Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Its a newer version of Atkins. The new book is good. There have been some changes all for the good.

  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Thanks for the welcome! I know what to eat on LC, I am just having problems with getting the right proportions for the carbs. I wish they had a net carb

  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Where can I get Dannon Lite & Fit Carb and Sugar Control -Diabetic Friendly - Yogurt, from? I have never seen it in my Wal-Mart or local store. We have the Lite & Fit, but not with the other part added to it. I saw it on someones food diary.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Where can I get Dannon Lite & Fit Carb and Sugar Control -Diabetic Friendly - Yogurt, from? I have never seen it in my Wal-Mart or local store. We have the Lite & Fit, but not with the other part added to it. I saw it on someones food diary.


    Hi Colette! You may have seen it in my food diary as I eat it :smile: I get mine at my local grocery store, but they are only a local chain. I have to look pretty hard amongst all the other Dannon yogurts to find them though. The only other yogurt I eat is the FiberOne yogurt-it's not as low carb but it's still tons better than the rest and I can usually find that at most all grocery stores. Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hang in there you is soooooooooo hot here. Craving a bit of sugar....not hungry at all though. Gonna hit up Wally world and see about these atkins bars......this might help me out. I am still at 261....2 days at this weight now, but I am ok with this, cause when I lose that I will be UNDER 260!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you are all doing well, will write ya all later :heart:
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Where can I get Dannon Lite & Fit Carb and Sugar Control -Diabetic Friendly - Yogurt, from? I have never seen it in my Wal-Mart or local store. We have the Lite & Fit, but not with the other part added to it. I saw it on someones food diary.


    Hi Colette! You may have seen it in my food diary as I eat it :smile: I get mine at my local grocery store, but they are only a local chain. I have to look pretty hard amongst all the other Dannon yogurts to find them though. The only other yogurt I eat is the FiberOne yogurt-it's not as low carb but it's still tons better than the rest and I can usually find that at most all grocery stores. Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the info. I may have a look around our stores hear and see if I can find anything that is similar. I heard Greek yogurt is pretty good and lower in carbs too.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I love greek yogurt and it is the only yogurt I found that is the lowest in carbs= 5 grms for a 1/2 cup. I buy fage or walmart has okio of course I like it with fruit but for the time being i just used splenda on it Maybe some lemon juice... To my regrets walmart is not carring the hoods chcolate milk for 4 grams net carbs but do carry the countdown low carb plain milk.I have a question I found some thick no carb beef bologna is that OK on any on the low carbs diets I did find some slice sharp cheese . today. for no carbs, I am planning on a slice of fried bologna and sharp cheese for breakfast with a low carb mission tortilla.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all honey and I picked up some Atkins bars at the Walmart tonight, I had one, and as I am eating it......I see that it has 19g carbs, and the front says it has 3g of net carbs........I am it 19 grams or 3 grams....cause if it is 19.......well then I am screwed.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Sassie I c go to Linds's low carb recipes and make one of her desertt.heck them out too and on my plan we go by the back of the pkg. I don't know about adkins plan. But it is out of my league. I have been warned about that. Most of those bars are way to sweet for me. anyway. I usally carry a fiber one in my purse for a low blood sugar tho,

    Here is a site that has some good recipes I love her pizza chicken. a ND lot of her bread and muffins. iF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN THRE
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi all. Thanks for inviting me to this board Resalyn. I am on Atkins and have been on Induction for about 4 weeks. Its been slow information overload so now I am keeping it simple.

    WELCOME, COLETTE! I'm so glad you found us! I think you'll love the interaction in our little group here!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey all honey and I picked up some Atkins bars at the Walmart tonight, I had one, and as I am eating it......I see that it has 19g carbs, and the front says it has 3g of net carbs........I am it 19 grams or 3 grams....cause if it is 19.......well then I am screwed.


    Sassie - I asked that same question on the Atkins website, and here is what their Atkins guru said the following - he is the moderator for all the Atkins forum boards..... Don Friedkin - he basically says to trust what is written on the front - the 3 NC...

    "There is a considerable amount of confusion about the net carb count on the front of the package, and what you calculate based on the information given in the Nutrition Facts panel.

    Here is the explanation:

    In the case of most foods, Net Carbs are calculated by subtracting fiber grams from total carb grams, as fiber doesn’t impact blood sugar levels. However, in the case of low-carb products that contain sugar alcohols (aka polyols), including glycerin, which also have a negligible impact on blood sugar, they too are also subtracted to yield the Net Carb count. Despite their name, sugar alcohols are not he same thing as sugar. They are listed in the Nutrition Facts panel as a subset of total carbohydrates, but glycerin, by law, cannot be listed there. Any discrepancy in the calculation is due to the grams of glycerin in the product.

    In the case of Atkins bars, the glycemic (blood sugar) impact has also been directly tested on volunteers, so you can rely on the accuracy of the stated Net Carb count.

  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    REBECCA: Welcome to Group LLC!

    The biggest difference I see in the new induction (or Phase 1 as it is called) is that they recommend that at least 12 - 15 of your daily net carb intake come from vegetables. They also recommend that you take in only around 6 ounces of protein in a meal. Lastly, they only recommend up to 4 ounces of hard cheese a day, and that women should maybe keep within 1500 to 1800 calories max a day. But, it does say to not necessarily worry about the calories - just make sure you keep within your net carb limits....

