2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I'm somewhere between #1 and #2. Some days I don't like my job that much. I get frustrated with parts of my job. Other days, I actually like what I do quite a bit. On a 1-10, I currently probably sit at about a 7. I make decent money (well, I would be if I worked full time....I'm making the same as what i did when I started here 7 years ago.....) but I don't have the option to not work, nor do I think I could stay home all the time. Eric and I really like stuff. He likes stuff more than me. We also love good food, wine and coffee. Seriously....we spend like $100 a month at our coffee shop! Anyways, having a day off a week makes me like my job much more. I have a pretty good balance.

    I've had an okay week. LIfted Monday, did my class Tuesday, and lifted yesterday. I wanted to run too, but I had to do an hour of work. Took Daphne with me to the Planning office and to my office and by the time we got home, I was only able to squeeze in a 20 minute walk. Better than nothing. I ate light all day becuase of my dinner out. I drank a bit more wine than I intended, but not too bad. I've got to go walk a 3ish mile trail route this afternoon, so I'll get paid to get some activity in! So today is one of those days I like my job pretty well.

    More parties this weekend. I'm starting to get partied out......
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    kclynch, my daughter was telling me that her favourite drink, "from Starbucks" is a "peppermint hot cocoa".


    First, who is taking her to starbucks?? (Not me, so much be daddy....)

    Second, I just don't like peppermint flavouring. Now, cinnamon I could get into!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    BetterBalance - I think I would like to move to part-time....but, hard to come by those sorts of positions in my line of work. And then, a day after I think that, I think, "Nope, I'd really like to take my career up a notch and hit it outta the ball park!"

    All goes to show I really do NOT know "what I want".

    The thought of a day off work every week makes me GIDDY WITH JOY.

    The thought of the money I could have made if I had worked that day, instead, makes me GIDDY WITH JOY.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I am going to the gym, today.

    I am soooooooooooooo competitive with myself that even when I say, "I'll take it easy, today" - i never do. I look at last day's DB/BB weights and always try to replicate or take it up a notch.

    No wonder I'm forever DOMS-ing.

    Today, for sure, i have to TEMPER my enthusiasm!

    I totally want to lift tomorrow, again, and then cardio on Saturday....followed by a little xmas party in the women's changeroom with all my cardio pals. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Baileys!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I enjoy the discussion about work, I have been giving it some thought lately, thinking, I need to step it up in this area of my life now but I think I will hibernate for the winter and ponder it in the Spring. I generally feel a little disappointed that I have never really found my niche in my career, I just stayed in school for a long time because I was comfortable there, I was good at it and that gave me validation. But in the working world, I haven't found anything I love. I make enough, and it's ok. I don't wake up every day excited to go, and I have days where I do dread it but they are not all that frequent...
    DH is leaving his job mid-January so I will support us while he pursues his passion. I am happy for him. I never had anything that I really wanted to do, like that. But it would have been nice if someone had enabled me quit my job when I was so miserable 10 years ago.
    I started phase 2 of the D2S and I like it. I will try for 4 workouts each week and trying to eat better. If I can get breakfast and lunch dialed in, then I don't have to worry so much about dinner.
    I got on the scale yesterday and it's pretty well up there, but I am trying not to let it bother me too much.
    Next week I go to the in-laws on Christmas Eve and I will try to workout or jog or something at least once!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    ^^^ I'm titling this selfie "thin-line thursday".

    Seriously, in REAL LIFE, that line was D-E-E-P.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Lovely shoulders Beeps!

    I set my alarm to get up and run on the treadmill this morning, but I turned it off. Oops. I'm going to shoot for a few miles on the mill tomorrow sometime. I wish we didn't have a party tonight. I'd like to say we'll just only have a drink or two and leave early, but that rarely happens.....

    Have a great weekend ladies! I am only working 2 days next week and 3 the following. Looking forward to some down time at home.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I'm going to the gym, again, today....my DOMs isn't too terrible. Even if I decide that I'm too sore to weight-lift, I think even a walk around the track or a hop on the elliptical will simply keep my stress at bay and help with my (very deficient!) sleep patterns.

    I'm working Monday, then off until the following Monday....I'll be checking in, but my gut tells me it'll be quiet around these here parts!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - I just love your arms!

