

  • hannatrip
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes.....my eyes are doing pretty good....the doctor gave me this hemopathic drug called Arnica to take before the surgery and after to keep the swelling and bruising down and it really has worked!!!

    Laura - quite a few girls at work has had it done and it works great! And Insurance pays for it!

    I am discouraged though because I lost 2 pounds and since the surgery from all the fluid they put in me my weight is up 4 pounds and hasnt come off yet!!! arrrggg
  • hannatrip
    Barbiecat - Sorry to hear about your accident and Im glad you are doing better! That is pretty rotten for him to leave his stuff in the middle of the path!!!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    sneaking in a quick post while at work, don't rat me out, and sorry for shouting but...

    TWELVE TABLESPOONS of SUGAR in a can of Coca Cola?

    Chat in breakroom revealed there are 12 (yes a dozen) tablespoons of sugar in a can of Coca Cola.
    Can you imagine chewing up 12 tablespoons of white sugar at one sitting? Or stirring them into a 12 oz glass of water, then drinking it?


    Why do we do this to ourselves?

    I made tea with Splenda this time ;}
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Laura,

    You say 80% of your wardrobe were clothes that you were unable to fit in, but now do. I had the same problem and when they started getting baggy, I couldn't even think of getting rid of them because they were practically brand new. So I had them altered. They still looked great, fit me to my new size and I got to wear them longer. I did this a couple of times before I eventually bought new clothes. I don't like to waste things and it really seemed like a shame to get rid of perfectly good clothes that I had barely worn before. Maybe this might work for you?:happy:

    I don't know why but I seemed to have an aversion to buying new clothes while I continued to lose weight. Not because I thought I'd have to buy more again soon, but because I had to get my brain in that frame of mind that I wouldn't regain the weight and that this was just a temporary thing. I guess being overweight all your life, makes it difficult for you to change the way you think and look at yourself. This was my problem all my life. My brain didn't recognize the new me and fought me all the way. I remember losing around a 100 lbs and was down to 140 and I suddenly had all this attention from people and a lot of men. My way of thinking was still fat thinking and I was down right upset at these people for not liking me or noticing me when I was heavier. I was the same person after all. It upset me that people were judging me like the cover of a book instead of what was inside. So the fat thinking part of me let myself go and I gained it all back. I just couldn't handle people at that time. They seemed so two-faced.

    This time around I have a different way of thinking and I am enjoying eating like I am, feel good about myself and have chosen to just ignore those feelings of people treating me differently now. I am doing this for myself and it doesn't matter to me what people think of me good or bad. What matters is what I think. And because of this I will succeed this time and keep it off. :drinker:

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Just a tag so i can browse and keep up with you guys
  • Living9
    Living9 Posts: 4
    Oh gotta chime in here. I have just spend 2 hours sorting through my wardrobe which holds clothing from size 10 - 14 (UK) and some items I have kept for years!!!!

    I got ruthless as I tried most items on and it is odd to think they once fitted and were sometimes tight. Jacked collars seem so wide; bustlines droop in evening type dresses and jeans just swell around my waist (lost 4 inches). How did these Victorian ladies achieve waists of 18 - 24 inches? When you read books on these times they were always eating large meals - perhaps it was the lack of toxins in food chains and absence of false sugars.

    So, a huge pile of clothing waiting for friends to sort through; the rest to the Charity shops. I am also now combing through racks in these same shops and sales buying size 8!!!!! Unbelievable. So just about 24 items left that I can wear, and some jumpers/tshirts. Look forward to getting some nice items in due course. This has been worth every feeling of self-deprivation as I watched people eat foods I love eg crispy french bread, fried fish, fresh cream etc. Now I shall slowly be introducing all of these foods and having a ball over the coming months. First off a cappuccino. Hope this inspires you if you are thinking of giving up .....
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Barbiecat1 Sorry to hear about your accident, good job you were wearing your helmet. Glad nothing was broken.:flowerforyou:

    It's weigh day tomorrow and I think I've gained this week. I'll weigh myself on my own scales tomorow, but according to the ones at work I am back up to 147lbs. :frown: I think a few bad habits have crept in whilst I wasn't looking, and a few biscuits (cookies) have appeared in my hand when having a cuppa. So I need to get back on track (again) and not give in to temptation.

    :smile: Barb did you ever get to visit your friend? You seemed to keep putting it off :laugh: If you did, I hope you had a good time.

