Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I LOST ANOTHER POUND!!!!!!!!!Started on 8/4/10 at 267.......lost to 265......gained to 271.....and now I am down since 263! It looks like since starting LLC I am losing an even 1 pound per day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand this may change, but I sure feel GREAT NOW! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    WTG Sassie!! You are on a "low carb roll"--see there are SOME rolls that are okay on low carb!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome Lindsey! It's great to see more long term LLC people around! Congrats on maintaining such an awesome loss! :drinker:

    Sassie you are kicking *kitten* girl! keep up the awesome work!

    Barb-I'll maybe have to try the Truvia but just add it into say my coffee or tea in increments to see if I don't get the nasty aftertaste. Have you ever tried ZSWEET? I read on it and it's supposed to be all natural but again, it had a fairly off taste, even using just a little.

    Hey Resalyn! Hope you had a great Saturday lady!

    I know I've missed a few people-sorry about that but I'm just bushed! The hubby and I got up this morning and made the 3 hour drive to the mountains for this great bookfair with some friends, bummed around, then hiked a small local mountain and we just got home (it's now 11:30!!) I ate way more carbs and sugar than normal but I did so knowing I'd be hiking. I'm proud to say though that I scaled that mountain without even getting out of breath whereas my hubby was lagging behind me and dying-he was amazed at my endurance!! :laugh: It's time for a shower and bed now! Check in with you guys tomorrow!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Pssssssssst..............just got home, without giving much information.....had a bit of fiber the trip home was well rushed......25 mins later :sick: .............I snuck onto the scale thinkin'.....................:huh: you know.....after this I must be 10 pounds lighter, well it wasn't 10 but it was 1!!!!! If it sticks that is a 2 pound loss today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOT WHOOT.....Yay for fiber:drinker: .....................booo for stuck in the toity!:explode:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome, LINDSEY! Oh my goodness, your start weight is right where I started a couple of weeks ago - and it's so heartening to see your success - if you can do it, I can do it! I hope this group gets bigger too - it's so nice to have a group of like-minded individuals - we all have great information to share with each other! This is a great group - I look forward to hearing your tips and strategies - things that led to your success!

    ROFL @ SASSIE: Oh boy, sassie - by hubby was asleep on the couch and your post made me LOL - and I woke him up. OOOOPS! He needed to get up anyway, he's been sleepin long enough, LOL! You're too funny - and CONGRATULATIONS on your losses! Doesn't it feel great?

    CALIECAT: HEY WOMAN! How are you doin? You still livin the LC lifestyle? Come back and post with us! Everyone - Caliecat is a friend of mine from when I was doing LC before on MFP - I hope she comes back and joins us!

    SAVERY: Saved you for last -YOU ROCK hiking that mountain yesterday! HOLY COW! I'm IMPRESSED! Bet you're feelin it a bit today though, and LOL that your hubby was laggin behind you..... That'll keep him on his toes!

    WEAKLINK: LOL @ the rolls comment - that one had me chucklin too. My poor hubby isn't going to be able to go back to sleep now.....

    I was down another pound and a half today, WOOT! Dunno if it'll "stick" but I sure hope so! Got a ton of typing to do today (medical transcription, my 2nd job) and a ton of laundry. I haven't been caught up on laundry since we got back from vacation three weeks ago, darn it! That's gonna change today! I'm bound and determined to get this laundry done! Y'all have a wonderful on-plan day!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    G'mornin all!!

    FYI, I have had NO strange aftertaste using the Truvia in coffee or in my plain Greek yogurt, so I hope you have the same experience. It is supposed to have an additional plant extract in it that avoids the bitter aftertaste, and it seems to do the trick.:drinker: :drinker:

    Marie, I am glad you found the thread. Hope you are having a good Sunday.:flowerforyou:

    Glad I helped you get your hubby off the couch. He was probably gathering dust if he had been there a while!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Happy Sunday to all. I am surrounded by sleeping doggies. They migrated from the bed to the chair and started snoozing immediately. BTW, they do NOT wake up if I LOL!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: Hey lady with pretty hat. yes indeed you all sound like a great group. I need help with this and surport. and this seems like the place to be. Will be reading the back post today. Have known Resalyn forCOUPLE YEARS NOW. a WOMDERFUL GAL. I have try anumbers of lc but just can't stick with one. I really need to for I am a disbectic 2 and this will really help it. So here goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is my Breakfast, planned lunch. planned dinner planned snack.
    Breakfast: 1 /2 c egg beater. 2 sl. bacon. 1/2sl whole whest toast diet coke, decaf.
    lunch Jay robb's protein shake
    Dinner: grilled steak, salas/blue cheese dressing.. Brocolli,tea.
    Bedtime snack: greek yugurt 1/2 c/ lemon juice and splenda.
    I will be trying real hard tp stick with this HopeI don't fall off the bus to many times Now to get to reading and making copies

    Lets have a good time while on this journey.:heart::drinker: and drink your water.

