Fit For Future Families 2



  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm not doing so well - I feel like I"m losing my way. I need your help.

    I O'd 2 days ago (seemingly like most of you did) and I'm way off center since - I'm eating well in the day, and losing it at night. I'm absolutely exhausted, and have no energy for working out (although I know it gives me energy, but I'm falling asleep at my desk and as soon as I get in the door.

    I'm so close to TTC but haven't made any of my goals - I'm not where I thought I would be, and while there are excellent people on here helping (I adore you all so much!) I get a one track mind when I want pistachios or chocolate.

    I feel like I'm getting lost in the "when" of TTC, instead of making any progress in being healthy for it.

    But I AM FINE during the day!


    I'm right here with you, so do what I say and not what I do :laugh: Why not just plan for what you want in the evening? Save the calories throughout the day to make room for those. I, personally, have been eating anything and everything in front of me, I gain a lb or 2, lose it then do it again. I've been doing this since the miscarriage, and it's driving me CRAZY!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    So my hubby wants another one, and I don't feel I can emotionally and physically handle another one right now. Part of me believes if I lose 30 lbs of previous baby weight than maybe I can do it. Of course, he wants another one ASAP, and after trying 2 years to get off 30 lbs with no luck, I know his wishes aren't gonna happen that soon.

    Should I keep trying to lose the 30 lbs before TTC? OR
    Should I just do it and worry about ALL the weight after the baby? (for this will be the last one)

    *Note* This would be #3 and we agreed 7 years ago that we would not have more than 3 (even though 2 seems fine for me at the moment)

    Just wanted to know some of your thoughts. Obesity is a HUGE issue on my side of the family; it could be considered genetic; so losing weight is one of the hardest things for me.

    Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.

    Do you think you can't get the 30 lbs off because you're trying to "rebel" or resist the idea of the 3rd child? I've heard, from several people, that having a 3rd really throws a wrench in things. My cousin is a really easy going person, never really let much get to her. Having a 3rd child almost pushed her off the deep end. I think, which this is totally just my 2 cents, that you both need to be on bored with it. Why don't you make a serious effort to lose the 30 lbs and tell your husband you will work on changing your mind during that time. Maybe when you lose the weight you will feel like you have more energy to have a 3rd one and decide it's a good idea. Just my 2 cents!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Pam - Thank you for the O advice/information. Were you talking about the sperm meet egg plan? I think we are going to try that next month (if this month doesn't take) plus preseed and maybe Robentosen (sp), not sure yet. I hope I don't have to decide :wink:
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok that brittle idea is the best idea i have ever heard! You are so clever and NAUGHTY now i want to make some :( and its not even my problem lol...

    Ok so i was just taking a glance at the calender and i figured out that i will be ovulating next month while DH and I are on our cruise... (that is AF comes within the next couple of days)... Its kind of fun to think that our child was conceived coasting through the ocean on our Baja Mexico getaway!!!

    Today i feel like i have done better with my eating which makes me happy :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Pam - Thank you for the O advice/information. Were you talking about the sperm meet egg plan? I think we are going to try that next month (if this month doesn't take) plus preseed and maybe Robentosen (sp), not sure yet. I hope I don't have to decide :wink:

    I thought the plan had a lady's name like the Marie plan.....I know when I had to look it up the first time, I had trouble and knew the name. This time is going to be rough.

    Just make sure you don't get the wrong version of the Robitussen....LOL It will have the opposite effect :P It's meant to dry up mucus and that is so not what you want. I hope you don't need to review to see which one will work best for the unintended purpose.

    Ivy - Cruise baby sounds fantastic!!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Jalara - I'm not sure when you have been exercising.....but I've been doing it in the mid/late afternoon/evening. If it's not close to suppertime when I'm done, I'm usually not hungry for a couple of hours (even if it is close, actually)....but sometimes I don't get done til 6 or 7pm & then I make supper right after. I know where I'm at calorie wise & don't want to go over (my scale hasn't been moving too much). So I know if I want that scale to move, I don't need a "bedtime" snack. Supper is my last meal typically. The calorie counter is a big helper for me... Good luck!!! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm not doing so well - I feel like I"m losing my way. I need your help.

