Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    JENUWINE - Hey, below is a copy of a post I made back when I started the thread - this is a recipe for a LC Muffin In A Minute - it's probably not exactly what you are looking for - I do have a recipe for "real" LC muffins made in a muffin pan in the oven - but this might get you through til I can find it. I can tell you you'll need GOLDEN Flax Meal - the Golden is more expensive, but has a smoother texture... And for the ones in the oven, you'll need either almond flour or soy flour, can't remember....

    Muffin in a Minute - courtesy of the Atkins book

    1/4 c flax meal
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1 packet splenda
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 egg
    1 tsp butter

    Put flax meal, baking powder, splenda, and cinnamon in a coffee cup and mix well. Then mix in egg and butter. Once it is of a batter-like consistency, put the coffee cup in the microwave and cook on high for 1 minute (or maybe a little longer, depending on how strong your microwave is.) Remove from microwave, turn cup over on a plate, slice, and add butter while hot.

    This has about the consistency and taste of a bran muffin. If you prefer it to be more moist, add a little sour cream to the mixture before microwaving. This actually helps control the carb cravings I still have cuz I'm not in ketosis yet.....
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to see this group!

    ~~ I am a 37 year old married lady :tongue: I am 264 lbs (I was 271 on Monday!). I started MFP in Jan 2009 and lost 22 lbs eating 1200 cals low fat. by June 2009. I started school, got married, graduated school and gained 31 the 22 I lost and some. I started having foot troubles which has been diagnosed as Plantars Fichiatis (totally spelled wrong). I have most recently in the last 3 months developed severe hip, lower back and total back pain.....dibilitating pain sometimes. :cry: Migrain headaches that never seem to go away....always in the background....insomnia and severe fatigue :sad: My husband and I moved to a smaller town and bills were cut by 1/2! So I made an appointment at a new doctor this last Weds. I told him I thought maybe I had a thyroid issue because of symptoms and family history and arthritis for the same reasons.....he took my blood, and then he came back............he said, I think may be depressed.....and...........I want you to cut carbs from you diet...he gave me some reasons why and then gave me a handwritten "stay away from" list. So I went to the library after talking to some people here and got the Atkins New Diet Revolution book and started reading....................THIS MAKES TOTAL SENSE TO ME. I went back in my diary here and looked at the last 2 weeks since I started....and you know what I was eating between 90 - 280g of CARBS! Well I am starting full on Induction Monday (cause we have carbs in the house still), still trying to eat low carb even with the carbs in the house. I have gone from 269 on Weds to 265 today, by slowly cutting them out. I have eaten chocolate.......I have eaten fruit......I have had noodles, I cannot imagine at 20 g carbs........

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am outa work, so I will be here often. I am looking for recipes because SHOCKINGLY MY HUSBAND IS STOKED ABOUT THIS DIET! He called me today and told me about his lunch out with the guys.....grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce instead of bread, cheese, tomatoes....he was excited when I told him all we were gonna have for dinner last night was chicken, this is a man who has many time tried to convince me that he didn't need anything but salad and meat.....................................shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let's not tell him he was on to something all along :wink:

    I CANNOT BELIEVE I DIDN'T DO THIS BEFORE........................................ I had 2 egg omelette with bacon pieces and cheddar cheese today for lunch........................WHAT! That is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, so now that all that is out. I am bound to maybe feel yucky the next few weeks while in induction, and I am not sure of the recipes so I went to the library and got The New Atkins diet cookbook too. SO I am gonna post recipes you all want them here or on the recipe area?

    OH OH OH !!!! I am also keeping an eye on my calories. Doc wants me to stay around 1500 cals. a day. and 40mins of walking a day until my pain gets better.

    So there I am ! See ya all around.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello LLC'rs

    I am following a low carb regimen right now as part of HCG protocol. I will be popping in here more regularly when I am on to the phase where I am eating more calories than I am now.

    BTW, two things I would like to comment on, based upon my own experience. Despite the Atkins book saying Splenda is okay, I found that just like all the other artificial sweeteners, it makes me have terrible carb cravings.

