2 week challenge



  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ris- So excited for you!! Hope something happens soon! Thinking of you and wishing everything goes well!!

    Beeps – Glad your company streak is coming to an end. I bet you are looking forward to just relaxing! I think the scheduling the Dexa is a great idea to keep ya “on plan”!

    Ashley – sorry to hear about your funk. Cold icky weather is definitely a trigger for me. Hope you are out of it now! Good for you having your meals planned…I need to do that too!

    Amy – Thanks for sharing about the 4 burners. It totally makes sense.
    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I am glad you are close and able to spend time with him. I think focusing on eating well and getting enough sleep is very important and plenty for you to handle right now. The exercise will be there when you can get to it. Thinking of you, sweetie. Sending hugs, prayers and strength!! :heart:

    Last week I got in 2 of my 3 lifts, I just couldn't fit it in my schedule. Just gonna keep on keeping on this week. I'm supposed to celebrate my bday with some friends this weekend, but I'm kind of not really wanting to do anything now. We went to KC to watch the Chiefs game yesterday and let's just say I drank too much and am totally paying for it today :/ I just want to save it for Vegas in 2 weeks. Eh, I guess I'll see how the week goes.

    Ok, that's all I see! Have a great week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Ris - what's the secret, re: "pineapple"? (This isn't one I've heard before...walking - yes, lots-o-sex - yes, but "pineapple"?!?!?!)

    Jen - elections last night - all busy, busy, busy, "Sarah Brightman" tonight. "PINK" tomorrow night. Meeting Thursday night. Kidlet activities Friday night. Ugh - 1 more weekend and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I had a decent diet day, yesterday -not low, low, but a little bit of a deficit. Win!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Gah!!! Beeps, my goodness, I thought I was busy!! I'm exhausted for you! You're going to the P!nk concert too!?!?! Let me know how it is! I go on Nov. 9!!

    So, I was so totally hungover yesterday from Sunday, that I considered canceling my bday celebration this weekend. Luckily I hydrated yesterday and slept well last night, so the party is still on ;) Dinner and dancing with my friends! Got some work to do this week to prepare for it, so off I go!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good job on the diet Beeps! Oh and the pineapple is supposed to induce labor. Not sure why.

    Speaking of....I hope Ris is going into labor. She's logged on today, so maybe not. Chloe is right behind her!

    Jen, of course you have to celebrate your birthday! Is this a big one? I was thinking 40, even though you don't look like you're in your 40's. Oh, and the funk I refered to was physcial, not mental. I've got a cold that's been hanging on about a week, but I think I'm improving.

    Hi to everyone else!

    My run yesterday was great. The guy I ran with is 50 (but doesn't look much over 40 and is a very young 50). He hadn't run in 5 months, so we had to stop a few times, but great run nonetheless. I'm actually a little sore in my hips and I'm wondering if my body has become that adapted to running with a stroller, that without, I am using different muscles. I've got my pilate-ish class tonight. I brought my 8 pound weights so I'll try that this week instead of 5's. I'm off tomorrow and we're having family pics taken for the first time since Daphne was 4 months. I still need to find a top to wear. So after nap time tomorrow, we're heading to the mall, which I sort of loathe.....

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    OF COURSE THE PARTY MUST GO ON, jenomaha. Oh my goodness - don't EVER give up/out on a GOOD BIRTHDAY PARTY?!?!?!?

    I'm sure PINK will be super-fab. My gf saw her in las vegas and said she was AWESOME. Plus, she canceled a few concerts last week, to rest her voice, so I expect she'll really be hitting the notes! Exciting!

    Better - I hope Ris is holding baby in arms by now, for sure - I want her to hurry up and post pics!!

    I have cramps. I really hate periods now that cramps have shown up about 1 in every 2. How do women handle this every month?!?!?! Gack. For 28+ years, basically, I had NO symptoms of cramps with period and now, shyte, it's a gong show every second month. Booooooooooooo.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - that's a bummer about the cramps, I don't usually get them. I used to get wicked lower back pains, but not anymore. I just get irritable & have a headache for a day or two. Anyways, have a blast at the concert.

    Jen - glad you decided to go ahead and celebrate with your friends, sounds like fun

    Better - you're right, I bet it is different running without the stroller. I have not heard the thing about pineapple starting labor, just eggplant.

    I finally decided what to do next about exercise. I am no good on my own so I ordered the DVD program called Tapout XT. It's a collection of MMA style workouts and the strength piece is done with body weight & resistance bands so I won't need a lot of space or large equipment. The order has shipped so hopefully it will get here soon. I'll let you all know how it goes.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hey, Abigail - please continue to report on how you are enjoying Tapout XT!! sounds very, very intersting!

