Fit For Future Families 2



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, sorry kt4au. I've learned just to not test because every time I get a negative, I spend however many days that it was a false negative and then AF shows. I started waiting until I was late, then the time I was 2 days late and decided I would test once we got back from a vacation, guess who showed right before we headed back? Bah! I hope you have good luck this cycle!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Wow, so much to catch up on! Thanks to all who contributed to information on "Oing" I found it quite informative! I do have one ? what does CD stand for?

    That's the only acronym I couldn't figure out.

    As for me I had a nice weekend with my in laws in Arizona but did eat a lot! I'm changing my weigh ins to Fridays because I really don't want to know what I've put on over the weekend I kind of went crazy eating red vines (I just can't seem to stop once I open a pack).

    Just to remind me my goals are to continue my walking schedule am/pm and drink at least 10 glasses of water.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    CD = cycle day. CD 1 is the first day of red flow. Ewww, sorry to be so graphic.
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    I took vitex and bled for 2 weeks straight. I have never done that before... it was awful. They taste SO nasty, and you should have seen the look on my Gen Dr's face when i told him that i took vitex. he usually is one for trying more natural practices but he didnt want me to mess around with this...

    Strange. My doc is usually against natural therapies but found Vitex to be fine. You're also the first negative I've heard...good to know

    Yes it was strange, i read ALOT about vitex and after it had worked for a couple of my friends i decided to give it a go... But as with any medication it can affect everyone differently... I think its great if anyone wants to take it, just be aware that with anything it can either be good or bad. My sister took clomid and HATED it... I take clomid and it really hasnt been that hard on my body and will continue using (unless i am pregnant). For me it was worth it to spend a little more for the clomid, mine is only 18 a month and the vitex was around 45 for 3 months...
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Okay, so I tested today and it was a negative. I should have just waited another day and could have saved a test because AF showed up about 30 mins later. Oh well, we will see what this month brings. I left a message with the doctor today to see what the next step is because I already did 6 cycles of Clomid. DH is always trying to look on the bright side of things. Today he said, "that's okay, we can try harder this month, if you know what I mean." He cracks me up sometimes. Good luck to everyone this month!

    I'm sorry! I try so hard to wait until at least a day or two past when AF is due (I'm not regular so I don't always know when that is) but I have a hard time not taking the test. A couple months ago I went to the Dollar Store and bought 10 tests, I don't feel as guilty wasting the money when it's only $1 a test.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    So, I did not succeed on following through with ANY of my goals today. I had Starbucks, ate TWO meals out and didn't walk and drank soda TWICE! Why do I do this to myself? I wish I was mentally in my healthy journey where I was just 6 months ago. making healthy decisions because it's what I did. I did get the Guiltless chicken sandwich from Chili's today though.

    I have an O question. I felt cramping and pressure down there today, so I'm assuming I was ovulating (I got the positive OPK yesterday). If that is the case if I BD after that feeling is it too late, or do you want to BD tonight so the egg has a group of swimmers to meet it? I know when to BD with the positive OPK but wasn't sure with the cramping.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    Ive never been exactly sure on when to BD if you are ovulating and feel it in the morning... Like i said i just try to do it every other day during the time i am supposed to "O". I heard that sperm can stay alive in you for like 72 hours or something like that, so i feel pretty good that his sperm is getting to where its supposed to be... I didnt really answer your question but i hope someone else can cause it will be good to know...

    Ok so i have a question...

    Having PCOS my periods are crazy. I have only had my period 3 times this year. But like most of you know i took clomid this last cycle it came on day 40 on its own. I ovulated on day 15. I have been feeling "crampy" all weekend and today, it feels like AF is right around the corner. Should i feel confidant that AF will start between day 28-30 or since i have PCOS there is a chance it may not come for weeks? This is my first time ever ovulating with clomid and my period never came on its own when i took it before. I either had to take provera or just let it come...

    I know people say they have had period like cramps in the early stages of pregnancy but is that really true? I mean do they really feel like period cramps? Can i still be hopeful even though i am feeling them. Oh and the PMS signs i do get is crankiness. my fuze just is very short, but this time i have been SO flippin emotional. crying over the littlest things whether they be sad or happy. Like audrina dancing tonight on DWTS totally made me cry?!?! WEIRD!!!

    ETA- If i am not preg i am just happy that i ovulated because that does not happen. Of course i want to be preggo but i have to keep a clear head and stay positive even if the result is not exactly what i want... today (mon) is day 26
  • JennyBoBenny
    I have an O question. I felt cramping and pressure down there today, so I'm assuming I was ovulating (I got the positive OPK yesterday). If that is the case if I BD after that feeling is it too late, or do you want to BD tonight so the egg has a group of swimmers to meet it? I know when to BD with the positive OPK but wasn't sure with the cramping.:

    I get the cramp a day before I ovulate so I say go for it and good luck!!
  • JennyBoBenny
    I know people say they have had period like cramps in the early stages of pregnancy but is that really true? I mean do they really feel like period cramps? Can i still be hopeful even though i am feeling them. Oh and the PMS signs i do get is crankiness. my fuze just is very short, but this time i have been SO flippin emotional. crying over the littlest things whether they be sad or happy. Like audrina dancing tonight on DWTS totally made me cry?!?! WEIRD!!!

