

  • I don't know if its possible where you work, but on my long nights in the office, I take a workout DVD with me and do it in one of the conference rooms. I realized that if I don't do it before I leave then I'd never get it in once I got home. Also if telecommuting is possible, work from home on your workout days. Finally,…
  • Hi Tara, I'm not a fibro sufferer myself but my cousin is and we are very close so I'm familiar with how it impacts your lifestyle. I'm sure its difficult to try to get a good exercise regimen because of the pain episodes but try to find something you like to do,,,,,gardening, walking the dog, dancing, etc. I do have…
  • Thanks all!! I'm trying to cut costs by cooking my own meals, but want to make sure my cal count is accurate.
  • You look amazing!!!!! This is so inspirational. Congratulations :-)
  • I'm so Glad you posted this. I feel like because I'm not going from size 8 to 4 no one engages. I'm proud that I went from a 22 - 14 and my goal is just in the 10/12 family! I'm hoping to get the support because the true purpose can be a productive one.
  • I don't want to look like I have 7 kids just because I do!
  • Hi Julesong, I'm glad to hear you coming out of your shell but remember your beauty doesn't rely on weight. I'm still a size 14, came down from a 22 and goal is a 10 but would settle for twelve. I said all of that to say I've always felt like a diva and now getting smaller just gives me a 'watch out world, here I come…
  • Try the Firm videos. I don't have much progress listed here because I just joined but I lost almost 70 lbs since last year. It includes various workouts; cardio, kickboxing, strength training, dancing. Good luck!
  • I treated myself to the Marc Jacobs Stam inpurole for Mothers day last year. I LOVE IT! As u can tell from my moniker I'm a shoe freak but love anything, fashion, makeup, beauty etc. My goal is to look good in a bathing suit, one piece this summer, two piece 2013!
  • I have a spare set of clothes, weights, DVDs and a DVD player at work and use a conference room to workout. I'm a benefits manager so every Fall is crazy due to Open Enrollment, having everything there kept me from making excuses (wah wah, it's too late when I get home, no time, etc.). Lol
  • A bathing suit and tribal art tats around the lower half of what will be my flat tummy :-)
  • Hi, I've lost almost 70lbs since last year. I've introduced more protein into my diet. I have a greek yogurt with breakfast. Homemade protein shake right after my workout to include 1 pkt carnation instant breakfast, 1 yogurt, 1/2 cup of frozen berries and a banana. If you workout a lot but don't consume enough you will…
  • I'm trying to lose 35ish lbs. I've lost almost 60lbs since last year thanks to The Firm dvd's. However, I have a weakness for food and have hit a major plateau. I'm happy that I can climb the stairs without feeling like I need an inhaler (and I don't have asthma) but now I'd love to tone more and lose the last pesky bit.