Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Morning Group LLC!

    Welcome PeeWee! I've done something similar before, used the brand "Flat Out" wrap for the crust, makes kind of like an extra thin crust pizza ! Yum! I haven't done that for a while, may have to make me one of those this week, now you've got me craving it, LOL....

    Savery - I'm gonna have to check out the black soybeans - beans are so filling, would be good to add to some of my recipes....

    Well, Happy Hump Day to everyone! Busy busy busy at work, of course, that's a given. Planning on salad w/ chicken and jello for lunch, and probably steak for dinner........ oh crap, probably not - I forgot to take them out of the freezer.... Hmmmm, maybe hamburgers on the grill instead and steamed veggies.....

    What's on YOUR menu today?
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Group LLC!

    Welcome PeeWee! I've done something similar before, used the brand "Flat Out" wrap for the crust, makes kind of like an extra thin crust pizza ! Yum! I haven't done that for a while, may have to make me one of those this week, now you've got me craving it, LOL....

    Savery - I'm gonna have to check out the black soybeans - beans are so filling, would be good to add to some of my recipes....

    Well, Happy Hump Day to everyone! Busy busy busy at work, of course, that's a given. Planning on salad w/ chicken and jello for lunch, and probably steak for dinner........ oh crap, probably not - I forgot to take them out of the freezer.... Hmmmm, maybe hamburgers on the grill instead and steamed veggies.....

    What's on YOUR menu today?

    I had steak last night for dinner!! :love:

    The black soybeans are a fantastic addition to a low carb diet-for half a cup it's 8 carbs and 7 grams of fiber! Hard to beat that!

    Today's meal...

    I started off my day with half of a protein shake: half a cup of low carb milk and half a scoop of protein powder.

    Lunch was a Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat tortilla stuffed with sliced turkey and some mexican style cheese!

    Dinner will be a piece of the parmesan tilapia, an OvenPoppers piece of flounder stuffed with crab and a serving of steamed sugar snap peas.

    Snack will either be a South Beach Dark Chocolate Berry bar, an Atkins bar or some nuts-depends on my mood! And as always lots of water and some tea!

    Resalyn-sending you a friend request-love having more low carb buddies!
  • peewee0320
    Thanks Resalyn! I think you can do alot more with low carb than people think. Most people I talked to think it's all meat, they don't realize you can have some veggies.

    Also, my husband is doing this too and I bought him some garlic flavored cauliflower. He added some non fat butter and bacon bits and he said it tastes really good, especially with a steak.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks Resalyn! I think you can do alot more with low carb than people think. Most people I talked to think it's all meat, they don't realize you can have some veggies.

    Also, my husband is doing this too and I bought him some garlic flavored cauliflower. He added some non fat butter and bacon bits and he said it tastes really good, especially with a steak.

    peewee-Most people are under a common misconception about low carb and Atkins/South Beach etc-you do not go carb-less, you do not eat just meat! Yes, initially your diet is fairly protein heavy and you eat loads of green veggies and other veggies and you cut out a lot of crap...but when you start to move through the process you ADD foods back in in a healthy manner. That's what most people don't understand. I've been doing this for over a year now and it took my hubby about 9 months to fully understand that I don't NOT eat carbs. :laugh:
    People, especially some on here, just don't like it when you go against the you must eat no less than 1200 calories a day and eat your exercise calories back!! Some folks just don't get that there are other ways of doing this.
    Kudos on getting your husband on board and finding garlic cauliflower! YUM!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    So where did you find the garlic-flavored cauliflower? My hubby makes what we call "cauliflower mash" as a mashed potato replacement - and MAN is it good! We got the recipe off of Blaine's Low Carb show. Once, we even made it at the relatives' house - and didn't tell my nephew it was cauliflower. He came out and said "who made the potatoes? They're really good."

    LOL - he was floored when he found out it was cauliflower, which he normally wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.....
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Hi girls! I' ve doing low carb since 2 year but not being consistent. I've done atkins, and it really works, but it's so hard for me, i think it's because i like too much the healthy foods (fruits, yogurts, beans, oats) and i missed them so much while doing atkins. So right know i'm just taking care of my carb intake and the source of them, i try to keep my intake just to 60-70 gr of carbs/day and take at least 15 gr of fiber, that would be 50 net carbs. Most of them come from veggies, fruits, and a little bit of complex carbs and dairy. I can't eat less carbs because i am also doing p90x and those routines are hard, and i need some carbs for doing them.

    I have been eating like this since 2 weeks, but i haven't seen results yet!, i think it's because i don't have too much weight to lose, and i have a normal IBM, i just want to get ripped and lost some fat. I also have been drinking the last days (too much parties) and i know this also affect my weight loss. I have noticed that it's very hard to get enough calories if i restrict my carbs, maybe it`s because like i said i am not big fan of meat, fats, and things like this....