    I O'd 2 days ago (seemingly like most of you did) and I'm way off center since - I'm eating well in the day, and losing it at night. I'm absolutely exhausted, and have no energy for working out (although I know it gives me energy, but I'm falling asleep at my desk and as soon as I get in the door.

    Me too * infinity. It's been a bad week so far. I think the best thing I can think of doing, is doing some light stretching and/or yoga when I get home (I workout in the evenings). If I'm still tired and lazy after that, I'll give myself a break, but usually that's all I need to get going. I linked to some fertility yoga videos a few pages back. The Breath of Happiness is great for a fast energy rush.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Jalara - I'm not sure when you have been exercising.....but I've been doing it in the mid/late afternoon/evening. If it's not close to suppertime when I'm done, I'm usually not hungry for a couple of hours (even if it is close, actually)....but sometimes I don't get done til 6 or 7pm & then I make supper right after. I know where I'm at calorie wise & don't want to go over (my scale hasn't been moving too much). So I know if I want that scale to move, I don't need a "bedtime" snack. Supper is my last meal typically. The calorie counter is a big helper for me... Good luck!!! :)

    Wow, that’s exactly what I do! I find that I want to eat less right after I’ve worked out so my supper portions are always in check. This is true of an intense aerobic exercise and not weight training though.
  • sasmll6577
    I have an O question. I felt cramping and pressure down there today, so I'm assuming I was ovulating (I got the positive OPK yesterday). If that is the case if I BD after that feeling is it too late, or do you want to BD tonight so the egg has a group of swimmers to meet it? I know when to BD with the positive OPK but wasn't sure with the cramping.:

    I would BD for a few days after a +OPK, or at least every other day for a few.

    My temp still hasn't gone up far enough for me to feel safe saying I did ovulate and I got a +OPK on Sunday, too. Hopefully it will go up tomorrow.

    I was planning to BD the day I got the + as well as 2-3 days after (depending if hubby is around tomorrow for the 3rd day). I was just wondering, in ideal circumstances when would you want to BD. I hear people who can feel when they O and they get pregnant right away, and I was wondering if it was because they did it that day, the day after, etc.

    Sorry the temps aren't working with the OPK. I hope tomorrow has what you are looking for.

    Do you test before AF is due? Just wondering (since we are entering the 2WW in the next few days) when you were planning to test.

    I see a lot of ladies on here questioning when to BD. My rule of thumb is to BD the day you get the +OPK, then every other day for 4 days. This has gotten me pregnant 3 times. It doesn't always work, but I was able to get pregnant within a few months each time doing it this way. You want to have sperm waiting on the egg when it releases, since sperm can live anywhere from 3 to 5 days, you should be just fine if you BD every other day. This way you should always have some sperm in their trying to get in the egg. Please remember that each person is different. For some it will take one time to get preggo and for others it will take a lot longer.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I see a lot of ladies on here questioning when to BD. My rule of thumb is to BD the day you get the +OPK, then every other day for 4 days. This has gotten me pregnant 3 times. It doesn't always work, but I was able to get pregnant within a few months each time doing it this way. You want to have sperm waiting on the egg when it releases, since sperm can live anywhere from 3 to 5 days, you should be just fine if you BD every other day. This way you should always have some sperm in their trying to get in the egg. Please remember that each person is different. For some it will take one time to get preggo and for others it will take a lot longer.

    Yes, every other day hasn't work for us in 9 months, so we're trying the every day for three days after a +OPK ala the sperm meets egg plan.

