craving buster

missyt78 Posts: 62 Member
Just a quick post to share my craving buster with you all :O)

Personally i crave savory foods.. but once im eaten something savory.. i want some chocolate for the sweet sugary hit.. so its usually double trouble :(

Yesterday I was craving everything and i decided to invent something healthy to try beat these crazy cravings once and for all.

So i got one piece of celery and a small spoon of low fat smooth peanut butter and spread it along the lenght of celery. Topped with a few raisins. Sounds weird i know.. but it actually tastes rather nice. The celery and peanut butter are not my favorite foods, but together they do the buisness. They take a wee while to eat and the crunchyness takes your mind off the desire for bad things :O)

And im calculated that the calorie value is approx 70/75 calories per stick! which is awesome.. less than a packet of crisps.. or a low fat chocolate bar :O)

Does anyone else have any odd craving busters.. let me know what you all think :O)
Love an light
nikki :O) x


  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    When I am craving chocolate I eat fresh pineapple instead. It has a bitter sweet taste to it, much like chocolate, and seems to satisfy the craving for me.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Just a quick post to share my craving buster with you all :O)

    Personally i crave savory foods.. but once im eaten something savory.. i want some chocolate for the sweet sugary hit.. so its usually double trouble :(

    Yesterday I was craving everything and i decided to invent something healthy to try beat these crazy cravings once and for all.

    So i got one piece of celery and a small spoon of low fat smooth peanut butter and spread it along the lenght of celery. Topped with a few raisins. Sounds weird i know.. but it actually tastes rather nice. The celery and peanut butter are not my favorite foods, but together they do the buisness. They take a wee while to eat and the crunchyness takes your mind off the desire for bad things :O)

    And im calculated that the calorie value is approx 70/75 calories per stick! which is awesome.. less than a packet of crisps.. or a low fat chocolate bar :O)

    Does anyone else have any odd craving busters.. let me know what you all think :O)
    Love an light
    nikki :O) x

    Isnt that called ants on a stick?

    Yum loving peanut butter at the mo so much im having it for lunch on rice cakes!!

  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You just made ants on a stick, a snack food I used to feed my kids!!! AND it really is good and a healthy choice! Celery is a great vehicle for many products: hummus, peanut butter, pimento cheese to name a few! And you are right, because it is crunchy and fiberous, it takes a little longer to eat, fills you up and keeps you from grabbing those less than healthy choices! Good for you!
  • hannatrip
    This sounds like a really good snack for night time since Im diabetic and need protein at night!!! Thanks for sharing....Im going to try it tonight!!!
  • missyt78
    missyt78 Posts: 62 Member
    Ants on a stick :O) i have never heard of it before.. i was mixing tastes so im glad its not totally odd :O) Delicious aswell.. great for protein too :O)

  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    We made these at Girl Scout camp waayyyy back in the 70's although we called them "Ants on a Log"
    They are good and I still eat them once in awhile.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    When I am craving the crunch of potato chips I have been reaching for a whole carrot stick! It takes a while to eat, and you definitely get a very satisfying crunch :) Plus it is full of vitamins and fiber and only 25 calories a stick!

    When I am craving something sweet or specifically ice cream I reach for a chilled no sugar added applesauce. Mott's has several flavors, but I usually like original the best. Apple's are naturally sweet anyway, so one of the individual serving cups is 50 calories with no sugar or artificial sweeteners.

    I was also served ants on a log as a child! Another thing you might like is peanut butter on fresh apple slices :)
  • bigkev2663
    The other night I was craving something sweet...I love cakes and cookies...A LOT!!! I work in a grocery store and went on the hunt for something to help stop this hunger...I found it......I got Hostess 100 calorie pack Strawberry cupcakes with strawberry cream icing!!!! There are three mini cupcakes and do not let the size fool you, they are sweet and YUMMY! Only 100 calories did not break my bank to much, well worth it!