Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • MrsNeuman
    Things I love about Low Carbing:

    1. Eating Real Foods (fats, proteins, limiting carbs)
    2. Finding new vegetables to try and loving all of them because my taste buds have changed.
    3. Viewing eating fruit as a dessert
    4. Being creative with new spices that makes foods full of flavor and zest
    5. Losing inches (fat loss) even when the scale isn't moving
    6. I love having more energy and requiring less sleep!!

    Add yours..........

    7. I love having a nice steak and green veggies for dinner and having plenty of energy after I eat!

    8. I sleep like a log.

    9. I love not feeling that unsatisfied feeling I used to feel just counting cals and eating low fat.
    10. I love staying within my calories now eating the BEST food menu ever!!!

    11. I love not jumping from one craving to another (now I'm craving something salty, now sweet, now sour)
    12. I love my amazing breakfast with "whole" eggs every morning and coffee with cream!
    13. I love leaving food on my plate- not eating it all like I used to and being uncomfortably full and guilty feeling.
    14. Actually being able to go out and drink rum and diet cokes and not feel like I'm cheating on my diet!
    15. Seeing my tastes change- and actually wanting to cook more so I can try new LC dishes!
    16. Hollandaise Sauce.... enough said :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No early bird this moorning.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still in bed???????????????????????????
    I havent neen up long/ Just Drinking my coffe.

    Today I will get all of my carbs from veggies and see how my body react thru that.

    For breakfast i will have a large egg omelet with lots of peppers

    lunxh grilled fish and veggies

    Dinner steak and big salad

    Snacks boiled eggs. raw veggies.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    No early bird this moorning.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still in bed???????????????????????????
    I havent neen up long/ Just Drinking my coffe.

    Today I will get all of my carbs from veggies and see how my body react thru that.

    For breakfast i will have a large egg omelet with lots of peppers

    lunxh grilled fish and veggies

    Dinner steak and big salad

    Snacks boiled eggs. raw veggies.

    Good morning!!

    I am up and getting ready to make coffee.........

    I took out some grass fed hamburger from the freezer to thaw and going to make some burgers with salsa mixed in along with garlic, peppers and onions...........
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I was up at 6 with my daughters, but refused to get out of bed, so I let them watch tv while I drifted in and out.
    Think I'm fighting a cold - blocked itchy ears, sore throat.:cry:

    So caffeinating now, I'm out of eggs so will likely have oatmeal or warm up some chicken leftovers.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I was wondering with the holidays coming up does anyone have any good LC recipes! I normally make mash potatoes, or candied Yams but im wanting to stay away from that this year but of course i know my family is going to want it even though i can't eat it so is there any yummy dishes i can make for myself and my other LC family members that still taste like good old holiday food??? I plan out my holidays months a head of time!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I was wondering with the holidays coming up does anyone have any good LC recipes! I normally make mash potatoes, or candied Yams but im wanting to stay away from that this year but of course i know my family is going to want it even though i can't eat it so is there any yummy dishes i can make for myself and my other LC family members that still taste like good old holiday food??? I plan out my holidays months a head of time!

    Mashed cauliflower works in lieu of potatoes. I usually add a little garlic and pepper to it to moderate the difference in taste. Experiment with it ahead of time, and if you have to (to get it right for your family's tastes), you can do 2/3 cauliflower and 1/3 potatoes, which is still a lot better than all potatoes. I use frozen cauliflower. Steam it, then I put it in my blender to get it to the right consistency. Add your milk...etc. and it is great.

    One year at Thanksgiving, a friend's husband had a cow when we mentioned that we were going to do this. By the time dinner rolled around, he had forgotten, so after having THREE helpings, :noway: I asked him how he liked the "veggies." He went on about how good the "garlic mashed potatoes" were. His wife took great pleasure in informing him that he had been eating cauliflower!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Morning ladies! Well...more like afternoon...suffering from another migraine today so I just got out of bed a little while ago and am now putting some very strong brewed coffee in my system. Just finished up a protein shake for breakfast and lunch will most likely just be some nuts and maybe a granola bar of some sorts. Not sure about dinner yet-need to go scrounge around in the freezer and see what's there.

    mojogurl-get to feeling better soon! :drinker: <<<<that's some honey lemon tea for your throat!

    lioness-I've always said I'm going to make burgers with salsa! Now I'm definitely going to have to-sounds like a superb dinner!

    tammietifanie-wish I had some ideas the holidays, but my hubs and I stay home and then deal with family the day after. Although last year we went to his sister's Christmas day, so I was still only a few months into Atkins...and oh my god...cookies, cakes, chips, candied yams, sausage balls...NOTHING LC friendly. Fortunately we were only there for a few hours but it was enough to test my willpower 5 times over!!
    Mashed cauliflower is a fantastic substitute for mashed potatoes and if you start looking at recipes now and testing, you should find one you love-but not everyone likes it! I would think you could do the tried and true classic green bean casserole-maybe just modify the soups in it for sodium and carb content-but that's fairly good for you. Try going to the Atkins website girl-you can browse recipes there and maybe get some more ideas! :)