    I don't usually get cramps, either....which is why it seems so koo-kooo to me (these last couple of years). Anyway, I think cramps are done for this month...today I get to lift and I'm 100% focused on THAT!

    PINK has cancelled (postponed....until JAN/14!!) her concert for this evening. Good and bad news:

    Good: I get to go to a board meeting I was otherwise missing, and I now have ZERO company for this weekend (because my company was PINK-related).

    Bad: my bestie isn't coming to see me b/c PINK cancelled (she's booked Jan dates to come see me, instead) AND, it is HER 50Th birthday we were doing this for and now I can't do an in-person "happy birthday".

    I am NOT gonna lie - I TOTALLY am excited about this "free" weekend that has landed, in my lap, after 6-in-a-row of f*cked up company weekends! Kidlet activities GALORE, but I do NOT care, because, at home, I can be in pj's with a good book!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Back to work after a nice day off yesterday. We had family pics done yesterday, so the morning which is usually spent walking/running around the neighborhood, going to the park, etc. was spent shopping. (We did nuetral colors with pops of red - I had a red necklace, Daphne red undershirt and flower in hair, and Eric's shoes had red soles and laces). It was cold and gloomy. I need to figure out some other ways to entertain Daphne other than shopping. That has been the go to when she is getting antsy. I love shopping, but my bank account does not. Anyways, pictures will be great I think. We did some at a park near the house. She did OK; our friend/photog said she did great for an almost 2 year old. She was a little hungry and cold I think and tired of us posing her. Our friend/photog came back for dinner and Daphne was being a little ham; like literally posing for the camera, so we got some bonus shots there. Should be awesome. Anyways..... I did get a little running and walking in late afternoon and also got some lifting and abs in. I hope to either run with D after work or get on the treadmill after she goes to bed (unlikely) today. Eric is going to see Danzig tonight with a friend. Should be a riot. We have another round of compnay coming Friday night, and have our helicopter ride and dinner out Saturday, and babysitting Sunday. Another busy weekend! So Beeps, I feel your pain. I love having a weekend with absolutely nothing planned! Sucks about Pink, but I bet you're relieved.

    No news from Ris. She hasn't logged on today. Maybe a baby has come!

    Abigail - video sounds good! I'm not a huge fan, but have not done many. The only ones I've done lately are 30 day shred and 6 week 6pack. I have some yoga DVDs I pull out from time to time. I used to do some Kathy Smith back in the day though. I know tons of people love videos.

    I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I really hope there is a new baby for Ris, lol!

    I've never done a "10-to-1-circuit" in a lifting work-out before, but it was in mine, yesterday!

    So, first I did 3 other exercises (3 x 12 reps) and then the circuit was:

    deadlifts (I chose American deadlifts)
    one armed DB row
    curl + press

    So, you do 10 of each (without resting), then take as LITTLE a rest as you can, do 9 of each (without resting), take as LITTLE as you can, then 8, 7...down to 1.

    Well, I *quit* the deadlifts and T-bends at "3", although I did 10-to-1 of everything else.

    I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAT, it wasn't even funny!

    Today, I can FEEL all my muscles! So, maybe this new 10-to-1 protocol is PERFECT for me!

    I hope I'm recovered enough to do a Friday work-out!


  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    That 10-1 sounds grueling. I may have to try it! I'm on week 7 of "Ashley's Stronglifts" and am aiming for 8, so I may switch it up a bit after. I also read about some good supersetting for the butt, so I may do some of that too. Just supersetting in general isn't something I do. However, I just feel like I'm really getting the most out of my lifts and actually going up in weight (finally) so maybe I'll stick it out a while. I PR'ed my bench Sunday - 85 x 5. And I feel like I just got my back row right yesterday, after watching yet another video and reading the description on the Stronglifts website.

    Looking great as always Beeps!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    The 10-to-1 *is* grueling....I'm still smarting from Wednesday's work-out. Mind you, I think it does a "5 times" complex one day and then a "10-to-1" work-out the next day for the next 4 weeks....so, today will be a "5 times" and I'll be lowering my weights to simply get it done.

    NICE PR ON THE BENCH, Better_Balanc!! Very nicely done!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Just a quick check in to let you know I had the baby! Wiley Van was born on Thursday night. We're all doing well. I'll post pics when I get a chance.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    No word on Ris?!

    Beeps – where did you find that 10x workout?! Sounds absolutely butt kickin!! And BOOM is right! Looking fantastic my dear!

    Ashley – Go you with the PR! Glad to see the Stronglifts program is doing ya good ;) Looks like both of us have modified it to make it work for us, but it definitely works!! How fun, family pics!!! Please share some when they come in!! My family needs to get some done! And when my kiddos were little, we frequented the mall too. Got us out of the house, lunch, play time and a few treats ;)

    That’s all I see!

