting in the morning has been working great for me, hopefully you will find it helpful as well

    better - glad you were able to have some snuggle time with your little one, they grow so fast. My baby turns 7 this month, yikes!

    That's all I see for now. My wrist is feeling way better, but I am afraid to lift or put weight on it so I am still sticking with just dance & hopefully some cardio. The weather is a little better so I am walking the dog & will try to run It's still a little messy out & I am afraid of falling & getting injured again. :(

    Hope everyone is having a great week. Take care!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    tmrw88 - I totally agree that the body cleanses itself....a friend of mine cajoled me into doing a 30-day-cleanse with isagenix and I'm ready to HURL in hour 4. I just took a swig of the "isagenix liquid" and it is SO gross. Give me a fast-day with just green tea and coffee to drink, anyday. It truly is very awful. And, I spent $332 on the pleasure.


    I'll stick to it today. Jump on the scale tomorrow.

    I'll keep the protein powders, because I don't really care too much about that stuff....but all the pills and liquids and powders are going straight into the trash.

  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Yesterday was a good day for me. I logged everything, I stayed within my calories, I didn't have any desserts (because none were available, but I still count it as a win), and I exercised after work. Today has been pretty good so far in that I've pre-logged my day and I got in a walk at lunch, but it looks like I'll be going over (I don't see myself skipping my afternoon snack or dinner--I just finished my lunch and I'm still hungry). But I'm not going to stress about going over, I know that once I get back into the habit of logging/exercising/eating good foods I'll be able to reduce my calories.

    Beeps--that's an expensive cleanse! I agree, there are much more natural ways to get similar results.

    Abigail--glad to hear your wrist is getting better! Be careful out there!

    jemma--welcome! I think your approach of focusing on one thing at a time is a good one. What is Blogilates?

    Amy--nice job on an alcohol-free Saturday & Sunday! I can't remember the last time I had one of those outside of being pregnant....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    RisontheRun - this is just a DUMB process! Hour 1 - take this pill. Hour 2 - take this potion. Hour 3 - take this nasty-liquid. Hour 4 - take another pill.

    It's true that I'm NOT HUNGRY....but, I can do THAT myself by just sticking to coffee and green tea! Instead, with all these herbs (or whatever!) inside me, my tummy feels funky and I don't feel "well".

    I'm a TERRIBLE participant - I kind of have never been one of the "cleanse" crowd....and now I've just verified that spending $332 on a 30-day-cleanse is DUMB.

    All that to lose 5 lbs!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I worked out today!!!! It felt so good. I usually HATE cardio DVDs but I really like T25. It goes by fast and I work up a good sweat. Now, I just need to lift more :-)

    Beeps- Eww. Don't stick to something that makes you feel icky.

    Ris- Nice job yesterday! Keep it up. I have started keeping some dark chocolate near by so I can have a piece if i am craving.

    Jemma- When i got married, I was at my lowest post baby weight. After 6 months, I had gained 12 pounds!!! I hope to get down to 120 by the time I go to the beach in June.

    Abigail- I am glad your wrist is feeling better. Take it easy until you are sure though.