    :flowerforyou: Laura hope the scales are good for you in your weigh in tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I've noticed that you are on Isagenix eating plan and I've often wondered what this is? It's worked very well for you, and as you mentioned in you post, whatever works is fine, it might not suit everybody, and no one judges. I'm still trying to find out what works best for me :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (Keeping your hand out of the biscuit jar may help Viv):laugh:

    :smile: Well I had a long post planned, but I am falling asleep :yawn: :yawn: Don't know what the matter is with me lately, evertime I sit down I get sleepy. Oh rats I've just remembered I haven't washed the pots yet :noway: I'd better do that now.

    Goodnight and have a good weeken everyone.

    Viv :heart:
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Barbiecat - oh my. I'm so sorry for your accident.

    And you are right. Gotta wear helmits. I took a fall just walking after I got off my bike and badly hurt my knee. I was actually afraid of riding after that for a few minutes. i didn't want to hurt myself again.

    Gotta get back on that horse and ride!

    Those weeding pics are just awesome. Thank you for sharing. That couple looks like their 13 years old! I guess that's what happens when you get a bit older. Gotta run. Be blessed.

    Oh! and Barbiecat. What is this HCG diet?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I just spent 10 minutes reading this morning's posts and used my 3 pound hand weights to do some exercises while i read...not the most organized of weight training routines but better than nothing.

    :flowerforyou: BarbieCat, I'm so sorry to hear about your bike crash and so glad to hear that no huge damage was done...you are so right to get back on your bike as soon as possible.......after my dog park crash I wondered how I would do returning to the dog park....the first day (after a three week absence) I stayed close to the fence and found myself grabbing the fence if any dog came near me.....today, a week later, I walked all over with a spring in my step....everyone told me to return to my usual activity level slowly and I'm passing that suggestion on to you......take your recovery one day at a time and keep that grateful attitude that it wasn't any worse than it was

    :flowerforyou: this morning at 5:30 AM while I was walking one of my dogs I saw a young woman walking up the road with a small child next to her and pushing a stroller ( I see her on a regular basis)....she was about the same size I was when I started my weight loss journey ... I thought about how many women I know on MFP who are juggling children and grandchildren and jobs and everything else and trying to find time to exercise

    :flowerforyou: Viv, the Isagenix eating program is a cellular cleanse program that amazingly produces weight loss.........there are amazing nutritious meal replacement shakes that satisfy hunger, and a weekly cleanse day that removes impurities from your body making it easier for your body to let go of the fat that's protecting your vital organs from all the impure stuff that comes from the air, food, etc.........it's not available anywhere in Europe yet.......my husband found out about it from his chiropractor and i watched him lose weight and gain energy so i tried it for myself and have loved it.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I started at size16 and extra large and now I'm wearing size 4 or 6 and small....it was the women on this thread who convinced me to give away all the baggy clothes and get something that fit.....i cried when I gave things away because they were styles and designs that i loved........I bought some clothes at thrift shops and then donated them back when they stopped fitting and bought a few things retail and later gave them to thrift shops....my wardrobe today is still limited but it fits and looks great.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, you are so right to be doing this for yourself and not worrying about what people think........you will be successful this time.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I don't do much housework, but I do have some chores calling me so gotta go
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Here's what is important to share... Everyone should WEAR BIKE HELMETS every single time you get on your bike, even if it's just to ride around your neighborhood or on the sidewalk. I'm living proof that accidents happen when you least expect them and can happen within a block of your home, even when on a designated bike path.


    BC1-I am so glad you are not seriously hurt. When I had my bike accident (in 2001) I ended up with leg surgery and non-weight bearing for 3 months BUT--I felt my head bounce off the curbing! If I had not been wearing my dorky (and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!) bike helmet I could very well be dead or seriously disabled now. My kids NEVER took off their helmets after that happened.
    It really bothers me to see people out riding--all their kids have helmets on but the grownups don't. What a bad example to be setting.

