Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    So what's everyone making for dinner tonight??

    This migraine has kicked my *kitten* and cooking is about the last thing I want to do! I didn't pull anything out this morning either, so that means I'll need to stop and get something to cook...because if I don't, my hubby will suggest pizza! He does this when I have migraines because he knows I'm weak and tired and can normally con me into saying yes! But I've been doing so good that I will NOT cave. I'm thinking I might grill up some chicken wings...cuz man do I love me some chicken wings! :laugh:
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
    I was wondering if I could join your group. It's very difficult to get support when you say your doing the low carb thing. I have been trying to lower my carbs (i am type 2) but by lowering my carb intake I have not had to take any medications. I would love to have a group that would support this woe.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I was wondering if I could join your group. It's very difficult to get support when you say your doing the low carb thing. I have been trying to lower my carbs (i am type 2) but by lowering my carb intake I have not had to take any medications. I would love to have a group that would support this woe.

    Welcome Poot! :drinker:

    I understand how you feel! Low carb eating doesn't go over so well around here, so a lot of us our over here in this group! Come on over and jump right into the discussions!

    How long have you been LLC?
  • Poot1971
    Poot1971 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been doing it on and off for 2 years. I have decided to be very strict with the carbs but also trying to keep fat and sodium on the lower side. My only problem is getting all of my calories in. (sorry 2 problems getting my butt off the couch) If I could motivate myself to exercise I know the weight would come off. It's a constant struggle. I'm one of those all or nothing girls. If I screw up in the slightest I end up blowing it for the rest of the day. I'm hoping some group support will help with that to.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome Poot!

    So, I just gotta ask - are you a fan of Ron White? Just wonderin - he calls his son "Poot" in his comedy act - your name made me giggle just thinking about it!

    Great group of gals here - we've all run into some negativity in other threads about Livin Low Carb - and that's okay - they're entitled to their opinion, and we're entitled to ours! Here is a place you can come where you won't be judged!!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Sassie - If what you're doing is working for you (you've been losing pretty steadily cept for the last two days, right?) I would say keep doing what you are doing.

    Even on the Atkins website, there are advocates for the original Atkins plan, and advocates for the new one. I am doing better on the new one - you're doing better on the old one. Either way - ITS WORKING! :-) Keep on keepin on, lady....

    I am an advocate for the old plan merely because they try to push the processed foods and products a bit much for my own personal liking...........

    i like the whole, natural foods concept.

    Even though I am currently doing HCG, I am subscribing to keep in touch with you all because I will be back to low carbing in a while!!!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    I love bananas, but they are so high in carbs. Any ideas? Thanks for all the "crunch" ideas. It all helps!
    I make a lot of eggplant dishes. If anyone is interested in recipes, let me know!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Thanks everyone for the information on my "issues" I am a bit neurotic apparently..........Savery's! SODIUM....DURRRRRRRRRRRRRR that sounds about right, gonna go back and see what the deal was. Resalyn......I am losing with the old way (the library does not have the new atkins and I can't afford the bookstore right now - ATKINS would not be my only purchase :blushing: ) I have lost an additional 2 lbs......I am now into the 250's! So this makes an official 1 week loss of 10 I cannot complain, just pray that I keep losing!

    Ok all will catch up with you all later..........................
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Thanks everyone for the information on my "issues" I am a bit neurotic apparently..........Savery's! SODIUM....DURRRRRRRRRRRRRR that sounds about right, gonna go back and see what the deal was. Resalyn......I am losing with the old way (the library does not have the new atkins and I can't afford the bookstore right now - ATKINS would not be my only purchase :blushing: ) I have lost an additional 2 lbs......I am now into the 250's! So this makes an official 1 week loss of 10 I cannot complain, just pray that I keep losing!

    Ok all will catch up with you all later..........................
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Savery- Gal,

    here ia my my recipe for the fiber rich cake or bar. It is a lot like the muffin recipe that resalyn posted

    3/4 c of gollden ground flax seeds
    1 scoop of Jay Robb's protein shake I had vanilla on hand.
    1 c splenda
    1 /4 t salt
    1/4 t soda
    1/2 c chopped walnut.
    mix well
    in 2 CUP measuring cup melt 1/2 c BUTTER
    1/4 c water1/4 c unsweeten cocoa micro. 1 minute stir good and micro 1 more minute Or brinf to a boil on a stove
    Add to dry ingredents
    Add 1/4 cup sour cream
    1 t vanilla
    1/2 c egg beaaters

    pour into a 9x9 pyrex baking pan SPRAY WITH BAKING SPRAY bake at 400 degree for 20 minutes ThiS tASTE BEST COLD/ CUT INTO NINE PIECES


    Hope i did not leave out anything.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi lioness! :flowerforyou: I'm very glad to have a long time low carber here!