    I had to bake cookies yesterday & we will not discuss how many I ate. :( I am not enjoying any healthy food today because my body is saying hey I want sugar! I have a very long today tomorrow with dress rehearsal followed by Nutcracker performance & then I am done, yay! I have to work Monday & then I get Christmas Eve & day off. Thursday morning I will pop in quickly and then hubby & I are off to Camden, ME to stay in a Bed & Breakfast for three days. I think I am more excited about that than Christmas. We will be celebrating our 16th anniversary & I can't wait! There will be lots of eating & drinking involved so I will be looking to get back on track for the New Year. If I do not post again before then everyone have a very Merry Christmas!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Here is how I did in the "Striving for my Svelte" challenge:

    Start of Challenge Weight: 147 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135 lbs
    Working to Lose (lbs): 12 lbs

    09/23: 147.0
    09/30: 146.2
    10/07: 145.6
    10/14: 145.4
    10/21: <<<mini goal weight: >>> 142.0 - UNREAL - I bounced to 149.8 TODAY.
    10/28: 150.2 (even WORSE than last week!)
    11/04: 146.6
    11/11: 149.2 (this was after Halloween stuff, so it's "ok"
    11/18: <<<mini goal weight: >>> 138.5 - I'm a full 10 lbs too MANY! 148.6
    11/25: 146.8...nearly 2 mths to get BACK to where I STARTED!! SHEESH!
    12/02: 148.8...ugh!
    12/09: 146.8
    12/16: 146.8 - holding steady!
    12/23: 147.0<<<challenge goal weight: >>> 135.0

    I kid you not!! I literally weighed EXACTLY the same amount of scale-weight, at the beginning of this challenge, as I do right now.

    meaning: I seem to have MASTERED MAINTENANCE.

    THAT would be totally awesome, if that were my goal....but, I'm 10 LBS from goal, so, shyte, I still have to KNOCK THAT WEIGHT down come 2014, lol.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, that is seriously discouraging! What do you think is the problem? Are you just stuck at a set-point or happy weight? Are you self-sabotaging? Not trying to be rude, I just wonder. I see you working out hard and 80% good on diet, am I wrong about that?

    I also think your arms look great.

    I did the phase 2 strength 2 last night and it was reminding me of another old workout but not sure if it's sexy female or KISS. Had the bulgarian split squat and inverted rows.

    I might try a metabolic workout tonight, I'll be home early because I was in early.
    I will be in Monday and Tuesday then probably out of touch til Dec. 30.
    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been so absent but I just wanted to check in. I caught up on your posts for the most part but way too much to comment on!

    I feel like this was my first good week since i had the baby. Maybe I am finally back! Im have my cals set at 1800. I was over by about 400 so not bad at all. But more importantly I am trying to get my carbs in check my goal is 25 carb/ 40 fat and 35 protein I ended up with 30/40/30 so I'm getting close. I should have finished week four of Jillian Body Revolution but I am a few workouts behind. I am going to just play catch up this week and then start week 5 next Monday. I still have 15 lbs to go to get to pre pregnancy weight. But, I'm finally feeling motivated.

    Good to be back ladies and I will try to keep up. I have 3 weeks left of maternity leave and I seem to keep up with the group better when I am at work...haha probably just avoiding work while I a there.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, sorry you are not happy with your scale progress. I am so confused by everything right now so I'm not even sure I want to comment, but I will anyways. :smile: I haven't weighed myself in months, nor have I logged my food. I have been telling myself I'm maintaining and everything is fine, but truth is, I am guessing I have gained 2-3 pounds, which on a 5'2" frame, is noticable in my clothes and my appearance. I have LOVED not logging and being less obsessed about every little thing I eat. At first I was doing pretty well at LISTENING to my body. But I have fallen back into bad habits of bingeing (with food and booze) on weekends and being lazy. And beatig myself up for it. I have gone back and forth on what I want to do in 2014: log - no log. Weigh - not weigh. Attempt to lose some fat or just try to maintain. So I'm still searching for my answer and for a balance between being happy with my body and bing happy mentally about it if that makes sense. So we'll see...... I think you look great. Good luck to you with your goals!

    Amy, I love Bulgarin split squats! I still incorporate them into my regular routine. Which by the way, I am still doing Stronglifts inspired routine. I've been rotating narrow squats, deadlifts, split squats, bench, overhead press (standing), and back rows for the most part. Not sure if I'm going to keep this up or start on something new. I did more stuff with dumbells and less with my bar last week and it was kind of a nice change. Sounds like your program is coming along nicely!

    Chloe, I was so happy to see you had posted! 15 pounds out is not bad at all! Enjoy your time with your kiddo and don't worry about the rest too much. You'll lose the weight in time. Enjoy your last 3 weeks. Will you be going back full time?

    Abi, I have been eating too much crap as well. Too many parties, too much wine, too much everything. I do it every year. Every year I say, "I'm not going to do that." And then I do. :grumble: Have fun at the B&B. Sounds lovely!

