Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • hannatrip
    Lioness.....yes I do want to get rid of my meds, Im not on insulin...thank goodness its not that bad....and I dont want it to get worse....thanks for the was very informative....Im going to shoot for 20 a day and see what happens....

    Saverys_gal thanks for the warm welcome!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    How do you like using Truvia ?? I have always wanted to try it but wasn't sure how it taste. I try not to add anything to my drinks or food i have even stopped putting stuff in my coffee! that was a hard one to get use to but it's so worth it. I have a wedding to attend to in about 3 weeks so im trying to follow phase 1 for 2 weeks to help just start my weightlost again... Wow i forgot how hard it was to limit to phase 1 net carb intake but i know it'll help me out big time... :cry: Im going to miss my Wraps for lunch!

    The only time I use sweetener is for my coffee or tea, which is normally limited to a cup, maybe 2 a day, so I use at max 4 packets a day, but normally I really have never worried about my use of the stuff. But I do like the idea of switching over to something all natural! My thoughts on the me it isn't as sweet! I use 2 packets of Splenda for 16ozs. of coffee or tea...1 packet of Truvia isn't enough, 1.5 isn't quite there...1.75 seems to be pretty good but it still isn't as sweet. I may try and do 2 whole packets one day but I don't want to ruin my coffee/tea in the morning! I bought a small box of 40 packets just to start trying out and that only set me back like $4 so I think it's worth giving a try. :drinker:
    As far as going back to induction...I know it can be tough, but try and think of it as fun! You have to find different foods to eat again! Big green salads, egg salad, tuna, chicken salad, grilled chicken with some yummy veggies...:love:
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
    This may seem like a stupid question but I am at a loss.. I was very excited over the weekend to see I had lost 5 pounds. Within the first hour of my excitement I was told by not one but two people that it's to bad I'll gain it all back because I'm eating the wrong way. (lc) What do you say to people without ripping into them. Please don't say try explaining it I have tried and that got me nowhere. I would just like people to be happy for my weight loss with out adding thier 2 cents..
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    This may seem like a stupid question but I am at a loss.. I was very excited over the weekend to see I had lost 5 pounds. Within the first hour of my excitement I was told by not one but two people that it's to bad I'll gain it all back because I'm eating the wrong way. (lc) What do you say to people without ripping into them. Please don't say try explaining it I have tried and that got me nowhere. I would just like people to be happy for my weight loss with out adding thier 2 cents..

    WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: We will ALL drink to your fantastic loss! That's great!

    And the only thing I can say is that if you've tried explaining it to them and they still disagree, just agree to disagree! A LOT of people do not understand Atkins and LC eating. Now yes, if done improperly, people do gain their weight back, but that's if they use Atkins and LC eating plans as a way to drop weight instead of a way to LIVE! Just keep on chugging along and dropping that weight and once you hit maintenance, your results will speak for themselves!

    And if it makes you feel any better poot, my own hubby was an Atkins naysayer...:wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We are happy for you. Thar is great/ Keep it up and to pooh to all the rest.
  • hannatrip
    poot....tell them with any diet...if you dont follow the maintenance plan you will gain the weight back....if its low carb or low cal!! I know plenty of people that lost alot of weight on low cal and they gained it back plus some!! Dont let them bother you.....I figure they just say that because they cant handle a LC diet and are jealous:bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome to Hannatrip and any other new posters I haven't seen yet!

    POOT: Man, this is such hard question - only because ALL of us LCers have experienced it. Here's the deal. If you do Atkins (or whatever LC plan you follow) correctly and move through all the phases, you won't gain your weight back. If you go crazy tomorrow and pig out on sugary, carb-filled snacks, within 3-4 days, you might gain up to 7 pounds back of WATER WEIGHT. The first few pounds lost on any diet are water weight. After that, you should be burning actual fat - not just droppin water.

    Done right, a LC plan teaches you what your carb threshold is. That means, once you get closer to your goal, you'll learn what your personal daily NC count needs to be to maintain. The mistake I made the last time I did this, was I did Induction forever, and then just QUIT. I went straight back to my old eating habits, and of course I gained back my weight. I never went through the actual phases of slowly adding back in carbs to see what my threshold was.

    What to say to naysayers? It's too bad that people just can't be supportive rather than saboteurs. Someone who says things like that is just figuratively beating your psyche down. Many people don't do it deliberately, are just plain insensitive. There are others who do it deliberately, and those are the ones you want to avoid. To people in the first category, just smile and say "Let's talk about it a year from now, maybe you'll have a different opinion then." To people in the 2nd category, nothing you could say would even change their mind. They're sabotaging your emotional well-being for their own personal vindictiveness or sick joy.

    I feel your pain and frustration. Sometimes you just have to look at someone and say "Let's agree to disagree" and then show them through your actions that they are/were wrong. And be prepared - as you demonstrate success - the ones in the first group will start asking you questions about your plan and how they might make it fit their lifestyle - the ones in the 2nd group will step up their efforts to make you feel like crap. I hope that those who are close to you don't fall into the 2nd category, cuz if so, you're gonna have quite a fight on your hands. I am confident that you are up to the task! Stick to it, sister!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    poot....tell them with any diet...if you dont follow the maintenance plan you will gain the weight back....if its low carb or low cal!! I know plenty of people that lost alot of weight on low cal and they gained it back plus some!! Dont let them bother you.....I figure they just say that because they cant handle a LC diet and are jealous:bigsmile:

    This is correct for maintaining.............