    Caliecat-your food today sounds super yummy! And I still prefer to get the bulk of my carbs from veggies. :smile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Morning ladies! Well...more like afternoon...suffering from another migraine today so I just got out of bed a little while ago and am now putting some very strong brewed coffee in my system. Just finished up a protein shake for breakfast and lunch will most likely just be some nuts and maybe a granola bar of some sorts. Not sure about dinner yet-need to go scrounge around in the freezer and see what's there.

    mojogurl-get to feeling better soon! :drinker: <<<<that's some honey lemon tea for your throat!

    lioness-I've always said I'm going to make burgers with salsa! Now I'm definitely going to have to-sounds like a superb dinner!

    tammietifanie-wish I had some ideas the holidays, but my hubs and I stay home and then deal with family the day after. Although last year we went to his sister's Christmas day, so I was still only a few months into Atkins...and oh my god...cookies, cakes, chips, candied yams, sausage balls...NOTHING LC friendly. Fortunately we were only there for a few hours but it was enough to test my willpower 5 times over!!
    Mashed cauliflower is a fantastic substitute for mashed potatoes and if you start looking at recipes now and testing, you should find one you love-but not everyone likes it! I would think you could do the tried and true classic green bean casserole-maybe just modify the soups in it for sodium and carb content-but that's fairly good for you. Try going to the Atkins website girl-you can browse recipes there and maybe get some more ideas! :)

    Caliecat-your food today sounds super yummy! And I still prefer to get the bulk of my carbs from veggies. :smile:

    Add chipolte cheddar cheese (sargento), it is the best..........wrapped in lettuce leaf.........YUMM
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have the start of a hormone induced migraine.............
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope you gals with the headaches are feeling better. I have never had ONE . Thank. God.

    Lioness you usally don'tt post on weekends.
    To me all days are alike. Husband got all the floors mopped and vacum so we are all set for the Dallas Cowboys tonight. I have had a nap Now need to get in the kitchen and peeled some eggs. My daughter will be out tomorrow and we will go out to eat somewhere I'm thinking cobb salad. What will I have to watch out for.? I am getting ready to start the atkin diet Tuesday.when I get my book.Am I correct that blue cheesedressing without sugar is in the plan? MArie
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hope you gals with the headaches are feeling better. I have never had ONE . Thank. God.

    Lioness you usally don'tt post on weekends.
    To me all days are alike. Husband got all the floors mopped and vacum so we are all set for the Dallas Cowboys tonight. I have had a nap Now need to get in the kitchen and peeled some eggs. My daughter will be out tomorrow and we will go out to eat somewhere I'm thinking cobb salad. What will I have to watch out for.? I am getting ready to start the atkin diet Tuesday.when I get my book.Am I correct that blue cheesedressing without sugar is in the plan? MArie

    We are having a lazy day today, so I am online today...............

    We are ready for the Dallas game tonight too. I still have laundry to do and dogs have a grooming appt in the morning.........

    Yes, cobb salad is fabulous for Atkins and so is blue cheese dressing. I wish I liked blue cheese, but I don't..............
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Ugh...yeah, I can't stomach blue cheese. The smell alone makes me :sick: .

    So my migraine is finally gone-it was another rough one and I made the mistake of going out and about with the hubby before it was totally gone. BIG mistake-ran into so many people wearing perfumes and colognes and smoking-I'm very sensitive to smells when I have migraines and smells will just trigger the migraine all over again and make me sick to my stomach. I'll learn some day. But that's the second migraine this week...either it was a rebound, the change in weather is really screwing with me or TOM is coming for a visit. Not sure because other than stress, my neurologist and I have yet to find what triggers my migraines.
    I'm taking it easy tonight...went and had dinner out and now just relaxing and really trying to fight the sweet tooth cravings. Thank goodness there's nothing in the house! But man oh man do I ever want some really good ice cream...:frown:

    So I have NSV to report! My wedding rings have been falling off well, for a year now, but have recently gotten really bad! So I decided since we were out to go ahead and drop them off at Zale's-my finger went from a 8.75 to a 7.25!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
    I mean, I knew they were really loose and all, but to go down over a size?! That was such an awesome feeling! I just had to share it with you guys!
  • princessringer
    I want to be able to read more, but haven't had a chance... I'm thinking that the Low Carb lifestyle will be my new go forward with life, but want to see how others are doing it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Saverygal that is wonderfuf going down a ring size. Are you about at your goal? i am going to start Atkins next Wed. My book is surpose to be here tues.

