Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Lunchtime!!!!! Grilled bbq chicken breast diced up to put into my whole wheat tortilla, topped with homemade pico de gallo, sour cream and cheese! :love:

    I'm so hungry I'm already thinking about dinner! :laugh: I'm making spaghetti for the hubby so I think I'll have eggs and bacon tonight...hmmmm...

    YUM! Love your lunch (minus the wrap...lettuce wrap perhaps???) I would love some pico right now... and sour cream !

    I'm considering a loaded baked potato (I'm allowed since I just did a Crossfit workout and this is the time to carb load and tolerate that insulin spike!)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    YUM! Love your lunch (minus the wrap...lettuce wrap perhaps???) I would love some pico right now... and sour cream !

    I'm considering a loaded baked potato (I'm allowed since I just did a Crossfit workout and this is the time to carb load and tolerate that insulin spike!)

    I love my whole wheat tortillas! Although I could just put all of that on top of a salad and it would be really good too!

    I haven't eaten a baked potato in...a year? LOL. I'll take little bites of my hubby's potatoes every now and again but any more than that just makes me feel sick!! But enjoy it if you do eat it! Loaded is the only way to go!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I need to find a low carb finger food! We are having a bbq for my sister's birthday this weekend and half my family is either doing LC or Is Glueten free eaters and so coming up with food idea's is kinda hard.. Does anyone have any idea's of what i can make for the whole family! O and two of my family members don't eat meat!
  • MrsNeuman
    Just don't let the haters affect any of you! If this way of life works for us- that'll be "revenge" enough on them when we're enjoying whole natural foods and consuming more calories than them- but still losing significantly more weight!

    And yes- I'm going to be staying on induction for a while yet- :smile: probably until I feel like I just can't stand it anymore and my body is ready to move on slowly reintroducing more veggies and berries.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Mrs. N-keep on going until it's right for you! I can't even remember how long I stayed on induction! But I had a lot of weight to lose! Keep on chugging girl!

    tammitifanie- what about maybe deviled eggs? Low carb all the way around and I *think* that's gluten free.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Hi everyone, I think i'm going to go back on atkins tomorrow, I came off it to compare my results from counting calories and that hasn't been very successful, plus on atkins I really like that I have NO sugar in my the moment I eat chocolate or ice cream pretty much every day and that makes me crave it even more. I'm much better off without it :smile:

    I've got some fab new scales that track my weight more accurately, plus BMI, body fat percentage, and body fat weight, so I think that will keep me motivated a lot more, last time I didn't have any scales and just got disheartened. I am a real foodie and I found atkins so enjoyable last time, plus I stay in hotels a lot and it's easy to ask for a steak and side salad instead of chips and things like that. I'm really disciplined when I follow atkins, unlike calorie counting when I have lots of naughty things in my daily allowance.

    The only thing I ever struggle with is milk - I love my cups of tea and there's virtually nowhere in the UK that gives cream as an option with your tea :(
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi everyone, I think i'm going to go back on atkins tomorrow, I came off it to compare my results from counting calories and that hasn't been very successful, plus on atkins I really like that I have NO sugar in my the moment I eat chocolate or ice cream pretty much every day and that makes me crave it even more. I'm much better off without it :smile:

    I've got some fab new scales that track my weight more accurately, plus BMI, body fat percentage, and body fat weight, so I think that will keep me motivated a lot more, last time I didn't have any scales and just got disheartened. I am a real foodie and I found atkins so enjoyable last time, plus I stay in hotels a lot and it's easy to ask for a steak and side salad instead of chips and things like that. I'm really disciplined when I follow atkins, unlike calorie counting when I have lots of naughty things in my daily allowance.

    The only thing I ever struggle with is milk - I love my cups of tea and there's virtually nowhere in the UK that gives cream as an option with your tea :(

    Welcome lauz45! Glad you joined in!

    I started with Atkins too and decided after a few months to try calorie counting...I had the same issues as you. I'm a sucker for chocolate!! Here in the US there is a low carb milk...but I don't know if you would have it over there or not. What about half and half?? Can you not request that for your tea?
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Hiya, thanks, we don't have half and half over here - not actually sure what it is! No-one has cream with their tea or coffee in England. I asked once in starbucks and they thought I was crazy!

    We can get lactose-free milk over here in some supermarkets, i've heard that is lower carb because lactose is basically the sugar in milk isn't it...might look into that.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Yeah, we have similar issues here in Canada - at least in Quebec, the whole LC lifestyle is non existent. My health food store carries La Tortilla Factory, but not the no-carb option. They carry AL DENTE pasta, but not the Carbo-nada variety. So other than going totally Paleo, it's a tough lifestyle here. I'm not ready for Paleo-all-the-way, if it was just me I could do it, but with a family and a husband who is totally about carbs well, it's a tough sell.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I like this" Living the low carb" But i forgot one thing My body can't handle sodium and all this bacon and balogan and my beloved cheese. Big salad with grilled chicken Has made my feet swell up like a couple of watermelon you can imagine what it did to my scales. so I will have to change mine to " Living the low carb way and sodium free plan" But I can do it. Just got to stayed focus. Also i have cut down on my water pills for since i fell it is so hard to get up and down to run to the bathroom all the time. That didn't help either. gotta get my act together. you girls have all been so he nice.

    This morning for breakfast i had 1 c of greek yogurt

    Lunch will be big salad with grilled chicken lots of veggie and chocolate cake.

    Dinner. grilled steak and brocolli. salad.