    So yeah, another bad-ish weekend. I drank a little too much at Eric's work party. Although I did switch from beer to wine after a few wines. For me, this is a success! I tend to pound wine, but beer takes longer to drink. At dinner wtih my friends Saturday, I actually started getting light headed and hung out at the bar and drank water for a while while they looked at art. My problem that night was not eating enough. I had scallops for dinner which was basically 3 large sea scallops and a little bit of grits, minimal bread, and some cheese. And wine....lots of that. Then we ran into Carson from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and had our picture taken with him! Fun times. Anyways, too much indulgence over the weekend, but I did run 2 miles (in shorts!) on Saturday.

    My parents are on their way from NC as we speak and I'm off for three days. I'm going to shoot for a run tomorrow, and maybe even lift a little on Christmas. But we'll see...... Then I need to come up with a plan for 2014. I'm hesitant to start any brand new workout program because I'm currently trying to get pregnant. (Did not happen on try 1). I plan on making some goals for next year, maybe like quarterly goals, to keep me on track. I've been in a bit of a rut lately...... I really want to be healthier in 2014. I feel like I'm doing a lot of wasting time and not being very productive in home life. Like I watched 2 movies and 2 shows yesterday. I was just a couch potato.

    I probably won't be checking back in till Friday so everyone enjoy the holidays! Thank you for being my support in 2013! :heart:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Amy - the truth, for me, I believe is that even though I *think* I've been eating at a "deficit", clearly I have not been! A couple of things went wrong, particularly at the end.

    What went wrong?

    1. I was supposed to have only 1 eat-up day per week. Most weeks I had 2. Some weeks I had 3....those "eat-up" days can easily diminish into NOTHING all the low-calorie days.

    2. I think my low-calorie days weren't quite low-enough. So, come January, I'm going to knock off another 100 calories per day to make sure I really AM in the calorie-deficit I think I am.

    3. 3 x weekly work-outs is great, but I think it won't help me move off the rest of this bodyfat. I have to decide if I can throw in another couple work-outs, without turning into HUNGER DEMON. Might try it. Might not. Might wait until spring where, at least, I can get out walking every single night if I choose!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hi Chloe! Sounds like you're doing very well....TONS of women NEVER get those last post-pregnancy pounds off, and here you are, what, 2 months later?? My goodness you ARE DOING AWESOME!!

    Better - I am taking this very week off logging and off weight-training. But, I'm already feeling bloated and gross - doesn't take very long, lol!!

    I think, for January, I'm going to do a good ol' fashioned D-I-E-T. As in, curtail the calories, rely on green teas, etc., and MOVE a good 5 lbs off me. Then, heading into February, I can really just go back to what was working for me in September.

    I HAVE to stop having MORE than one "eat-up" day per week....that's pure laziness on my part. Also, I have to accept that I am an adult and can choose to eat like an adult. Eating "like a kid" has NOT gotten me the figure I want....but, eating like an adult has!

    Anyway, 1 week of indulgence is right NOW. And, yep, I'm gonna enjoy and then I'll be back on the deficit-train come Dec. 30th.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Here's the next challenge (running Dec. 30/13 - April 14/14) --->>> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/18086-creating-the-best-me
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Beeps- Thanks for posting the challenge info. I wanted to start the year off right with a challenge! You look amazing and you shouldn't stress about the scale.

    Ashley- I have weighed myself since I quit logging and I am up 4 pounds. I haven't been keeping up with my workouts like you have though. I do stress when I log everything so I understand where you are coming from.

    Chloe- when you are ready, you will be motivated. New babies are hard. Worrying about weight doesn't help.

    I have had a horrible stomach bug and I am behind on everything! I think I will take a nap now! Happy holidays!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I will be very honest by saying I am 100% HAPPY with the way that I look in my clothes! I have now been weight-lifting for 2.3 years and the WAY that my figure has changed is, for me, nothing short of MIRACULOUS. I worked HARD for it and I'm really enjoying myself, when clothed.

    However, when "less-than-clothed", I still have some work to do. I don't believe I have 20 lbs to shed, but I do believe another 10 lbs shed (which has more to do with what that equates for in inches lost, than the scale.....I hope you understand that) will really keep me within striking distance of where I want to be.

    Goals are SO individual - it's totally okay that you don't have the same goals as me. It's totally okay that I don't have the same goals as you.

    I also want to work on unassisted pull-ups in 2014 and better/more push-ups, too. The bodyfat coming off will help the look of my lower body. The pull-ups/push-ups work will help the look of my upper body.

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Just doing a quick check in to wish you all a Merry Christmas! :)
  • kemit1976
    kemit1976 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I joined this group long time ago, I have sat and watched, then I left this website, but have come back cause my clothes are hurting my tummy and I am not going to buy new clothes, I have been reading the threads in here and am feeling really inspired, I have a nightshift tonight being 27/12/13 and will sleep most of the day and then I have work in the afternoon. So my days are all over I need to loose 10kg so looking for inspiration for this. :) Beeps you are very inspiring