    We are all settle in waiting for the football gme here in a few minutes. I have had a lazy day. never did get dress today Still have my grown on. Well better run to the potty about game time
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Marie- some days we should all just stay in our gowns/pjs our whatever is most comfy! :wink:

    And yep, according to my last official weigh in, I'm 3.6lbs. shy of my goal weight of 150 but the scale has been going nuts here the past 2 weeks bouncing me between 153.6 and 157 some days. :laugh: But regardless, I'm almost there!

    Enjoy the game!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    here is a recipe I found in JAY ROBB'S
    Incredibly Healthy Brownie Recipe

    Fat Burning Power Rating "10" (10 is best)
    (Makes 12 Pieces. Each Piece Contains:)
    Calories: 59
    Protein: 5g
    Carbohydrate: 3g
    Fat: 3g

    (Choose organic foods when possible)
    2 oz. (2 scoops) Jay Robb's Whey Protein (chocolate)
    2 tbs. cashew / macadamia butter, or Almond butter or any nut butter (NO peanut butter)
    2 tbs. roasted carob powder (get from health food store)
    1 tbs. vegetable glycerin
    5 raw macadamia nuts (chopped)
    ¼ tsp. sun dried sea salt (not table salt)
    Pure water (just enough to make the recipe moist adding a few drops at a time)

    Topping (Optional)
    2 tbs. sour cream (stirred with 10 drops liquid stevia)

    All of the above ingredients should be available at your local health food store. Place all ingredients, (except the macadamia nuts) in a bowl and slowly stir together by kneading the nut butter into the powders. Add a few drops of water to make the mixture blend together, but go slow on adding water or this recipe will be too gooey.
    Keep stirring and add drops of water until the mixture forms a very stiff batter, and then roll the brownie dough into a ball. Place the ball on a plate and press it flat, with your fingertips, to form a 5-6 inch square. Sprinkle the flattened brownie with the macadamia nuts then cut into 1 ½ inch squares. Cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate for two hours and serve. This recipe is great for a quick protein snack or bite size dessert.

    This is a very rich tasting snack or dessert that is only about 15% carbohydrate. The low-carb nature of this recipe will control the release of insulin to help keep your body burning fat.

    His protein powder is sweeten with stevie and is quie good. Lioness told me about his protein powder. and I love it. havent tried this but plan on it. When i get all the stuff together.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I want to be able to read more, but haven't had a chance... I'm thinking that the Low Carb lifestyle will be my new go forward with life, but want to see how others are doing it.

    Hey Princess! Welcome to the club?!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Ended up having T-bone with asparagus, green beans and red pepper for dinner - awesome!
    but that went hand and hand with about a bottle of cabernet! My first drink of the week - so a total success in my books!

    I recently read that a lot of grated cheeses contain potato flake/meal to heal it from clumping together - may want to check that Sargento's Lioness - although I'm sure you are ON TOP of it! I know Kraft does.

    Darnit, there's all beef Salami left from yesterday (made subs for DH's poker party) and it keeps callllllllllling me!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Marie- some days we should all just stay in our gowns/pjs our whatever is most comfy! :wink:

    And yep, according to my last official weigh in, I'm 3.6lbs. shy of my goal weight of 150 but the scale has been going nuts here the past 2 weeks bouncing me between 153.6 and 157 some days. :laugh: But regardless, I'm almost there!

    Enjoy the game!


    OH OH OH CONGRATS!!!!!!! You are almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited.....:drinker:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    mojogurl- your dinner sounds SOOOOO good!! I'm drooling over here girl! How did you prepare the red pepper? I am on such an asparagus kick right now. :smile:
    About the grated cheeses...are we talking like the stuff in a can, like grated Parmesan? I just want to make sure I'm reading you right...because I buy shredded cheeses and very rarely use grated but do on occasion. I guess it's the same principal as what they put in the artificial sweeteners to keep them from clumping...

    Thanks sassie! It's kinda weird to be right near my goal! I'm wearing the same size jeans I was 10 years ago when I first met my hubby! :wink: I look at myself in the mirror now in my brand new clothes and it really takes me a minute to recognize who I am. I guess you get used to it!

    So ladies...TOM has arrived! This crap is killing me-right now I'm averaging a TOM every 2 weeks exactly-UGH. That's why I've had the migraines this week and have wanted chocolate SO I caved tonight. I tried so hard to resist it but in the end went and got a container of Breyer's Dark Chocolate Velvet and yeah, I ate a whole damn bowlful, carbs and sugar be damned! :bigsmile: I was bloated today anyway, so I'm really not going to give the scale much heed this week! I feel MUCH better after that ice cream indulgence, that's for sure!