    (My accident also happened within 2 blocks of my home.)
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Barbiecat1, I am so glad you are ok. I remember when I had my accident a month ago my helmet saved me serious head injury.
    It is important to get back on the bike. It took me awhile because of bruised ribs and bone chip, but I am glad I did. I was a little nervous but it left quikly.
    I love reading all of our posts. I truly count you as I count my blessings.
    I must brag and tell you all the most amazing story. Today DD#1 wanted me to meet her at the mall (she and her DD#1) had their final fitting s for wedding dresses. Then we went to mall. DD#1 works at Gap and kept telling me they got in these new skinny jeans and wanted me to try a pair on. When I got a pair I picked a 14 put them on and they fell off. Amanda then went out and got me a size 888888888888 oh yeah I do like saying the number8888888. They fit perfectly and she bought me a pair and a long shirt . She then told me to throw out my clothes that they look terrible and I must say after I tried on the outfit she bought me and then put on my clothes I had to laugh. Oh well I am happy. Had fun with Amanda and her kids and then got to go shopping with Melissa for her lat minute wedding things. And tomorrow I get Melissa all day. We are leaving at 9 and going to breakfast and then off to shop. She is to nervous she says to do a craft so just wants us to spend the day being together.
    I am so looking forward to this week. Hope I get in the 150's before wedding.
    Just an opion question: Melissa is thinking she would like the 3 flower girls 2,5,5 to walk down the aisle barefoot. She wants their nails painted red and they will be dropping rose petals along the way. Their dresses are to the floor and big and lots and lots of tole.(sp) so give me some feedback. She had bought them all shoes that were clearanced and they are all too tight and girls will not be able to be in them . I said maybe white sandals, but Melissa wants them all the same.
    Oh well, time to get a shower and rest for my big day tomorrow. I think I will be over calories, but I do not care.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Our first cat "followed" Jessica home. The fact that she fed it bologna and milk has nothing whatsoever to do with it!....lol

    rjadams - congrats on your week. I know how you feel about your mom, my father passed away 6 years ago, and there isn't a day that passes that I don't think about him.

    BC1 - how scary! I'm so glad that good samaritan was there to help you. Don't take things too fast, your body needs time to heal itself. But I totally agree, getting back on your bike is the most important thing. So glad that you're OK.

    Hey Barb - I was just thinking when you mentioned an MFP gabfest. Think of all the calories you'll be burning! I know, I'm good at rationalizing. You'll be so busy talking that you can't even eat. How wonderful is that????? :)

    hannatrip - I've heard so many good things about Arnica. Fortunately, I haven't had to find out for myself!!

    Barb (auntibk) - do you know that I've NEVER had sweet tea? In November we'll be in NC 3 years. I used to use artificial sweetener in my tea, but I've even cut that out. I was reading in Prevention Magazine that you should add a squeeze of lemon juice to increase the antioxident level of green tea by 80%.

    Linda - your experience with the pants really warmed my heart. Thanks....and congrats!

    Did an hour of spinning today. Tomorrow...yoga.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Okay. Okay. EVERYONE.....please do come over and visit me in Victoria. It's lovely here and my patio holds plenty of people!! Message me when you're ready to take the Coho. And should I not be here, you can just come and plunk yourself down!!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: That's all I have time for tonight! I love my MFP friends. You've become so dear to me.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hey Renny, I never take the Coho, I prefer Kenmore Air and when I am slumming, I take the Clipper.:tongue:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hey Renny, I never take the Coho, I prefer Kenmore Air and when I am slumming, I take the Clipper.:tongue:

    See. There are soooo many ways to get here :tongue: I remember taking the coho years ago. We can see that ship from the lagoon (about 10 minutes away) leave from the inner harbour and follow it practically all the way to Port Angeles. :bigsmile:

    I want to try the Clipper one of these days. I have cousins in the Seattle area I should visit one of these days too. And fit in a visit with my MFP friends.

    :heart: :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    Hello everyone!

    I have a question that maybe one of you can help me with. I am a little concerned about my mother who lives with my brother and his family in the state of Washington. She is 76 years old and is basically an invalid. She has something called venustasis. (not sure of the spelling) but it causes her feet and ankles to swell very badly. They are so swollen she cannot walk on them at all now and all the physical therapy she had when she broke her leg is wasted now as she does not have the strength to even lift her legs. The physician's assistant who comes to my brother's home has given her a dirutec and has told her to keep her feet propped above her heart. Well she is unable to do this on her own. Consequently the fluid in her feet is not circulating and now her feet are developing blisters that pop and drain the liquid. She is in a lot of pain. Today she was supposed to go to the doctor to have her feet looked at because of possible infection and since she sleeps in her wheelchair (she can't get on her bed) my brother rolled her rolled her out to the car, but she was unable to get into the car by herself. She said she could sit down with her feet out of the car, but she couldn't lift her feet up into the car. My brother literally refused to help her as he says he does not like to touch her and just kept yelling at her to do it herself. She couldn't. So rather than help put her legs in the car, he took her back into the house and she never got to go to the doctor.