    I use Stevia, a plant-based sweetener, specifically the brand Truvia, in place of artificial sweetener. Also avoid diet soda like the plague, again, the artificial sweeteners.

    Good luck everyone.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome sassie!! So glad you found us over here and joined in! You are a LUCKY woman to have your hubby wanting to eat low carb! Mine has finally accepted the way I eat and has become more aware of the way he eats, but he still ODs on his carbs daily. I don't think your initial yuckiness will hang around too long-I remember feeling funky for less than 5 days and after that I felt absolutely fantastic! :drinker:

    Hi weaklink109! I've lurked the HCG thread you mention-I find it pretty interesting and I've seen so many wonderful success stories! So with HCG and low carb-how does that work? Do you tier carbs back in or only eat certain ones? I'm fairly curious. As far as the Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, I really have to take the stance to each his or her own in reasonable moderation. I can use a few packets of Splenda a day and it induces no carb cravings in me-I've been using Splenda since it came out and did not cut it when I started going LC. But everyone's body is so different-I know some people bloat really badly if they use the fake stuff, so I think it's all a matter of finding what jives with your body! :smile:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey there LLC'ers....So I am making my first sorta low carb dinner.....from start to finish....this seems like alot of the no no's I am not used to. Do you all mind taking a look at my dinner and tell me if this looks weird? My husband brought home some new yorks, 4 steaks combined total of 2.84 I figured 10oz? not good at that, so anyway, he is eating 2.....and I am having 1...but can ya all look at the plan and give me some insight?

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hey there LLC'ers....So I am making my first sorta low carb dinner.....from start to finish....this seems like alot of the no no's I am not used to. Do you all mind taking a look at my dinner and tell me if this looks weird? My husband brought home some new yorks, 4 steaks combined total of 2.84 I figured 10oz? not good at that, so anyway, he is eating 2.....and I am having 1...but can ya all look at the plan and give me some insight?


    Sassie-that is a full blown low carb dinner! YUM! :love: Everything is Atkins approved!!

    Right now my only concern would be that your net carbs are only at 5 for the day-are you planning to have another snack that has some carbs in it? If not, maybe eat a bit more broccoli. On the flip side, if you FEEL good and are feeling fine eating that low of an amount than ok but don't go too far below that 12-15 of you're still feeling hungry! :smile:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey there LLC'ers....So I am making my first sorta low carb dinner.....from start to finish....this seems like alot of the no no's I am not used to. Do you all mind taking a look at my dinner and tell me if this looks weird? My husband brought home some new yorks, 4 steaks combined total of 2.84 I figured 10oz? not good at that, so anyway, he is eating 2.....and I am having 1...but can ya all look at the plan and give me some insight?


    Sassie-that is a full blown low carb dinner! YUM! :love: Everything is Atkins approved!!

    Right now my only concern would be that your net carbs are only at 5 for the day-are you planning to have another snack that has some carbs in it? If not, maybe eat a bit more broccoli. On the flip side, if you FEEL good and are feeling fine eating that low of an amount than ok but don't go too far below that 12-15 of you're still feeling hungry! :smile:

    Well saverys, I was not going to go all out today, thinkin it would take my hubby some convincing.....which I have to tell you it did not, so I did have 1/2 a soda...which by the way I NEVER do, but was out of coffee. Also, because I am suffering insomnia, I woke up at 12 noon! WHAT!!!!! I feel hungry right now, I had some walnuts earlier and just now while preparing bacon I had a couple pieces, so honey needs to get on that grill! I think I will likely have a snack...we will see.

    So wow I guess I am getting this low carb thing!

    Thanks a million!
  • MrsNeuman
    So glad to have you here sassybritches! You will seriously grow to LOVE the way you are eating, feeling, (and everyone's favorite part) the way you'll start looking!! I always tell my friends- idk how I can feel deprived or like I'm on a diet when I get to eat eggs and bacon in the morning with a big cup of coffee and whipped topping!

