addmorecloud Member


  • I didn't start properly exercising until my baby was over a year old, as he was my first and I was totally overwhelmed. At about 6 months I started walking for an hour or two with him in the stroller just to get out of the house. He loved looking around/sleeping and I would listen to an audiobook or podcast so enjoyed it…
  • Congratulations on your accomplishments too Kerryatoon! I used this calculator as recommended by Sarauk2sf in one of her posts to find how many calories worked for me. Exercise calories are already included based on level of activity. I'm an apple shape and didn't dare measure…
  • I jut got a positive result, about 5 weeks in, so also due in September! I try to avoid chemicals too, I use castille soap to avoid sulfates, I'd love to hear what alternatives others have for shampoo. Good luck to all those trying to conceive!
  • My husband and I live in Asia where white rice is really cheap but brown rice fairly expensive. We mix them half and half, technically brown rice should have more water or longer cooking or something, but we cook them together and it comes out fine and tastes really good.
  • I'm new to Fitbit, but I thought the reason for entering the time of the workout was so Fitbit could remove its tracking to stop double logging?
  • Could you get a nice shed to lift in?
  • I've only had my flex for a few days (can't get the force here yet) but I love it! It shows how quickly your daily activity adds to your daily calorie burn and makes you want to be more active.
  • If you love dancing and feel like being still all day is damaging your health, why not train to be a dance teacher? I've seen good Zumba instructors teach classes of 50 or so in a large hall at 5 pounds per person.
  • It depends how much you eat and how many other wheat products you eat in the day. Weetbix are pre-portioned so calories are easily calculated, but if you have bread at lunch and pasta at dinner, that's a lot of wheat in a day. Oats are really versatile and have a lot of health benefits, try googling overnight oats or…
  • This site has interesting articles relating to this, but I'd like to know people's actual experiences too.
  • Thank you, this is so inspiring. I'm 5'2" and almost exactly the same as your starting point. Hoping to achieve similar progress by Christmas!
  • I would stick to low impact things like swimming, walking or possibly yoga. I once tried to run off a migraine and every step made me want to puke. More importantly though, I would try and find the cause of your headaches, lack of sleep and stress cause mine, so I make sure I get enough sleep. Also contraceptive pills can…
  • I have yet to implement it myself, but check out Stronglifts 5x5. There is a free ebook online that will make you more determined than ever to start weight training. There are two simple workouts that you alternate, form for both workouts are on youtube. He also has an 'inner circle' that he opens regularly, where you can…
  • Yas may have caused your migraines! I had terrible ones at least twice a week when on Yasmin. I stopped taking it and didn't get one for nearly two years! Now I only ever get them when stressed or from lack of sleep. Check this site out
  • Those sound like fairly accurate estimates, I've worn a HRM during 30DS and RI30 and it's usually between 150 and 170 per workout for me.
  • Are you using a HRM to calculate burned calories? All I can think is that perhaps you're overestimating those. Good luck!
  • I would possibly tell them you're on a restrictive diet and offer to bring your own food to see what they say. I remember my mum once cooking for hours when a vegetarian family friend was coming, who then announced she'd become vegan with no warning at all so couldn't eat all the food she'd made. My mum would have quite…
  • I gained weight in the first place due to similar reasons. Still trying to figure out how to be slim with a stressful, time consuming job! Can you get groceries delivered where you are? That way you can have healthy food and snacks on hand without having to go shopping. Also try a short exercise regime like Jillian…
  • That was wonderful to read as a family member is currently waiting for her test results from a biopsy. Congratulations on fighting so hard and coming through!
  • You can find lots of routines on youtube. Some people on here have tagged their favourites together into playlists, I got these from MFP:
  • I've never managed to finish the 30 day shred even when I started getting great results. I'm currently mixing and matching 30ds, ri30, 6w6p and body revolution and finding it much less boring.
  • If it is just her wanting to be like you I wouldn't worry too much. But I would tell her she's beautiful and doesn't need to lose weight, and explain about the other health benefits of exercise. Maybe try her with some fun dancing exercise. You can get Zumba routines on youtube, or if you type koo koo kangaroo into youtube…
  • Safety-wise, if you keep an eye on her form she'd be okay. However, what is her reason? Has she seen you and wants to be like you, or does she think she's fat? If it's the latter this could be a problem and I would definitely try to get to the bottom of it. Has someone said something to make her think that?
  • Wow, 20 days of level 2 in a row. That's commintment!
  • Jillian Micheals six week six pack, this is level one. I've only done it once, so can't tell you about results, but it hurt for days afterwards!
  • I think if you reduce by 10 grams at a time you would get used to the smaller portions. Also google cauliflower rice, I doubted it, but quite like it. It's more hassle to cook than normal rice, but you can do big batches and freeze it.
  • I would second that, do RI30 when you're short on time and the longer ones when you're feeling particularly badass! I haven't dared try one of the longer workouts yet!
  • From reading forums, people seem to be saying the 30 day thing was a marketing tool before Jillian had complete control over stuff. A lot of people do it every day and I've seen some amazing before and after pictures. I've never made it past level 2, (I really hated L2) but even in that weeks lost inches from my waist. In…