    When I called her and asked her how was her doctor appt, she told me what happened and I asked her what was she going to do now? She said she was just going to die. She said nobody wants to hekp her there and she can't do anything for herself and she refuses to go to an assisted living facility because she doesn't want to be away from her family (as much as you can call them that). I asked her if she could call something like Access that give disabled people rides. She says they are 1 block out of the county line and will charge her $50 each way because of it. I don't know what to do. I feel like I am stuck here in Calif and can't do anyhting. I consider what my brother does to her as abuse, also because they don't always feed her. She is responsible for taking her own medication and I think she messes that up too either by forgetting or taking too much, My brother will not talk to me and if I did bring this up to his wife he would literally become enraged. She has medicare and some supplemental one also but she doesn't know what it is. Is there someone that people call to have a situation like hers to be checked on? What kind of protection do they give for seniors? She will not come over here and be with me. She says she just wants to die there. I am at a loss of what to do.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I have a question that maybe one of you can help me with. I am a little concerned about my mother who lives with my brother and his family in the state of Washington. She is 76 years old and is basically an invalid. She has something called venustasis. (not sure of the spelling) but it causes her feet and ankles to swell very badly. They are so swollen she cannot walk on them at all now and all the physical therapy she had when she broke her leg is wasted now as she does not have the strength to even lift her legs. The physician's assistant who comes to my brother's home has given her a dirutec and has told her to keep her feet propped above her heart. Well she is unable to do this on her own. Consequently the fluid in her feet is not circulating and now her feet are developing blisters that pop and drain the liquid. She is in a lot of pain. Today she was supposed to go to the doctor to have her feet looked at because of possible infection and since she sleeps in her wheelchair (she can't get on her bed) my brother rolled her rolled her out to the car, but she was unable to get into the car by herself. She said she could sit down with her feet out of the car, but she couldn't lift her feet up into the car. My brother literally refused to help her as he says he does not like to touch her and just kept yelling at her to do it herself. She couldn't. So rather than help put her legs in the car, he took her back into the house and she never got to go to the doctor.

    When I called her and asked her how was her doctor appt, she told me what happened and I asked her what was she going to do now? She said she was just going to die. She said nobody wants to hekp her there and she can't do anything for herself and she refuses to go to an assisted living facility because she doesn't want to be away from her family (as much as you can call them that). I asked her if she could call something like Access that give disabled people rides. She says they are 1 block out of the county line and will charge her $50 each way because of it. I don't know what to do. I feel like I am stuck here in Calif and can't do anyhting. I consider what my brother does to her as abuse, also because they don't always feed her. She is responsible for taking her own medication and I think she messes that up too either by forgetting or taking too much, My brother will not talk to me and if I did bring this up to his wife he would literally become enraged. She has medicare and some supplemental one also but she doesn't know what it is. Is there someone that people call to have a situation like hers to be checked on? What kind of protection do they give for seniors? She will not come over here and be with me. She says she just wants to die there. I am at a loss of what to do.



    I am in the state of Washington. There is a state agency that potentially could become involved, as well as possible county resources. I would need to know where in the state your mom is in order to look up specific resources. Please send me a PM, ASAP with the town she lives in, and the county if you have it; (if you don't know, I will figure this out). If you would like to talk to me directly, include your phone number and a good time to call. From what you are describing, it sounds like intervening needs to happen sooner rather than later.

    I will be glad to help you locate resources here, and do anything else I can to help you get her the assistance that she needs.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Chiclet - my heart broke when I read your post about your mum. I cannot offer any help as I am not sure of what is available in the States, but it sounds like Barb may be able to help. Good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you that you get your mum the help and care that she needs.

    Amanda x
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Chiclet - my heart broke when I read your post about your mum. I cannot offer any help as I am not sure of what is available in the States, but it sounds like Barb may be able to help. Good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you that you get your mum the help and care that she needs.

    Amanda x

    Chiclet ditto all of the above.

    Thank goodness for people like Barb. :heart: :heart: You must feel awful being so far away.

    Hope your mum gets the help she deserves.

  • mynyddisamrs
    Good morning everyone .....warmish but cloudy here. The washing's out but may well be rushed in soon!!

    Chiclet......I'm so sad for you. It's hard to deal with this from afar and I do hope you can organise some help for your mum.
    Getting the fluid retention under control is paramount and I can't believe your brother couldn't organise specialised transport to get her to her appointment. We have an age concern organisation in the UK that helps with things like that...does anything like that exist in her State? I hope a fellow US MFP member can help. Barb sounds as if she's on your case too ...good luck.

    Scales were the same 153lb....but at least I'm stuck below the 154lb ...11 stone. Better than being stuck above that line!!

    Nothing happening today ...tomorrow we're off out ...lunch with friends. I promise not to be tooooo naughty.

    I hope you're all enjoying your weekend...without too many trials and tribulations. Those of us with things sent to try our patience and stress us out ...deep breath and just do your best! Don't be afraid to ask for help ..if you don't yell or holler....sometimes nothing gets done. you don't have to do things on your own!!!

    BFN ...maybe back later.