    Now, those are what I perceive as the differences - but it could have just been my misunderstanding the original Atkins plan. Back then it seemed like it was eat a lot of protein, as much as you want, and as much cheese as you want, and not many vegetables. I know now that I was doing the plan wrong, and was way too limited in my food choices, which in turn eventually led to me going off plan and not working through the phases to figure out where my carb tolerance level was. And of course back then, there was no MFP or anything to record food - I was guestimating more than anything, which wasn't a good thing either!

    It's a good book, and I found this one easier to read than the New Diet Revolution one. If you go to, you can download a coupon for like $3 off, which reduces the cost of the book to about $8.....

    Anyway, welcome to Group LLC! Lotsa great info here and support too!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    WHAT! Ok, so I have not been worryin about my protein I read this and WHOA......I am considerably over on that............feel free to peek at my diary. How is this gonna be possible????I suppose I gotta drop the yolks, trim down the meat.......ok ok, feeling like I am doing this wrong now.......................ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    REBECCA: Welcome to Group LLC!

    The biggest difference I see in the new induction (or Phase 1 as it is called) is that they recommend that at least 12 - 15 of your daily net carb intake come from vegetables. They also recommend that you take in only around 6 ounces of protein in a meal. Lastly, they only recommend up to 4 ounces of hard cheese a day, and that women should maybe keep within 1500 to 1800 calories max a day. But, it does say to not necessarily worry about the calories - just make sure you keep within your net carb limits....

    Now, those are what I perceive as the differences - but it could have just been my misunderstanding the original Atkins plan. Back then it seemed like it was eat a lot of protein, as much as you want, and as much cheese as you want, and not many vegetables. I know now that I was doing the plan wrong, and was way too limited in my food choices, which in turn eventually led to me going off plan and not working through the phases to figure out where my carb tolerance level was. And of course back then, there was no MFP or anything to record food - I was guestimating more than anything, which wasn't a good thing either!

    It's a good book, and I found this one easier to read than the New Diet Revolution one. If you go to, you can download a coupon for like $3 off, which reduces the cost of the book to about $8.....

    Anyway, welcome to Group LLC! Lotsa great info here and support too!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Sassie - If what you're doing is working for you (you've been losing pretty steadily cept for the last two days, right?) I would say keep doing what you are doing.

    Even on the Atkins website, there are advocates for the original Atkins plan, and advocates for the new one. I am doing better on the new one - you're doing better on the old one. Either way - ITS WORKING! :-) Keep on keepin on, lady....
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Sassie - If what you're doing is working for you (you've been losing pretty steadily cept for the last two days, right?) I would say keep doing what you are doing.

    Even on the Atkins website, there are advocates for the original Atkins plan, and advocates for the new one. I am doing better on the new one - you're doing better on the old one. Either way - ITS WORKING! :-) Keep on keepin on, lady....

    Sassie- I second Resalyn on this one! I follow the old Atkins plan. I eat a LOT of protein-upwards of 80+ grams a day, normally 120 or more. But it's what works for me. I really need to find a cheap copy of the new book and give it a look through! In regards to the bars...a net carb is carbs-fiber-sugar alcohol. On some of the bars this will give you the net carb count you see on the front of the package. On other it won't because as Resalyn has stated it has to do with how many net carbs have been found to impact the blood sugar level on tested individuals. I've eaten the bars from day 1 and have never noticed a stall with my weight loss. However, the packages do recommend to not exceed more than 2 bars a day I believe do to the sugar alcohols because they can cause stomach problems in some people and other people really don't do well with them. It's a guessing game! You really have to find what jives with you body!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    To sassie- you said the past 2 days you haven't been losing right? Well, I did take a peek through your food diary-your protein intake is fairly good, I wouldn't worry too much on that. However, I am concerned about your sodium-you have days where you are a little over 1500, which is fine, but then you have days where you skyrocket over the allotted 2500-going over on your sodium can really cause a lot of water retention which can make a difference on the scale. Take a look at the items you eat that are high sodium and next time you go to buy them, compare them to another brand and see if you can a lower sodium version. When you eat your veggies, always go for fresh or frozen as the canned ones are crazy high in sodium. Take some time to read the labels of everything you buy and after a little bit of time you should be able to get your sodium consistently down to 2500 and below. I know that made a massive difference for me. Even now, when I go out to eat, or say eat Chinese, all the sodium comes back to haunt me on the scale the next day because I just puff up from water retention! And always make sure to drink your 8 cups of water or more! :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello all,

    I have been to get an MRI on my tail bone that i fell on about 2 weeks ago, And has it ever been sore. I already had xrays and nothing broken that they could see.

    my menu for today

    Breakfast: 1/2 c egg beaters 1 sl. of bacon, 1 serving of high biber cake.----yeah no carbs 1/3 c of peppers and onions

    lunch: 1 mission low carb tortilla, 1 thick sl of beef balogna 1 sl. of sharp cheese diet coke.

    Supper: Don'tt know yet.

    Blood sugar doing great today.:bigsmile:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi caliecat! Hope the results of the MRI turn out well! :flowerforyou:

    Glad your blood sugar is doing well today! That's always great news! Ok, so what's in this high fiber cake of yours'? You have me very interested! :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I Have one more test i want to try out. It taste too eggie right now . will work on it this afternoon.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, Marie- OW! I broke my tailbone when I was a kid - it took FOREVER to heal, and it was painful to even walk! The biggest bummer was two days after I broke it, we went to Great America - and had to sit on a bus for 3 hours to get there, and then it was too painful to ride any rides... I commiserate with you, ugh, it's a tiny little set of bones that I've always thought were just not necessary, but oh boy, does an injury there hurt!