    Thing's aren't going amazing for me right now... my tom is just ending so I know I'm retaining water- but I've been on this like 12 days and I've only lost like 2 pounds... :( BUT I have eaten out SOOOOO much.... so I'm really hoping it's sodium... and sadly probably there was hidden carbs in a lot of my meals. So I'll keep truckin- just always love seeing the scale go down! But I love the way I'm eating, and my carb cravings monster is gone (most of the time) so it's really easy!

    I think I may have to totally cut out nuts (which I know you're not supposed to have in induction, but sometimes if you're on a trip or something and haven't eaten in hours- it's the only thing at some convenience stores. AND during my TOM I had one atkins bar a day- to help with chocolate cravings... so now that will also be done...

    Hope to see some changes soon, and I'm going to buy that flax meal to make that LC muffin!! Sounds like something worth trying!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome sassie!! So glad you found us over here and joined in! You are a LUCKY woman to have your hubby wanting to eat low carb! Mine has finally accepted the way I eat and has become more aware of the way he eats, but he still ODs on his carbs daily. I don't think your initial yuckiness will hang around too long-I remember feeling funky for less than 5 days and after that I felt absolutely fantastic! :drinker:

    Hi weaklink109! I've lurked the HCG thread you mention-I find it pretty interesting and I've seen so many wonderful success stories! So with HCG and low carb-how does that work? Do you tier carbs back in or only eat certain ones? I'm fairly curious. As far as the Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, I really have to take the stance to each his or her own in reasonable moderation. I can use a few packets of Splenda a day and it induces no carb cravings in me-I've been using Splenda since it came out and did not cut it when I started going LC. But everyone's body is so different-I know some people bloat really badly if they use the fake stuff, so I think it's all a matter of finding what jives with your body! :smile:

    I certainly agree, that if someone can use artificial sweeteners without cravings, they are free to do so. Of late, I have been trying to eliminate artificial anything from my diet. It was as a result of this that I discovered the effect they had on me when they showed up, even in small amounts.

    The diet on the HCG protocol includes lean protein, certain veggies and certain fruit/berries. The plan also allows a couple of pieces of melba toast, or bread sticks. I have been avoiding the last items, however, because they tend to inspire me to want to eat more than what is allowed. Looking back at my records, my carbs on MFP show around 40-50, and I am getting from 11-17 grams of fiber per day.

    Good luck with your efforts.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hope this works.....this was my first low carb dinner................looks like I messed up something....alot of food here............................
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hope this works.....this was my first low carb dinner................looks like I messed up something....alot of food here............................This is a 12" plate. I think my steak was actually only about does this look right? LOL

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hope this works.....this was my first low carb dinner................looks like I messed up something....alot of food here............................This is a 12" plate. I think my steak was actually only about does this look right? LOL


    I'll have to be honest and say unless you either buy a prepackaged steak or get a food scale and weigh it, I'm clueless as to the size! I always guesstimate mine, which has never been a problem. But if your doc wants you to watch your cals too, maybe invest in a food scale! That will take a lot of the guesswork out! And dinner looks super tasty!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to see this group! ....

    Hi there, Sassie! Welcome to the group! Some of us are following Atkins (like me) and others are doing their own version of LC living. I just ended my 2nd week of Phase I, otherwise known as Induction. Hey, next time you go to the library, see if they have the new NEW Atkins book "A New Atkins for a New You" - there is even more flexibility in the new plan than the one you have in your Atkins Diet Revolution book!

    Go back to earlier pages of this thread - I posted the basics of Phase 1 (Induction) and the food lists and information about doing Phase 1. I pulled this directly from the Atkins website, which is totally free - so you can have the up-to-date info at no cost if you so desire. PM me and I'll send you the link if you want. Don't want to post it in an open forum because I don't want the moderators to think I'm promoting a rival website - MFP has so much more functionality in the food diary!

    Anyway, welcome to the group - and feel free to post your recipes here if you want or in the recipe section, whichever is easiest to you. I usually post mine here.... Welcome to the group!