    This has been my food intake today:

    Breakfast: I had a protein shake, with whey protein, soy milk and 1/2 banana. (I wake up late)
    After workout: 4 almonds, a piece of mozzarella.
    Lunch: 3 oz of fish, a side of salad (coleslaw with not a lot of carrots), 3 tablespoons of lentils with rice
    Snack: some peanuts (i think half ounce), and 1/2 cup pumpkin chessecake recipe (low carb, i prepared it myself)
    Dinner: I don`t know yet...

    This is only 570 kcal...and i have 630 more for complete 1200 kcals, and that's without adding the exercise calories that i have burned today (almost 400 kcal more).

    I don't think i can eat all that in my dinner, and i don`t wanna fall in starvation mode:indifferent:

    Note: I will post my pumpkin chessecake recipe later...i hope you will enjoy it!!
  • peewee0320
    I found the garlic cauliflower at Walmart. It's about $1.79 per bag. It could last a couple of days I guess and it is microwavable.
  • MrsNeuman
    Yum that garlic cali sounds great!

    What exactly is the recipe for that mashed potatoes replacement with cali?? Sounds GREAT to me!!

    Yesterday went great for eating for me, had my normal omelet with cheese, green peppers, onions, and a couple of sausages , went on a jog which was ok until the humidity just got too bad.
    Then had a some wonder roast with sugar free (with splenda) coleslaw.
    Pork Rinds
    A couple more eggs.

    Day three is now under my belt and I can already feel my energy start raising again, and something cool- I had a few blemishes on my forehead that just wouldn't go away, kind of just like little raised skin bumps- and now their gone!! So- idk what it's from exactly- but I'll take it! :D

    Day 4 here I come!!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, Mrs. Neuman! Here's that Cauliflower mash recipe:

    Cauliflower Mash:
    3 cups cauliflower (approx. 1 head)
    1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
    1/2 stick butter
    salt and pepper to taste
    4 slices American cheese (approx. 2 oz.)
    1 tsp. paprika

    Cauliflower Mash Preparation:(6 half cup servings)
    Trim hard stems and leaves from cauliflower. Cut flowerets from stem (discard stem) and place in rolling boil of salted water for 15 minutes until tender. DRAIN WELL.

    Place hot cauliflower in food processor with large blade. Pulse while adding butter and heavy cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spoon mash into 1-quart oven-proof casserole dish and cover with 4 slices of American cheese. Dash top of casserole with paprika. Place in oven 5 minutes and serve hot.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Thursday LLCers!

    Today is my Friday as I'm taking a 3 day weekend to go and visit with my mom-looking forward to some quality girl time! And even better, my mom has been LLCing for YEARS so I don't have to worry about eating when I'm with her! :happy:
    I :love: mashed cauliflower but my hubs won't touch it with a ten foot pole and I just won't go through all the process to make it for just me-plus it really doesn't reheat so well! At least that's my experience from the times I've made it.

    What's on everyone's menu for today?

    Breakfast was a cup of low carb chocolate milk and I'm finishing up a grande skinny vanilla latte :drinker:
    Lunch will be a low carb whole wheat tortilla with turkey breast and cheese.
    Snack will be the oh so decadent Atkins peanut butter cups!! :love:
    Dinner tonight is a good portion of grilled skirt steak and grilled banana peppers stuffed with cream cheese!

    Is it bad if I'm drooling over my own food? :laugh:
  • MrsNeuman
    Thanks SO much for the recipe Resalyn, can't wait to try it out!!

    Omgoodness Saverys_gal you are definitely not the only one drooling over your food- sounds amazing!! especially the cream cheese stuffed grilled banana peppers YUM!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Savery - now I"m drooling too, darnit! I just finished lunch too, so I'm really full already, and I'm still craving those stuffed peppers - I'm gonna have to try them sometime! Oh, and if I don't "talk" to you - have a GREAT girlie weekend!

    My menu for the day
    B: Eggs and bacon
    L: Salad w/ chicken and veggie burger (homemade by our chef at work, YUM)
    D: Sirloin on the grill and steamed veggies
    Sn: MIM

    Tomorrow, I will have been on Atkins Induction (phase 1) for one week. Won't be doing another WI until Monday, though, for the Biggest Loser contest at work.

    I've looked back at my food journal, and have decided I"m probably eating too much cheese - it seems to me that I often snack on it in the evenings between when I get home and when dinner is ready. It has stalled me in the past, and I don't want that to happen this time! So I'm going to cut way back on it for a few days and see how it goes....
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hey ladies! Glad I got you drooling over my menu! :wink: The stuffed peppers are super easy and cheap since I'm growing banana peppers in the garden this year! I slice the peppers open length wise, clean them out, stuff 'em with cream cheese and toss them on the grill until nice and browned and the cream cheese is all gooey! :love:

    Resalyn-what type of cheese are you eating? I ate cheese daily during induction and still do and it never caused a stall for me. But then again, I'm at the point where I should be adding in fruit again but I can't because it stalls my weight loss so badly. I guess our bodies are all very different!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, Savery! I"m eating mostly cheddar - it's not that it's just cheese, it's the portion control.... I can't seem to stop at just one or two ounces - or even four ounces. I'm just not going to buy any for a few days and see how the scale looks on Monday.... It's just one of those things that seem to stop my loss in its tracks!