    The good thing for us low carbers is we can eat more calories and maintain our weight, which allows us to have more flavorful and tasty stuff!!!

    I would rather count carbs over calories any day!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    This may seem like a stupid question but I am at a loss.. I was very excited over the weekend to see I had lost 5 pounds. Within the first hour of my excitement I was told by not one but two people that it's to bad I'll gain it all back because I'm eating the wrong way. (lc) What do you say to people without ripping into them. Please don't say try explaining it I have tried and that got me nowhere. I would just like people to be happy for my weight loss with out adding thier 2 cents..

    In the past, I have pointed at my plate of protein and green veggies and bowl of salad and said how is this eating the wrong way????

    The proof is right there on your plate.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I think it is official, my hubby and I have overgrowth of Yeast going on. Atkins mentions it in his books. And it seems we are both experiencing different symptoms. I have a stopped up nose and sinuses, a bit gassy, stopped up tuckus, abnormal TOM ( I usually don't have one due to birth control) and hubby has migraine headache, gas, and stopped up Tuckus. So we must now drop the mushrooms, cheese and nuts.........we have been having mushrooms and cheese everyday a couple times before there are any other not so nice side affects.......we are gonna try this out.

    Sorry if this was a bit TMI, but these are the reality's of LLC from my understanding of it....just at the start. that is. and well if you cna't count on your LLC buddies for support who can you count on right??????
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think it is official, my hubby and I have overgrowth of Yeast going on. Atkins mentions it in his books. And it seems we are both experiencing different symptoms. I have a stopped up nose and sinuses, a bit gassy, stopped up tuckus, abnormal TOM ( I usually don't have one due to birth control) and hubby has migraine headache, gas, and stopped up Tuckus. So we must now drop the mushrooms, cheese and nuts.........we have been having mushrooms and cheese everyday a couple times before there are any other not so nice side affects.......we are gonna try this out.

    Sorry if this was a bit TMI, but these are the reality's of LLC from my understanding of it....just at the start. that is. and well if you cna't count on your LLC buddies for support who can you count on right??????

    Hey there. I have been in your shoes.............

    If you can stand the yeast die off symptoms, add Coconut oil to your eating plan and it will cure it right up. The die off is horrendous though for some people.............
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Morning tammietifanie! Thanks for the well wishes! I need some good mojo coming my way! :wink:

    *stares at clock* Almost lunch time! Looking forward to my steak wrap again!

    And I'm proud to say I'm SLOWLY swapping some of my Splenda for Truvia! :drinker: I've got some in my decaf Lady Grey right now!

    i would recommend getting SweetLeaf Stevia and not Truvia..............

    The reason I say this is because Truvia is the processed version of Stevia with the same fillers to bulk it up that Splenda has in it...............

    I stay far, far away from Truvia because of how it is processed for the main stream market............
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    sassie - hope the unpleasantness goes away for you and the hubs!! I fortunately never had any of those issues when going LC. But then again, everyone's body is so very different!

    lioness - *thumps head* Man, I can't get this sweetener stuff right! LOL. I've never seen the SweetLeafStevia before in any of my shopping trips. What about straight up Stevia??
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Morning tammietifanie! Thanks for the well wishes! I need some good mojo coming my way! :wink:

    *stares at clock* Almost lunch time! Looking forward to my steak wrap again!

    And I'm proud to say I'm SLOWLY swapping some of my Splenda for Truvia! :drinker: I've got some in my decaf Lady Grey right now!

    i would recommend getting SweetLeaf Stevia and not Truvia..............

    The reason I say this is because Truvia is the processed version of Stevia with the same fillers to bulk it up that Splenda has in it...............

    I stay far, far away from Truvia because of how it is processed for the main stream market............

    Sorry but I have to disagree with your statement about Truvia having the same fillers that Splenda has. I did some checking on this before I ever decided to try Truvia, and this is what I found:

    Besides Stevia, Truvia has Erythritol a natural sugar alcohol (a type of sugar substitute) which was discovered in 1848 by British chemist John Stenhouse.[2] It occurs naturally in fruits and fermented foods [3]. At the industrial level, it is produced from glucose by fermentation with a yeast, Moniliella pollinis[1]. (Info summarized from

    Glucose is a naturally occurring substance, and fermentation is a natural process.

    "In reality, Splenda is a chemical. Technically it is an organochlorine in the same class as DDT, Dioxin and other very toxic substances...... The yellow individual packets of Splenda contain maltodextrin and dextrose as well as sucralose." (excerpt from

    The purpose of the Erythritol in Truvia is to counteract the aftertaste that some people notice when using Stevia by itself. I don't consider Truvia to be in the same class as Splenda. As for it being "processed for the mainstream market." --I think if this gets people off aspartame, sucralose...etc., then it is a positive thing.