    I posted some informationn
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    BTW, two things I would like to comment on, based upon my own experience. Despite the Atkins book saying Splenda is okay, I found that just like all the other artificial sweeteners, it makes me have terrible carb cravings.

    I use Stevia, a plant-based sweetener, specifically the brand Truvia, in place of artificial sweetener. Also avoid diet soda like the plague, again, the artificial sweeteners.

    Good luck everyone.

    I have to agree with Weaklink here - the new Atkins plan allows only 4 packets of Splenda a day - and each one has to be counted as 1 Net Carb (NC). There are many people I've talked to who find that any artificial sweetener either stalls them, or causes their body to think they took in real sugar, and it wakes up the CarbMonster. If you are insulin resistant, it may even cause a reaction similar to a blood sugar spike.

    I keep mine to 4 a day, and have had no problems.....
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome sassie!! So glad you found us over here and joined in! You are a LUCKY woman to have your hubby wanting to eat low carb! Mine has finally accepted the way I eat and has become more aware of the way he eats, but he still ODs on his carbs daily. I don't think your initial yuckiness will hang around too long-I remember feeling funky for less than 5 days and after that I felt absolutely fantastic! :drinker:

    Hi weaklink109! I've lurked the HCG thread you mention-I find it pretty interesting and I've seen so many wonderful success stories! So with HCG and low carb-how does that work? Do you tier carbs back in or only eat certain ones? I'm fairly curious. As far as the Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, I really have to take the stance to each his or her own in reasonable moderation. I can use a few packets of Splenda a day and it induces no carb cravings in me-I've been using Splenda since it came out and did not cut it when I started going LC. But everyone's body is so different-I know some people bloat really badly if they use the fake stuff, so I think it's all a matter of finding what jives with your body! :smile:

    I certainly agree, that if someone can use artificial sweeteners without cravings, they are free to do so. Of late, I have been trying to eliminate artificial anything from my diet. It was as a result of this that I discovered the effect they had on me when they showed up, even in small amounts.

    The diet on the HCG protocol includes lean protein, certain veggies and certain fruit/berries. The plan also allows a couple of pieces of melba toast, or bread sticks. I have been avoiding the last items, however, because they tend to inspire me to want to eat more than what is allowed. Looking back at my records, my carbs on MFP show around 40-50, and I am getting from 11-17 grams of fiber per day.

    Good luck with your efforts.

    Thanks for sharing the HCG info! And I think it's always great when we find out what really doesn't work with our bodies-I'd like to be able to cut artificial sweeteners out of my life altogether at some point but I'm not keen on the taste of Stevia and so many of the of the prepackaged low carb products that I love for convenience are sweetened with Splenda-so I'm not where you are yet! But I admire you for being able to cut all the fake stuff out of your life! :drinker:
    So glad to have you here sassybritches! You will seriously grow to LOVE the way you are eating, feeling, (and everyone's favorite part) the way you'll start looking!! I always tell my friends- idk how I can feel deprived or like I'm on a diet when I get to eat eggs and bacon in the morning with a big cup of coffee and whipped topping!

    Thing's aren't going amazing for me right now... my tom is just ending so I know I'm retaining water- but I've been on this like 12 days and I've only lost like 2 pounds... :( BUT I have eaten out SOOOOO much.... so I'm really hoping it's sodium... and sadly probably there was hidden carbs in a lot of my meals. So I'll keep truckin- just always love seeing the scale go down! But I love the way I'm eating, and my carb cravings monster is gone (most of the time) so it's really easy!

    I think I may have to totally cut out nuts (which I know you're not supposed to have in induction, but sometimes if you're on a trip or something and haven't eaten in hours- it's the only thing at some convenience stores. AND during my TOM I had one atkins bar a day- to help with chocolate cravings... so now that will also be done...

    Hope to see some changes soon, and I'm going to buy that flax meal to make that LC muffin!! Sounds like something worth trying!