    I think I'll try the banana peppers tonight with our steaks! Yum!
  • MrsNeuman
    Day 4 Pretty much done, found a new favorite thing to ease my cravings-
    Sugar Free Jolly Ranchers!! THEY TASTE THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL!! It says they have 16 carbs per 4, but 15 are from sugar alcohols which don't do much to affect your blood sugar, does anyone know if for sure this is true? I don't want to sabotage myself by accident...

    Also- does anyone use the ketone strips to see if they're in ketosis? Those are so motivating to me, but pretty spendy!

    I can't wait for my Wednesday weigh in, I can feel my clothes are fitting like they're supposed to slowly again, yay!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Resalyn-I understand!! I don't have an issue with portioning out my cheese but it's a good experiment to see if that's the culprit behind your stall!! I've played around a few times with cutting fruit out and adding it back in and it's always the culprit to my weight loss stalls. :grumble:
    Did you do the peppers with the steak?!

    MrsNeuman-per the research, sugar alcohols are not supposed to spike your blood sugar as high as real sugar etc etc and therefor they are not detrimental to weight loss. However, I do believe we should have everything in moderation!! I think if I remember correctly, if you read some of the Atkins books and food packaging, it tells you not to eat but so much of the bars etc. a day because the sugar alcohols can cause stomach upset in some individuals.
    I've never used the ketone strips...didn't even know they made those! :laugh:
    I say if you're feeling like your clothes are starting to fit better and YOU are feeling better, why waste your money?? :smile:

    Have a great night ladies!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey there, LLCers!

    Savery - My Walmart didn't have nay fresh banana peppers, so I'll have to check another store tonight. Had steak, sauteed mushrooms and onions on top, and steamed oriental stir-fry veggies for dinner, and then SF jello with some whipped real cream for dessert later on.... YUM!

    And Savery, the ketone strips are strips that you can buy in the diabetic supply section of your local drug store - it's a little plastic strip with a little indicator pad on the end - you put that indicator pad into your urine stream (or dip it in a cup of your urine) and the darker purple it is, the more ketones your body is dumping. Someone who is eating low carb, when they get into ketosis, their body starts dumping ketones into their urine.

    MrsNeuman - the ketone strips can show you when you're in ketosis, but to be honest, they aren't accurate for a lot of people. I sometimes use them as a motivator - but I"m one of those people who even when I'm deep into ketosis, they barely register anything. You're right, they are a bit spendy, but you can stretch them by cutting them in half long-wise - you get double for your money that way. I'm all about saving money lately!

    The biggest problem with ketone strips is that there are so many factors that can affect the results - drinking too much water or not enough, or eating a lot of fat in a meal and then testing can skew the results too. The general consensus is that they're not worth the $$$....
  • MrsNeuman
    Thanks for the info guys! I agree- I get too dependent on checking my ketones all the time- and it's not worth the money, although is a good motivator.

    I'm headed to my grandparents house in Iowa for about 4 days- so hopefully sticking with the plan! I'm going down with my mom and husband- and my mom is bringing a bunch of meat we can eat, and I bought some atkins bars. Have a great few days guys!

    Day 6 LC today! Woo- getting more energy- <3 it!!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Thanks for the info guys! I agree- I get too dependent on checking my ketones all the time- and it's not worth the money, although is a good motivator.

    I'm headed to my grandparents house in Iowa for about 4 days- so hopefully sticking with the plan! I'm going down with my mom and husband- and my mom is bringing a bunch of meat we can eat, and I bought some atkins bars. Have a great few days guys!

    Day 6 LC today! Woo- getting more energy- <3 it!!

    Hope you have a good time here in Iowa - I'm in Maquoketa - and it's hot as hades here, UGH!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi, Group LLC! I slept in a bit today, then went and had b'fast with an old employee and her kids. Had a meatlover's omelette and bacon - it was lovely! It was more like a brunch, and I just haven't been hungry yet! I am planning on making a big batch of jello today, though - it satisfies my sweet tooth when I have one! Even got some whipped cream to go on top! Yum!

    Not sure what's for dinner tonight, will have to think about it - probably burgers on the george foreman grill and steamed veggies. And jello for dessert! Supposed to go horseback riding tomorrow, and stll have to do some typing sometime this weekend. Got 3 loads of laundry done already and about 5 more to go.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!