

  • Welcome back!! I am back also! Last I was here I think was 2010...Im back and more serious now....already lost 29lbs and I can breath when i walk!!!
  • I am diabetic also....I have been doing between 60-90 carbs and I have been losing a couple pounds a week now....I also adjust my meds.....I take prandin....1 before each meal so if my sugars are low I dont take it and its been working out great for me....Im not sure what you are taking but ask your doctor if you can do…
  • Agave nectar is very good also for sweetening tea and oatmeal....it is natural....comes from the agave plant...it has more of a maply flavor to it...
  • poot....tell them with any diet...if you dont follow the maintenance plan you will gain the weight back....if its low carb or low cal!! I know plenty of people that lost alot of weight on low cal and they gained it back plus some!! Dont let them bother you.....I figure they just say that because they cant handle a LC diet…
  • Lioness.....yes I do want to get rid of my meds, Im not on insulin...thank goodness its not that bad....and I dont want it to get worse....thanks for the info...it was very informative....Im going to shoot for 20 a day and see what happens.... Saverys_gal thanks for the warm welcome!!
  • Hi everyone! I started low carb last week....I have been doing 90 carbs a day but this week Im going to try and go with less....I did Atkins a few years ago and lost 35 lbs on it and was feeling great....I have been doing low cal for a few weeks and the weight just wont budge....I am diabetic and need for my sugars to come…
  • Hi and welcome to the site! I am a low carber also!! I would like to be your freind :) to look up others click on search under community and type in low carb and you should see other posts come up.. also if you look in your email that you sign up here with you should see emails saying someone left you a message... Good…
  • Peanut butter and celery is really good also!!!
  • Welcome shari!!! it is a great site!! I watch the today show when I work from home....I saw the tamara show and it also inspired me!!!
  • I use it in place of sour cream all the time!! I also use it in place of mayo...it makes great cole slaw!!
  • Hi!! and welcome to the site!!! It is a great website....lots of motivation and help!!! I am 56 and have been through all kinds of diets also...the only ones that really do anything are the ones like you said...support and logging food....and exercise!! Which I am trying to build up!!
  • I eat alot of cottage cheese and yogurt.....could that be why im not losing quickly? I was thinking of the protien in it and didnt think of it being dairy.....one of my main problems is i dont know what to eat!! help please!!
  • Welcome to MFP!! I am also in the same boat as you are....I need to lose 50 or 60 lbs and need the support!!! I have been on here for 2 weeks now and it is really helping!!! When I see a peice of cake or muffin I think about it first and than avoid it feeling quilting if i list it on here!!! I will add you as my friend :)
  • How long has it been? I stopped all bad carbs and it took about 5 days to get rid of the cravings.....one of things I did was eat a dill pickle when the cravings came around!!! it really helped!! Good Luck!!
  • Barbiecat - Sorry to hear about your accident and Im glad you are doing better! That is pretty rotten for him to leave his stuff in the middle of the path!!!
  • Thanks everyone for the well wishes.....my eyes are doing pretty good....the doctor gave me this hemopathic drug called Arnica to take before the surgery and after to keep the swelling and bruising down and it really has worked!!! Laura - quite a few girls at work has had it done and it works great! And Insurance pays for…
  • I have a freind at work that is thinking of going on the HCG diet....I am going to tell her your story as she has been a little hesitant on going on it. I would do it but Im afraid to with diabetes, I dont think I could handle the VLCD part of it....
  • Hi Everyone.... I had surgery on my eyes yesterday to take off some of the skin above my eyelashes....now I will be able to see!! especially at night!! I have to lay around and not do to much and I keep getting hungry!! I am trying to stay with eating healthy....yogurt, fruit, peanut butter with wheat bread! :tongue: I got…
  • What is a shred?
  • Hi Everyone! I am only on this site for almost a week now!! I just found this topic and would like to join in!! I am 56 and in desperate need to lose weight and start feeling good again....I really let my self go the past 6-8 months and it has made my diabetes go out of control.....so far this week I have been doing well…
  • Welcome Laura!! Please feel free to add me as a buddy!! I also need all the help I can get and this is a fabulous site!!!
  • Good for you Lisa!! you took the right step forward!! I just started a week ago and I am already feeling better with more energy...I havent really lost much yet but Im really feeling better! When I feel a craving for something bad I jump on here even if im at work and it makes me focus again!!! Good Luck!!:happy:
  • This sounds like a really good snack for night time since Im diabetic and need protein at night!!! Thanks for sharing....Im going to try it tonight!!!
  • Welcome !!! I just joined last week and I find this site very motivated.....especially since I downloaded it on my phone! I dont miss an entry now....when I find that Im getting lazy....I get on and read some of the posts and it really motivates me!! I am 56 and have diabetes so its pretty hard to lose it....I should have…
  • That will be great!! Thanks! Im from Hanover, near York :)
  • Hi! I just joined this site also....you can do it!! Im going to use this site everyday to stay focused....If you like add me as a friend!!