    Mrs. N-are you tracking your sodium intake at all? Maybe keep an eye on it and try and lower it some if it's going higher than normal! I would cheat and have nuts on induction myself-they're just sooo yummy! I'm really digging Planters South Beach blend and Digestive Mix right now-both are so good for you! As far as the bars, you can have one of those a day during induction-no problemo there!
    The only other thing I can think is that you have so little left to lose, that it might be slow coming off. Maybe once TOM is gone it will speed up some. But hang in there-you're doing great Mrs. N!!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Sassie - that steak looked awesome! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE mushrooms on my steak - sauteed in real butter with onions - yummm!

    Hey there, WeakLink! How are you doing today?

    MsNeumann - Most of the week this week my scaled showed only about a half pound down, and then today WHOOSH, 4 pounds gone. I hurried on here to record it before it slipped away from me! LOL! Sounds like you've got some ideas for changing things up - TOM leaving may play a big part - hopefully you'll have better numbers on the scale in a couple days!

    Savery - Hey lady, how ya doin? I"m the same way with nuts - I love the Emerald Cocoa Roast ones. It's cheaper to buy them at Sam's in a big bin, but I usually buy the one at Walmart that has individual pouches - otherwise I go overboard and forget about portion control!

    I know there are others of you out there who I didn't post a personal too - I'm sorry! I didn't mean to exclude you - I'm just out of time - gotta get to the dump before I take my dog to the vet for an owie on his paw. I'm sure I"ll be back on later.... Talk to you all soon!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks for sharing the HCG info! And I think it's always great when we find out what really doesn't work with our bodies-I'd like to be able to cut artificial sweeteners out of my life altogether at some point but I'm not keen on the taste of Stevia and so many of the of the prepackaged low carb products that I love for convenience are sweetened with Splenda-so I'm not where you are yet! But I admire you for being able to cut all the fake stuff out of your life!

    I have heard that Stevia can have a bitter aftertaste if too much is used, which is why I have been using a specific brand, Truvia, that has an additional plant extract in it. I have had NO aftertaste, and it works just as well as Splenda ever did. If anything, it is sweeter than Splenda. I always used to need at least 2 Splendas in my medium Starbucks, but now one Truvia is plenty.

    Hope that helps.

    BTW, I went to a barbecue last night, had steak, lots of salad, and mixed berries for dessert--while those around me were scarfing down ice cream with theirs.:ohwell: I confess to eating half a baked potato, but I did so without sour cream, and just put a couple of sprays of Parkay butter spray on it for flavor and some pepper.

    When I first got up, I weighed the same as yesterday, but it has been my experience that when dinner is eaten later in the evening, as this was, my weight is usually lower an hour or two after I get up, so I will refrain from drinking any water just yet and check it again in an hour or so, before it is "official" for the day.

    Have a good day, all
  • Inked2Love
    How do I actually join? Or do I just follow the thread? I have been LLC since 2003ish,. I started at 277lbs and am now at 140 lol give or take on my heavy days. I am a huge fan of low carb lifestyle and will always stick with it. It has been the only way I have maintained my weightloss. As soon as I try to eat "bad carbs" I blow up. Lol. So I stick with lean protein (no red meat), low carb pasta and bread when available, sugar free stuff and do lotsa substituting! I hope we get this group built up cuz Id love to get some new recipes and talk to others :) Oh Im Lindsey and 27 yr old Proud USMC Wifey. Nice to meet everyone!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Welcome!! You just joined. You will now find this thread under your my topics in the community tab, since you have posted here.

    Congrats on the outstanding weight loss. You are living proof that losing low carb CAN work. The secret is, you have made a lifestyle change and kept the weight off. WTG!!

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Wow, I guess my pic was HUGE! But I think you get the pic. More than 2/3 of the plate was brussel sprouts with butter and brocolli with bacon. This morning was 4 oz strips of steak with mushrooms, cheese and 3 eggs..............mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I won't be on until later, we are heading 150 miles (300 roundtrip) for a new washer and dryer!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope ya all are having a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!