    I know Barbs will have plenty of humor to keep us smiling
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome Caliecat! Your menu for today sounds pretty darn tasty! I hope coming into the group here will really help you stick to the plan some! We're all here to help! :smile:

    Ok Weaklink,...I have to go out to Wal-Mart this afternoon for a couple of random things and I'm going to be brave and by the Truvia!!! I still have a lot of Splenda in the house so I do want to use it up. I really hope I like the Truvia because I don't know anyone that uses it! :laugh:

    Resalyn-I FEEL kick *kitten* after hiking that mini-mountain! I hiked it with my hubby and the same 2 guys like a year or so ago and OMG thought I was gonna keel over! My hubby was the one not out of breath then! But he's also put weight on while I've been shedding mine and exercising diligently! While I felt bad for him having to stop and rest, it just felt so good to know that I can go out and break a good sweat and not get winded and have my recovery time be so darn quick! Plus just to have my hubby be so amazed that I wasn't even breathing heavy...well that's just a good feeling! :wink:

    So even with my hike yesterday, the excess sugar came back to bite me-I was only up .4 this morning but still! I really and truly don't seem to be able to consume more than 20 grams of sugar a day without my body going all out of wack. I'm ok with keeping my sugar low but sometimes when I NEED it, like yesterday, I don't feel like my body should have held onto it-shouldn't it have all been burned off during that intense of a hike? What do my fellow LLCers think? This is something that has baffled me for months-I almost never eat fruit anymore because of the high sugar content, even though I'm in pre-maintenance and should be able to eat SOME-but it throws my weight up and it will stall me. :grumble:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    It may not be the sugar that caused you to hold on weight. I have seen other posts from those knowledgable about physiology who state that after a period of great exertion, the body will retain fluid for a day or so after to aid in recovery of muscles, so my advice would be "bottoms up" :drinker: :drinker: with water that is--and check the scale in a day or two and you will likely see a loss, perhaps of more than the .4 you mentioned. Good luck!!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    It may not be the sugar that caused you to hold on weight. I have seen other posts from those knowledgable about physiology who state that after a period of great exertion, the body will retain fluid for a day or so after to aid in recovery of muscles, so my advice would be "bottoms up" :drinker: :drinker: with water that is--and check the scale in a day or two and you will likely see a loss, perhaps of more than the .4 you mentioned. Good luck!!

    Weaklink-I've seen these posts too-and have noticed that after intense workouts that I do tend to hold onto weight the day after and continue to do so if I keep up with those intense workouts. I'm not sure if the sugar is entirely to blame...I had 2 weeks in a row where I didn't work out at all so I started back this past week working out every other day, and then I did some pretty intense cardio workouts both Friday and yesterday, so maybe that will explain it-plus I think I drank like 160ozs. of water yesterday? I'm still planning to do some cardio today but watch my sugar. I guess we'll see what happens!! :flowerforyou:
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im in.... Ive noticed in the past Ive done really well with low carb... Ive put weight back on and i really need to get it off!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have done good so far today. but it is getting Close to 3:00 Pm AND I AM GETTING THE MUNCHIES. WHAT IS A GOOD THING TO HAVE. Marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome ckholmes! :flowerforyou:

    Caliecat-what about some cucumbers?? They are one of my fave snacks! Or maybe like a couple of turkey and cheese roll-ups with acceptable cheeses? Other than that my go to would be a yummy Atkins bar or shake! :happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome ckholmes! :flowerforyou:

    Caliecat-what about some cucumbers?? They are one of my fave snacks! Or maybe like a couple of turkey and cheese roll-ups with acceptable cheeses? Other than that my go to would be a yummy Atkins bar or shake! :happy:

    Thanks ended up having some roasted Emerson almonds 1/4 c and 1 sl. of 2% cheese. made it thru that crisis. I should do Ok thru the rest of the day. I had a protein shake for lunch made out o Jay robb's need to get some whipping cream to go in it. i used 1 c of crystal light orange juice and it was not rich enought for me. kind of water. One meal at a time.
  • MrsNeuman
    Starting to try to follow the Atkins induction 100% now- I've been having nuts lately for snacking- and eating out a lot- so today was day 1 and it went well!! -although I slipped up on the nuts a little (It's actually my day 13 today- but I should have been following it more closely I guess- because weight loss is VERY slow)

