

  • I started the Beta phase on the 5th but would love to be part of this group for support and motivation. I am 34 mom of 2 girls 4 and 2 years old. I've always worked out but was looking to ramp up my workouts and hopefully change my body. Sara
  • I am definitely in! I just got myself re-motivated after seeing a picture of myself after a 5k race. I already get plenty of cardio, just need to up the weights and improve my eating. I'm starting out with counting calories again. I've never really eaten a ton of calories, but I love my wine at night so I'm trying really…
  • I agree on the calories in vs calories out, but I'm doing that and still not really losing consistently. I think I'm not paying enough attention to carbs/sodium/sugar etc. and if I switch to healthier choices maybe I'll lose the weight. Thanks for your input though, I too would prefer the icecream over a banana and p-nut…
  • Thank you for that info! i'm going to try really hard on focusing on changing my eating habits. I'm still going to enjoy my Mexican and a beer every once and a while since we rarely eat out anymore, but If I can change my lunch habits of a sandwich and chips that will be a first start :) My goal is one step at a time and…
  • Thank you for looking at that!! I actually do exercise on a regular basis, but I don't log it all the time because I try not to eat my exercise calories. So I should be eating my exercise cals??
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No, but somehow still had a few hundred calories to spare. Too many sweets :( Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes... did 57 minutes on the eliptical and walked with hubby to pick up my daughter from daycare. What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Spent an hour on…
  • Hi Ladies! I haven't been on in a while because I was stressing myself out a little bit over not losing any weight and constantly screwing up on the weekends. Well since I last posted here I've lost 3 lbs :) I'm still making mistakes, but slowly I'm learning from them. I've been forcing myself to do at least 45 minutes on…
  • Thank youi for the info!!
  • Thanks for the info, I'll look into that!
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? That would be a big fat NO!! We had an office retreat yesterday and I didn't control myself :( Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Didn't set one and that would probably be a no :( What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Did level 3 of 30 day shred at 9pm last night What…
  • Hi my name is Sara. I haven't really stuck with the 30 day shred, but I am trying too. I'll do 3 or 4 days and then break off. So hopefully I'm here to stay! I tried level 3 last night and it's a real butt kicker, but I enjoyed feeling the burn. I think I'm just going to mix up the levels for 30 days and see if that helps…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes and I had about 400 calories left over :drinker: Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Day 3 of 30 day shred plus eliptical What would I have done differently? Nothing? What is today's personal goals? Day 4 of 30 day shred - I…
  • I posted before I read yours :) I feel exactly the same way. From Monday to Friday I was down 1 lb then by today I gained that lb back plus one :( I screw myself every weekend. I was actually in tears this morning. I think I'm going to stop counting my calories, but make some serious life changes. I love a beer every now…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No, I didn't track, but ate lunch out and had a club sandwich with fries :( Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Didn't set one What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Did day 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred What would I have done differently? Had a side salad instead…
  • I don't think you are shooting yourself in the foot. Personally I think if you do every day or every other day you have the same odds kind of . Let's just say if you do EOD you are getting 10,000 sperm in and with every day you are getting 5,000 in, It works out the same. It really is just all chance, but the more you do…
  • I'm friends with a lot of ladies on what to expect and different things work for different people. Even though I got pregnant 3 times, I lost 2 of those pregnancies :( TTC is something I never knew would be so hard and such an emotional roller coaster. Hope my post didn't seem insensitivie like its as easy as BD every…
  • I see a lot of ladies on here questioning when to BD. My rule of thumb is to BD the day you get the +OPK, then every other day for 4 days. This has gotten me pregnant 3 times. It doesn't always work, but I was able to get pregnant within a few months each time doing it this way. You want to have sperm waiting on the egg…
  • 9.21.10 Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Almost, had a glass of wine with hubby while we grilled out, very relaxing Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes and No, I didn't run, but burned just as many calories on the eliptical and did 100 obliques (each side) 100 crunches, 100 leg presses and 75 tricep dips…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Nope :sad: Someone brought M&M cookies into the office and i had 2 Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No because I had the cookies, but I did have a good work out so I reached 1/2 of my goal. What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Didn't get cheese on my sub sandwich…
  • I just had a baby 7 months ago and yes, I had period like cramps for the first several months and was sure AF was coming. Even when I knew I was pregnant :)
  • Hi Ladies, I'm new to this post, but so glad I found it! Here's a little about me (or a lot) :) My name is Sara, I'm 30 years old and have a 7 month old daughter named Madison. I want to start trying again, but want to lose about 20 lbs first and I've had no success over the last few months. Hubby and I started TTC in…
  • I'm new to this post, but it sounds like just what I need. I haven't lost any weight over the last month, but I do see that since joining MFP I've started making much better choices. Plus in an effort to spend less money, hubby and I aren't eating out nearly as much on the weekends. My name is Sara, I'm 30 years old and…
  • I'm new L1/D3 and am a bit sore. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, the time goes by really fast. It was nice to read how much success everyone has had so far. It really has me motivated to finish. Now if I could just get my eating on track :( I plan on measuring myself tonight and then re-measuring at…
  • I started the 30 day shred on Saturday and am wondering what everyone's results have been so far. If you wouldn't mind telling me how much weight and or inches you have lost since day 1 I would appreciate it. I need some motivation. Oh yeah and are you doing any additional work outs on top of the DVD. Thanks!! Sara
  • I do the same thing, but I still track my caloires. Even if it means seeing that I went over by 1000 calories :( For example we had a pool party this weekend and now that I know how many calories are in one mixed drink, next weekend I'll make a better choice on what and when I drink. I consider it a learning process. Like…
  • I'm down 1 lb :) It's the first week I've been able to maintain my weight loss through the weekend usually I weigh about 133.5 on Mondays and 130, by Saturday AM, then somehow back up to 133.5 by Monday morning. Today was 131, WoooHooo a 1 lb weight loss, I'll take it :) I'm working from home today since I'm not feeling…
  • I would love to be part of your group, but am in the 20lb range. I have a 5 1/2 month old little girl. I gained 40 while I was pregnant, I've lost about 35 of that. However, I haven't lost any weight for the last 2 months and that's with working out :( I'm hoping by focusing on what I'm eating I might find the hidden…
  • I'm between 5'1" & 5'2" also :) I don't know why I'm not losing any weight. Everyone told me it would just "fall" offf while I was breatfeeding. Yeah right!!! Then I had some people saying my body was holding on because I was breast feeding. I'm now only feeding her about once a day and other than that she's on formula. I…
  • HI everyone, my name is Sara and i'm new to MFP. I have a 5.5 month old daughter and I've lost most of the baby weight except about 5 lbs. However, I have about 15 extra poiunds to lose on top of that. I'm very frustrated as I've been working out for months now and have lost zero weight :( I'm hoping that counting calories…