    My best friend told me she got cramps for days before she tested positive. She was CONVINCED that AF was coming but it never did. The thing of it is, that pregnancy symptoms and PMS symptoms are supposedly so similar it can drive you crazy wondering! My fingers (and toes) are crossed for you! What CD do you think you may have O'd? Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    For those of you who haven't heard, Angela (from the preggo group) is a mommy now!

    Ivygirl - quick question - are you being followed by a doc on the clomid?
  • sasmll6577
    I just had a baby 7 months ago and yes, I had period like cramps for the first several months and was sure AF was coming. Even when I knew I was pregnant :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I ovulated on day 15. I have been feeling "crampy" all weekend and today, it feels like AF is right around the corner. Should i feel confidant that AF will start between day 28-30 or since i have PCOS there is a chance it may not come for weeks? This is my first time ever ovulating with clomid and my period never came on its own when i took it before. I either had to take provera or just let it come...

    Since you ovulated, your period will start 10-16 days after you ovulated (or less, but then you should talk to your doctor about that because that's not normal). If it doesn't start after 18 days after ), then they say that you're most likely pregnant.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I have an O question. I felt cramping and pressure down there today, so I'm assuming I was ovulating (I got the positive OPK yesterday). If that is the case if I BD after that feeling is it too late, or do you want to BD tonight so the egg has a group of swimmers to meet it? I know when to BD with the positive OPK but wasn't sure with the cramping.:

    I would BD for a few days after a +OPK, or at least every other day for a few.

    My temp still hasn't gone up far enough for me to feel safe saying I did ovulate and I got a +OPK on Sunday, too. Hopefully it will go up tomorrow.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I ovulated on day 15. I have been feeling "crampy" all weekend and today, it feels like AF is right around the corner. Should i feel confidant that AF will start between day 28-30 or since i have PCOS there is a chance it may not come for weeks? This is my first time ever ovulating with clomid and my period never came on its own when i took it before. I either had to take provera or just let it come...

    Since you ovulated, your period will start 10-16 days after you ovulated (or less, but then you should talk to your doctor about that because that's not normal). If it doesn't start after 18 days after ), then they say that you're most likely pregnant.

    Agree with Erica. If you know for sure you ovulated on day 15, then you should know by day 31 for sure either way.

    What day is it now, out of curiousity?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Just had to share this, the whole family is getting involved in the baby talk!

    Last night my husband and son (5yr) were in the garage and my husband asked him if he was "ready" to sell/give away his old toddler bike since he got a new "big boy" bike for his birthday...His response "No, because if mommy has another baby and I get a brother...orrrrr sister (realizing that IS an option as well) they might need to use it!" I thought it was really sweet that he wanted to keep it to give to his future baby brother or sister...
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    That's very sweet, Alisa.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I had a very bad day yesterday, foodwise. I imagine it's hormonal because after a week of not being that hungry, I was ravenous last night... and today. *sigh* I didn't have time to workout either as I was trying to do some contract work in the evening after my real job. Tonight we're visiting a family member in the hospital, so I imagine I won't workout again and we'll probably end up eating pizza or other garbage. :frown:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    I had a very bad day yesterday, foodwise. I imagine it's hormonal because after a week of not being that hungry, I was ravenous last night... and today. *sigh* I didn't have time to workout either as I was trying to do some contract work in the evening after my real job. Tonight we're visiting a family member in the hospital, so I imagine I won't workout again and we'll probably end up eating pizza or other garbage. :frown:

    I know JUST how you feel! That was me last week and this past weekend. Just remember tomorrow is a new day to make new choices. You can find the motivation and will! :flowerforyou: :happy:

    Alisa~ that is SO sweet! :heart:
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member

    Ivygirl - quick question - are you being followed by a doc on the clomid?

    I have had a HARD time finding a good dr around her without paying a fortune. My first dr after 1 round of clomid told me there was nothing more she can do for me and that i needed to see an actual fertility specialist. I got referred to the Dr and instantly told me he felt that i had endometriosis. So i had the surgery done and sure enough they did find some... So i tried clomid with him 50mgs but he never said ANYTHING about coming in for the 21 day prog test, or putting my on provera or anything. It seemed weird since my friends were all having these things done. So for about 2 years i decided to try on my own. without the help of any dr's. I decided to go back to the same dr last nov. and he gave me clomid with 4 refils on it. Took it the first month and nothing, in fact my period didnt even come until like march (this was nov). I knew that i couldnt take the clomid if my periods were that messed up. So in august i noticed that my refils experied the next day, so i felt what the heck i will just get it filled and try and find a new dr in the meantime. So i found a new dr who actually does the 21 day blood test. Who uses provera if your period doesnt come after day 31, and i just happened to ovulate this time i have an appt tomorrow to get a new RX for clomid and provera.

    Sorry long story...
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    I ovulated on day 15. I have been feeling "crampy" all weekend and today, it feels like AF is right around the corner. Should i feel confidant that AF will start between day 28-30 or since i have PCOS there is a chance it may not come for weeks? This is my first time ever ovulating with clomid and my period never came on its own when i took it before. I either had to take provera or just let it come...

    Since you ovulated, your period will start 10-16 days after you ovulated (or less, but then you should talk to your doctor about that because that's not normal). If it doesn't start after 18 days after ), then they say that you're most likely pregnant.

    Agree with Erica. If you know for sure you ovulated on day 15, then you should know by day 31 for sure either way.

    What day is it now, out of curiousity?

    I am on CD 27!!!