Fit For Future Families 2



  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    Ivygirl - What do you do for a living that you work those hours? Do you and your SO both work those hours? Thanks for sharing the O signs with me. It's always interesting to hear what others notice.

    Pam - I feel bad for your friends. I agree with you, it would be really hard if you don't have a reason.

    Well, the battery on my laptop is about to die so I'm going to go veg and hope my hubby lets me sleep in tomorrow (even though he is home sick), I doubt that will happen, but we will see. Back on track with food tomorrow too. I ate out every meal yesterday and brunch and dinner today, and I also over ate at BBQ. So much for my plans for this week. I'm just not including the weekend and following through with the rest of the week. No eating out and no Starbucks!

    have a great Sunday!!!

    Oh well i work at a tanning salon so its not me who is actually working that late. My husband works at Nestle as a machine operator and he usually works from 3pm-2am. LONG hours but since he cant go right to bed when he gets off he stays up a little later and then wakes up later as well so we spend an hour or 2 together before work and an hour or 2 after work. Plus sleeping but thats not really spend time together. I figure we can get away with having such a crazy sleep pattern since we dont have any kids. But that will all change if/when i am pregnant. I will just have to get used to not spending as much time with him. The good thing is that every 3 weeks he gets 5 days off!!!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Ivygirl - What do you do for a living that you work those hours? Do you and your SO both work those hours? Thanks for sharing the O signs with me. It's always interesting to hear what others notice.

    Pam - I feel bad for your friends. I agree with you, it would be really hard if you don't have a reason.

    Well, the battery on my laptop is about to die so I'm going to go veg and hope my hubby lets me sleep in tomorrow (even though he is home sick), I doubt that will happen, but we will see. Back on track with food tomorrow too. I ate out every meal yesterday and brunch and dinner today, and I also over ate at BBQ. So much for my plans for this week. I'm just not including the weekend and following through with the rest of the week. No eating out and no Starbucks!

    have a great Sunday!!!

    Oh well i work at a tanning salon so its not me who is actually working that late. My husband works at Nestle as a machine operator and he usually works from 3pm-2am. LONG hours but since he cant go right to bed when he gets off he stays up a little later and then wakes up later as well so we spend an hour or 2 together before work and an hour or 2 after work. Plus sleeping but thats not really spend time together. I figure we can get away with having such a crazy sleep pattern since we dont have any kids. But that will all change if/when i am pregnant. I will just have to get used to not spending as much time with him. The good thing is that every 3 weeks he gets 5 days off!!!

    That's great he gets 5 days off every 3 weeks. my hubby works a rotating shift, so his Monday (which right now is Wed) he works 2pm-midnight and by the end of his work week he is working 4am-2pm. It works out fine now, although I miss him a lot, because I'm not working and my daughter isn't in kindergarten. However, once I go back to work and in a couple years when she starts school we will never see him.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh in days ladies. This week I am going to get in 12 glasses water a day. The 9 just doesn't seem to be cutting it for me. I had to get new jeans last week - okay, they were jeans I bought last summer without trying on that have never done up around my tummy (under it, yes, but not around it :laugh:). I tried them on last weekend and they actually fit and did up.

    We had a party last night and I planned to wear them...They still did up, but not as comfortably. As far as I know my weight is lower than that of last week, but I'm obviously more bloated. Bloated = drink more water. I figured out the dayglo yellow situation. It started around the same day I started taking a new multivitamin. I'm thinking it has to do with that. On the days I don't take it first thing in the am, no flourescence. When I do, I do.

    I looked it up and it seems to be common. I'm a little concerned by some of the responses from people on the web about the reasons. One person says it's because my body is rejecting the vitamins themselves. Another person says it's the B2. Going to do a little more research because they specifically call out the magnesium stearate in the prenatals as being a bad thing - immune suppressant and all that. It's ridiculous though that there doesn't seem to be a reputable website with the answers. They're all user answers, which don't get me wrong aren't a bad thing but this is something that now has me questioning my approach to preconception. I'd like to get professional answers not some guys opinion on the subject. Most common (non conspiracy theory) is that it's the riboflavin (B2). is the most professional answer that I've found with this answer. As for the magnesium stearate, it looks like it's not harmful in the small doses being put into multivitamins.

    Not sure when the next fertility clinic meeting is. Going to call them later this week and decide on a date I think.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I was going to say when you were all talking about dayglo pee that it was probably due to the vitamins. As far as I'm aware, it's due to the water soluble vitamins. If you have enough in your system, the extra leaves via your urine. I've never heard a problem about that.

    I got a smiley face on my OPK this afternoon, so hooray for that. Hopefully this is our month, finally!
  • JennyBoBenny
    I was going to say when you were all talking about dayglo pee that it was probably due to the vitamins. As far as I'm aware, it's due to the water soluble vitamins. If you have enough in your system, the extra leaves via your urine. I've never heard a problem about that.

