2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Ahh!! Ladies!! I'm engaged!! My boyfriend proposed to me last night! :) just had to let you all know!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ahh!! Ladies!! I'm engaged!! My boyfriend proposed to me last night! :) just had to let you all know!!

    Awesome news! Congrats!

    My weekend was actually pretty decent. My gift exchange dinner with girlfriends got canceled for Friday because of the snow and ice. So Eric and I had a nice mellow evening in. I had just a few drinks and some wings for dinner, watched a movie and went to bed early. Saturday relaxed in the morning, ran some errands, and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I haven't been on that thing in months. Like probably 6 months or more. It wasn't terrible and I am geared up to put some mileage on it this winter. I'm doing a 50 miles in December challenge and I'm only at like 7 miles, so I have some work to do! Saturday night we had a party and I actually didn't overindulge like I usually would. Filled my plate with about 1/2 protein and had 2 little cheesecake bites for dessert and a few glasses of wine. Came home, had one more glass and went to bed early AGAIN! Yesterday I grocery shopped for the first time alone in a long time. Then did about 2 hours of food prep: appetizers for family party last night and lunch today and made a chicken brocoli chowder we'll eat tonight and Tuesday. Wednesday is my Christmas party, and Thursday we have a friend's birthday dinner out. Another party Saturday. I've got to squeeze in some workouts this week and do as well as I can with food. I have a Christmas lunch today too!

    Workout goals for the week:
    M - may try to walk or run on the mill or maybe lift a little tonight. I never work out after dinner, but I think I want to try to get Eric and I into that habbit at least once a week.
    T - class
    W - lift or run in the a.m.
    R - lift or run during nap time (day off)
    F - rest
    S - run
    Su - lift

    As far as food and drink goes, I'm just going to do my best considering all my events. Have a great week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS, shander!!! How very wonderful!! Enjoy all these moments!!

    Sounds like a great weekend, Better!

    I am dealing with too many kidlet issues and my head hurts. :sad:

    I know it is all "first world problems", but I really would like this sort of 'grief' to NOT be around for 2014.

    Anyway, my 2-week-goals are fairly standard:

    1. eat my alotted calories
    2. no snacking after supper
    3. work-out 3 x per week
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies - crazy busy at work today but just wanted to check in.

    CONGATS Shander! So excited for you :)

    Weekend was not as bad as it could be, but wasn't great either. Drank everyday, but in moderation. My eating was pretty bad, but I've already meal planned for this week tons of healthy stuff. I have been keeping up with my workouts too, which makes me feel good!

    My goals for the week:

    3 lifts, 2 cardio sessions
    Minimal (or no) weeknight drinking
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I am so far behind, but just checking in real quick. So sorry for the bad news Rogie & Jen

    Congrats on the engagement Shander

    Beeps - rockin abs, I hope to see mine again someday. BTW I am a straight banana, no curves for me, but I am not going to complain because I am tall & thin

    good goals Better, hope it goes well for you

    I have shelved my workout DVD's - there is absolutely no time in my schedule for that kind of workout right now. My schedule is insane! I am in maintenance/survival mode until the New Year. I have my dance classes & will try to squeeze in a quick run when I can and the weather allows - not sure what to do about strength right now since I can't get to the gym to lift. :(
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congratulations, Shan, that is so fun! Let us know if you are just planning a long engagement or what...

    I am visiting my mom and sister Thurs-Monday so I know it'll be hard to workout or log.

    I am looking forward to Phase 2 of the program, this is my last week of Phase 1 and I am bored with the workouts...

    I was going to work out tonight but now it looks like pizza with friends instead.

    I did workout Saturday and Sunday so that's pretty good...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    ramalem - good goals - GO GET 'EM!

    abigail - I've always wanted to be a ruler - but had hips from the get-go, so no dice! I hope you do get in some dancing during this busy season!

    Amy - I hope you have a good visit. I am thinking about you and know this is a tough time for you. (((asjerven)))
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Last time I checked in, was page 7 or something. I skimmed over page 17 and do not feel caught up at all! I did see Beeps belly though! Looking good. I am such and apple but due to lack of working out, my booty is YUCKY! My eating is so-so, but I am still sitting 4 pounds up from last Feb/March. I can't remember when the downward spiral began!