    Breakfast- 3 oz steak and 2 over easy eggs
    Lunch- Atkins 2 net carb chocolate peanut butter bar 1.5 cups sugar free coleslaw
    Snack- 1oz bbq almonds
    Snack- 2 Jilly's Gelatin sugar free with whipped topping
    Supper- 5oz Broiled Salmon with 2 cups Romaine lettuce with 3 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese, 2tbsp hidden valley bacon ranch dressing

    Working on getting my water intake up and hoping to hop on the treadmill tonight

    Good luck low carbers! :)
  • jenuwine
    jenuwine Posts: 57
    Hi All - WOW you are all very busy posting on the weekends hey, I do it mainly M-F while at work, so have ahd to do a lot of catch up reading on this thread.

    Welcome to the few newbies - because I joined a nano second before you I'm officially one of the oldies on here haha. So I think its been about 1 week since I've been cutting back on my carbs. At first I thought I'd eliminate them all but as I entered things into my diary I noticed almost bloody everything has them, so instead I'm just trying to cut back a lot - and in particular the carbs that make me feel yukky like bread, rice, potatoes etc.

    So far I'm feeling really good! I had a bit of a weightloss last week - almost 4 pounds from memory, so very pleased. Only 4 more sleeps until I'm on my holiday in sunny Cairns so I'm looking do drop a few more so I dont scare the poor children at the pool when I appear in my bikini. :laugh:

    Thanks Calicat for directing me here, I found it a couple of days before you I think - but thanks for thinking of me :flowerforyou:

    Oh and Thanks for that muffin recipe I'll have to try it! If you locate the oven version let me know. What is flaxseed and where in the supermarket fo I find it? Which Isle? it seems to be a flour alternative, is that right?

    :drinker: speek soon - Jen
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Just checking in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOST MORE WEIGHT! DOWN 11 POUNDS NOW! 260.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to church today, then fishin and now my loving husband is taking me catfishing at 12am! Yes fishing all night:P

    Catch up with you all later. I LOVE LLC.....I have lost 9 lbs since Weds and feel GREAT!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Monday LLCers! :laugh:

    Mrs. N- your menu sounds delish! I think we all have foods that will stall our weight loss so finding out what they are is crucial! i STILL can't eat fruit without it setting me back!

    Caliecat- Great job making it through the munchies! Get a list together of some induction approved snacks and go shopping to make sure you have them on hand!!

    Jenuwine- I think I got my flaxseed meal over in the organic section of my grocery to what it is, well a source of fiber. LOL. I believe it's a grain of some sort but don't take my word on that one. I've only ever used it to make the muffins and don't know what else to use it for!

    Sassie- GET IT GIRL! You are doing awesome! Is your energy skyrocketing yet?!

    So I broke protocol yesterday and zigzagged my carbs pretty high just because my weight is fluctuating between 153.6 and I had 5 over easy eggs for brunch, half an atkins bar and a serving of butter toffee almonds for snack, dinner was homemade salsa and tortilla chips with homemade cheeseburgers topped with lettuce, tomato and bacon on a reasonably low carb whitewheat bun. Then I made some rather low carb smoothies using plain greek yogurt, half a banana, some frozen peaches and frozen mixed berries. :love: SO tasty! No workout yesterday either so my weight was up today. But I'm right back on track today!

    Breakfast is a cup of low carb chocolate milk, Dannon Diabetic Friendly yogurt & honey green tea.
    Lunch is a whole wheat tortilla with turkey, cheese and tomatoes.
    Dinner will be grilled barbecue chicken (making extra to put in wraps later in the week!) and some broccoli.

    Time for my yogurt now-just made myself hungry!! :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What a Happy bunch here.
    thaanks all for posting your menu , That is a big help. love reading them. and learn so much.
    Here is mine.
    Breakfast 1/2 c greek yogurt with splenda
    morning snack Emeralds almonds sl. of 2 % cheese
    lunch/ grilled fish, brocolli 2 cups. Low carb tortilla
    Afternoon snack 1 hard boil egg. celery stick.
    Dinner steak big salad low carb tortilla.
    Bedtime snack Jay Robb protein shake.

    I am on a 20 gram carb plan. I don't plan count green veggies and try to have 5 gram of carbs 4 times a day with my meals. The lest numbers I have to fool with the easier it is for me.

    My scales broke so we are off to shop for a new one this morning. and then I will start my ticker all over again.

    Thanks for being here. Hoping to get to know each of you.