    My doctor recommended every other day started CD 12 until CD 18, so for those who don't want to invest in OPKs off the bat who have 28-31 day cycles, that might be a good plan.
  • Mellie13
    For you ladies doing fertility yoga, what do you use? I'm thinking about ordering the Bend, Breathe, and Conceive: Fertility Yoga with Anna Davis, Ph.D., RYT. Anyone use that one? What do you think?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I've used the ones Brenda Strong has available. There's a youtube video with her favorite poses ( and she also has some written instructions here: Then there's Pulling Down the Moon. ConceiveOnline has a few videos of their favorite moves here: There's some overlap there, so I feel safe thinking that they're probably good moves. I was going to buy Brenda's video this month if I didn't get pregnant last month, but got sidetracked and never ordered it. Maybe next month if I have to.
  • Mellie13
    I found the Yoga 4 Fertility by Brenda Strong at the same price (but used). Has anyone else used either of these?
  • sasmll6577
    I see a lot of ladies on here questioning when to BD. My rule of thumb is to BD the day you get the +OPK, then every other day for 4 days. This has gotten me pregnant 3 times. It doesn't always work, but I was able to get pregnant within a few months each time doing it this way. You want to have sperm waiting on the egg when it releases, since sperm can live anywhere from 3 to 5 days, you should be just fine if you BD every other day. This way you should always have some sperm in their trying to get in the egg. Please remember that each person is different. For some it will take one time to get preggo and for others it will take a lot longer.

    Yes, every other day hasn't work for us in 9 months, so we're trying the every day for three days after a +OPK ala the sperm meets egg plan.

    My doctor recommended every other day started CD 12 until CD 18, so for those who don't want to invest in OPKs off the bat who have 28-31 day cycles, that might be a good plan.

    I'm friends with a lot of ladies on what to expect and different things work for different people. Even though I got pregnant 3 times, I lost 2 of those pregnancies :( TTC is something I never knew would be so hard and such an emotional roller coaster. Hope my post didn't seem insensitivie like its as easy as BD every other day. I wish everyone on here the best of luck and if anyone can understand the struggles I know I can even if my struggles are somewhat different. :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Oh no, not at all. I just thought I'd share what my doctor recommended and why we went to every day because I'm not sure that's the best plan for people. I'm not even sure it will work for us, but what we were doing wasn't working, so might as well give it a go before we hit a year... And I'm sure you've been through so much with miscarriages. I can't imagine what that's like.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yeah - I think the only concern about BD every day is if sperm counts are low, even borderline. If you can BD every day each cycle, all the power to you !!!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Three days in a row is our limit (and really pushing it at that). DH hasn't gotten a semen analysis yet, so I'm not sure if we're just shooting ourselves in the foot or if this will work. I imagine we're doing more harm than good, but at this point, we've got nothing to lose beyond hope.
  • sasmll6577
    Three days in a row is our limit (and really pushing it at that). DH hasn't gotten a semen analysis yet, so I'm not sure if we're just shooting ourselves in the foot or if this will work. I imagine we're doing more harm than good, but at this point, we've got nothing to lose beyond hope.

    I don't think you are shooting yourself in the foot. Personally I think if you do every day or every other day you have the same odds kind of . Let's just say if you do EOD you are getting 10,000 sperm in and with every day you are getting 5,000 in, It works out the same. It really is just all chance, but the more you do to help those odds the better. Even with doing everything right youi still only have a 20% of getting pregnant and then I think 50% of those end in miscarriage where most of the time women don't even know they miscarried. Just assume it's their period. Sometimes I wish I go go back in time to being oblivious to the statistics on getting pregnant :) I'm hoping when I start trying for the 2nd I'll be a little more relaxed about trying and not staring at the clock, LOL.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I don't think you are shooting yourself in the foot. Personally I think if you do every day or every other day you have the same odds kind of . Let's just say if you do EOD you are getting 10,000 sperm in and with every day you are getting 5,000 in, It works out the same. It really is just all chance, but the more you do to help those odds the better. Even with doing everything right youi still only have a 20% of getting pregnant and then I think 50% of those end in miscarriage where most of the time women don't even know they miscarried. Just assume it's their period. Sometimes I wish I go go back in time to being oblivious to the statistics on getting pregnant :) I'm hoping when I start trying for the 2nd I'll be a little more relaxed about trying and not staring at the clock, LOL.

    I say that because I suspect DH has a low sperm count as he's quite underweight. But EOD wasn't working, so might as well switch it up. And yes, I would like to go back to being ignorant and innocent. I would probably be a much happier person. lol
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello all!

    So with everyone talking BDing, O'ing and meds, I'm wondering how people are doing with weight loss, goals, eating, nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyles. We don't want this to fall to the sidelines - it's why we are all here!

    So how have you been doing? How has this group helped you? What challenges are you facing right now? Do you have any tips to help others?