    I love working it and I miss it so. Every time I workout, I get mad because I have become so weak!

    My goals. ( I can start on a Tues right?). :wink:
    1. 5 workouts - 1 upper, 1 lower, 1 core, 2 cardio.
    2. Eat less carbs.

    Simple start right? Keep me in check, ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Not sure what my deal was last night, but it was not great. I did do 15 minutes of HIIT. But then I ate cookies and cream drops. My back was bothering me and I was just sleepy and cranky. I slept 9 hours last night and feel much better. I've got my class tonight and planning on not eating tons of crap today like I did yesterday.

    Hi Kelly! Good to see you back!

    Abigail, sound like you have a plan. Just do what you can.

    Amy, glad you're starting a new level soon. Getting bored with what you're doing is never a good thing.

    Beeps, hope your home stuff works out.

    Ramelem.. sounds like your weekend and mind were similar....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    kclynch - welcome back....I'll TOTALLY hold you accountable!! But, then you'd have to post regularly, right?? So, DO THAT!

    I like your plan.

    Better - 9 hours of sleep sounds AWESOME! We have a neighbour who starts her car every morning at 5:20 a.m. She runs it until she leaves at 5:45 or 5:50 am. So, long story short - we wake up everyday at 5:20 am....which means I'm losing 30 minutes of PRECIOUS sleep. Having said that, I am in bed by 10 pm everynight - that's my "good habit" that I started building a few weeks ago and i'm going strong with it.

    At least that means I'm getting about 7.5 hours. I'll take it!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I really honestly feel my best on 9 hours. If I am asleep by 10, I can sleep till 7 and get it. Since I apparently don't work out in the mornings anymore...... That will be a new habit I get into after the holidays. I really love sleep.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Better - I really love sleep, too. When that chick does NOT start her car (i.e. on Saturdays and Sundays), I sleep through until around 7 or 7:15....and, since I'm still going to bed at 10 (even on Fridays and Saturdays!), I'm getting 9 hours each of those nights....trying to catch up on weekly sleep-deficit.

    The "good news" is that her house has been UP FOR SALE! Mind you, it's been up for sale for 7 or 8 months, but there's always hope that SOME buyer will snag that bad boy and the NEW OWNER will park car in double garage, like ordinary sub-urbanites (instead of packing all boxes/storage in garage and therefore parking noisy cars outside and running them for HALF AN HOUR before taking off!!!)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    9 hours of sleep sounds absolutely amazing. I don't know if it's the dark and cold here or what, but I am just having a really tough time not feeling exhausted. I almost didn't make it to the gym yesterday due to having a crappy day at work, but I decided that I should just go because I knew it would improve my mood... turns out the gym was almost as crappy as my workday!

    Have you guys ever had that night at the gym where everything (equipment) is taken, people are getting in your way and you just want to scream at everyone!? It took me almost 10 minutes to find parking, which is unusual for my gym and I almost turned around and went home. GRRR. Happy to report I stuck through it... Really starting to consider working out in the AM.

    Beeps - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

    Welcome back Kclynch!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I used to loathe January at the gym when I belonged to them. (Gold's Gym for a while in Lexington and then the Y when I moved back to Louisville). Since I was a borderline gym rat, I hated when all the newbies came, took the parking spots, equipment and were generally unaware of anyone else. HATED IT! Luckily by Valentines Day, half had fallen off the wagon and by spring break, things were back to normal. Another reason I now love working out at home. I miss some things, but not enough to deal with all that. Plus when I was going to the Y downtown, I had to pay to park at a meter and walk a couple blocks to the gym. Hated that too. I do miss being able to spend 90 minutes of uninterupted time doing whatever I felt like doing though......

    Beeps, I can't believe your neighbor runs her car for half an hour. Really? You can warm a car up in less than 10 minutes......
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    The neighbour daughter runs her car for 1/2 an hour, starting at about 5:15 am or 5:20 am. She comes by it honestly, because her father, for YEARS, has run HIS car for 1/2 hour, always starting at 5:30 am (he's union and literally starts driving off at 6:00 am ON THE DOT).


    If you park your car in your garage, you NEVER need to 'warm it up'. If you have filled your f*cking garage to the rafters with boxed *kitten*, so you MUST park your derelict vehicles on the street, then, yes, you can warm them up in 5- to 7- minutes, but who the h*ll cares about the environment?!??!? Never mind your neighbours who are TRYING TO SLEEP.