    I agree with this. I've heard that too and I also get "dayglo pee" from taking vitamins in the morning. I've started taking them at night now so I don't see it. :laugh: I've also heard that B vitamins are particularly dayglo producing. I wouldn't sweat it at all. :wink: Just think of it like this: you're body is healthy enough that it doesn't need ALL of the multi vitamin dose so it expells the rest. Must mean you're eating well! Keep drinking a good healthy amount of water, but remember that too much is not good either. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yep - it's good to know. I'm even more concerned though. I've always been told I was B vitamin deficient. I have really low energy levels. I was surprised to hear that it might be B2 excess. My energy levels haven't really gotten much higher - I still sleep 8 hours a day and nap for 1-2 daily.

    I guess I will take the miracles where they happen though :) Hope everyone has a great week and that we start seeing lots more BFPs in the next little while :D
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member

    I got a smiley face on my OPK this afternoon, so hooray for that. Hopefully this is our month, finally!

    I got mine today too! How fun!!! My hubby is at the movies right now but I'm impatiently waiting for him to get home. I've never had an actual cycle buddy before. This is pretty cool :laugh:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Thank you everyone for the pee topic. my pee has been pretty yellow for a long time and I was alway told when you are properly hydrated it should be clearish. I couldn't figure it out because I drank a lot of water. I was recently told that when you take Vit B's your body will absorb what it needs and you will pee the rest out, but I never thought to ask if your pee is a different color due to it. Very interesting! Thanks for always informing! :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    FFF SW = 268.6
    Week 6 Weight = 252.9 (-2.2 lbs)
    Week 7 Weight = 253.5 (+0.4 lbs)
    Week 8 Weight = 250.8 (-2.7 lbs)
    Week 9 Weight = 246.9 (-3.9 lbs)
    Week 10 Weight = 244.9 (-2.0 lbs) Total 10 Week loss = 23.7lbs

    Again, a good loss this week all things considered AND hit my next mini goal - 2+ weeks early. I'm going to have to move a few things around now to make sure that I don't start slacking.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam - what vitamen and dosage are you on? I can look it up for you on the hospital database. Also, I didn't realize you were in ON until last week - I'm from Halifax! I got a mesage from a woman the other day who is living in the town I grew up in - such a small world!

    Well I had a rough food weekend, and I sat on my butt to boot. That said, school started, we got our new furniture so our home looks incredibly different. DH and I, when rearranging the living room, actually had aconversation about where the baby swing will go later on... so fun!

    Looking forward to TTC in 3 months! Only 3 months! Wahoo!

    Hope everyone on here is doing well!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Pam - what vitamen and dosage are you on? I can look it up for you on the hospital database. Also, I didn't realize you were in ON until last week - I'm from Halifax! I got a mesage from a woman the other day who is living in the town I grew up in - such a small world!

    Thanks for the offer. I'm really waiting on the "samples" the fertility doctor is going to give me when we see her next. I'm going to make the appointment tomorrow. I wouldn't mind knowing more about those, but I don't know the details of them yet.

    Yep, I live about an hour north of Toronto but my husband's family is Acadian so we travel to the coast every year...Specifically Moncton and Sussex areas. Depending on how long our trip is this next time (depends on whether the cousins come with us), NS was our next choice. Love to see the highlands. We did PEI a few years ago and our trip this year was focused on a funeral. I'd love to do NL too, but it's an extra 10-15 hour drive up...which is almost how long it is to drive from Toronto to Sussex. We like the mini trips because I love my in-laws, but living with them for 1-2 weeks gets to be a little much.

    It's a very small world. I just met up with a woman on here that probably lives 15 minutes from me. And at the birthday party I went to on Saturday, amusement parks came up as a topic and I had to think of this forum as Cedar Point was crowned the best amusement park of them all. Way better than Canada's Wonderland but I'm not a coaster what do I know
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    SW: 204
    LW: 166
    CW: 163.5

    I lost 2.5!!!! :bigsmile: I’m not sure how that happened, but I’ll take it. I tried to eat good all week, but we had dinner at my mom’s and DH’s grandma’s house last week and neither of them cook light. I didn’t know how to log the food, so I just watched my portions and prayed. I did get 12 glasses of water a day and did something active every day, so I guess it all evened out.

    The next two weeks are going to be tough. My in-laws will be here from Puerto Rico this Thursday and staying with us until they leave October 7th. I love them, but it’s going to be two weeks filled with food! :laugh: They’re taking up with them to Atlantic City on Saturday for a full week so we’ll be eating out a lot. Thankfully, the resort my FIL booked has a fitness center and a computer lounge, so I can try to squeeze in some workouts and still have access to MFP.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I got mine today too! How fun!!! My hubby is at the movies right now but I'm impatiently waiting for him to get home. I've never had an actual cycle buddy before. This is pretty cool :laugh:

    Too funny! OK, question, do you temp too or are you just doing OPKs? I didn't get a temp increase this AM and my OPK had gone back to negative, but I've definitely got O pains this morning. Hmm... my chart also compares to all others that today is O day, I just assumed I'd keep getting +OPKs until I actually O?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    SW: 139.9
    CW: 138.4

    I was way down all last week. I hit 137.4 yesterday, but back up again today. It was a rough weekend with a lot of eating out though I stayed really close to my calories... so I imagine whatever is going on with the 1 lb gain is probably hormonal. And now I'm completely torn about continuing the workout I started last week or going back to easy stuff because I'll probably be in the two week wait starting tomorrow and want to give a little egg every chance of implantation since we probably actually timed it well this cycle. Hmm...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I got mine today too! How fun!!! My hubby is at the movies right now but I'm impatiently waiting for him to get home. I've never had an actual cycle buddy before. This is pretty cool :laugh:

    Too funny! OK, question, do you temp too or are you just doing OPKs? I didn't get a temp increase this AM and my OPK had gone back to negative, but I've definitely got O pains this morning. Hmm... my chart also compares to all others that today is O day, I just assumed I'd keep getting +OPKs until I actually O?