  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Yep, Britain is far from low carb friendly too! At least there are a couple of good websites around.

    Just done a little research and see that soy milk is a lot lower in carbs, do you think I could have a splash of that in my tea instead? (unsweetened)

    Canned evaporated milk is even lower...hmm!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hi Caliecat!! Eating low carb AND low sodium can definitely go hand in hand! Just pay close attention to the labels of all the food you buy-the bacon I use for instance has 90g of sodium for 2 slices, not too bad! Deli meats can be pretty high, so maybe check out different brands, as some do make a low sodium option! As I mentioned earlier to someone else, make sure your veggies are either fresh or frozen-do NOT eat canned unless you have to! They are crazy high in sodium! Keep at caliecat-you're doing great! :flowerforyou: lower carb options aren't available all over! I never knew! Mojogurl-I'm with you-I like a lot of the principles of Paleo but I can't go all the way on that one!

    Lauz-what about soy milk or almond milk? Is that readily available? A lot of soy milks are lower in carbs and sugar, just check the labels. And almond milk is really low carb, especially if you go for the unsweetened one. I think I'd be looking at them like they were crazy if they didn't have creamer or half n half for my tea and coffee!! :happy:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    YUM! Love your lunch (minus the wrap...lettuce wrap perhaps???) I would love some pico right now... and sour cream !

    I'm considering a loaded baked potato (I'm allowed since I just did a Crossfit workout and this is the time to carb load and tolerate that insulin spike!)

    I love my whole wheat tortillas! Although I could just put all of that on top of a salad and it would be really good too!

    I haven't eaten a baked potato in...a year? LOL. I'll take little bites of my hubby's potatoes every now and again but any more than that just makes me feel sick!! But enjoy it if you do eat it! Loaded is the only way to go!!!

    I feel the same way!!! White potatoes make me sick. Sweet Potatoes don't.................I love butter, raw sugar and cinnamon.......
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Watch Soy... contains phytoestrogens that can throw your body for a loop. very very difficult topic to address, harsher even than this Low Carb thread! Have you tried Almond Milk? Delish! I promise!

    Never noticed if white potatoes do anything to me. I'm not keen on sweet potato - but I really should just suck it up. I need to make a mental note now to remember to watch the next 12 hours of digestion.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Things I love about Low Carbing:

    1. Eating Real Foods (fats, proteins, limiting carbs)
    2. Finding new vegetables to try and loving all of them because my taste buds have changed.
    3. Viewing eating fruit as a dessert
    4. Being creative with new spices that makes foods full of flavor and zest
    5. Losing inches (fat loss) even when the scale isn't moving
    6. I love having more energy and requiring less sleep!!

    Add yours..........
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Watch Soy... contains phytoestrogens that can throw your body for a loop. very very difficult topic to address, harsher even than this Low Carb thread! Have you tried Almond Milk? Delish! I promise!

    Never noticed if white potatoes do anything to me. I'm not keen on sweet potato - but I really should just suck it up. I need to make a mental note now to remember to watch the next 12 hours of digestion.

    Yep, my doctor thinks that the soy products I was using when I did the vegetarian thing is a contributing factor to some of my Endocrine and hormone issues now...........

    We don't want to open that can of worms!!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Anytime I eat the true starchy white carb-pizza, bread, potatoes, etc. if I take more than just a few bites, I am just miserable afterward. I'm bloated, nauseous, fat feeling and I get SO crazy tired. I just sit there and do nothing the rest of the day or evening. Not to mention how the scale reacts!
    I love me some sweet potato! Right on lioness! Butter and cinnamon!!

    Soy...I hate the taste of soy milk but I know a lot of people love it. As far as what it can do to the body..eating soy can actually block your body's absorption of iron! LoL. Random thing I know, but a lot of random food products have soy in them I discovered and I suffer from anemia during TOM and when I found out about the soy, I started taking an iron supplement and voila! It really helped.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Options milk (we call it soya milk over here), own brand unsweetened from the supermarket is 0.2g carbs per 100ml on the website - pretty good! Almond milk is a lot trickier to get hold of :ohwell: but I can order it from a website, they do a powdered version which would be really handy when i'm away from home.

    I used to be vegan so at least i'm used to the taste!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Things I love about Low Carbing:

    1. Eating Real Foods (fats, proteins, limiting carbs)
    2. Finding new vegetables to try and loving all of them because my taste buds have changed.
    3. Viewing eating fruit as a dessert
    4. Being creative with new spices that makes foods full of flavor and zest
    5. Losing inches (fat loss) even when the scale isn't moving
    6. I love having more energy and requiring less sleep!!

    Add yours..........

    7. I love having a nice steak and green veggies for dinner and having plenty of energy after I eat!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Anytime I eat the true starchy white carb-pizza, bread, potatoes, etc. if I take more than just a few bites, I am just miserable afterward. I'm bloated, nauseous, fat feeling and I get SO crazy tired. I just sit there and do nothing the rest of the day or evening. Not to mention how the scale reacts!
    I love me some sweet potato! Right on lioness! Butter and cinnamon!!

    Soy...I hate the taste of soy milk but I know a lot of people love it. As far as what it can do to the body..eating soy can actually block your body's absorption of iron! LoL. Random thing I know, but a lot of random food products have soy in them I discovered and I suffer from anemia during TOM and when I found out about the soy, I started taking an iron supplement and voila! It really helped.

    Soy blocks the absorption of a lot of stuff.........

    For us hypothyroid people, soy should not be consumed at all............