    As always, it is a personal choice to use whatever sweetener one chooses. I just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding about the differences between Truvia and Splenda.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Totally just killed carbs and sugar for the day. Damn you Planters Digestive Health Mix! :grumble: I don't even know how many servings I just the question is do I want to see red in my food log today? To log or not to log!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I would Log and then workout hard so you can have some extra calories for the day!!!! I had to stop buying Mixes like that cause i would eat a good cup or two and not even realize it until i logged it in.. At least it was healthy
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Morning tammietifanie! Thanks for the well wishes! I need some good mojo coming my way! :wink:

    *stares at clock* Almost lunch time! Looking forward to my steak wrap again!

    And I'm proud to say I'm SLOWLY swapping some of my Splenda for Truvia! :drinker: I've got some in my decaf Lady Grey right now!

    i would recommend getting SweetLeaf Stevia and not Truvia..............

    The reason I say this is because Truvia is the processed version of Stevia with the same fillers to bulk it up that Splenda has in it...............

    I stay far, far away from Truvia because of how it is processed for the main stream market............

    Sorry but I have to disagree with your statement about Truvia having the same fillers that Splenda has. I did some checking on this before I ever decided to try Truvia, and this is what I found:

    Besides Stevia, Truvia has Erythritol a natural sugar alcohol (a type of sugar substitute) which was discovered in 1848 by British chemist John Stenhouse.[2] It occurs naturally in fruits and fermented foods [3]. At the industrial level, it is produced from glucose by fermentation with a yeast, Moniliella pollinis[1]. (Info summarized from

    Glucose is a naturally occurring substance, and fermentation is a natural process.

    "In reality, Splenda is a chemical. Technically it is an organochlorine in the same class as DDT, Dioxin and other very toxic substances...... The yellow individual packets of Splenda contain maltodextrin and dextrose as well as sucralose." (excerpt from

    The purpose of the Erythritol in Truvia is to counteract the aftertaste that some people notice when using Stevia by itself. I don't consider Truvia to be in the same class as Splenda. As for it being "processed for the mainstream market." --I think if this gets people off aspartame, sucralose...etc., then it is a positive thing.

    As always, it is a personal choice to use whatever sweetener one chooses. I just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding about the differences between Truvia and Splenda.

    Okay what's the difference between Truvia and Stevia??
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I would Log and then workout hard so you can have some extra calories for the day!!!! I had to stop buying Mixes like that cause i would eat a good cup or two and not even realize it until i logged it in.. At least it was healthy

    LOL...yeah, at least I didn't destroy a bowl of ice cream or like donuts or something. It could be worse! Darn TOM!! Now I'm sitting here eyeballing my jar of peanut butter!! *goes off to log excessive snacking* Good thing I plan to get in a good sweat tonight!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I know what you mean!!!! TOM just left me a few days ago and i had to push myself so hard to not eat junk food!!! It was hard but i didn't give in.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Morning tammietifanie! Thanks for the well wishes! I need some good mojo coming my way! :wink:

    *stares at clock* Almost lunch time! Looking forward to my steak wrap again!

    And I'm proud to say I'm SLOWLY swapping some of my Splenda for Truvia! :drinker: I've got some in my decaf Lady Grey right now!

    i would recommend getting SweetLeaf Stevia and not Truvia..............

    The reason I say this is because Truvia is the processed version of Stevia with the same fillers to bulk it up that Splenda has in it...............

    I stay far, far away from Truvia because of how it is processed for the main stream market............

    Sorry but I have to disagree with your statement about Truvia having the same fillers that Splenda has. I did some checking on this before I ever decided to try Truvia, and this is what I found:

    Besides Stevia, Truvia has Erythritol a natural sugar alcohol (a type of sugar substitute) which was discovered in 1848 by British chemist John Stenhouse.[2] It occurs naturally in fruits and fermented foods [3]. At the industrial level, it is produced from glucose by fermentation with a yeast, Moniliella pollinis[1]. (Info summarized from

    Glucose is a naturally occurring substance, and fermentation is a natural process.

    "In reality, Splenda is a chemical. Technically it is an organochlorine in the same class as DDT, Dioxin and other very toxic substances...... The yellow individual packets of Splenda contain maltodextrin and dextrose as well as sucralose." (excerpt from

    The purpose of the Erythritol in Truvia is to counteract the aftertaste that some people notice when using Stevia by itself. I don't consider Truvia to be in the same class as Splenda. As for it being "processed for the mainstream market." --I think if this gets people off aspartame, sucralose...etc., then it is a positive thing.

    As always, it is a personal choice to use whatever sweetener one chooses. I just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding about the differences between Truvia and Splenda.

    Okay what's the difference between Truvia and Stevia??

    I purchased a Stevia plant and there is a class at the Soulard Farmers market to teach you how to pestulize it properly for use......

    People seem to think that Truvia is made of Stevia + Erythritol, which is only true if you stretch the truth a bit! Because Stevia is an extract of half a dozen natural steviosides (glycosides), and Truvia is chemically pure Rebaudioside A, derived from genetically modified plants.