    profjan6-bananas are SO crazy high in carbs, it's kinda sad! :grumble: I haven't had a banana in months! Are you looking for a low carb fruit suggestion? If so, stick to you berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Those are fairly low. Your tropical fruits: pineapple, papaya, etc are really sweet and really high carb! Let me know if that answered your question or not! :drinker:

    sassie-sometimes it just takes someone else taking a look at what we're eating to see what may be causing a problem!! :laugh: But yeah, sodium can be a total kicker! I think it was one of your sausage entries that was crazy high. CONGRATS on 10lbs. GONE! YAY SASSIE!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So I picked up a book at the book fair I mentioned last weekend (the one where I went hiking and had my hubs eating my dust :laugh: ). "Dr. Atkin's Vita-Nutrient Solution". Anyone ever read this one? It was written by Dr. Atkins in either '98 or '99...and I gotta say I'm loving it! I already take a handful of vitamins in the morning since even though I get good things from the food I eat, there's no way I can get 100% of ALL of them! But his book breaks down why people should turn more to nutrients, vitamins, herbs etc. as opposed to drugs for so many things! I've always believed this and I now believe it even more! I've even added a few more supplements to my morning lineup-I'm now up to 8 a day! :happy: I :heart: Atkins!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi lioness! :flowerforyou: I'm very glad to have a long time low carber here!

    profjan6-bananas are SO crazy high in carbs, it's kinda sad! :grumble: I haven't had a banana in months! Are you looking for a low carb fruit suggestion? If so, stick to you berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Those are fairly low. Your tropical fruits: pineapple, papaya, etc are really sweet and really high carb! Let me know if that answered your question or not! :drinker:

    sassie-sometimes it just takes someone else taking a look at what we're eating to see what may be causing a problem!! :laugh: But yeah, sodium can be a total kicker! I think it was one of your sausage entries that was crazy high. CONGRATS on 10lbs. GONE! YAY SASSIE!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So I picked up a book at the book fair I mentioned last weekend (the one where I went hiking and had my hubs eating my dust :laugh: ). "Dr. Atkin's Vita-Nutrient Solution". Anyone ever read this one? It was written by Dr. Atkins in either '98 or '99...and I gotta say I'm loving it! I already take a handful of vitamins in the morning since even though I get good things from the food I eat, there's no way I can get 100% of ALL of them! But his book breaks down why people should turn more to nutrients, vitamins, herbs etc. as opposed to drugs for so many things! I've always believed this and I now believe it even more! I've even added a few more supplements to my morning lineup-I'm now up to 8 a day! :happy: I :heart: Atkins!!!

    Yep, I have the Vita Nutrient Solution. I bought it right after I started Atkins in 2003.

    Tells you what natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements to take instead of the side-effect inducing drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes, etc, etc, etc...........Valuable book if your wanting to live more naturally.

    I use raw vitamins made by Natural Creations................

    I am so sick of the low carb bashing. The other thread that pavang82 created asking about Net Carbs...........started a bashing.

    Then I made a comment about grains being a processed food, which they are because you can't walk into a wheat field and pluck a wheat strand and start eating it. It has to be processed to a point of being able to be eaten.

    I was accused of making a blanket statement. Some people need to shut the hell up. That is a factual statement, not a blanket statement..........
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi lioness! :flowerforyou: I'm very glad to have a long time low carber here!

    profjan6-bananas are SO crazy high in carbs, it's kinda sad! :grumble: I haven't had a banana in months! Are you looking for a low carb fruit suggestion? If so, stick to you berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Those are fairly low. Your tropical fruits: pineapple, papaya, etc are really sweet and really high carb! Let me know if that answered your question or not! :drinker:

    sassie-sometimes it just takes someone else taking a look at what we're eating to see what may be causing a problem!! :laugh: But yeah, sodium can be a total kicker! I think it was one of your sausage entries that was crazy high. CONGRATS on 10lbs. GONE! YAY SASSIE!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So I picked up a book at the book fair I mentioned last weekend (the one where I went hiking and had my hubs eating my dust :laugh: ). "Dr. Atkin's Vita-Nutrient Solution". Anyone ever read this one? It was written by Dr. Atkins in either '98 or '99...and I gotta say I'm loving it! I already take a handful of vitamins in the morning since even though I get good things from the food I eat, there's no way I can get 100% of ALL of them! But his book breaks down why people should turn more to nutrients, vitamins, herbs etc. as opposed to drugs for so many things! I've always believed this and I now believe it even more! I've even added a few more supplements to my morning lineup-I'm now up to 8 a day! :happy: I :heart: Atkins!!!

    Yep, I have the Vita Nutrient Solution. I bought it right after I started Atkins in 2003.

    Tells you what natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements to take instead of the side-effect inducing drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes, etc, etc, etc...........Valuable book if your wanting to live more naturally.

    I use raw vitamins made by Natural Creations................

    I am so sick of the low carb bashing. The other thread that pavang82 created asking about Net Carbs...........started a bashing.

    Then I made a comment about grains being a processed food, which they are because you can't walk into a wheat field and pluck a wheat strand and start eating it. It has to be processed to a point of being able to be eaten.