    This week was great. Had several people say they thought I was looking thinner and really slimming out. I went shopping and am down 2 sizes from where I was this summer. The best part…I haven’t lost the girls!!! They are still pleasantly full and I couldn’t be happier :p Lol!! I am in a really good place right now and am hoping to keep it going! We leave for Vegas one week from today, so the plan is to just really be mindful of what I eat, stay hydrated and keep doing what I’ve been doing.

    Hope you are all well!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yay Ris! I didn't check in on the thread over the weekend, but did see your new pic. He is a cutie! I hope you all are doing well.

    Jen, that is great you're down 2 sizes and still have the girls! I always leave them first when I drop weight. But unless I get REALLY skinny, I can keep a C cup, so that's fine by me. :wink:

    My weekend was OK. I drank too much Friday and was up too late Thursday and MUCH too late Friday. I've had a cold and I can't shake it, so Thursday and Friday resulted in me feeling like I"d been hit by a truck Saturday. We had our date night and even met friends for lunch that day as well. We were home from date by 9:30 and in bed by 10. I've been taking some OTC meds to try to prevent a sinus infection that may have already started. I did not get a run in as planned this weekend, but I got through most of a stronglifts set yesterday. I'm trying to get rest, but trying to keep up with workouts too. I may go for a run after work, or may put it off till lunch tomorrow. We'll see how I feel. Eating was decent over the weekend, but not fantastic. Desptie not logging and not being super diligent with diet and workout, I still feel about the same. Maybe a tad fluffy, but not bad.

    My goals for the week are:

    1. 2 lifts (3 ideally, but not realistic)
    2. Group class Tuesday
    3. 2 runs
    4. In bed by 10:30 at the latest, preferably 10

    Have a great week ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    P.S. Chloe had her baby too for those that aren't friends with her.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Wow babies for Ris and Chloe!!!

    Congratulations, ladies - I hope you can post more pics here! (I see your son, Ris, in your avatar - he's GORGEOUS!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    My 2- week plan:

    1. lift 4 x per week this week; lift 3 x per week next week;
    2. scheduled cardio on Saturday;
    3. fast today + hopefully fast tomorrow

    MONTH-end reporting is HERE! So, yes, I'm coming off a couple of BAD weeks and I'll have to do serious damage-control this week, and then hopefully get back into just a slight deficit over the next 4 weeks.

    Mentally, I want to STOP "publicizing" that I'm in the "last 10 lbs. club". I'm so BORED with it, it isn't even funny! If I could just silence my own darn brain, how much BETTER I would feel and I could just GET ON WITH MY LIFE!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ashley – Sorry to hear about your cold. Hope it goes away and doesn’t get worse! Focus on rest and getting better  And btw, I need the bed time goal too! I always stay up too late surfing FB or Pinterest :tongue:

    I saw Chloe’s baby pic but not Ris, so I will have to go look! Yay, 2 babies!!

    Beeps – I know what you mean. I’ve been dealing with the same 10 lbs the last year and a half. I got bored, tired, burnt out with the whole thing and then I got fluffy and mushy and I wasn’t having it anymore. I just knew I couldn’t log again. I know I would have made my goal already if I started logging when I got back to it 2 months ago, but I really like how it’s going the way I’m doing it. I don’t feel so restricted and I see progress. So do what you gotta do to stay motivated and moving forward with your goals. You can do it!!

    Went through my closet today and had a pile of “fat pants” I got to set aside! Stuff that was way too tight during the spring fit with ease now and tonight my zumba pants kept falling down because my muffin top is shrinking :happy: Trying to stay focused and planning ahead for the trip. Just because I’m on vacation doesn’t mean I have to change my eating habits. (So I’m trying to convince myself!)

    Because Halloween is on Thursday, my class was cancelled, so I was going to have to miss my highest cal burn workout, but someone needed a sub tonight, so I got my workout back in!! yay!

    Plan for the week:
    1. 3 lifts (did one tonight!)
    2. LOTS of water (2.25 quarts today)
    3. Eat CLEAN
    4. Pack…I really dislike packing :huh:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ahhh!!! Ris!!! You must have posted while I was replying yesterday!! I totally missed your post!! Congratulations!!! He is adorable!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    ^^^ This is what I'm going to try! Building a "system"....I actually am quite a systems-person, so this could be quite awesome! And, my husband is a great systems-builder, so he can be my "collaborator", I think.

    This is how I get OUT of the "last 10 lbs" club and into the "lifestyle" club....I might HARP about "inputs" all the time, but I still haven't digested them (and remain focused on the "outputs").