    Ugh - these particular people WON this home in our stampede lottery....now that they are TRYING to move on (back to the trailer park?!?!?!?!?), I cannot WAIT!

    We have tried white noise to drown out their rattle-trap vehicles, LOUDER white noise, MORE fans and basically, I'm just a super-light sleeper and I CANNOT "GO THE *kitten* TO SLEEP" with that racket going on!

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Here, the always say not run your car for fear that someone will steal it. Or do they sit in the car for 30 min?

    I always hated Jan at the gym. If I went back to the gym, it would just be for the classes. I have always wanted to take body pump. Right now, all my DVDs feel brand new since I haven't been working out!

    I am sore from yesterday's workout. I can feel it in my glutes and my shoulders - and it wasn't a shoulder workout. I had hoped to workout this am, but it took me longer then expected to write sub plans. I have a training this morning. This afternoon we have a staff Christmas party and they are feeding us panda Express. Hoping they get the steamed veggies so I can have that instead of rice.

    When I was skimming through, did someone mention Wed weigh-ins? I think that is a great idea except TOM came last night so I will be officially weighing in next Wed. No need to depress myself.:laugh:

    Tonight, I will get some cardio as I have to return a million Christmas gifts! Lol.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    My shoulders are sore from my class last night. Feels good. I also got up and lifted this morning! Woo hoo! First time I'd done that in weeks. It felt good. If only I could get my *kitten* out of bed every morning..... I'm hopging to get in 4 miles on the treadmill during nap time tomorrow so I can at least make a partial effort at my 50 miles in December challenge. I'm at 7 right now. :ohwell: Eats were pretty good yesterday. I had a few goodies, but hell, it's Chrstimas and they are everywhere, including my house. Office Christmas party tonight so I really want to just be conscious of my food and limit to 2-3 drinks. I think it may actually be a sit down dinner which is good for me because I love grazing on appetizers. I've got another cocktail hour and then dinner after tomorrow night.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    kclynch - nobody is up stealing cars in our neighbourhood at 5:30 am....in any event, most "automatic car-starters" have you clicking your button from inside your warm little house, leaving car locked, but started, and then when you're ready to go, you unlock your vehicle and drive away.

    Anyway, I think I'm going to have to adjust my bedtime to 9:30 pm ~ in an effort to try and get 8 hours of sleep. Not fun, but I also can't "out-maneuver" the car-starters next door....this has been going on for 2 months and I'm losing precious sleep everyday. I can't wait for them to move, but as a realist, that's not gonna happen for at least 6- more months!

    I TOTALLY hate Jan/Feb at the gym....mind you, my lunch-time work-outs aren't really impacted, so that's good. But, my Saturday cardio becomes a "zoo"....thank goodness I'm a "regular" - there ARE some privileges to THAT.

    Better - i like grazing on appetizers, too! Mind you, our Xmas parties have been NON-existent this year! We've been conflicted out of EVERYTHING with kidlet hockey, volleyball and basketball. My waistline THANKS me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member

    Does anybody have a good website or online resource which might be able to help me 'prioritize' my wants/needs for 2014??

    ....and I'm not just talkin' about fitness/health goals. Kind of the whole "how am I spending my time and is this the way I REALLY want to be spending my time" type stuff.

    I feel like I'm in a "slump" and I would really like to have a 'game-plan' (for my life....) going into 2014.

    Anyway, thought I'd ask here!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - I am in the process of doing that as well. I need to get my schedule under control in a big way. I am kicking it old school and bought a day planner for 2014. It has a whole thing about goal setting and planning. It shows the calendar by a whole month as well as 1 week per two page spread with a block for each day. There is also space for lists, phone #'s goals & actions, etc. I am also posting a family calendar in our kitchen with everyone's activities on it & I am starting to delegate a lot more to my husband these days which helps. He works closer to home, way less hours & less stress than he used to so he does a lot of the house cleaning which is awesome & helps with pick-ups & sometimes dinner.

    We are going away to a bed & breakfast in Camden, ME after Christmas so I am going to use some of that time to plan out the year. Part of this process will be finding more time to exercise. :)