    I was accused of making a blanket statement. Some people need to shut the hell up. That is a factual statement, not a blanket statement..........

    Agreed-fantastic book. I found more in there to help with my migraines and terrible TOMs than I have found in months of endless internet research-I can't wait to see what relief I get!

    *shakes head* Her thread popped up on my homepage and I replied from there because I saw the first few replies and knew it was going to get ugly. Seriously, people just need to get over it...
  • MrsNeuman
    Hope everyone is doing well here!! I've been up north in Michigan with my family- and over the little mini vaca I can truthfully say I totally stuck strong to the diet!! I was really proud of myself- I even said no to rum and dt. cokes around the fire (that was probably the hardest part). But anyway- as of Tuesday morning I've been on induction for 2 weeks and I went from 147.1 to 141.6 which I'm very happy with! :)

    I finally made the Muffin in a Min recipe and it was great!! Perfect bread substitute and the fiber content is awesomeeee. I couldn't find golden flaxmeal but I did find golden milled flaxseed, I'm guessing it's around the same thing??? I had cream cheese on it, and that made it taste SO good! :)

    You guys are all doing great with staying strong, it really keeps me motivated to see so many others with the LC lifestyle :)

    When you guys talked about sodium I TOTALLY understand that- now my weight is up because up north I ate out a lot. Also I try not to eat pork rinds anymore because of their astronomically high sodium count.

    And although I stuck strong with the diet or lifestyle I should say up north- today I did cave and fall back into my old ways and have some popcorn at the movies with my mom :-/ It's totally my weakness.... and I could have said no- it wasn't a craving, it was just the "fun of it" :-( Guess I'll try to do better next time!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well here!! I've been up north in Michigan with my family- and over the little mini vaca I can truthfully say I totally stuck strong to the diet!! I was really proud of myself- I even said no to rum and dt. cokes around the fire (that was probably the hardest part). But anyway- as of Tuesday morning I've been on induction for 2 weeks and I went from 147.1 to 141.6 which I'm very happy with! :)

    I finally made the Muffin in a Min recipe and it was great!! Perfect bread substitute and the fiber content is awesomeeee. I couldn't find golden flaxmeal but I did find golden milled flaxseed, I'm guessing it's around the same thing??? I had cream cheese on it, and that made it taste SO good! :)

    You guys are all doing great with staying strong, it really keeps me motivated to see so many others with the LC lifestyle :)

    When you guys talked about sodium I TOTALLY understand that- now my weight is up because up north I ate out a lot. Also I try not to eat pork rinds anymore because of their astronomically high sodium count.

    And although I stuck strong with the diet or lifestyle I should say up north- today I did cave and fall back into my old ways and have some popcorn at the movies with my mom :-/ It's totally my weakness.... and I could have said no- it wasn't a craving, it was just the "fun of it" :-( Guess I'll try to do better next time!

    YAY Mrs. N!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job on your 2 weeks and your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job on staying strong with the rock! Are you staying in Induction for a bit longer then?????
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Options read when I have more time...:bigsmile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hey Savery- Gal,

    here ia my my recipe for the fiber rich cake or bar. It is a lot like the muffin recipe that resalyn posted

    3/4 c of gollden ground flax seeds
    1 scoop of Jay Robb's protein shake I had vanilla on hand.
    1 c splenda
    1 /4 t salt
    1/4 t soda
    1/2 c chopped walnut.
    mix well
    in 2 CUP measuring cup melt 1/2 c BUTTER
    1/4 c water1/4 c unsweeten cocoa micro. 1 minute stir good and micro 1 more minute Or brinf to a boil on a stove
    Add to dry ingredents
    Add 1/4 cup sour cream
    1 t vanilla
    1/2 c egg beaaters

    pour into a 9x9 pyrex baking pan SPRAY WITH BAKING SPRAY bake at 400 degree for 20 minutes ThiS tASTE BEST COLD/ CUT INTO NINE PIECES


    Hope i did not leave out anything.

    I am going to test this out on my hubby. He would probably love this.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It is a nearly perfect day here in St Louis!!! Sun is shining, cooler weather and it is just gorgeous for a late summer day!!!

    Since I am doing the HCG, yet it is still low carb, I am going to post my menu for the day also..........


    Cucumber marinating in Balsamic Vinegar
    Curry chicken breast.

    Shrimp, steamed in old bay seasoning
    cabbage sauteed with old bay seasoning

    Bedtime snack:

    Lots of water, coffee and green tea all day long!!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Just found this! I'm game to join.

    I'm a avid crossfitter, I exercise everyday, I'm insulin resistant and on Rx Glumetza. I struggle to lose weight. My nutrition coach has suggest a low carb or rather, grain-free lifestyle, which has yielded some good results. I still go over, usually in good carbs - lots of veges, limited fruits and dairy. I just recently started to reintroduce oatmeal, and some whole grain such as quinoa and barley (but ermmm... gives me some bloat and potty issues).

    Anyway - glad I stumbled across you all. I posted a good article (my nutrition coach wrote) yesterday, I hope you will find useful as well.