    Temp doesn't go up until after ovulation. Expect the peak of temping to be tomorrow. As for the OPKs, I think they are designed to show when best to time things to conceive. Theoretically, you want to actually baby dance before ovulation so everything is at the right place at the right time. It's riskier to wait until after O'ing although still possible to conceive.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Temp doesn't go up until after ovulation. Expect the peak of temping to be tomorrow. As for the OPKs, I think they are designed to show when best to time things to conceive. Theoretically, you want to actually baby dance before ovulation so everything is at the right place at the right time. It's riskier to wait until after O'ing although still possible to conceive.

    Right, I've read that ovulation can happen anytime between 12 and 48 hours after a +OPK, so I wasn't fully expecting a temp shift this morning as I got a - yesterday morning and + at 7 pm. I figure I'll get my temp shift tomorrow. However, I was expecting to keep seeing a +OPK because it said your surge can last until you actually O. So that confused and concerns me.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Well my weekend was as usual (not so great for my diet), but I’m convinced that this week will be a good week! I’m going to workout 5days - 6 if I’m feeling really good! I’m going to get all my water in EVERYDAY not just most days, and finally I will stay within my calorie limit. Maybe next week I’ll get to see the scale go down.

    SW 165 lbs
    CW 161.0 lbs
    MG 159 lbs for next Monday
    MG 145 lbs for Christmas
    GW 125 lbs

    I also got my first basal thermometer this weekend and am anxious to start temping. I know that it’ll only be useful to start once AF has started, but I’m going to start right away just to get used to doing it every morning.

    What’s OPK stand for? I’ve been trying to figure that one out.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit. They are sticks that can test the LH levels in your urine. LH is the hormone that tells your body to release an egg. So you get an LH surge 12-48 hours before you actually ovulate and a positive OPK as a result.
  • Mellie13
    Tomorrow is weigh in days ladies. This week I am going to get in 12 glasses water a day. The 9 just doesn't seem to be cutting it for me. I had to get new jeans last week - okay, they were jeans I bought last summer without trying on that have never done up around my tummy (under it, yes, but not around it :laugh:). I tried them on last weekend and they actually fit and did up.

    We had a party last night and I planned to wear them...They still did up, but not as comfortably. As far as I know my weight is lower than that of last week, but I'm obviously more bloated. Bloated = drink more water. I figured out the dayglo yellow situation. It started around the same day I started taking a new multivitamin. I'm thinking it has to do with that. On the days I don't take it first thing in the am, no flourescence. When I do, I do.

    I looked it up and it seems to be common. I'm a little concerned by some of the responses from people on the web about the reasons. One person says it's because my body is rejecting the vitamins themselves. Another person says it's the B2. Going to do a little more research because they specifically call out the magnesium stearate in the prenatals as being a bad thing - immune suppressant and all that. It's ridiculous though that there doesn't seem to be a reputable website with the answers. They're all user answers, which don't get me wrong aren't a bad thing but this is something that now has me questioning my approach to preconception. I'd like to get professional answers not some guys opinion on the subject. Most common (non conspiracy theory) is that it's the riboflavin (B2). is the most professional answer that I've found with this answer. As for the magnesium stearate, it looks like it's not harmful in the small doses being put into multivitamins.

    Not sure when the next fertility clinic meeting is. Going to call them later this week and decide on a date I think.

    I'm playing catch-up from the weekend on here-wow so much going on. I can tell you that it is Niacin (B3-I think) that causes that. This is from my dr. and from being a pharmacy tech. I take a super b complex and have some dayglow yellow pee!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Temp doesn't go up until after ovulation. Expect the peak of temping to be tomorrow. As for the OPKs, I think they are designed to show when best to time things to conceive. Theoretically, you want to actually baby dance before ovulation so everything is at the right place at the right time. It's riskier to wait until after O'ing although still possible to conceive.

    Right, I've read that ovulation can happen anytime between 12 and 48 hours after a +OPK, so I wasn't fully expecting a temp shift this morning as I got a - yesterday morning and + at 7 pm. I figure I'll get my temp shift tomorrow. However, I was expecting to keep seeing a +OPK because it said your surge can last until you actually O. So that confused and concerns me.

    I'm on another TTC site and from what I get from the women there the morning OPK isn't very accurate. I know the Clearblue tests say you can do it, but I've heard it's not a good idea. Maybe you want to try to test again tonight. Otherwise, I would assume you are Oing 48 hours from last night. I don't temp, so I'm not really sure.